CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 3 Oct 1918, p. 5

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LISRTYVILLE DpEIqDEkzzT. UBSÂ,OCT. 3,1»18 Do Dot over Ied yourelioe, taie planti ty ile b fle liraoftheof1111rlf. and ehsp at liait nglns houri That LibriVII buI. hrea h0OZC zel1 Infuenae baissmonade kuowb -Tb ti;ghl. nel uOdr an by the actiait th e bmanager nmade an tu- Tgh la seld miela n dthe dawn. y..@tlgatlon and ond the Infection tau let oasl%: leirf ,,ow by tefofowan a about a louuth 01 the famille, Chac,: 65nw ae ad9 At th@ board meeting Wednedaj nlgbtdtChucg ie05ne ae n 2IlyUkO ! 16 wau decldod to ciie tbe cbaoli aal dcatpbe. abs:,67uude M se Ethe uttrle USlO11 Oi h publie gatberlngs, churchu., tbeatre, and Cap r tbi387'. ude liEfiBtelldilIwtbbe P ~troatmnt elth 9f) d.tLà. guncsth.e pi- Spaulb ah la ens it was .ýarnetly urgei thât the ctilzen@ hr. loe leadGrs ntrll i1 refralt lr,, euni~~t.(i. u1,:' JI th, lidseuse le the report sIei with th@ Bpani&h ilufen. strete. rom th.e rpar l'akes Naval Staton etfl. 1 ro i..a' ,,,,,(. ~ t, ,~Bora tu 'Ur. aud ir*. E. E. Lema Bients e a-tie pheakus l- 11-l", "ai tauLa»à«àiý reý; - - - -19deatiii. daugbfer on Saturday, Septonîhr2. cupe wth ii del it in aimobt ;iD etrl aLSe r .. rte tbree and ljjgh lire, C. E. Donnian oflIdulîburn, la dffer-ot tafril wîth w'h Pa', lt.Borne I ne @poudng the aeek wilab ber son, E Of th tenta; hava àte.,.,. .r'r1re Of . % V In. tk i eî t, Deomlan bere. over 102 andià a ule ai120 ua r e u. a .trit &uàrauy holdiers tod&Y. taire. Ed Schneider, ltire. Fred Smith bave no temprature at ail and il.- pulme ti... ain(ai jjwctiofl wau fretno&lced and Alvaretta Lgtboiy were Highland la imait normal. The douburs at Orat about l'arve montie ao in tiIsvtclnty, lPark viitors 8nuday.- thouglit it a tortu Of La Grippe, but the but sa Il itd nul Boom ta epread let wue Tbe W. C. T. U.-w ill bold le regular symptomm differ. wiib La GrIippe 70ou t thouglit to ho contsageoup, then the meeting wllb Lre. Rule Bagerty an angoer witha bal cold, abeadacl e h- Great lae ecm nlected with the Tueday alternoon, Out. 8, ab 2.30. tweeD tbe eoiu and a bckacbe. Ths, deathi %bat reulted there, then Camp ltire. A. B. Cook and ber sister, Mir@. howver, l la Witng with tiI difease. Grant sud lun tat Il 4omme1t1 h* ail over' Monroe, wbo bave been '.pouding the tomse of thu patients are alezed wltb a thre Coutryt!. sommer fat Moerblen, N. El., have returned Weknoiî tbat tbey cafft overcojie. Bmembur thre bet way to ward off home.1 etbers bave tbm wek4ain d overcome tbis dssase iu ta lae car@ of tbat cold Miné AlleReid and brothox John, whbO It,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ta bu hybave anbg ee n hi htjt aesd avuid peope that are bave been vinittag their grandmotb er pulse rue bute,-and - otbere bave Ili o inoeeitit se tbe ouly #ure way tu combat liré. L. 0. Whitney, lait th ir rt 0ot he Mhat &by bave te .tay in lied. tiInfetion. veek fur their homeinu Washington D . C. Wbatevsr tort u ubave i !Ofl con -_________ tract tbie disease go te hed adl' aul R"y, wbo bas home asletlng sas audits! CARD 0F TtIANICS. the. Grenat Laies.. i also a vlîttm 61thtie gbere utul your pirymician