CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 26 Jul 1917, p. 1

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L lU .T YVILLE ,INDEPENDE NT LAKE COUNTY NENDT Lake CouUy 's Big Weekly aroeIudosctuM âdw WheWeeie onty Combund WAUKECIAN WEEaKLY SUN VOL. XXV.-NO. 30. TrWELVE PÂGE8 Lm:ERTYVJLLE,, LAKE COUNTYIL*, TIURSDAY, J1IJI 26, 1917. ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCZU 'DRAFT QUOTA- IN LAKE CO, UNFAIR LAKtE COUNTY'S DRAFT QUOTA. Ditrict No. 1-827. District No. 2--06M District No. 1 lacludes il of Laki nouai>' exceplinp Waukegoan (cil>' and tawn, Santons, Newpor't, Antboch, and Warren township. IstrIct No. 2 Inchades Waukitan cil>' and tous>, BSaton, Newport, Antiocls and Warren townships. ENLISTMENTS ARE DEDUOTEO. SpringReit, Joiy 24-(Spmlal>--AdJt. GIn. Oikiois announcîs that Laki coualy muet furnith 632 mosn for the f1ret cui for the n.w coaecript aras> ' hie le Its quota APTUER MAKING DKEDICTIONS FOR ENLISTMENTS IN THE NATIONAL GUARD AND MILITARY FORCE& if 1h. Unitled States from Aprit 1, 191>, te Juil> 1, 1917. The appoitionment for Laki count>'la divlded ase foiow.t bitrIot No. 1. exclusive of townshipsiof. Senton, Newport, Aitiocls, Wouksgs ands Warren, 827. District No. 2, townships of Santon, Newpout, Antiocls, Wae&,kegn and Warre#4 305. Wth luise coun>' heing apportioned 632 mon tu the draft tramIlilinole. vbzcb totals 51,663, Waukegam peope toan>'awoke to the resîtzatton that 'aomething bas happeuei." thLt Lais. couet>' ba been commntedto 0proîluce no rnnny more men for th. army proportionate to ils population tbat a e.- eral vave o o astehme swept lie communit>' andthelb.hances are nat a formai protet vil.b. oigid et Wasingto or Springfild. Witb 306 min drated tramn District No. 2 (whlch Inclutes Waukegan clty and lova. Beton. Newport., kntioch mnt Warren) and District No. 1 (hilci inldis e balance o! the counly), bavlng been given 327, Lais. canl>, vîti a total eglstralon of 6200, is called ailée to suPply as big a draft. mani iven larges-,tha nomofo the btggest counitles in the state, nmorn f lie conties vhlcb contain dtUes double the size o!f Vukegan snt vioae population le almot Ivice tint o! Lake county. Lage count>' vanta 10 do litsheare In tie response to lie army cli, but la glamlng et tise ratio of othes- couties. t seeme that omeliln bas binî hansi to tues couaty viereus ail atout Ilbai beasu figurethlat Lakse counly ,vooili bave a ver>' amai draft quota because no sun>' men already ba" en.listed la thei m n>'md navy, and lie PreBunsPtion bas boom tisatthe num- ber vbo eullsted vanuli b. deduted tramnt tk total danired in lie draft. Tii quolme, are bus" upon thse var dep-ilmeri se.tlaiei populatiodli volunteer ien ot ISuowu inWau o! ioisl, »amnt vblcha prolest kelt vas iedMb>' Govermor Loden. No peope are Unceetla. - Word kbu bim e elved ifont Waeis- Wban thse IMelngly nreacMble lne«touhat lie 14nMM vouli iii r.- ppoitlmenî vWU nota Tjise Sun visi ani probably vii stand. triai b gelt la boucS ai once vitis The ratio on vlilcb the draft vas Alt"ain erai Dica011Mdai"s baudi vu a te &~ bout oout UIof ev- «09& ope»ons-tg tlo hW em- onleu segltered. As lies-e pesa.Tise lat«er'dltw WUvanmgria- vOe ers 6,200 imal ts-lauise outy. ci 10 note tise dsreeacy». He à& thse draft trou Lakeise oty lic. mdfliat "t loenmgtlookssh. abouit 5e aot440, 10 b. iQsializd lH. vas auSsi f, laaumika tis e viti Otier Conutee. dra . te ae--i - k.