THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 1945 Page tirm THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every Thursday morning by H. 3. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance; $2.50 to U.S.A. Transient advertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for each additional insertion. Business cards not exceeding one inch $7.00 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. SALEM SALEM FRIENDS GREET RYNARD REDCLIFFE On Friday evening, March 23rd, 1945, a number of members of the Salem War Workers and other friends and relatives met at the home of Mr and Mrs. David Vanwicklin, Salem, to welcome home one of our boys, Sgt. Rynard Redcliffe, who lost the sight of both eyes, the result of wounds received a couple of days after landing in Normandy last summer. A short nationalistic program was enjoyed, with Mrs. Albert Irwin acting as chairman. The presentation address was very-ably given by Mr. Robert Blyth, who has three sons and four sons-in-law in the services. He spoke with great feeling of the sacrifice Rynard has made for mankind. A purse of money was presented with the heartfelt appreciation of the community. The address was as follows : Comrade Redcliffe : I have been asked to say a few words of welcome on behalf of your Salem friends. It is not the first occasion this has been done on the return of our gallant lads from overse they have as a rule returned hale and hearty. On this occasion, the man we are honouring to-night has been left with a sad affliction, the loss of his sight, but, like the brave man he is, he is doing his best to overcome this big obstacle and I can assure you, you have the best wishes of us all in your endeavour to do so. It is not possible to give a welcome home to all the returned men, but, in your case, the community couldn't let the opportunity pass of letting you know how we appreciate your sacrifice on our behalf and wish for you in the future a goodly share of the world's good things and all the hap- I now call on Mrs. Irwin to present you with a token of our good-will and respect. Rynard's reply to the presentation was that of a very brave and unselfish man. These were his words regarding his affliction : 'Affliction? Maybe ! Sacrifice No ! I feel that I have been very fortunate in comparison to many of our gallant lads overseas. If I, by my small effort, have helped to rid the world of war so that your children may grow up in peace and security and not have to fight again in twenty years, have had to do, then 1 count my suffering well worth while." He also thanked the War Workers for the numerous boxes, cigarettes and letters which he had received while overseas and assured them that they were contributing a geat deal toward the morale of the boys from Salem. Rynard had been previously quoted as saying that he was determined to be "the best damm blind man to return to Canada." He told this was not idle boasting, but merely the setting up of an objective toward which he was striving. He showed us some of his own handi work--a tooled leather bill-fold which was beautifully made. His keen sense of hearing and a wonderful memory attibute much to his being able to recognize the voices of those whom he had not met for about five years. Rynard goes to Ottawa next week to speak at at Victory Loan Rally. His many friends wish for him every success, and we all take our hats off to one more brave lad returned from the theatre of war. LAKEPORT March 27th, 1'945 Misses Marion and Mildred Peebles-of Toronto were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Peebles. Mr. W. G. Irvine, Trenton, was a weekend visitor at his home here. Mr. Frank McGlennon called on Lakeport friends on Sunday. Mr. Harry Edwards, Trenton, visited here at the weekend. A number from here attended the Mariner's Service at Old St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Colborne, on Sunday. Mr. Henry McGlennon, Toronto, called on friends here on Sunday. Mrs. D. D. M. Peebles is visiting friends at Toronto. BROWN'S CORNERS March 27th, 1945 Lakeview W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Elmer Whittaker on Thursday, April 5th, 1945, at 2.30 p.m. for the election of officers. Will all who intend -joining please attend and pay your dues. Everyone welcome at all meetings. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Metcalf on the arrival of a fine baby boy on Sunday, March 25th, at Cobourg General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Webb and family, Cobourg, spent the weekend with Mrs. F. McCallum. Spring is a time of buoyancy. And of girl-and-boyancy. March 27th, 1945 Mrs. Charles Bellamy and daughter, Mrs. Jack Smith, are spending a few days with relatives at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Allison and family, Guelph, moved to their home here on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vanslyke, Mr. and Mrs. McDunna and children, of Cobourg, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCullen on Saturday. Miss Eldora Bellamy is spending a week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Irwin. Mrs. Alfred Whaley is ill at Belleville General Hospital. Her many friends hope for a quick iecovery. Nursing Sister Lieut. Thelma Heck-bert, Kingston, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Heckhert. Peacock, from near London, Ontario, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Robert Blyth, The social held on Friday last week under the auspices of the W. A., was real success. The proceeds were 'er $56.00. Much credit is due the ticket sellers, especially Mrs. Elton Haynes. Plan to attend the Easter Service our Church on Sunday next. Special music is being prepared and our Minister will deliver a worth-while message. