Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 10th, 1945 LETTERS FROM SOLDIERS UNITED CHURCH W.M.S. FROM JIM COYLE England, April 27, 1945 Dear Miss Padginton: I have time for a few lines. Please excuse pencil. The writing is none too good. My right hand is fairly well healed up but is somewhat stiff and weak yet. I am most thankful for your letter of April 10th. Have received numerous letters from home. Also letters from Mrs. B. Smith", Mrs. Fox, grandmother, and Helen, and today one from Bernard Fox. Am glad to hear Bernard is a Major now. I am sitting up in bed to scribble these few lines. Am able to make two three trips a day up and down the ward on crutches. I consider myself most fortunate to get off as lucky I did. Of course I'll be some time yet with a cast on. I have had three operations on my right leg and was just informed that I require another next week. I have great faith in my M. O. He is a French Canadian and i: his early thirties. Everyone seems to swear by him. The great trouble they have had in my case is the large swelling which makes it hard to set bones and stitch wounds. I am resting quite comfortably and the meals are very tasty. Last night Dan Dudley phoned up and I was speaking to him. He says he expects to be able to come to see me next week. Ab. Waller was to see me about a week ago and have had several callers from my old unit in England. The weather has been very nice lately. April is a lovely month in England. I really believe the English countryside in April surpasses anywhere I have yet been. Well, I guess I better close for now. Hope this war will soon end. Best regards to everyone. As ever, Jim Coyle. MARRIAGES PETERS-McMURRAY--By the Rev. H. L. Kennedy, at Colborne, on Monday, May 7th, 1945, Mae Edith Mc-Murray and Norman Arthur Peters, both of Colborne. The May meeting of the United Church W.M.S. was held on Thursday, May 3rd, 1945, the President, ] Baxter in the chair. After minutes and business, Mrs. Arkles took charge of the program which was given by her group. In the worship service she paid tribute to the mothers of years ago who let their children go to distant places as pioneer missionaries and nothing to look forward to of comfort, only their work. Mrs. Geo. McCracken and Mrs. Adams each contributed a poem. Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Baxter gave something on the study of the "Church Woman as a Citizen" in relation to race preju- Mrs. Blackhall gave the chapter on "Burma" in the study-book--"West of the Date Line"--that country having been much in our minds of late. Miss Shand gave the closing chapter, "Today and To-morrow." We cannot wait until hostilities end to plan. No man can live to himself. There have been World Missionary Conferences at Edingburgh, Jerusalem and Madras. At Madras in 1938 more than half attending were from so-called Mission fields. There is the International End World Council of Churches.and the International Sunday School organization giving Christian education in 52 countries. Ministers, doctors, nurses, teachers, farmers, engineers, all are helping to demonstrate the value of Christianity. A Christian cannot be an isolationist. In the face of world conditions we must carry l. this is our task. Mrs. Hall gave two instrumental numbers and Mrs. Brintnell and Beverly sang. Favour Entering School Area At a special meeting School Section and 4, Wicklow, Haldimand Township, voted in favour of entering the proposed School Area. The meeting addressed by Mr. A. A. Martin, I. P. S., Brighton. aeese is an important source of FOR CLEANER ENGINES AND LOWER REPAIR COSTS, CHANGE NOW TO... YOU ALWAYS BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG B-A W. J. Onyon hone 122 COLBORNE Opportunities for ALL YOUR Liberal Government under Mackenzie King has taken practical steps to see that every Canadian after the war shall have a wide-open chance to make a real success of his life. It can be done by giving everybody the opportunity to get ahead faster and go further. Isn't that what you want -- a chance to make your own way IN your own way? Here are definite, practical steps which the Liberal Government has taken (not just talked about, but taken) to make this Canada a better place to work in and bring up your children. You will have to decide whether you want the men who devised these measures to carry them through, or whether you wish to entrust your own and your family's future to others. Dopulatioi 1 Reconstruction Plans for jobs for 900,000 more workers than 1939; and 60,000 more each year as the ' "on grows. Every kind of enterprise will •uraged. The Liberal Government has eady set up the machinery: the Department of Reconstruction. 2 Foreign Trade Liberal objective: Sixty percent increase in value over Canada's pre-war export trade. This means thousands of jobs, and is based on the number of jobs created by Canada's normal export trade: 3 Credit for Enterprise The Liberal Government set up the Industrial Development Bank to provide money at low interest for long terms to help enterprising Canadians to develop new business. Another step towards creating full employment. 4 Exports Encouraged War-torn countries will want to buy tremendous quantities of Canadian goods. To facilitate this, the Liberal Government has set up the Export Credit Insurance Act to do two things: (1) to insure Canadian exporters against loss, and (2) to make loans to foreign governments under contract to Canadian exporters. 