\ow A farm movie depicting activities of the Farm Bureau and the Hincis Agricultural Association, co--opera-- tive: marketing and roral commun-- lty life will be shown for the first time at the annual meeting of the !fi'-L.&Ulhun,Jamury 15 and de Ballet, Conducting St, Leger. Saturday night's 'Qflltg mance will be Thais, with Mojica, Defre. Incidental dances by Corps &mld!yflah'th'm of will be sung for the second time, with Elvira Hidalgo making her debut with the Chicago Civic Opera Company. Others in the cast 'thl'hll first perfor-- Chaliapin o@.s:mmp:,h.n.w;w{,. Miles, Corps de Ballet, Coadlctorhuvm -- Wednesday evening, Christmas Mlbfir-{nnmdlm will be given with Garden, Claes-- sens, Ansseau, Baklanoff and an ex-- ceptional supporting cast, Conductor Polaceo. Monday night will bring a third performance > of Traviata with Muzio, Hackett, Schwarz, Defrere; Oukrainsky, Miles, Milar, Shermont and de Ballet, Conductod Cimini. Tuesday night, Lakme will be sung for the second time with par-- The for the eight week of mw Civic Opera opens Sunday matinee, December 21st, with the last performance of Tann-- hauser this season. In the cast will be Forrai, Va': Gordon, hm. Elisins, Milar, Nemeroff, Shermont and . Corps = de Ballet, Conductor Lake Forest has not shown much interest in the league, because the school feels that it would cestrict the field 8¥ competition and eliminate much of the joy of collegs athleties by excluding long trips and fcature games. down when the moment to act came. This %. a more deter-- *@M ever before is be-- AIng mad Members of the Litile Nineteen conference met a couple of weeks ago, but did not take it up seriously at that time. 'Ansther meeting has been scheduled at Pe-- oria for January 8. expressig for the purpose of creating the lonp. Number Favor It ' No official announcements bave been made by the schools interested in the cireuit, but it is known that a number in central Hlinois are fa-- voring the move. Colleges under-- stood to be in accord with the plans are Bradley, Wesleyan -- Millikin, Lombard, Knox, Eureka, Augustana. $t. Viator, Illinois college, and Mon-- mouth. will be known as a "Little Ten" or "Little Eight" and which will be composed of teams in the Little Nineteen circuit refuses to die down. Plans for the project have been dis-- ecussed pro and con for a number of years, but always . huve fallen lllinois Colleges Schedule Con-- ference to Initiate Plans for New League. , ANOTHER LOOP I$ TALKED UP Talk on a new conference which C TmS lay matinee, Faust will be Lone Maple Dairy Conductor Moran-- Ltorrtyymt® «state of Thomas George Curiey of Highwood were issued to Michael F. Curley and bond fixed at $500. Tho'ntat.m.llddmlot death as the result of an automobile accident. =An order to settle the claim for $200 was entered Letters of administration in the estate of Alvine Wolbing of Ingle-- side were issued to Fred Wobling and proof of heirship was taken The estate consists of 42 acres of land near Wooster Lake. at _-- The inventory and appraisement bill in the estates of William D. Steil of Lake Zurich and Wastel 8. Etipe of Highland Park were approved. A special real estate bond in the estate of "Keene H. Addington of Lake Forest was approved. The hearing on the petition for mamdomhc'ol the estate of Frank Richardson of Waukegan was held and Mrs. Rich-- ardson appointed. Bond was fixed Inurwxors 1st House East of River Rockland Road Libertyville I!linc _ _ The waiver of the widow's award in the estate of John Batz, Town of Fremont,; and the final report were approved and the estate closed. Make Final Report s The final report in the estate of Mabel A. Knopi, et al, minors, of the Town of Verncn, was approved and the estate closed., | P ETV Reasonable Prices, Work Guaranteed. # Formerly with Cadiliac Motor Car Company High Grade Automobile The supplemental inventory in the estate of Ira J. Geer of Highland Park was approved. The hearing on the claim of Mil-- ton Myerson against the estate of Irving E. Stieglitz of Highland Park was continued to January 15. 4 L Een Aanaioee CCC 9 ME uie The inventory in the estate of John C, Doyle of Waukegan and the waiver of the widow's award were approved. Anumbuolminormattenc.m up in Probate court of Judge Mar-- tin C. Decker last week. The busi-- ness consisted mainly of the issu-- ance of letters and filing of reports. Inventories and Reports Are Filed and Approved During MINOR MATTERS UP IN PROBATE Any farmer or dairyman in the state who is a member of a cow test-- stein breeder living near Hebron, now has more cows from his herd nominated for .w.ln the Hilinois 500 Pound rfat Cow club than any other farmer or dairy-- man '.byth state, it was announced today C. 8. Rhode, dairy exten-- glon specialist of the College of Ag-- riculture, U. of I., who has charge of the club, Cornue has entered 10 cows, giving McHenry county the lead over all other counties of the state. with a total of 36 cows enter-- ed from eight herds. M'HENRY HAS GOOD RECORD of adininistration in the I!Ilinois Alta 'Adkins, assistant : superin-- tendent of schools, Hammond, Ind., ?f is secretary of the council. j e en es i e s t e se Sador o e d is 0 0 W rekay. & :-', * .