telle yuu ta gt up. Tirat i thbmtway to cure IL . da, contraited probably set the op tu the present time thee etitens o1 We detîre tbrougli your columne ta Ur#&% Lattes. BEl i mprovinfi and LlbertYvlile bai joui but two, but ui«les.ePre@o aur sicere thauLke tu the trlende exieteluu ho about Iu a lev day.. tbe intruetioue prlnied au psge 4 arta eglbr iu on kindly nldiered The LibértyvilIe Flower & Vegetabie etriitly adberred ta wr muet expet co nd. r vate-and ezteuded eyrnpathy ou W' groeubIotii are gettlog bac-k liav stiderahie more deathe. The cttlzns 9tuld the oc ~în~tedal turyî u ltbe carnation and roee bede exorcie the greatesi care lu ubat thoy mthor, the late Mir@. Ada Viiermaii. are progrenalug rspily and tbey expect n I . obert Vicerman and FamilY. tu. h able tn ,mai@ ,,lienents 01 tut do. Aî aid peuple that are enoeesng ana iFKii MILL We are now showing the very LADIES' FALL H We have a large assortment t( Our prices are very moderate. We also have a nmce seleci Gloves. Houiery, Waists. Undq gowns, Corsets, Brassieres, Handkerchief s and Notions a A. W. LINDI USER*rYVII.£ ____________________ iuvers about Noveniber 18t- ------------- Tii.Board o Huaith iras iseued aruiing - -------------- thai chidr»n muet romain on tiroir avn ,IN E R Y preoiese.duiirng thepresenteapdoec.1 observed ese ticmareirai bai receîved1 latest styles in instructions tuea tlt entarme the,»mre.1 [ATS Tirs Breunamau tamliy, ail of vbom bav@etan @sut are 0on the raad sw o select from. recuvery now vith the exceptIOn 0aI Mn. Brennaman, viia becarne su ih Saturday1 D igti trai ire vas reoved ta tas tion of Ladies' bptsai tt he Great Laee., latest Ierwear, Night- reparteseiruv sume Impruvemeut. Fancy Linen w. F. Biaferan deaiires ta express hi@ at Low Prices. aàppreciation ta tie lire departrnent sud itizons vbo heiped ta extîngailiuthe tire st bis borne Tbursday morning wbleh RO T H &@va caused by s epari lrom tire lue ~~jpaj>~ igbtiag ou ibm ruaf Theo damage vas - - - - -- - - - -- - - m1wigbt sud vswxtnniirby WiIi Elde , -- -- -- -- -- -- --lite dairyman, by the time tb@ tire 7 sk ang j uer ai tem departmeni arnived- "DadWa Did You Do?" Write your with your, dollars Today Only one persn ini six of the people of the United States bought la Third Lberty Bond. Were you one of the five who did.not? Even if you were, it is not too late to make amends. Better be late dman sorry, any time. Buy bonds the way the boys in France fight -to the very) tiUnfoste Buy today- ai any bank- cash or instaliments Save io Buy and Buy to Keep!1 Tus Space Conbiubuted to WInnlng the. War byý SCHANCK'I HARDWARE CO, tyv'Ille News n item of lacmllnterest, kindly telephone No. 1 Boy lirat Lhrty Bond tadaY. Mie Ravena Iimalespefat tLe weei.enc wîti lites Destinea Cary of lieergield. Geo. F. Rot Ilas victtrn ut the. Spaniui Itilnenza and la confined ta hl@t bed. mise. LionsPetge., uhu ha@ hoon Ii for tbe pas% ton days bac returned to ber von a&gain. Word lias hein received tirat %WIiiaî Jouaiof 828 Bupply i'a., Quarter. master Corps irai arrived uat.