.'wm Oberlin, 'wife and children passed 'Bunday® wit .&fl. Mr. Oberlin was for-- ,.,;,,M,.xofw.r.u.s. Mr, and Mrs. Ray Prior: and chil-- dren were Crystal Lake visitors on Bunday, / % Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Neville and daughter of . Grayslake ealled on their mother, Irs. Jane Neville and their sister, Mrs. F. L Cart: _ _ Robert Blackburn of e spus aptvn a week end guest at hhh?' t L. H. Sypher transacted business at Waukegan on Monday. Mrs. Mbo';vt Myfl:u "":'i to Anm: isconsin, w'fl Te samall hg ?l her n?wnr! are * Phil Maiman spent from last Thursday to Sunday in Chicago and Waukegan.-- Victor Carr and friends attended the movies at Waukeg#n Sunday. M. aal Mre fiwan Paddock were -- Mr. and Mrs. Owen Paddock were Waukegan shoppers last week on Friday. C nds . Mr. C. L. Pratt transacted busi-- ness in Chicago last week on Wed-- nesday," ' Mrs. Lesley Turnbull and young son and her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paddock of Round Lake motored to Libertyville one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beckman of Wheaton were recent guests at the home of . Mrs. Beckman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Daley. _ _ Mr. Charles Wait of Palmyra, Wisconsin was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stroker. ® -- Erile Shannon of White River, Wisconsin visited his sister, Mrs. Arthur Baseley Sunday. _ { Mrs. Andrew Bangs and infant son returned to their home here af-- ter passing a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Boer-- ner of W Mrs. Henry er returned to her home in Waukegan the first of the week after passing a few days at th: home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Grantham. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. A. of Stoxen 'fnd young son, Preston of Bassett, » passed . the week end with fln?l' mother, Mrs. Laura Cook and bro-- ther, Homer Cook and wife. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Kent have gone to Mr. Kent's old home in Vir-- dnhwbontb'ayvfllvldt-h'lf-- initely at the home of Mr. Kent's sister who is ill. f Mr. and Mrs. Shannon of White River Wis., who have passed the' last few weeks with their daughters Mrs. Arthur Baseley and Mrs. Clar-- ence Bristol returned to their home Wisconsin visited his gister, Mrs. Arthur Baseley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A.dC. Stoun;nd young m", reston w't' ¥ passed the week end with dn?r mother, Mrs. Laura Cook and bro-- ther, Homer Cook and wife. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Kent have Edith Peck passed Tuesday in Chi-- Mr. and Mrs, Lucian H. motored to Chicago Tuesday. Lake on Sunday. P Mr. and Mrs: L. E. Golding of Libertyville called on relatives here Miss Lois Mr. and WAUCONDA Printing Satisfaction LAKE COUNTY REGISTER Having your printing done by a firm who takes pride in turning out quality work is not profitable. _ Let us estimate on your next work. We guaran-- tee your satisfaction with the completéd job. sition and 15 AlL DSF ENWM 27°° °4 itely. rr*® uiuueom-'fi"'g""' ed last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Cook. ~ lu.ArthurPommddW Aacutas mne ' Wankeran shoppers a few days ago-- ue EPC T'v PW Mrs. Anna Washington of Car-- tersville, Iowa and Robert Green of McHenry were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carr on Fri-- day. : Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Green of Wau-- kegan were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Julia Bruncheon last Sunday. They also called on other friends here. hnsP han t 3 Phil Maiman Wednesday to there. Mrs. Elizabeth Tecampe of Bar-- rington has moved her 'household goods to the Maiman residence on Maple Avenue where she will reside in the future. Mrs. Tecampe is a sister ofn;lr. George Hapke of }::hh plade a formerly 'reside ere where she has many'm Miss Mae Maiman left this week for the Catholie sisters home at Manteno, Illinois where she will takeut'oyuneooru_inmudc. Her many friends here wish her well @n-- her new home . among strangers. _ 5 us a o. e onl ie e oi auite ill of stomach disorder is able to be around again. <-- <-- > --~ Mr. Jos. Haas is slowly improving after a serious. illness. 