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Swain and Mrs. Clarence Armstrong, Brighton, called on friends here on Sunday last. Miss Jean Onyon, student nurse at Belleville General Hospital, was home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lane, Castleton, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Valwicklin, on Friday last. HELP WANTED CARETAKER for Colborne High School. Duties to commence after Easter holidays. Apply stating salary to W. W. D. McGLENNON, Secretary, Colborne, Ontario. m29 FURNITURE FOR SALE BEDROOM SUITE, complete with brass bed, coil springs, Simmons mattress, oak dresser and stand, HALL RACK, with large oval bevel-plate mirror, OAK LIBRARY TABLE. Apply at EXPRESS PRINTING OFFICE, Colborne. m22x DINING ROOM SUITE, 8-piece, solid oak. GORDON M. RAMER, Church Street East, Colborne. m29x DOMESTIC HELP WANTED DUNDONALD March 27th, 1945 Easter service at Eden Church will be at 11.15 a.m. next Sunday. Mrs. Adele Peters, Colborne, was home for the weekend. Master Clayton Samis, Colborne, spent last week with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton. Miss Ruth Onyon, Colborne, was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright. Mrs. Donald Farrow spent a day this week at Brighton. Mrs. Gordon Honey is visiting relatives at Markman, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dudley have returned home, after spending several months at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Farrow and Beverley Ann, Brighton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chapman and Linda spent Sunday with Birghton relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. White, Mr. and rs. Gerald Waite and Mr. Glenn Waite, Edville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chapman and Richard, Messrs. Carl and Ronald Chapman visited relatives at Port Hope on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fince and Mildred Fince, Campbellford, i Sunday guests at "Pleasant View Farm," the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Samons. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pearson and family have moved into the tenant house of Mr. Walter Chesterfield. Cecil Oliver, son of Mr: -and Mrs. Howard Oliver, has recently enlisted in the Canadian Army and is fourth son to serve in* the armed forces. He present stationed at Fort Frontenac, Kingston. Mr .and Mrs. Earl Irwin and Douglas were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Grosjean, Grafton. Mr. and "Mrs. Wesley Hogg, Cod-rington, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Samons, "Pleasant View Farm." Miss Linda Mae Chapman celebrated her second birthday anniversary at the home of Miss Nellie and Mr. Hugh Mutton, Shiloh, on Thursday, March 22nd. Twenty-one members of the Dundonald Young People's Union were guests of the Hilton Y. P. U. on Monday, March 26th. The worship service was presented by the Hilton Union. Following a short program by the Dundonald Young People, interesting lantern slides of the Summer Camp st Oak Lake were presented by the Pastor, Rev. Gordon Adams. Lunch was served by members of the Hilton group. MORGANSTON March 27th, 1945 Mr. and Mrs. B. Fitchett and Mr. and Mrs. E. Huycke were weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, at Kingston. Relatives here were informed of the death of Mrs. Emma Morgan, who iway at the home of her daughter, at Madoc, on Tuesday last week. Funeral Service was at Carman Church. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Darling attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. E. Jones, Castleton, on Thursday last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Clarke spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tait. A presentation was made at Warkworth hall to Pte. George Partridge, " a bill-fold and a sum of money. Mrs. H. Reynolds, Peterborough, visited her sister, Mrs. Massey, last week. ELDERLY COUPLE, two in family, open to engage man and wife. Man handy around house and garden. Proper couple around 50 years old. Will pay $75.00 per month to suitable couple. Apply stating age and experience to Box 693. Trenton, Ontario. m8-4 It is vitally important that all cardboard, corrugated paper, brown paper, magazines and newspapers be salvaged announces the W.P.T.B. VACUUMS FOR SALE VACUUMS REPAIRED 'GOOD VACUUMS FOR GOOD flousekeeipng." Also guaranteed expert repairs, lubrication, replace, ments, etc. C.U.C. Sales and Service. Branch at Cane's Radio and Singer Service. Telephone Cobourg 119 9tf THE ROYAL COMMISSION ON EDUCATION which has been appointed to enquire into and report upon the system of education in Ontario will hold its first sessions in the Senate Chamber of the University of Toronto at 10 a.m. and at 2 p.m. on April 11, and on April 12,1943, under the Chairmanship of the Hon. Mi. Justice J. A. Hope. Preliminary consideration will be given to such written submissions as are presented on or before April 10. Briefs submitted after that date will be coo* •idered at subsequent sessions of the Commi»»ion. All organizations interested in any of the problems related to public education are invited to submit briefs to R.V.B. Jackson, Secretary, Royal Commission on Education, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. THIS ADVERTISEMENT PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF EX-SERVICE PEOPLE War Veterans f^uraace NOW AVAILABLE Offer, r~"n**"* »»*gLgg± thai sanation. «»-nameim ~ «oh«s now been ptoOMtaM what ARE the SPKIAl «*™m$ who may aw por war SMS? insurance*^ abUity pension from tne prescu WHAT TYPES OF INSURANCE ARE AVAILABLE? 10 Pgyfflent Life, 15 The Plans of insurance ^Paid-up at 65 and p^nTLife, ™ p>"ment ^ *» H>- fePaid-ap the term of payment mf. f^r^is^ed. The insurance » tf K38SSiWSffi - WHAT AMOUNTS OF INSURANCE ARE PROVIDED FOR? ^ ^ ^ of the death of the insured. HOW ARE F^^J^^U^mootbly, ^ost to the veteran to* paying premiums „„rn_ AMY rASH SURRENDER VALUE? IS THERE AN^^T Jjto mo full years, the policy n- ~ monthly PREMIUMS PER $1,000 INSURANCE AT DEATH HOW WILL |U»0. *enere0f me following three ways: <» Thfmoney may be paid in equal instalments as long i/force at least six months and ^JfdHnsured, of the remainder. jnceWe^inSce money should the veteran die cTn re-establishment CREDIT OR PENSION MUSED TOR VETERANS INSURANCE? !t^y«^^^ pensions also, it requested. ability, no further premiums need be paid. ABE THERE ANY RESTRICTIONS AS to t^ve?, REsTdVnCE, OR OCCUPATION? 20 25 30 35 45 $2.89 3.18 3.53 3.93 4.98 6.45 15 years 20 years $2.12 $1.74 2.34 1.93 2.60 2.15 , 2.91 2.42 3.73 3.16 5.01 4.40 Payable age 65 Payable fill age 85 $1.20 $1.14 1.39 1.30 1.64 1.51 1.98 1.78 3.16 2.59 6.45 e above rates by 4.03 12. There is no Services of a trained counsellor ore avaiion.- " ^erthe^yot^ur^ ncoARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS DEPARTIVICn ■ send „ to some man or women overseas keep this advertisement. it is one Or a series. send _