5 Farm Improvement ^li^^Stei. Loans Your Liberal Government has made low interest loans available to farmers to finance their work and make improvements. 6 Guaranteed Markets To provide farmers with a better \ come, the Liberal Government made contracts for definite quantities of important products at agreed prices--notably bacon, eggs, cheese and beef. These contracts have worked out so well the Liberal Government extended many for longer periods. What you have done in war--you part by supporting the Liberal Jib 7 Family Allowances From July next, Family Allowances are to be paid monthly to assist parents in raising their children--$250,000,000 a year direct spending power in the hands of people who need it most. 8 New Homes for Canadians The Liberal Government's new $400,000,000 National Housing Act enables hundreds of thousands of Canadians to own their own homes. In the first year after Germany's defeat, at least 50,000 dwellings will be built. 9 Returning Veterans Gratuities, benefits and grants of $750,000,000 will enable men and women of the Armed Services to apply their energies in building the prosperous Canada for which your Liberal Government has been planning. 10 Floor Prices under Fish and Farm Products To protect farmers and fishermen and to maintain prices, the Liberal Government has pro-videa floor prices under their products. Prosperous farmers and fishermen make a prosperous Canada. 11 Better Labour Conditions In co-operation with organized Labour, the Liberal Government has confirmed collective bargaining, provided unemployment insurance, appointed labour representatives on government boards. (More than 600,000 workers, because of the Liberal Government's attitude towards Labour and the labour n get annual vacations with pay.) 12 Reduction in Taxation The Liberal Government will gradually reduce taxation when the European war is over to free United Church, Colborne Rev. Geo. D. Campbell ........ Minister Mr. Floyd Edwards................Organist Mrs. C. McMullen ....... Choir Leader Sunday, May 13th-- 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.--Family Service. Children and Parents. Special Music. Sacrament of Baptism. 7.00 p.m.--Evening Service. Mothers' Choir. 8.15--Bible Society Meeting in the S.S. Hall for all denominations. Monday-- 7.30 p.m--Young People's Union. Tuesday-- 4.20 p.m.--Mission Band. 8.00 p.m.--Prayer Service. Thursday-- 8.00 p.m.--Choir Practice. Salem United Church 2.00 p.m.--Sunday School 3.00 p.m.--Family Service. Sacrament of Baptism. Trinity Church, Colborne Rev. R. E. Lemon, L.Th., Rector Sunday, May 13th-- First Sunday After Ascention 10.00 a.m.--Church School 11.00 a.m.--Service of Thanksgiving for Victory in Europe. Tuesday-- 8.00 p.m.--A. Y. P. A. Thursday-- 4.15 p.m.--Confirmation Class. St. Peter's Church, LaKeport-- 3.00 p.m.--Thanksgiving Service., Mr. Basil Pickford will be in charge. Old St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Colborne Rev. A. N. Reid, M. A., Minister Sunday, May 13th-- 10.00 a.m.--Church School. 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship. St. Paul's Church, Lakeport-- 3.00 p.m.--Service Messages and music you will want -o hear. A warm welcome to all. Baptist Church, Colborne Rev. T. J. H. Rich, Minister Sunday, May 13th-- 2.00 p.m.--Sunday School 3.00 p.m.--Service Monday-- 8.00 p.m.--B. Y. P. U. meeting. Tuesday-- 7.30 p.m.--Prayers Service. PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE MEETING IN THE INTERESTS OF W. A. GOODFELLOW PROVINCIAL CANDIDATE and MAJOR EARL DROPE DOMINION CANDIDATE DUNDONALD HALL Wednesday, May 16, 1945 at 8.00 p.m. Everybody Welcome! D. R. DINGWALL, President J. G. HONEY, Secretary Cramahe Tp. Progressive Conservative Association Redfearn keeps Co9.1 keeps Redfearn ORDER YOUR COKE NOW Stove and Nut Sizes on Hand LADIES' HOSE 65c -- WHITE SOCKEES LADIES' DRESSES -- CHILDREN'S DRESSES --V-- ENGLISH CHINA AND GLASSWARE CUPS and SAUCERS -- PLATES and NOVELTIES --V-- MEN'S WORK GLOVES AND SHIRTS MEN'S OVERALLS and WORK SHIRTS, BOYS' COTTON PULL-OVERS GOOD ASSORTMENT OF PAINTS & VARNISHES Jas. Redfearn & Son PHONE No. 1 KING STREET COLBORNE AS THE WAR CLOU D S LIFT • • • ITS TIME TO BE GLAD spending power and to give Canadians every opportunity for prosperity, employment and freedom. can do in peace. You can do your Candidate in your constituency. BUILD A NEW SOCIAL ORDER VOTE LIBERAL PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL LIBERAL COMMITTEE Germany has collapsed; It is as if we had been in a tug-of-war, with life itself as the prize; Now suddenly, the line seems loose In our hands. We must brace ourselves lest the pent up force of our own power send us plunging backward into disorder; Joy is natural to us at this time; but let us be glad wisely. Much remains to be done; Much sacrifice must yet be endured if we are to establish on this world that peace and order which is, and has been, our real goal; Thankful we should be; Proud we may well be of the courageous fidelity of our fighting men and the women who have backed them up; and of the proven quality of our technical minds and industrial workers. Let us face the future with confident determination that Canada's new war-developed abilities shall be applied to assure better living for all our people. As Hydro has expanded to power the mighty war industries of Ontario, so in building for peace your Hydro stands ready to do its full part in providing a dependable low-cost electrical service to homes, industries and farms.