1 The --Girls Club with their friends passed a very pleasant evening . at the home of Miss Edna Werden, where Mrs. Harrold Stroker and Miss Werden were hostesses. It Wtobooneoffilefewfims' durlngthenuonwhenthegirhen-' tertain their friends and as usual a royal good time was enjoyed by those present. They all did justice to the good things to eat and pro-- claimed Mrs. Stroker and Miss Wer-- den ideal hostesses. The next meet-- ing of the club was at the farm home of Mrs. Erle Johnson this week on Tuesday evening. The Woman's Auxiliary of the Federated church was held. this week at the farim home of Mrs. Will Johnsan. The usual refreshments were served and the usual routine of work attended to. Mrs. George Broughton entertained the Auxil-- liry at her home on Main street last week. Refreshments were served as usual. i Dr. C. R. Wells is having a new farm house built on the northern side of the lake where he owns & amall farm. Mr. and Mrs. WiD farm.. 4 Stanlev Stone who has been in the employ of H. E. Maiman for some he has secured a has many warm Trienas nere why will welcome him among them any time he can come home if it is for only a short time. ~ _ /A _ A Mr. McMannus will cccupy the Gossle farm vacated by Will Gossle. the McManus of Jiggs and Maggie _ Mrs. Albert Stubbins 'had a scare the other day when the gas stove fl"qflMflnhflWQ and is at her home indefin-- t0 w W Sunnyside Park Tract WVWV"M run the smaller Office 469. Residence 186--M List your property with us. now went to Waukegan attend to business Shore Line Q--O--O--O We DO hope it is not At is was no one was hurt and only the small box gas range was badly damaged. Mrs. Stubbins is now the A letter received here the first ot the week written by Miss Mary Baseley of Park Ridge told of the narrow escape she with her niece, her niece's husband and their little daughter had at a railroad crossing at North Chicago a few days ago. Miss Baseley and Mr. and Mrs. l:ur- L s ne -- CA ate Poll ol c ciiecmataiet. S' inten in in ic t ley Wade were returning to their home from Waukegan when near the railroad crossing at North Chi-- eago the bell rang for lowering the gates and Mr. Wade stopped his ear, Soon a large touring car ran into the back end of his car and drove it onto the tracks. There was uofim;zoblckotfnbynmmh Mr. Wade was able to get his car clear of the track before the train hit him. Mis auto, which is a new Studebaker sedan was slightly dam-- aged. They did not have time toi be frightened but when they were. 'safely out of danger the fright came and in their dreams they were being hurled from the railroad tracks into space. Mrs. E. S. Krueger spent the week with her daughter and relatives in Chicago and returned by the way of Libertyville and spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wehrenberg Sr. Mrs. Elmer Stahl and little son, Wesley, Earl returned from the Wheeling hospital Saturday and, is staying a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Stahl § Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ritzenthaler are the proud parents of a baby boy .&'Sundly the 16th. Aman who has been taking care of Mrs. Schley returned to her home in Area on Monday and will leave for Texas in the near future for a month's visit. Another nurse has been obtained in the Schley home from Libertyville. Mrs. Ulrich and daughter and husband of Chicago motored out to visit Mrs. Dyer~ Friday afternoon and stayed for the bazaar and sup-- per in the evening. Alice Bunton and friend were cali-- ers here Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sturm en-- tertained company from Chicago ov-- er the week end. Ed Witt returned from South Da-- kota and remembered his friends by "HRcbaile dimtors gnioras visitors Saturday ev-- ening from here were Mr. and Mrs. Mac Mason and mother