ulph d Iting lnt&fuh "hli.tgs sulphur an me point o means trouble x;emom ashes and no clinker. If you have used Pocakontas and fired it properly, are ontho:fi'u'ack,butunfllyouu'ym ;ol.l"n Ridge Smo you are like Columbus be-- fore he saw land.> $ Libertyville, IIL The young men of St. Lawrence's church are in charge of the amuse-- ment features of the annual bazaar at the parish house on Wednesday, December 8rd. Come and enjoy your selves. Holiday Two new c=ses of whi have made their -- appe being James, the little arnudl Mrs, James Prown er, Bobby Murphy, Mr. and Mrs, *Philip Bensinger were. entertained Thanksgiving by the former's vniece Mrs, Emma Mey-- ers at Austin. The Libertyville Battery Sh« stalled a four tube radio se George Burridge last week. LIBERTYYVILLE ITEMs Stationery We have a full line of fine Stationery for your Holiday Correspondence. + Eaton, Crane & Pike ---- that name is your guarantee of quality. . B.--LOVELL CO. *s, the little son of Mr. ines Prown and the oth-- of whooping couzh appearance, -- onge Bhop in t for fiofi't forget to visit the shooting gallery, fish pond and corn game while attending the bazaar and Mrs. Downs, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kilby and children of Evanston, :u. Corley olwboum. I'l; wfl rs. Corley of Wauke . an Mrs. C. Knigge and g:'-m Bob Miss Vronia Gannon were guests at the Evilsizer home for Thanks-- giving dinner. All kinds of fancy and useful ar-- ticles, candy and baking goods for :ll. at tlulmul hnn;' rl St. Aawrences plm'd cl;lu n the Parish House, afternoon and even* ing, Wednesday, December 3rd; > Dine at the Parish House on We nesday, December 8rd. _ Chicks dinner served from 5:80 to 8 p.m Fixed Carbon 78.62 Volatile matter-- -- -- 16.80 Sulphur -- -- 0.68 High Carbon means most ef-- ficiency. L ow . volatile means less smoke. *« 15,100 <€) Beauty Shoppe. Phone 491 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hutchings motored to Milwaukee and . spent Thanksgiving with relatives. _ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brockman W'ywflhi'n and | Mrs: MHutchings at Area. Mr. and In.ofR.R.Gmdy and 'l&clving at the home of the former's brother, A. A. Grandy. Miss Mary Mason spent the week end at the home of her sister, Mrs. Thomas Davidson at Waukegan. Mrs. McAdams has returned to her home in Cleveland Ohio, after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Tavernier and her niece Mrs. Walter Nagel. ' The Libertyville Woman's Club is making arrangements for a rom-- en on Surerdey, Pon 0. Anyomg cago on y, D yone wishing to give second harld cloth-- Ing shoes or other articles, please communicate before Thursday noon with Mrs. F. J. Wright, Mrs. H. E. Gaddis and Mrs. P. Burgess. Mr and Mrs. Mike® Behm enter-- tained Mr. and Mrs. Adam Behm and Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Wagner of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. John Dryer over Thanksgiving. | THE LAKE COUNTY RECISTER,. _ WEDNESDAY, NOVE\RBE i Members of the local Masonic 'lodn are planning on a big time next Friday afternoon and evening, the occasion being the annual re-- eeption to the past masters. ~A din-- ner will be served by the ladies of , the 0. E. 8. at the Methodist church at 6:80 to which all Master Masons 'm invited. The evening work on Master Mason's degree will be | exemplified by Past Masters of Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Disney en-- tertained the latter's brother and wife of Des Plaines on Sunday. _ Mrs, Charles Ward is th l Py olE "'n is in the sick Libertyville Lodge. chicken E" supper at the St. Law-- vepce's opal church on Wed-- nesday evening, December 3rd. There are prizes for all. "--, , COMING EVENTs P*°ners, Oof Ualias, Texas, are to be sentenced Monday. More than $1,600,000 of the $2,-- 000,000 loot has been recovered and postal inspectors -- estimate that thousands of dollars were desposed of by the gang before arrest. The money, it is believed, was hid-- den by Murray,. Some money was recently found* «Wi. Brent Glasscock, of Chicago, the leader of the & according to his own confession, Herbert Holliday, of Kansas City, and the four Newton brothers, of Dallas. Texas ars tn Walter MeComb, who was on trial with Fahy and Murray eharged with being a member of the gang of robbers, was lemby the jury. Robert Levy, ited States Mar-- shal, announced this afternoon that the transfer of mp' Murray to thei place of will be deferred until Monday when the con-- fessed bandits who Carried out the robbery on information supplied by Fahy will be sentenced. 1 sCHICAGO, III., Nov, 29.--William J. Fahy former postal inspector to-- day was sentenced to serve 25 years in the federal m'at At-- lanta, Ga., by Judge Adam Cliffe| fo» his part in the two million col--| lar mail robbery of a Chicago, Mil-- | waukee & St. Paul train at Rondout. | James Murray, a Chicago pnlitic-l ian was given a similar sentence by j Judge Cliffe. y + Fahy and Murray were convicted t.a jury M"'mtin';-»ny of robbers who were associated with ' them and that of postal insr»ccturs"' who worked on the case for manyll months. S | . Bazaar and chicken ple supper by 'the Ivanhoe '10\11) at the | Ivanhoe Woodman Hall, -- James Murray, Politician, Gets Like Sentence for Part in | Thursday, Wh | Junior Vodvil. High Sehoo! Aud FAHY Wednesday, December 10 Dance by the 'v% Fire De partment at Ivanhoe H itorium., Wednesday, December 3rd. Bazaar and Chicken r, I ish House, St, La ig Episc Church, afternoon and evening. YEARS IN JAIL Tuesday, Dec. 9th . (CQ. OFFICERS ; <---- RESUME DUTIES Mr. and Mrs. William Whigham and Mrs. 1. E. Brown of Blooming-- ton took Thanksgiving dinner with: Edward T. Taylor and family in tion. There was no opposition and they carried with only a scattered vote here and there against them. born Nov. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Blank plan to make their home in Liberty-- has been Coroner Taylor's chief assistant fo rseveral years, while Dr. Penney was but recently ap-- pointed. The officers who were installed in office Monday were elected on a Republican ticket at the last elec-- proud parents of a nine pound boy Coroner Taylor announced that Edward Conrad of Waukegan and Dr. Morris D. Pentiey of Liberty-- ville will act as deputy coroners dur-- ing the coming term. Mr. Conrad has been Coroner Taylor's chief CR 26, 1924 ~--Bcarfs for Gifts 20 years. the Old Depot Dewn by f A good assortment of Silk Scarts "--__ in knit and crepe de chine W. W. Carroll & Sons Co. Storm Sash Should Be Ordered Early. Bring in the Sizes Let us Quote You Don't Let Your Roof Go Too Long When You Can Protect It Now Cheaper Are ttinnnununpmofcmc«ke udw"d Now While Price is Low. WE ARE SURE YOU WILL LIKE OUR HARD COAL THE KIND WE ARE now distributing is more free from im-- purities than it has been for years. OUR POCOHANTAS LUMP AND EGG Low in Ash, High in Heat _ "GLENDORA" Furnace and Nut is Cllca'n-sunlu Libertyville Lumber Co. WISE CONSUMERS New Gold Belts, narrow and wide. mmmmmicmmmmmmsccmsun $1:00 t0 $2+78 Wool Scarts ... $2.75 and $5.00 Phone 47 Better useratyviue us Onter, PAGE i 4 "wh w