There will be a bosiness meeting Mu'l:":"elnk&utfiom h-'-nz'm-lomhym ing, November 24th, The speaker is to be Mrs, Millican, a returned mld:ryfiahdh. Mrsa. Mili-- can possesses personal charm has traveled extensively.. After the | lecture, refreshments will be served '| Ruth Reichelt Pettis, '18, the see-- retary read the financial report which was very diminutive. All were urged to pay their dues of fifty The following officers wer unani-- mously elected for the coming year: Mr. Wrenn directed the secretary to write letters of appreciation to all who had participated in making the evening so successful. A roll call' of the Classes was taken and the following although.not accurate, gives people an idea of the attend-- ance of graduates. There were 150 guests at the banquet. school lunch room followed by a dance in the girls' gym. The pres-- ident, William Wrenn, acted as chairman. _ Loyalty songs . were sung under the direction of Mt. Din-- keloo. Murray Moon, '12, sang two delightful songs, also Lyman Guern-- ey, accompanied by. Mr., Platt, the Latin teacher. The speakers were Coach Peel who. told of Deerfield's loss to Waukegan,. 7 to 8 in the af-- terncoon and of the valiant fight. Mr. R. L. Sandwick, princtpal of D. 8. H. 8. welcomed the Alumni and told th ehest joke of the even ing. Colin Sanborn, '15, who has been in Chile for two years re-- search work on mammals, told of his work briefly and said he might be termed as a "rat eatcher." Mr. Sanborn also #poke at the assembly of high school studentsson Friday. ----4: ~1910----2; 1911--5; 1912--5; 1918--4; 1914--6; 1915--1; 1916-- 1; 1917--2; 1918--2; 1919----2; 1920 ----8; 1921----1; 1922--5; 1928----14; Telegrams and letters of @reetings were read by Mr. Wrenn from for-- mer teachers and @raduates. Each had a humorous strain and brought forth peals of laughter. Mrs. Alvin Knaak's room eeceived the prize for having the most moth-- ers and friends present. beantiful framed picture to the 8th grade room, which Mr. Lowdermnilk presented at the P. T. A. meeting. Deerfield Shields Alumni The largest and most enthusiastic wathering ever assembled for the Deerfield Shields High School Alumni Association met Saturday evening. November 15th in the A tribute was paid to former Quh Rothacker, now in Springfield, Mass. the Cloverleaf Dairy furnished the cream.. At the November meeting the Bowman Dairy Co. gave the Vice President--Martin Hart. Secretary--Ruth Reichelt Pettis Treasurer--Philip Speidel. Historian--Florence Warner. Mrs. Mitchelt has presented a Choice of several Boudoir: colors. Valugs to $1.385. Community Bargain ". "il' ds use ue onb agye o us uh lue es ie N '1.m Continued from page 4 Of satin, patent leather, suede, bldck and brown kid and caltskin. Queen ty, Beacon, Helthyfeet and other high grade makes Footwear worth to $7.50. '65 i ie 1 _ i o. i en n ie _ _ s o » and Mr. R. A. Nelson, the ; 1899--1; 1900--1 ; 1902-- Women's Felt Slippers Boys' School Shoes amous . all-- cali{ . soles and m heels ATUTUCTION George Karch attended a meet-] ing of Railroad Engineers in Mil-- | waukee on Sunday. | Emil Frederick. was pleasantly | Mrs. F. W. Russo attended the alumni meeting of her sorority and Saturday afternoon in Chicago. The interior of the Deerfield De-- pot is newly decorated and a plea has been made to the young folks of the town to refrain from defacing the walls or marring them. A dark eolored lower border has beex'\'rlued there so that the children wil} not be tempted to write upon the walls. A dirtvy depot is not a boost for Deerfield and we all want to be nraud of our town. Parents can help by talking to their children and knowing where they are spend-- in@ their evenings. -- Mrs. Arnold Keller entertained the Just So Club on Tuesday after-- Mrs. A. Montavon, Dr, and Mrs. E. C. Becker and Mr. and Mrs. Dye. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johnson and two children have returned from.a month's visit in West Charleston West Virginia. * % E._" % Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hummel enter-- tained the following friends at cards Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Pettis, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Selig. Mr. and Mr#«. George Eng-- strom, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. C. W, Getty, Mr. and last Mrs. R. B. Patterson will be hos-- tess to the Pot Luck Social Club at her home on Osterman Avenue on Friday. C and all members Mrs. E. H. Selig entertained out of town and Deerfield friends at luncheon Saturday, November 15th followed by Five Hundred. _ -- _-- Miss Clara Ender entertained the Wednesday Evening Bridge > Club by a large number of Slippers not adver-- are urged to be The Area Voluu:t:u ::" De-- partment is plan & dance to be given at the Ivanhoe hall on Wednesday evening, December 10th. The Baloon Dance to be given at the town hall at Libertyville on Wednesday evening, November 26th promises to be <a big event.= Mr. Earl T. Adams is sparing no effort to make it a success, o You Want to Buy, Sell or Hire? NOTICE 4 Will Gehinge has taken the agen-- cy for Dr. Ward's Remedies for Lake County. 89 1tpd. . Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson en-- tertained at cards Saturday evening. ing in honot of his birthday anni-- vor;ilry- ;u-w::cvu-fi unco 4 -- Palrdes to Mre. Fred Haggic, Chak . Pettis, Mrs. Charles Rrey and Al-- D A N C E. CHICKEN SUPPER POULTRY RAFFLE JoOLLY GOOD TIME and BIG EATS at . W. A. Hall, Ivanhoe, II1. Tuesday Evening, -- Nov: 25th, 1924 MARY'¢--CHURCH Fremogt Center -- --~-- uen b¥y €1 M in Waukegan,. Mest Lale County folks know what this means. For the benefit of those who have not been fortunate enough to aitend these semi--yearly events formerly, we will say Hn C And now, right at the beginning of the Winter season, comes another Community Bargain Day . v % C L t hi uo E7. f 'v v d f a, hok 4 Td P o t ; & '"). f m * % 4 § Eo * cal f # va f e pasel C + 4 * T i $ To k: j e d $ C '_,.' K & e j 2'" s % &h < a ' : 7 5 $ w f j +# * 6 % > 9 E* M as * ' * se * < 6 ¥3 Fope h & 4 e T NC Twice yearly the largest stores in Waukegan stage these tremendous price--cutting sales. You-- 5k