Timeline_Panel_1840 COBOURG ARCHITECTURE TIMELINE 1840-1849 Cobourg Amateur Band created 1842 ALEXANDER SUTHERLAND HOUSE This house exhibits the large overhanging eaves typical of Regency houses in Northumberland County. The door case with no transom is also typical of area houses built in the 1840's. What is not typical is that it is a stone house. 295 King St. West. 1846 COLDBLOW George M Boswell built this Regency style home close to Lake Ontario with a fine view of the beach and the harbour. However, in winter it was beset by the cold winds blowing o� the lake, hence the name "Coldblow". It is now part of the "Breakers" motel complex. 94 Green St. 1844 RIDDELL HOUSE This home is one of a handful of "saltbox" houses in Cobourg. It was probably built by Mathew Williams. The house is finished with Greek Revival details such as the window treatment with crossetted corners. Although not the first owners, the Riddell family were prominent in agricultural circles in our area and left important historical writings for future generations. 258 Mathew St. 1845