It is hoped that all the friends of the M. E. church will invite the Rev. Tordall to spend a week end at their Sunday school each Sunday morn-- ing at 10 o'clock and church services each Sunday evening at 7:80 P. M. Everybody invited to come and help, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Huson and daughter spent Sunday otl_.ih-lx~ ville with Mrs. Huson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Croker, T otZ PAGE TEN _ Mrs, James Kirwan is spending a few days with Mrs, Martha Simus in Mrs. Northy of Chicago visited with her son John at the Will Dues-- ing home over the week end. Mr. Duesing and family motored back to Chicago with her. x Elizabeth Finx was a week end guest at the home of Dorothy Vasey Berve Silbert spent the week (snd with Vera Vasey. Esther Russell is teaching at Spring Lake in Cook County. 3 -- Miss Edna Baxter, our instructor of religious education, spent Satur-- dayv eveninge at the L. V. Lusk home. _ 'Mrs. Mabel -- Renwell and @rand daughter are visiting this week with Mrs. Richardson in Grays Lake. | _ George Nichols . and Madge Pfannenstill were Saturday even-- ing callers at the Frank Hironimus °_ The eaiafectory mantts in ahien,ferien e poble hat promed prom Out of each dollar received last year for this good service the Milwaukete Road pald out 88, cents for wages, material and suppliee, taxes s0d results. There was no profit for the Mr. and Mrs, Jay Vasey and fam-- ily were McHenry callers Saturday. Arthur Peterson was a Round Lake visitor Saturday evening. Mrs. Rose Dunnill who has been ill at the home of her daughter at Round Lake is greatly improved. Mr. and Mrs. LCharles Haas visit-- ed with friends in Waukegan and Wilson on Sunday. Mrs» John Wagner and daughters and Mr. Krape were McHenry shop-- pers Saturday.. o rep o. Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank Hiron!mut! and family made a shopping trip to | McHenry Saturday afterncon, . _ l . Frank Hironimus and John Wag-- ner made a fiying trip to Round Lake Monday. j @ Harry Nichols is spending the winter with his daughter Mrs. Englun. Miss Anna Compton who -- has been visiting with her sister Mrs. Kirwan returned to her home in Elgin this week. Mrs. Kirwan ac-- companied her fo ra short stay. Elgin this week. Mrs. Kirwan ac-- Mr. William Larsen returned companied her fo ra short stay. from a. hunting trip on the Illinois Quite a number from here attend-- | River last week with a large H ed the sale at Fremont Saturday. ducks. 4 P IT IS NOT a lot of tracks and buildings IT IS an immense business institution The Mi}waukee | y Mitwauhee $ StPaul | What Is a Railroad? Just a Few Items to Help You do Your Xmas Shopping sOUTH SIDE GROCERY AND MARKET Phone 31 O. H @fifim' j Libertys YOLO All Fruits and Vegetables obtainable on hand Phone Your Order® Early Fancy Christmas Trees and Wreaths Poultry By Order Private Delivery erated by other tens of thousands of citizens, To PUGET SOUND--ELECTRIFIED | verse at Fremont. y" + Frank and Beatrice Wilson were vme, I . Mr. Noel White spent the week The Original Circle of the Gumoex end .'gjn with his fmny, | Snnday School held a Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Griffis are back in Party at the home of Mrs. Cora town again. Their little son is not McCullough © Tuesday, . Gifts were very well. exchanged and refreshments served. \ _ 'The Christmas Bazaar given by | On Thursday night, December 18, | i the Fox Lake Womans Club for the | "Cappy, Ricks", a S--act comedy will | benefit of the Community House | be presented by the Faculty of the \| Building Fund was a great success | High School at: the High School | Building Fund was a great success. | Auditorium.' A second perforumee' |\ The sum of $157.98 was realized will be given Friday night. We al-- l»from the sale of articles from the | ways look forward to the annual I different booths. .\ faculty play becnusz is always d & % h on ons oN 204000000 SA NE 2. ho ie en i ce .7 l and~Charles Duesing were bunday eallers at the home of Nels Con-- McHenry visitors Saturday Mrs. John Engle and Mrs, Fred Miller spent Sunday afternoon with Frank Hironimus and family. The Fox Lake Volunteer Fire De-- partment have decided to hold their dance at Roxanna Hotel, New Year's eve. -- It is given for the bene-- fit of Mr. Miller and ex--firemen. The Christmas program that is being arranged by the school. and Sunday--school jointly is progressing nicely. It will probably be present-- ed next Sunday evening at eight o'clock." Everyone is invited, Mr. Noel White spent the week end again with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Griffis are back in town again. Their little son is not --'The flowers Mr. Pollock brought Sunday were sent to Mr. C. Morrill who has been seriously ill for some Mrs. Jay Simms made a very at-- tractive and interesting fortune--tel!-- er' and Mr. Fred Sorensen who is stopping at the Rasmussen Hotel won the bridge Lamp. A 'dandy supper was served.. 'The committee wishes to thank all who donated or helped make the _aflljr'u success, also the ity. The club did not have the: same success with its dance, Saturday, December 11, tho there was a nice social crowd and everyone had % s, material and supplies, taxes and rere barely to cover inter-- :.1 show about the same Chicagao -- o ed by a few men far away-- by tens of thousands of men patrons for their generos-- and Howard Hironimus 10 lbs. pure cane sugar with order .........._._.._.._.._.__---- 44 10 lbs. New York Buckwheat flour ......._.._.___-------- 8( 1 Ib. best cocoa in tins, per Ib, ...................._.