--* A EX-WAU KE»ANpA -TOR AND WIFE HAVE DL41ONDJUBILE Rev. and MrsA'amnes Frothing- hamn Establlsh Unique Rec- ord of Wedded Bliss. Tht' Rev. and Mrs. James Prots- Ingbalo, o! 4740 Dorciesler avenue. Chicago, celehrated thir siteth weddRg amnlversar>' enta>'. Tie> are bcth 83 yeaim of agi. Mr. 3'rothingissns afler guaduattng from Union college mut princeton Theological serinnry, vas ortainet ta lie Preabytes-Ian minttlnt S 157, lhe year of bis mairlagi. For twentY-fivu' YemretMr. Trothing- binm vas statet cleris of lie Cilica- go prosbytery, and on bis re'lgna- lion lait October vas resentet b>' bigs frit-uts viti a perse o! $500. tirs. Frohitughain vas Miss Chiot' Dexter Hazellîne. Their vedtung Journe>' vas mate by wagon to Intime terribor>', viii. tise>'vers missiona. ries to tie Cioctava. <tirff rothlnghsm vas for year-s pItor o! lie Waukegan Pershyterian cicîci and bas muac>' fienta bIb is elty.) "UbUluols ouidi of Ciicag e I total smbenif es- n10b. raitedlal but about 25,000. Nov. giving Lais. douaI>' 132 ont ofUtn uaisarw. le appearsasa If Il la an anfts- propos-- lion, becane. tue.Aream wma>'lai- gir cocmies Ib ak*e Acoosilaste the ailutiatgiairula 'ruilâtas 4aI oei. Otlisvire Oives am ir htI enm u Pi'ev -oui>' imteliletberla lMe rmy or nu,>'. M", à iftae canal>'vmas mi -. lie MW .ltemeat, lookias at thse us amaler vWho iistai la tise mmv>', 4t biaiseaus9Iftev cnalin tise iatoemeeele l Las.CoenLty lu proportion ta the popubsaos. Il resu- b>' look* as If a mstake baiibea maie. M Mo-lre; a" £lEwlsais'M COMiieriug the tact that PER.- lII&MLaise couty DID NOT se- »Pond 10 the volUntees' ai.> as di tie other oouâties. Il lu nevertbiles lnlerceting tb note comparative lir cre vils other counlies on lie trait as folaves: Kane Cocmty-647. Nov, Kane couR>' c@anls Ans-ors.wvilci la tvlÇe or more lerger than Wauke- Eau: it l ao contains Elil, vilcih t almost tiîce as large as Waukegan. La Salle Couely-910. Lýa Salle count> la a bigger coud>' than Lakte, McHenry eut Boont' combîned. crantaie e s.u ae raas>'il isPOmisi w80eerouslY 0ie eUav7 voold bave amy effet la tise appor- tionsent ou 15e am.' aid tint lie nav>' ebplmemts vouit ho deducted tram tise total te be dratsi. Hi -- Pledt ,tat ho belleved it voubi a&l b. issu on tieamn>'efhlameateami bot tise mv>', lm short iV ver>' t.v Lakse eehaty mea enlistel tu lie amtm,luta grut amies- la lie aavy. tlmn L"ie Conn>' vowdnteDo credltfor the.mmv>' uni lie ngpor- tIodant Sfor lie ais>' vouei. tas- gPonter tlieu 10some orlie lars ountiem. vies-e 1themv>' emliemeuts ba! b.enm aa» Md tise ary n>'eilt- mente terse. PMMltcNet kiki!>'. One -aamaie tisa iquai: ,lu It heaule etzocouat>' basbenuthe bammes- Republimacanooty or thse state tint an unfair apporlionment vue maie le dratUing lihe men? You Imov lise senatore &tO Washigton cisargedt tit tise mortieru states, Re- PUblican, bat been tacnlmlnatet againet 1ln the total draft. ln favor o! tise mutbere, Demnocratic etates? Didth lcem ibhng happen ln Lake, county ?" Tie Sun mate repi>': "That due- neot be. for the reason tisaI tbe ap- portioninent vas me.b>' Atlctant Qeneral Dîcisson o! Illinois mmd flot ai Washngton." Credît for