| Organized with only 12 members, | '::"&'m:: for n.y%r resided '| the council has grown until its | 4 L The Warren -- tery Associa-- ) membership now reaches 3,000. E:.; 1 care \ | _ Reports concerning the status of ; lt'°" met with 'l'.' &A Mc Cul-- rimary educatiog-- in the United, ough on Wednesday Of ¥his week. ' gutea have been made each year.| Esther Dixon hufl& chicken-- Among those most in demand are: | pox. ; s '"'l'ime allotment devoted to hand> |!-- Parts of the mw%n furnace work in the day's program." "Bases | at the grade school have come and of ~promotion from kindergarten | as * a result vacation and first grade." '"The best school-- | started Friday, so as to have the room equipment necessary for ad--| furnace in working order whon the 'ministering an up--to--date primary | holidays are over. The Christmas school program," and "What con-- | program was given on Fricay af-- stitutes dn acceptable day's work in | ternoon, hewse s &A primary. sechool." ; / <*Pomme inleaN MiistwRWls ol cc1~. Fine Creamery Butter . A meeting of the National Coun-- cil of Primary Education, celebrat-- ing its tenth anniversary, will be held in Cincinnati, February, 1925. Organized with only 12 members, the council has grown until |its membership now reaches 3,000. Yvalued 'at $5,000. Proof of heirship was taken and the inventory ap-- proved. 1atters .n the estate of Doris Lichtfeld of Libertyville were issue d to Mary E. Kern, daughter. The e=-- tate consists of personal property PRIMARY TEACHERS' AssO-- CIATION CELEBRATES TEN-- TH ANNIVERSARY In the estate of Joseph Sobezak of Libertyville, letters of adminis-- tration were issued to John L. Tay-- lor as the : irs are unknown.® The estate consists of $1,000 personal property. If You Like A C of Good Coffee There is no shortage! 1 have absolutely the Best Stock of Coffee in Town. BULK COFFEE SPECIAL BRA Pound _ Pound 40¢, 45¢, 50c _ | . 50¢, 55¢, 60¢ Elegant Christmas Candies 30¢ per Ib. SOUTH SIDE GROCERY --:-- AND MARKET --:-- 0. H. Molidor < C. NOR MA N LAKE COUNTY AT A REASONABLE PRICE ust Try Me Once Best Storage Eggs ABERTYVILLE _ => Iiir®otrs May this Christmas be the --happiest of all .__May joy and plea sure fill your cup o our patrons--and friends REGISTER, WEDNE;QQY, DECEMBER 24, 1924 $ | at the grade w.v-- mwmme and [n:u a result q vacation ~| started Friday, so as to have the +/ furnace in working order whon the ¥ | holidays are over. The Christmas ~ program was given "}j'."rw ay af-- 1| ternoon, & |~ ~*"Cappy Ricks" the play presented ~ | by the high school faculty on Thurs-- .'day and Friday evenings was a ,_ huge: success, but due to the cold baby boy born Saturday at the Victory Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Emmons was Miss Eléanor Jolley, daughter of -- Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Mrs, Margaret Th and Fred Blohm are the mers of two of . the sets of dishesgiven away by the Federal Bakery, » _ _ The Public Service CO. have set up six electric light poles west of Kelly's Filling Station» This ex-- tension of the electric Service has" been a long-looh' h-'pr\'i(-e, and' will make possible the use of electricity at the grade school. l Mr. and Mrs. w Emmons of Waukegan are the parents of .! A ten pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Brat Tuesday mmin.' (Soo rmpval PURE LARD e Public Service Co. » 7's Filling Station T on of the electric serv a long--looked for serv make possible the ridty at the m Btho. im e . 'aukegan are er boy -- born Sd-:; Pound BRANDS ! School Gym with bunco and dancing | the main features. -- Refreshments In order to enable our for:eh to elljoy the Christmas holida ere will be butoneimaofthcgagimr next week, that of Wednesday, Dec-- ember 24. are also to be served in the course of the evening. Mrs. Richard ~Hook --and Mrs. Elmer Hook were Ziyn City shop-- pers on Thursday. '@~-- Offce with Farm Burean Invitations to an Alumni Party on December 26th have been sent out. The affair is to be held in the High By. U. 8. Government Veterinarian in their games with Libretyville on the latter's floor Tuesday evening. The first team lost by a score of 56 to 27. The second team put up a hard fight but Libertyville put up a on top, 24 to 14. However our team is just getting started. It's in to win, just watch 'em. Milodainias wd brtisaB t Cns use -- bvcsaad of honor at a party given by the X¥. L. B. C., Original Circle, W. C. "C. U..andleiuAidinth.d,w parolrs Thursday afternoon. A four o'clock luncheon was served. The Gurnee Five were defeated in their games with Libretyville on The Libertyville Battery & Electric Co CATTLE TESTED for Tuberculosis Free of Charge You can feel assured that appliances. which _ and guarantee represent the highest quality of merchandise, > Inspector In Charge Phone Libertyrville 329 . H. B, Amstutsz was a There is no obligation in asking information or advice. I am always glad to be of service. FORREST FLAGG OWEN -- Agent . 222.w cA Practical Gift C.--O. CARLSON IN AN ARTISTIC PACKAGE INSURANCE is PROTECTION Mutual Life lfiu;o--.c;;;.y Libertyville maker of fine Belus, Buckles and Belto-- grams has sent us a special selection of most exclusive de-- signs for the Christ-- mas season. Easy to buy, easy to give, and always accept-- able to a man. Give him a new belt. Hickok, we sell PAGE NINE ¥n %