-y overees etuien tram paymadter iuyle outhb NavaliRlit at thre ireat Lake@ ednee d ay. ThIs ini voIuntari Mubti'Iitb ae tor Lberty Bonds. Buy sirein nov, do aut wai nti yon are called upan ta do 'ibe couuntry nedi eaîriflcee tram th, peu pie at bomeaie voi as rire boysl tLe tront. Do yaur bit. Buy Lihori Bonds. - [n order ta flii ur quota we muEI subecriho ove! twice as mucli ai ai taxes. Suhscriho nuw tirragl you hanier. Tbe Liberty Loba voinntary campaig is prugreuslng rapidiy. main the lil report@ reclved tirere iras tien OVE tonty per cent suheiribed Rev. Alhrtus Perry, l Secrets! American lied Crac,, wiitilsuaow etatia, ed at Camp rant, vî-uîed tbe Lai coatny ebapter Tuesday atteruaul ijetober lit. 'A len yuu buy LiberrtyBond@ yau ai Inveâtiug jour maney lu tbe bet, oecnrliies. lacked by the United Siai, gaverurnenit. Turc s ti, Aeek ta bot thornl. put Lbrt' un;e I ver the tc on a(-eut of hie 1revarling epiden ln the vicini',. li iras bera decided' indeflnibely pa.hîrine tire regular met ing ot the WA oruiai, s tidir, which vaâ bave ea en l I i t thLahme ut mi George Band. 'A vi.duerdai., tober. On accaurît i thre plevalence 0ut fluenza ot cuntrîbulii ta die eprcadd ilt te prupased meeti lut the Li-i Uîî~Ln ut01the Ho: liaine(4, ieti,t %%(4aukegan on Sudi e îtaberIL l. f.1K.- (ccli patpohedun turtiier n lir. aud'I-tudolphotlUranaL Millin., anr e iîOti w Mrm.Juin Barbar Oi LiJamoDd Li-Mr.aund Mre. Itudo called at thii.. Icir a few moILei su c aid fet , î ý toren rec tlvlng i We tui ù,uî' - peaké wrll tor t paper. Il batik' Rmrv. q-A"- I lu respouce ta ernaîl Iand ownere or 1746~ r ------------ our hic ut Ried Ijrive a u.t feld Tueday aller-. tnon, Uctuber 1,tulire miapier ruorne. 1ev. l'erre, 1tiihld varier vasproet and tld abount ic dierent branches uti the vonk, aud lw eterphaeized tire ueed uf the hume cen sý . Repreentativeosut tire dîiereat auxiliarîce were preeent. Henry subiung. wvirulae enpiyed at Bernards Lilit. yuville garage, vaecalied bame tire latter part oI lait vemi te tare for is lnotirer, Jubin, vira vas aflcteli vitir the so.callcd influenzs. Tire irt part ofth une eek Le va%taien davu blmoei,and Lacsrince bien lu a irties condition. Twootii he rotbsr'os ildren died thîs week, iu Wsuiegan, of the maiady. We have un ,-Xldbttoti attrie office tva beirnete tirai ers recelved hy Ueo. F. Root frua> iis brother, Berman, of Ibm 52nd Tel. Bu. Ca. Signai Corps, Arn. A. F., statluned cornevirere te France.' Wilie iliere ltiti10lettez èxplsltng themie belmet. vo precumue tlieYvers ptlred irom lire battiet1eld Il u nofat6e recent liatties§, an oi tirem blas. a buffet baie cisar Ibrougir st. These ireimete vili ho at ibIs utile for s fsv daye and ve invite tire public t finsquecltliem If lbey vigb. it wu pieasiirîg ta note tire expression an thre face tii lltthe Daratby Dovden dbon ebe receetved the German boimel thal wae ent 10 lier moirer hy bir brother, Wiltaiu. lThîs beimet le now an diepiay au lieeeu drug itare. Il vas piked up un tire battletield on Jul four tirai Linteau Thtery and vas maliet bore direct wiihunt auy vrapplug oxcept a #tuai pteee ot paper paited an It wfth tire sddrees upun il. tir.. Dovdeu @&y@ that ber son Las mauy reieîsouthtir great var aùd le anxlius ta eend tiomaborne. The 15attie of the Chteau Thtory vau ethe openlng ot the Amenian drive itot G3ermany wilh