Enlistmcents. Maco Conty3O. And MacULon Tnter lb. draft %plan Itlaleunder- count>'conlains Decatur, a cil>' tires stoodt lat eacus counî>', Inii îlquota, times as large as Waukegan. ' v IR- be given credil for lbe number Peorla County-688. ln liat doua- o! yosscg men areat>' enlîstet ln lie t>' lies Peorla. lhe second largest cdl>' ervice, It wovosr aempossîbi>', liaI ln Illlnois, man3P limes larger than liose vho mate up lie quotas of Waulîegan. lie tlfft'rent rouelles, faiedt blaIte sangamon Conty-322. This doue- 1110 to cnslterallon tise fad liaI Wau- t>' cortains Springfieldt and Sa a mncb Iegan ant LA'e coud>'y bas a large largerPeotinty tise Lakte. nimbnier o! yobIcg men le tht' different Will Count>' 705. Wîîî rouet>' con- brancies o! lie service. tains Joiet, a clty lire. ies as 010 to b. Cal.d. larg as aukean'Tise draft quota for distrIct No, 2, Wlnnebago CounY-756. Wicli acordlng la Dr. Kulgis, le 305. To contains Rorkford, a metropols of étibis cumiser lb, local exemption tie sae boas-t will Issue a e»I for 610, double DintThey Voluntier? lie number o! mec requiset, for Itlile la thbe big ratio given t0 lais, cou- estitisaledthtit perbapa 50 Per cent t>' tue tla liéfacItt hbers eve.not yul be able to gel axemptions. mocre volunleere befor, le ie <trfg The Sun preeented tihe situa- *taredtion 10 Dr. P., C. IClgit, chair- 80" pessona say talae irs-l- man of thé loçal exemption- boas-i son; Othere s>' lA'ec ouaI>' reesce- a d e i. ii ol SellaIte tadmit q ed gemeronsi>'to'Use cal for voisin- tisI is at lamaI pitàtuion ln, Ie ln tise mn. Juet boy many. (Cotiel on page qoeisi UELP LOCAL M CROSS Mil NAVY SWEATERS Mmr. Chai. <. Daves otif-vauston, bai prarfnlad 1000 eiatero tl, the Navi> Bocys ta ho deilvsed by the tiret of Sepleu.ber m»d bas Bppea-10 the Rled Crase vorkers mli over tt' eaunty tu, lendt belr Wmei ,c The- local Anal. limry bai takeC Wtvg.Lvtive and wlll tale ai msuy more me lise' t-auget luIt by lie lime set for dilur>'. An>' end ail localworneu wbetb.r membersol thi ed trOc, Or tôt wba are wllllng ta bîlp tu tIim worîhy canses vilî pleaw report lqMrs 1M. T..MacOndfin or Uin. liaJ;y Mcormiek. Ail yaru, flore Are Nexi stops Talion Il the Draft Ateutlco, dref e ntsa NOM es r e timlii tise ,A te b. taSsesbefie .youvii b. or'. iered lane iivlce: Tise vUer dgslmeu.t IH ceaid015 ceW BOUUleIOW. te rom local baSWl »f 04 iiul et tise d iravia%%à WMi roseSChicago Monde,' or poukl bly Taud"s. Alfoteat eneral i NILSeanthen WMl aceit your boutard ls offcia quota-tse mumber of men St muet suppîr for tihe &a aru,. .Tour local hoard tien vi Burnou 40mbothe aumber et lis quota. «m- UocIflg you 10 mispiar la thse orler bar aumber vai drava edisy Pisical examinalum vl boie tise 1115day stter tieheeoutmail Yoar notice,&am inilcontinue thre. dam. Regardîce.OCay niais pou May have for exemaption. yo« mue »Meer Ibis cS n tise dea set., Dr,. Kaigit la district No, 2 Md Dr. Gallovay la No. 1. Laks e %ty.w will b h e physiciensin a carge t phyeitai exaulmatia; thse. duei vil have sintants mamed by thse govemor. Nîmie tor eilatants havi Mmm rbuittel to Goveruor Liend but i.baibumot yet appolnted tiens. If yen belUive yeu are ectitled to exemption, you have saven days mter your nkotice la rnalled In vhlchte, ie your elaim. This should be done on a torms