"a e They glleged someorie was "double crossing" them and that the world would know all about it if the court dared impose a jail sentence . on The injunction route is, effective and sure and prosecution along that lime gets results. Several repeated offenders have been enjoined and now face charges of contempt. If they are adequately punished they are pretty apt to be cursd for an persisterit proprietors of joints in the lake district and other sections of Li#ke county. They are.Aned again and again, which doesn't em-- barrass them. But shen a temcor-- ary injunction is secured and there is further violation, the booze sell-- ers become in contempt of court, MNable to imprisonment and all that, which is different, All of which may be the usual "four--Aushing" indulged in by blind pig operators, but the Srachta bro-- thers seem hard boiled and mightily PAGE FOUR sree, There was a great scrambl» 'for continuances when the defend-- ants appeared in court Tuesday in hopes of forestalling States: Attor-- ney Smith and: his inevitable con-- tempt of court proceedings. The vi-- olaters. find -- themselves facing mighty serious charges, with prob-- ably jail senfences attached to the OPERATIVES of the McQueeny Detective Agency with Constable C. A. Brune over the last week end se-- cured: evidence that several booze joints under temporary injunction, were openly violating the court's de-- Entered as second--class matter October 18, 1916, nuruomauumnnh.nmnuwd March 3, 1879 Issued twice weekly. %n to office should avoid the traditional pomp that accompanied this event in the past. " Monarchical governments like pomp and display, since it is said to impress the common people with the greatness and majesty of their power. . Such a sreason for ostentation is absent in a republican form of government. f WM thinks that his inaugural cere-- monies on Mdarch 4 should follow rather modest lines, thus imitating President Harding's idea that his in-- KEYSTONE PRINTING SERVICE, Publishers Buccveding the Waukegan Weekly Gazsette ALONG--THE CURBSTONE S Observations By a A MAN ABOUT TOWN > FRANK H. JUST, Editor. $iX wC\ More and more we're coming --to see that the demagogs can't fool the people when the people know more than the demagogs. Of course the auto helps some, but old Worry still continues to be the undertaker's best friend. In. making his plea for the cut, Supervisor Bletsch stated that the poor bills of the county are $5,000 over the appropriation already and at that' rate will be about $15,000 over the limit when the next fiscal A#&nd the country wasn't prosperous. year rolls around. If the $10,000 limit is observed, the funds may be squared before the June session arrives. . The amount is to be«--pro-- rated between the various town-- ships. In order to relieve the poor mas-- ters and county clerk's office of a lot of confusion, the supervisors will be allowed to destroy '&%ll tick-- Uncle. Sam's new 16--inch guns will ~hurl a ton shell 35 miles. Wouldn't they be fine to deliver The overseers of the poor were ordered to keep an Account of ev-- erything that goes through the of-- fices and to turn in two copies of all transactions to the county clerk who will in turn send one to the department of public welfare.. The county wwill have to get along with less money for its poor for the coming six months, accord-- ing to a resolution that was adopt-- ter for the next half year. This means that $10,000 must last three months, Upon the motion of. Supervisor William Bletsch of Deerfield, the board decided to restrict the coun-- ty poor claims to $10,000 per quar-- ed L)éthe board of supervisors just bef. the quarterly meetixw was adjourned. > If organizations desire to the hlul!ls par-- ade at their own mm.u%fl'mmu of. Wash-- ington wish to put up for display, there should be no objection. But the which the govern-- ment appropriated to put Mr. in office, would seem tobeonwmhtoulmlr. dge in the presi-- dential chair with all due dignity. The idea pre some people that there must be a big n@remstnfim with elaborate decorations, and long parades of mn'h%um. in or-- der to etrp'mniu the importance of a occasion iy that way. But really important things do not have beciintdihid i AJ uy EP Hne C ONRCCT Lt c oi * ~utiin it d td be noticed in that way. Their importance does not have to be emphasized artificially. l:/mhl itself felt naturally by the new ideas and the beneficial re-- sults that flow from such an event. k The most earnest 'thinkers of these times feel that we need more simplicity, We all do thintgu in too elaborate a way, with too much fuss and feathers and expense. A president of the United States does a good thing when he sets an oumtflo of simplicity, -- Mr. Coolidge is right in 'feeling t spready demonstra-- tions for the inaguuration of a president are not call-- ed for Policemen Eubler and Brean re-- lieved Chief Tiffany and Policeman Johnson and about 9 o'clock a car drove up to the house. The driver, who is said to have been John Wag-- ner, apparently discovered the po-- licemen. He drove away at a fast speed. The policemen pursued the car and when in front of the home of Charles Strong near Five Points panied by Policeman .Johnson he went to the place and hid in : the woods nearby. They waited there until 6 o'clock, but no ong. showed up. > .# --The "fence" was located in Hon-- ore street, North Chicago,--just west of Dickey avenue between Twentie-- th and Twenty--first streets. The two police officers raided a home and arrested Schuck and Vankowski on suspicion. Two cars found in the yard were towed to the police sta-- other men lived in the shack with Schuck and Vankowski and accom-- After making the two arrests Chief Tiffany learned that three son. Information which led to their arrests was furnished the police by a Mexican friend of Martinez.' Get Information. Schuk and Vankowski were taken into custody Saturday afternoon by Chief Tiffany and Policeman John-- COPS TAKE THREE Martinez' car was towed away an became stalled on a muddy street in North Chicago and was abandoned. The: thieves, however, carted away five tires from the car. While enroute to Milwaukee, pre-- sumably to sell Kasper's car, An-- thony Wilman, one of the men sought, crashed into a tree west of Zion City. He suffered a broken leg, but the others in the car es-- caped practically without injuries, th« North Chicago police were in-- formed. @0 day night from the home of Charles Kasper of 257 Morrow _ avenue, North Chicago, and a car owned by Pedro Martinez of Twenticth street and Dickey avenue led to the finding of the "fence."> Machines owned by these two men were both located during the early hours last Friday morning by police 'authorities. a (Continued from Page One) THE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER, _ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1924 FOR CAR THEFTS Chief Tiffany says that a machine was stolen from Robert Hazelton, who lives near the thieves' nome and is of the belief they took the car and made a sale. Chief Tiffany also a license plate~issued to ~Andrew Rinebacher, of 2447 Grand avenue, Milwaukee, for:an Overland. Qne of the men locked up claims he is the owner of the carbut when ask-- ed about the license being issued for a different make of catr was at a loss to give an cago on foot to get another car that was stolen and take the man to a doctor. 'They obtained a ride and returned about 4 c'clock Friday morning, « Wilman was taken to the office of Dr. James L. Miller of North Chi-- cago and according to police in-- fcrmation x--rays. showed the leg fractured in two places. The break was set and the man taken to the shack in the woods. Later he was removed to a home in Milwaukee. Warrants Taken Out. _ Officer Tiffany was in Milwaukee attempting to locate Wilman and Wagner but was unsuccessful. War-- rants for their arrests were sworn out and turned over to the Wiscon-- sin city authorities. It is believed they will be located in the course of a few days as a new clew was ob-- tained today, but was not divulged. the alleged auto thief went into a field, leaped from his car and ran through the woods and escaped. The car was driven to the police station and a report made to Chief Tif-- fany. In the meantime, Chief Tiffany was informed that Frank Brown, who has & wife and two children liv-- ing in Eighth street, Waukegan, had left the machine and gone to the home of Emma Pencil, colored, Dick-- ey -- avenue near < Twenty--second street. Chief Tiffany