pruved snu miStâul. i' Iri hel, you'rc riî.iaki-n' If your IN DEMAND ladler, nov; twa trucki vagome hol y lias planti (1 li q e idea lu îrnrîarr Nofi arîr Secure O nse i buggy,inik wagon. nerly nov; v aur head you'IlI havPtichai.nge til M me e -11POietiori. bx, durrrj.plante, aveep bd r (r eise taire ls-u o w iti Volia. COURSES O FFERED IN et bob ledo, bey ra c, c rnu Ùïé lia tir idec havain adteiGrogg Sharthand' 2.5(4 test utbay rape. î4-barret galvfiW ila h e over was lu heav and over ~RationusiTypewritinsied Irou tank. 29 mmlii iana, muet of *i be evr ws n ienan nverevýn Busines Engiisb and spelling new; 2J hanse Slaven gag englue, p«e saccoLii uVl hr r lr Office Training jaci. tanniug mliil, gindetone, goodi eaceus. i e f.oirs aven î, a orCommercial L&Wteediaig hearing etave haos Threeafrtha batle nwhcfreCommerucial sud tay sud Graa-25 tlouttic aboe he arh nd ha IlwhreConvorsationat French. liay, lInlbarn; 2 toue af opiand b". the devîl ad Il bis falien and de- ruitlon Pyber zonhhiy unrLis hecourse. taîke ut ,traw, 450 huereisa i o n praved upîrîts are. Thon cornes thé? srijcai our mouline' cure fonrmnrutes of 300 eliock@ ut corn luafBed, 22 huchetl second 'heaven aud then (ha thîrd acerdiiiid bleu Shoor.. Siectel niasses for mimn uil,3beeeo sdcl besson. Il la ln thre thtrd heavên .tiident. who bave complirîrd irammae ou, Uar onInere,3 ut esie. oedco where Christ snd Ofie Saint, are. work. Positions guarnteed. âiltreosa. 'Betre ireascnsio aIChrst.JACOB DEHAAN, PtoprIit -Beoreth asensonof hrit, MRS. GEORGE McDONALD Fred Graliho. Auetioneer. tire saints dld flot go up. They vont Phtone 13«' AREA, ILL Jobn Rouee, Cioni. 4 i., il il t i il Il -I et il I t .4 --- --- ---69 606606 M --- --- -- Gowns and House-Dresses These frosty October nights cal1 for warmer sleeping garments. We prepared for your requirements in this direction wath a nice fine of gowns, etc., of warm Outing Flannel. Ladies' Gowns, cf good quality' outing; several styles in ~ white and neat-colored, atripes at ....... ............ $1.50I Ladies' "Billy Burkes," the practîçal one-piece pyjamas, made tr cf fine, soft-fleeced outing, in prett'y stripes, each... $2 5 Dr. DentoWis sleeping garments for children. Warm, comfortable, gar- ments, with feet.' Made of a knitted fabric that wears and viashes finely. These are 8 5c. $1 Ù .00 ~ 1.2 5, according to the mize. Ladies House Dresses. New lot in r' and light percale and1 ging- ham. Good materials and )è J., Some extra large sizes, i this lot. BUY WA R SAVINGS STAMPS. W! SEIL TtIEM We W. CARROLL & SONS COMPAN Phopne 29 s;:sm:Z:~5ssS~ZS --------------------- Ki ---------- lw 1 ---------- restera belng able ta gel a fair Ineorne tram a avery ev sire., Il rnay ho M Intereet ta came ta knaw that a wetiT )fm ) bi tendod aire ut land ta garlie thie year iii praduce ftrnm $500 ta $800 Wrth, in BankiLs e eunder'y rin of garlic, accurding to a taternent train F i E, . 