upplied by your local board. Exemptions clainsed on registration cardle do not count. Aflîr your dlaim la flled you have ten days in vhlch 10 fMe proof. Tour local board viii eupply ymu vititnec- eeakry blanis aftidavlte. If your dlailm ia allowed, a certifi- cats of exemption or, dlacharge yull be supplied you. Be sure your locat board knows your present mddresir! You are held responsible for tie receipt of the no- lices fiMails. STANLEY FIELD 'TURNS LIMOUSI1N" INTO. FIRE ENOINE Stanley>' PlItIntends la have the famil>' limousine mate over Into a Oir. ftgbl10g apparalce, It yl b, baudd vîtis ioe ant chemical as-- rangements, and mcxl lime there lh a Oir, ln Lake Bluff lb. speed limita viii i. forgollen. Rececti> thîr, vas a fis-, ou Mr. Ieb'a estate and the vounter de- Parlnsent hottoote to10tle scene vili an ot fasilosiet man power bonse carl. Tii>'dii licir he8t, bul lb. spDed bltI 'as mol exceedet. Tie>' bad fo ceoàmumle andta bandmtby. lie tise tise>'airivedthle bsilllng bai digappmer. WAN 15 RRESTED WIIILE PREPARING FOR "DRY SPELL" Is Charged With Bootlegging When 'LittIeBrown Jug' l9 Found in Basket. When Frank Reher. 43 Pourth street. North Chicago, returned froce Kenosha, Saturday, he mae hl;; way ,with apparent dlfflculty aluug the' E. J. & E. tracks, and carried on bis arm an old tasbloned dinner bask,'t of huge proportions. which togetherý wlth Roher'e actions, aroused suspi- clona of Special Agent Lyon of the E. J. & E. The' Officer accosted Reher and found on opening the bae <et that it contained a balf gallon jug of Keno- sha booze. Reher was t.hen taken to the' city bastîle and charges of In- toxication and bootlegging were plac- et againat hMm. When ho appeared fcr h: a~ n Monday morning he pleaded gulity to the Intoxication charge but atout- iy denied that ho Intended peddling thp whlskey which bad bien found ln, his possession. The. bootlegging charge was then dropped and Reher pad $7.40 on the intoxication charge. Smbjoct:Sno. aukia.IdaSk 1AR À SUN.e.JILY 29 À ~ tua M Cem...rro lamo ol tise Quillvar Mise Macbe battie w méd . vireàdàý pmodebr Immp. Omble, ep. bogu uMd bos1 Jey.Sud over h..toituam mbuike. 911b oi a MW 1Ud vus«».mm#ngolmome tlbpAaim, 6 vouaisand the boys St lo- to thedar *ti m abu trom us i dta foot-emissimmi hmhsla l. Oblam.. hb. show.a hlb."poisons bave maidou, tise tieesbave atd4.x. lua" the b.growth or là. iobem bas- tme ho n u. . mvibd a" oeeopeeima- is loo long a tise bue pamdsib1 1 éb. doto, and eu au lteo t e pt. W. dli Bt know Um0o1 duhitia car cil var and thi om ers 95. M msat of m&lblood ptam mmu dli. Tb vouad i *1. v bu -Mmd ou., opui. kWp vire - ita tisumm»d lb diaumei mb vus spe0110 b.5h lollove.o v O, Garnibu. show lie Bmy asidDaMa bu Sbld vbmh louema and tis. beeteila cm. b. drivec out of a vouai althbfmer driu lÏMhi.bord et cows out of hie cor. Si. Itla &lU »P cmià"a no smreIt!doge vllb the uel ipai a lb. s argeian sd boisa aâttzt an~mîmd tender bad Are w gatlbtntbboys tollt tien rot vlth ois midvouais or vii vé mazulactnri thi antitoine mni hiom band tolm"eholdet oncevwhen à pléeo of bornb tiars a hale la a J«orm? This le the vork of thé Red Croéé and l le a sure barvest If the job la takemila lime. FranmlH over thii nation tiene "t et ore mn nthusstie nprlslng of the pe8ple ta muet tbe noedi of the or- gamîsation chat viii b. on th. job, capable, business litre, wthaul loollah. nems doing Its part. Tiere ls no foolishues lu Uermany ta- day. There wlll be pleaty lu Amiec. It le bold o! an Englîeb boy in abhone hospItai wbere he bad bt-en brougit that tbe *buy :oe; the neat rot ead -Hors cames Lady lopton' and ho sald "Tell ber 1 amn asieep. 