___._._._--« 2 Fancy butter covered California Walnuts, per Ib. 45¢, three Ibs. fOF .........._.._.._.._.._.----_----_------> 1. Fancy mixed nuts, per Ib. 29¢; 3 Ibs for .._._._.____---- 1: Fancy Jumbo Peanuts, per 1b. ... 2 All shelled nuts on hand. Also candy, dates, figs and Swift's Premium skinned ham, 10 to 12 lbs. average, Whole, DEF I, ...................__...._..ccicccc.miss Swlffimm'hdoorhfl,palb. These meats are all wrapped in holly papér. w&.ww.flfl $:00 P.M. instead of 4:00 o'clock in the pgny room of the school-- M7h the second Friday of each mon '\ be presented by the Faculty of tha' ~High School at: the High School | Auditorium. A second por!nnunee' will be given Friday night. We al--| ways look forward to the annud; "faculty play because it is always | onc of the best of the season's 4>n-- tertainments. l . _ 'The Modern Woodmen of Gurnee | Camp held their election of officers Thursday evening with the follow-- ing results: | Consul, Rolo Wirth; |_ .. Clerk, W. W. Appleyard; Banker, Arthur MeClure; Escort, John Bottger; ¢ Physician, Dr. Walters; | -- ' Watchman, Fred Blohm; --| Sentry, Chas. Harr; ' Manager, G. T. McCullough It has been suggested that. the childrens' programs be held in the afternoon instead of the evening as heretofore, so that the children will not be out so late at night. A motion was made to eliminate the refreshments at meetings. A little reward has been promised the children who were perfect in attendance each month. --Thirty-- eight were entitled to this reward for the month of November. The older son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. O'Brien, is visiting his parents for a day or twh. Mr. O'Brien's home'is in Nebraska and he is on his way to Buffalo, N. Y. William Dixon broke his wrist Monday while playing football. Hereafter the local P. T. A. will GURNEE rHE LAKE COUNTY REGISTER. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1924 1 ME mamn e t 00. riti | _ The Royal Neighbors elected of-- he| fieers at their meeting Saturday. ol | All present members were re--clec-- rce ' ted. They were: Oracle, Vera Zim-- al. | merman; Past Oracle, Ellen Lamh: "U1 | Viee Oracle. Belle Ormsbv: Récord-- Doughnuts, pie and coffee were served as.refreshments by the com-- mittee consisting of Arthur Me Clure, Nick Adams®> and Harvey the. high schoo Kumo;iemd: ed from the c family is stil Clare has cont %mx week with »ir. and Mrs, A Crittenden'at Pikeville. 'The movie, "The Eleventh Hour" which was to have been given at & Pnsd til J: y "71'.. --p until January 7. m:new has recover-- ed from the chicken--pox, but the family is still in quarantine as Clare has contracted them. * Mrs, Charles Harr who has been ill is still in a serious condition, The Woodmen had a. "clean--up bee" Friday when they removed the debris and rubbish from the hall-- yard. The credit for this action goes to Rollo Wirth and Joe Dada. who . turned _ out _with MeClure's wrecker, L. J. McClure, J. W. Gray and John Bottger. The yard has heen in a dreadful condition ever since the Liberty Construction Co. who layed the concrete road through Gurnee, broke camp. "'i'-':."'i"fir' Gray has been confin-- ed to her home for the past week o dn e gripps. _ _ . 000. . George Winter and family spent ces smmquiin n wl ies Yb eAE * o e e us # & P "D¢ I 'The next meeting, which is Dec-- ~~ber 27th will be featured by a New Years' Party. Each member is \ requested to bring an article worth | 25e. They will be put into a box and each member will draw one. ' The Juvenile members are also in-- : wited. --Each Royal Neighbor who er, Cynthia Miller; Receiver, Mar-- Metceat; . Inner Gray; Outer hm Pianist, Ruby K. Hook; l'"fi:' Nellie Sneesby; Physicians, Lieber and -- Jamizon; Dokg.tu. Cynthia: Miller;~-- alternate Ha Hook and Marshall, Stella Hook. | Te HemC family should i:llr a present: for each and they be exchanged. Each one is to bring sandwiches enough for themselves and one other dish,. -- We expect to make this a By U; 8. Government Veterinarian D. C. GRINNELL Inspector In Charge Phone Libertyville 829 LIBERTYYVILLE, ---- ILLINOIS Office with Farm Bureau CATTLE TESTED for Tuberculosis Free of Charge Chiffon Hose Children's House Compact, Rouge and m Stick ~~__-- For $1.00 or less Boys' Tie and 'kerchief Se*« Boudoir Caps and Bands or more juveniles in the Powder Puffs f Select Your Gifts From This 1 According to Your Christmas .__.-- Budget . _ Toilet Sets Radium Silk Gowns Children's Silk Dresses Children's Coats We have a fine assortment of first quality fur coats at $149 up a two year guarantes. For ®19 99 or less For $5.00 or less For the convenience of our customers the store will be OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL XMAS. -- veal party Charles Brown who was seriously injured in an accident Armistice Day, has been removed to his home from St. Joseph's Hospital at The Wheeling State Ban The name of the bank with which you do business one of the best references you can give. 3 A checking account stands for modern busine methods, available liquid" funds, A savings account stands for good habits, thrift a: ambition. So not only does a bank account yield you moneta returns from wour investment but it returns a i idend in good reputation. 6 Make This Bank Your Best Servant.. Open an Account With Us Today '~-- NOW ! Building Your Characte and have a .real Bilk Jerrsey Vo#*> Men's Scarts 6 Chepe--de--chene Gown and Chemises Toilet Sets Pajamas Children's Dresses and Coats Toilet Sets Wfl " m D). tes us Fur Trimmed Costsa For $2.50 or less For $15.00 or less For $25.00 or For $3.50 or [ 5:s lnqmnh&..lot friends--up to Mhflm"ttomt Milwaukee and is markably well. wouirk , ILLINOIS