and Mrs. essor of a new gas range. No t loss without some small gain: PRAIRIE VIEW Public Service Stores With Service Statement LAKE COUNTY REGISTER The Sunbeam is just:the iron yOU have always wanted. Now, it's yours for only $1.00 down and $1.00 a month. Guaran teed heating elcmf ent, cool, comfort-- able handle; perfect _heat distribution and super--quality finish. You need one extra good iron. , PUuBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Gus Mr .and Mrs. GI@n o CDnaypemtiinl voix, Michigan called ) the L. L Maether family J _"fi'l'l\uon Mre. C. T. Mrw;n, Te« and Miss u.u"'m' y wit} Mr. and Mrs. _ fylley an: family. P ; 0 Mr. Steits of m manc 4 business call here .nd p Mrs. A. G. u." erey ealled on V. Sauer and daughters of eallod on X, Sauer anso "*"Ds"***~*~ Long Grove on Sunday. . v Ted Mason was a Chicago vis Tuesday. Sise Our Supervisot, Wfi ae is a very busy man at present. buterdieaces sgpPiinci s > . sent. He is a very busy man Q_h";'e RGPD. can be seen -.?%' and he ing--a cloud P ap the right of is out of dl" 4 Half Day way for.t.'". l.'"~ TE hM ~ caeured 1B UOT VZ ENee p s Nav i way for the %H:g"l:;: E lrclerstnds o._! lLa.--'ara> axrpected to {alll The only ones left of east Day and they are expected in line soon. & . The most eX ig fox hunt of the season ma Bunday near Everett. There were thirty horses and riders in it "..g:{!at number of auto loads m g the road side to watch the horses jump the fences. e Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Lynch spent S with the former's d'l'_'m?"'%m P L. hoii -- beviacivcalibartcl it The bazaar and supper given by the Ladies Aid Friday night was a grand success both financially and socially. Much eredit is due Harry Fins who auctioned off the many useful articles--also some fine pies and rolls. The exact amount real~ ized is not known as yet but it is close to $200.00. THEO. BLECH, District Manager 8:00 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Moline of Chicago, also , , William Klepper hauled a load of rs. Glen 3 of Charl«-- | feed for Fis father's horse on Tues-- SsATURDA Y made a Maether visitor ", NOVEMBER 22 AMel, Libertyville 144--W da y Furus Ladd who is employed at the Frank Wells home is on the sick list at present.. We hope for his speedy s Mrs. Am'm'mghn of Everett ealled m T. Mason on Sat-- urday F -- Mr. --and --Mrs. _Harry _ Knedler reached home on Monday,» making the trip in five days. It was a very fine trip and only a little snow to bother them. is > A course in the unification of the kindergarten and the first grade is given by John Hopkins University as a part of its service to elemen-- tary teachers. Down Money to Loan R. B. DIXON We have funds in any amount over $3,000 to loan on Lake County farms. Interest 5 per cent per annum. Rea-- son a ble -- commission and attractive prepay-- ment privileges. $1 00 GURNEE, ILL. FOR SALE--Car of choice Michi-- gan apples on track at Liberty-- ville. All kinds. C. F. Meredith, . FOR SALE -- Registered Duroc spring 'boars. Popular blood lines. Reasonable prices. Duffield Farms Waukegan RR No. 2. Phone Waukegan 958 Y 1. 90--6tpd Minimulm charge, 25¢. 6 insertions for $1.00 Rates: 5¢ per line per insertion. FOR SALE--Household goods. En-- tire furnishings of a 9 room house Mbnm;mmm'uwmbhhh county hu"t.d-nudttlommolo.odqmmuyu* your wants known here. A trial will convinece you. R SALE--Smalil heating stove. Will sell reasonable. Phone 223 M. Libertyville. 90--2tpd FOR SALE ---- Three old Jouiou"" geese. Prize winners and good breeders. Your chance to get some FOR SALE--Two Holstein cows due For s.l.