1 axa ton slek tb havi ber waohlng muy face ioday"'. And mu- other sald -Thlis athe eeventeintb lime I have had mine wasbed todmy but 1 suppose 1 wiil bave to Jet ber do It". It le sensible thinge we waut ta' do, business thînge undér the direction o! a practical budiness man. W. have a bus- lums orgainization, the Ried Cross of America and we want ta wark for il snd wlth It that ail ina> pull together and i theb. mre direction. Came t0 the meeting t Area, on th. sout @bsIe of Lake Eara neit Sunda>' the' 29th ol Jul>' and taiS mIl o! tii... matters over. Ex-ijoveruor Dineen slîl speak on the sUbjeet "Sorne:Arerican cIdols and he le a royal oratar and a. me agreat practical ixperleuce. Thei Libertyvîlla Band *lîplay, th. audIenc yull sing patrlotlc soansd Ire. lngr- bam sud tMre. Barman vi i hng mnd make the Wood§ ring vlth tliu melody. Corne on. and aIl, lots show what Lmke CounnV cmedo., aiklng. D 'IiW MANC CIA4 WITII BRUTAL ASSAULT ON -MsIS5CK WJFE Edward Ruteil, Charged With Assault Wght Intent to Commit Murder. WIFE'S CONDITION SERIOUS. She Was in Delilate Condition When Beaten bY Her Hus- band, le Charge. Wmi*egan. Juby 24. Charged vith bavlng kcket île vif. oct of bed sevîrl lime. and vitih avias beat e bs-until the be- tame unconacus. Ivdard RuteU, 33. ef 1329 Souti.Jfon street, vas ar- restel at 3 otOl %soud>'mornina end hie cms m Dbfl otaon esaMe visa. ho aepiutbre Jais. Tay'- Icit eumc Mo> s-;*tm, a vq"sat pwkai"t' ' dami - mai&amuit mm .Rutel, vho vwu la a telîcate condiio. va removel te tise Jane UcAllier ital. vIne MW nadir veU u a etstion amiS>'Tuesda>' moratmg& Dr . FU . (lmUt>, vio ab usealdthi voman, myatsee»r bopes for bai'ricover>'. UlsasarraSsue leasait.. ourt Enlueli ienliitbat hoSea boumle h ie Vite. 4 cl"ned 1téleas.aismeae husisea itold lie mna t Ihie mite mites- onectns i'gyChocS et u Spyday voulid d«WMmoiSc m alr sal v i h a V m ipotulh t ad vitishebecbw et hSrtws"nt OUe Veuil ieconse byshercan md upsi mb 1the street aai ".il»«'cthe ftit»os-sfoc iîlp. TisaI blle .a vite lealer o! lie vorml type vas astii 10 ob>' Aftlanas Akuelavidia, tic vonme hiolluer-l-la, vWho anMe tl a uis Tmrylor's office to alguntise variant asainuel*Ruteil. Wllh tse aMd Of an tterpreter Aisuavla 10od helii uise tisaI iutell afier throvhng habisvte onit o! bei &truck amet ilched ber un- tii aie became un-celona. After havies recoveret couadtouicese the woman rushet to the t' s-et and oeil. et for iselp. Ht-r irolherhn-lmv. via Illvee 10 tht' nextbohune, came 10 ber asalelanci 10 tint ber hle.ding pro- fUseiY and lu a falnllng condition. Hg notitiedthle police and a physicien, and uttear Rutell waa pinoit under arrest tht' woman vas taken to tbe hospStal. Ituleli charges hts wlte'e relatIves viti being responsible for many of bis tamil>' troubles. He toclares ho vas olilgedtO10Put h@bis boier-ln.Iav ~ t o! lie house,, ecacie 0f hieha.- g9 a trouble makier.