1.Gridley ut Gridiey. Maxon i4 Co a The amount of gantle eîld by îirem fis rc .Mnc' &5fii a faîl tor patrons lu the sauthera part utof1i~-Ç1 as isLe ite county sa n th e nortb end of Cc ai "Ille eiceeds $25.000 ta date, whieb an a ~ '" elo f'~w~ roie comee tram the orait larme wburh pi.vmV ates o LvfeJMv provos you do flot neceeearlly bave ta o~ bave a large ftamto maie a far living ce ~wtfddl 4" OÇ»ybr GomminW fram. . on & w i ox y i cnirN a tn lL & . dADÀ14 B. TITUS ________________ SDIES THIIS MORNINQi_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 Ater an lies. ot but a te w day oe I R Y L pueumonla, iuperindueed by an attaci_____Dom__________________ n oi Influenza or lagrlppe, Alamn B. Titus _______________________________ r.pased away at hie borne iu tht. îlty ai àau early Laur thie rnorning 01 late ho F OS AI. t . garage, weeh tdhardly mi@eed. & eR -S AE a-brIef vas tLe duration ot hie% iitnese. Ho la eurvlved by a wtduw and tva Ail material from Loïbertyville Race No ange mentsas 301 have ben T a k a n h d , F n e n 101 made for the uneral. r kB nsShd F ce ad o ___ ____Grand Stand àe HOW MUCH IS YOU QUOTA?j -t,6hi ea ot ut - ,0 -tI-l ea ot ti DO VOUR UTMOST 20 34-1t. Cedar Poles Tire banis and athere art heleged 300 feet Smi. and 4-in cast iron Water Pipe t ittb al i kude of qilestione regardIng tLe 1 60-lt Steel Tower. with MIS1 Water Tank r Loap. Among tire. and nul the feuet A lat of Siate Slabs r Important 1le "ow mucli arn 1 uppoeed 50 5tall Doars, iwith hangers and looke uta ti." h aie i o 150009 feet af Lumber, tram 1z8 Boards ta, etOn the ba$e of averages the fuan May 8i14 Lumfle or h figured as equai ta about One Road Soraper . One Road Harrow Tbree tlmee.the total taxes paid. su i t o la s f r a h a d every pers n. R U ' I 7 1 I' r T I r a 1 5 l W ¶ )a- Ten percent af tegroseesnna] Incae. RU L WYVICING COMPANY..,II~i~ Il~ evryune an take the greatet I.TYVU.LE, ILLINtOIS 'earnaunt that would spply ta theni ________________________________ ,iigured on tirese etimalemtLe oan wli ___________________________________ ho tnily subecrlbed. itm uet irerenir- e. hr bered howver thai thunand@ ut IR) r to Hade. Christ descerrded ta H i.e, PUBLIC SALE ut fam ille @ depeudent upan areagre w a e and H e tank he ia nts p wlIh 7 sHlm ,b u t em v t r te ihnumuter to*uppor ,,,nat beand they viii remain there ln para A r bu armv e1 luY able ta taie %i@Isaujount. kle ta ne: dise tillthîe millenium iregiuse Iladles Dauta, 1 vîli oeil, aI publiceadun 1)P oxpected iberefure that thuse ln tavar is tuiîlerneath the cartir. the promIses inavu se thee Bo0rs la n bie hl irînrntancee viii uer uircar-rie ________ _ue moie outir ut ondout sd bIU N sihueoeeestimâtes lu uome Instanceman3,TeIdpedn' icuaincmesst ai Lihortyvilte. onutbe Bradley M ta trnes. The baye are gtving threir laud. Tetdpega' cruaIo o.ele carmeonclng at i a'cloci P. . ni miets-0f EADES-flot of cont& et- are but ieudîng ours maney Let usc Ie f WEDNESAOTBRi, ta1 di unrutrnuttIb flloing deecrIbed propoty, ta- __________ - 11iiHead of Choie Cowar-Ûfe I SAliN H.J. lIlIl E y r, tour tresh cuve, sevon god maM " TN'IL QE E L z une ehalce Halstein bul]. ng M OU ( J( TI H 15 J3 1Hed of Hnses-fram 7 ta 9 7 lg THIEEAKIII 3AY 'W. aid. a'eli4îii-abut 1,300 pouudas ol l VUVASNIA RAY N. SMITH Forty chichrnas. Li bertyilit. I.Mcer-ieil ganhnu, 6.lft. cut; Drerirrg corn luder, le lfmftoendent rue F-ay. 1 à-- roinaniromi Adm Pau. 1

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