and Police-- men Eubler and Brean hurried to this place and found Brown resting peacefully in a lounging chair. He was taken to the station and locked up. + Bunday morning Chief Tiffany questioned the trio, but at first all denied taking the cars. After a short time young Schuck broke down and confessed that he and Wanowski and Brown had been stealing cars in wholesale lots, the North Chicago authorities say. _ He is also said to have furnished Chief Tiffany the names and addresses of the other members of the band, Wil-- man and Wagner. machines were stolen from Kasper Schuck told Chief Tiffany that the and Martinez about the same time Thursday night and that when the 'l._em'- car stalled, the tires were removed and put into Kasper's ma-- chaine and the trip to Milwaukee started. He claimed that Wagner and Wilman, the men sought, stole the. car from Kasper's garage. When Wilman met with injury, Schuck said, they covered him with a blanket and set out for North Chi-- North Chicago police was stolen his car returned. «4. 4n Trace Other Thefts, Questions Trio. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given en that the Subscriber Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Margaretha Sauer, deceased, will at-- tend the County Court of Lake Coun-- ty, at a term thereof to be holden The police chiefs in both Milwau-- kee and South Milwaukee suspect the gang of taking at least ten other cars and Chief Tiffany said that the heads of the police de-- partment were to come here and conduct further investigation. He said the men would be turned over to the Wiscohsin city authorities for prosecution. P ers in Lake county lamfia and police of a number of are ex-- pected to come to North Chicago and question the men relative to the robberies. 'It is thought that the meh in jail and other members of the gang staged the majority of the robberies. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby giv-- en that the Subscriber Administra-- trix of the Estate of William D. Steil deceased will attend the Pro-- bate Court of Lake County, at a term thereof to be holden at the Court House in Waukegan, in said County on the first Monday of Feb-- ruary next, 1925 when and where all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to present the same to said Court for adjudication. Ida M. Steil, Administratrix Waukegan, II1, Dec. 4th, 1924. a 94--9 many other robbeértes of cars and aytomobile accesories in North Chi-- cago, Waukegan and other cities of Lake county. Auto thieves have been reaping a harvest at the expense of car own-- TOYS -- TOYS -- TOYS ELECTRIC TRAINS American Flyer $6.50 up American Flyer $1.00 up Many kinds of sand COYS ................«ous WLAOY UL L A N G W O RTH Y' S ADJUDICATION NOTICE ADJUDICATION NOTICE and STATIONERY Box Paper of merit always CANDY OF BEST KINDS PHOENIX HOSIERY j Best Silk and Chiffon §¥ MECHANICAL TRAINS SANDY ANDY XMAS POST CARDS Both box and bulk pings of all kinds. Miller, Miller Attorney ome here and »stigation. -- He )e turned over authorities for Attorney Holly Wrap--*. § . 'at Gridley Hall -- : | , {-- Tuesday Evening. ; (Q December 23, 1924 | ' Under the Auspices of the i _ Mystic Workers | i. A good time is assured i &&Mllouohw"l'n.h said County, on the first Monday of February, next, 1925 when and where all persons hmhn against said estate are and requasted to present the same to said Court for adjudication. s Charles A. Armbuster, Executor Waukegan, I!1, Nov, 24th, 1924. ' 94--96--98. Ben H. Miller, Attorhey PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby giv-- Ten Piece Aluminum DOLLS DISHES Painted Tea Set ... $1.49 Aluminum Table Aluminum Coffee FRICTION TOYS Autos, Trains, Animals ADJUDICATION NOTICE 50¢ up $1.00 $1.69 ty, at a term thereof to be holden at the Court House in w.u..n,.., in said County, on the first onday orh Fobma.nry. next, 1:? when and where persons claims against said estate are ';\':t'tfid ind requested to present the same to said Court for adjudication, John H. Rouse, Executor, Waukegan, Il!, Nov. 24th, 1924. : 94--96--98. en that the Subscriber Executor of Mamma Dolls ... 59¢c up Large Dressed k Card Games, Parlor Fennis, Checkers Of all kinds, from 10¢ to $2.00 DOLLS OF ALL , deceased will attend