-1 vocît ratier OtaY ln lail tIse lve wut thtat voin- an an>' longer," he sait vien tbe lutte orderet bis return tlaisoeil. A. W. Meade o! GraYalake drove ils automobile to Wauisigan by vay o! Belvitere street Jul>' 21 andl bat grealt iffîcuit>' Sn msklng liis>'a thrOush t'e new cointofo! il. HI* Machine skîttet trom aide toasite. am St vas wvhs difflrulty' he Sept St Ooth lie lci 011semsplueied ail oves- thb loîblng o o! luthl le ma- Chine. -Th. car llterally vazS cvered Witi the cil, Other autoleta bave bat simibar tifficuity "sd."complain becauise no varftlng igna appeurs On tie treet. LOCAL RED CROSS lOtOS ALL DAY NMTNOS' Ou Wednesday. July 25 the Lberty. ville Auxiliar>' a! the Ried Cross beld an aen day session si the tqwu hall. Tiie dm vac spentlal workiug on hospital socie, hospîtal shirtosnsd nlgbtlugalee (shoulder vrmpe>. A check for ten dol. lare wvAsrecelved Irom Mtr. Frank Rose, bend gaminer mt lie Hav tiare Fgrm mut a vote of thanki vais recorded. The next meeting. vblcb viii aisu b. an ail dmy seseion viii b. heid t aI hall next Wednesday, Anust 1 Ail ladies, wbetier memtbere or pot, shanti attent tbsse meeting@ mut lent a belplng baud lu tuis mont vonti>' canses FORT S1IJ3RIDN'S CO#MMANER ANGRY. OVER VICE CILARcfffE Col. Nicholson, Who Appears Before County Board, De- nies Conditions Exist. CICKENS HOME TO ROOST. As Board Felt Maligned, so Does Commandant at Fort Sheridan Now. Members o! lie Lake. counly boad of aupervlsora, attacked mnd ridiculed hccauae isey voeu ot revois. mo licenses 10 Vernon tovmasiip, elgist miles fromi Port BherUida aer Col. Nicholson o! port fIberidan bai tld tlesn"hie boys" vire si ept*d tien. lii cosolcation, la tactatisaItise cormmadent of lie peut la somnewbat la the imition lmuffl la liA asylng r %isCSww me»iscine 10rocev l."'1 board iras tolhmift vlce et inDar"-ad vire*mOstlmv's*;»>a tiodie duty bterevois.tb.e neeses. Th. boar ddi't liSe ejgise bavl But nOv others bave chargod lIat Vice existe 120»?T AT PORT 8RUNI. DAN, Ami tie colonel hsIàIftulemmdi iseomae. Wuie e sapas-vor,lb E» NO? 91111N! PI1OYEth"aIvice l*04 etist 'am n leviaI thse CieagoTe hueeprigte . en hémalt.: port Seria ut- ,lIy bà&-04* matice ancal ho elMg net* déig t.0thle tllaseump Wv i le et teiayby c"!tise aceal SI Dbe h " iIVieemtlcmprerui »am thi Pest CoL. NIchobus on. emaai5t le cw«ed lie cEurge. s mitbmet & shied ot fouatles."Tiolt Isa iseàxla'nneova rueletotnOun ie *semant of thée camp,.d mafl ietel at aileilaxty hy the isogr i peivis of Lak*e contY* lise, mcvii. thebeeo leave lie Impreison lia. ic. 18 raPmat &long lie morth &bore aMi liaI lie min ut frort Sheridan are Sm- volved. "Tiers la mot a saloon vithi miles O! lie poil," sRai Col. Nichoson, "a"d charges concerning women are utterly misurd and vholly fabrications. There la no more truti ln lie statement liaI 58 men have been seul 10 lihe guardhouse for sncb reouons or for an>' oIe. rsasons, than lier. ls tiat yon or I1 am a prisoner tiere. 'Ever>' stutent bas conducted hlm. self In ever>' respect ai a gentieman should. WhY sncb charges should b. mate la Somelhing I fail tounoter- stand. 