--AChoie' Minnesota Po-- tatoes at 90 cents per bushel. W. E. Volkman, Phone 232 R. Area. TL smemenmmstonnmmmmmemmntemmmmmmemmemenea n C C CG FOR SALE--12 head of registered near Lake Geneva. gGoou aUit sAE all necessary buildings of good size. For further information ad-- dress G. Ledger 1035 Howland Holstein heifers one and W"" yunold.leSb'lth"' .m,ommlnaflrfl"""'u this stock is sired by a 28 pound dn,daolMl""""'m has been under federal supervi-- "fora,'fl'm.m" "Rarl Paddock, Round Lake, HL _ Phone 10M2. _ _ Te m"m_soy'lmm new, J. C. Dorfler, Area, Phone ronsaw--un.rm-dfi M.WM John Suydam Jr. Libertyville will sacrifice at private sale. Grand piano included, All in good condition. _ E. Hertle. Phone 673 w 1 Halt Day, l1 89--2tpd. f' FOR SALE -- One choice Molstein cow with calf by side. Also four Muscona ducks. A. Sites, Liberty» wille. 11L., Phone 660 W--2. _ 85--46t e o d s o i es Cl tR for T. B. Gordon Ray, Area. 600-- to freshen by Decen herd has passed two FOR SALE--Hard coal heater, _ class condition. Pho Libertyville. Call after setsmmmemmemmmememee C Ga C s FOR SALE--45 fall pigs, 2 months _old, also some Da® straw. Phone 664--R--1. FOR SALE ---- Purse Bred JorSby Bulls ready for service. Reasona-- ble prices, Ravine Farm, High-- land Park, I!1. Phone 296. 82--+f. if you want to buy anything, or if you have something to sell, uMorflyunflNp.mhhhwn"h FOR RENT --Furnished bed room in business district. All conven-- FOR RENT--Five room cottage at Diamond Lake, completely fur-- nished, electric lightss, all con-- veniences. Ercellent drinking wa-- mt rmly err Hamger e s * 9 40 Grant Ave. Brookfield, M, > -- . 518--J 'm" dition. suitable for office. Phone 406--W. _ FOR RENT--Furnished front room with private family. Modern con-- veniences and good location. 297 First St. Phone 421 J. 89.2t. 1 -- Phone 451. P _ ecnmpramprempay OHRDATT mum---flo:. and building ': a t 1 acre land, terson Road and m.gAn. $95.00 pe rmonth, See Sellers and Peterson, 551 Milwaukese Ave. Libertyville, TII. Phone 451. : 89--f. FPORM FOR RENT--157 acres eorn alfaifa and grain land. Good set J A FFE K EY * * w of buildings. Possession at once. --is our specialty. We a large = _ Known a the Weiskopf farm 14 assortment of -v you to _ mile mnt:dof Dhmd"'l.nh. g.. | select from. Come in & ue '.: +3 Sellers and Peterson, Milwau-- T y se ce cA rbortyuitte, -- im |~ CiChy'8 Tailoring Shop..' _ ks T Narth Milwaukee Avente _ ____ tences, Phone 138--R. Kenosha, Wis. _ 89--6tpd. Classified Ads 600--R--2. Three old Toulouse clean tests 187 acres coth | * A 1 L O R LNX O Area, 89--2t. hay 1. My _----------.| FORD CARS REPAINTED--REA-- Lm SONABLE, WILLIAM B. BENS-- , .| LEY. 18T HOUSE EAST OF rtyville. | RIVER, LIBERTYYVILLE, ILL 85 -- 6t.| ON ROCKLAND ROAD _ 82--6% Ray, FOR RENT--120 or 240 acres east of town. Strictly modern. Will consider cash rental only. Am looking for a trustworthy, hard working man and thoroughly ex-- perienced tenant. Address owner FOR RENT--7 room flat, 2nd floor strictly modern, new house, hot water heat furnished. $80.00, with garage $85.00. Sunnyside Park FOR RENT--Furnished house, mod-- ern conveniences to couple from December ist to May 1st. Phongs 127 -- J. 83--6tpd. FOR RENT--8 room house on cor-- ner, modern except soft wood floors. Furnace heat. Possession LOST--on Milwaukee Ave or church Tract office. P} residence 186 M. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER--Mod-- ern house, two boys, 1 four, 1 ele-- ven. Middle aged woman. Refer-- ences. Walter Stark, Phone 368R WANTED TO RENT -- Flat or small house, centrally located in Libertyville. Rent must be reason» able. Phone 666--R--1. 89--tpd. Park Tract Office. Phone, 469, Res. 186--M. containing glasses and small amount of money. Finder please HOUSES AND LOTS--Bought and sold. Loans made,. -- Insurances, Edwin Austin, Phone 16, Lbee-- leave at the Register office. Quality Bake Shop. DR. 0. E. BUTTERFIELD OST AND FOUND lelephone 66 DR. J. L TAYLOR Office in First National Bank Bldg. Hours: 1 to 8:30 and 7 to 8 p. m Residence, Broadway, Lace Blag. DR. OTTO R. THOMPSON Sctentific Rxramination of the Eyses "CLASSES PITTED _ ___ --Pair gray Tortoise shell ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR Telephone 18 _ _____ _ DWIGHT EDRUS COOK Professional Services I| * LYELL H. MORRIS TEACHER OF YOCAL Telephone 4132--R North Milwaukee Avenue PAGE SEVEN .00. -- Sunnyside 88--tt 90--1t.