69 FROM LAME FOREST AND SIX FROM LAKE BLUFF Slxty-nlne mn vedrafled lu Lake Ftorest soud six In Lake Bluff on ntda>'. blalpi H. Pierce, principal o! Lakte F'orest, country scbool for boys, wa9 drawe. He los ie isvf. and cuit by deati lant April. Pirce sald i. vas Wllig In Serve. John H. ltapp. another L.akre Forest school teacher, vas draflet. He le Rn lnitructor In the Lais.Forest aca- cemy. The firsI number rmyn la LaSe ll'oreait vas 2,494, liat o! jdeevrd lamoe chauffeur Of Colonel NIchion. tic' coînMXMantnnof tii port gisesia camp. TAKISENORMOIJS AMOUNT0FI' TO FEEID JAMII Nine Thousand SaiIos-s at Na- val Station Keepa chefs - Busy Prepauing Food. HAVE FUN AT THEIR MEAS. Young Men, Get as Much En- joy ment Out of Their Meal as Do College Students. Tbree times a day 9,000 men at th, United States naval training sta- ti n, e e l n a spiri ted com bat with beef steaks thaz are calîi lhait soles" potato.. that are called "spDuda." lbread and hltir tiaI h_1 oalled "Punk" and, perhapi a, plece of vie that la caflled "ilver." A sSe in a mess hall. of!vicis there are about irty aItiihe station, ieaemblo, cothing no Snch as a college d1alai room. Obeertul and loqnacieus an are Colleil. boys, the bine jackets got a- -uchamuseme= t ofU ! he daliT meule me athletes at a training eta. tion. . Feeding ibis vmet borde of bmwy I«boys'le lano armail tgai and Ibeir healti>' outdoor ite elemaludetisaI tiey Muet be ted mnd ted viii tire tinsea day. Aeoodlag te cisI CcsmlaearY 8tmael Graver, tis. blue jacket viso leauable t0esut Il mahaet mens bai yelt.ube Uni. Ur: Graver Mai uari cit gi food ncces.ay for a dagle minI cM ths vae dar la about a. 1il.W 7.0DoumIR 09 rom e diko,1 ponaédea 0 mueel poImbos. 0 quarte oC gravy.mmW wqAkf, 4-M 0tarulp. 1,0% de of é,i011 Posé, 400 s et mto m 1.000 poude et caie, 70» »MW$s c 1MilS#sc bave. et Irci, m about5&000quartileOC ots. t vaa la tiseig messle op v«eOCti th alies "undthm, a, apectat»r reoetly MtMd mi vmSoj the boys OCe fit rIl»aoiMM 1ni. Steryone MoM Md bie pute cebww eymea ieYOuag tlbov tro.ut. * visA a voatmeonsum apeSai eg. litS M builleft temple, vis.$tt*. Md tu*« ni itTboaà. w Wj viai leea vietor lerimm« e Il tais mmre ina»@0 te, WaSIt on these uagrybine J*eb au tise domailleu m all av eij "M& 1 bie. Bmvve, unier tise rao the station, ever a la *a'amg Muet taise bis tum -e, veeS misen vI thc exception orf moi, isovcvu ane bedag ][ePt ou tseutig.l as a pnaiment Watr.vwur Viite ultone mnd jumpers und ther oletbiUg muet *b.e potiies. Tbeir movinsente amiipunnotutel iy tise riâglmg of a bell vîlci amnoumc to tiens li ItIlaI.tins. 1e cut thse bread. big baves vilci velit Sa Pound e-c., 10go aMd get thebeast. ter. the Mest, the appîe, the singe. fruit, or viatever lier. lin. ASte the Mfte a Served they mmetdip thse disSes ln antlieptA solutions Mmd vasi them viti eteans, calise ta-tj blg* with scrubblng brugies, mop and dry the' floor and unie"d cal- boats o! foods3tulffsfor the 00055 la the gallery. At the mess tables conversation seenis ta indicate tint t.he chit re. gel of eaci le tb*î he ba it e bemun 10 igit. lu Wtheb.lettered challenge of Çernsany on lie banner by the' entrance or lie camp lj4 "I have cot yet begu la tight-»Ut each promisles to do his buet vie b. does hegin. *To h u m mla tes livesor vo ri en fluait Elvin Pohmme. lbtiie us'. $aIý son o! Afflet 1pobimm>tsa i uorth o! Lake uIwepe death by au sie ievtolg.1 DanS buidIg'la ' morale«. ne Mdamgq6 fev l "Un.g,- J-. "trh 1 ý

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