THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 10th, 1945 Page five No. 187 -- Colborne LEGION NOTES V-E Day--the day we have prayed for has come and gone. For most of us it was a time of jubiliation only. To many it was the darkest hour of all. Now they realize that the one who has gone is truly gone for all time. Home come the heroes, but their's is not among them. We feel that it would be fitting at this time that we use this space in an endeavour to offer a small measure of sympathy and comfort to those who are sad. On the Vimy Memorial there are carved 59,000 names of those who made the supreme sacrifice 1914-18 conflict. We must add 35,000 more of Canada's finest to that or a similar memorial. Perhaps before V-J Day there will be cither names to be inscribed on a shrine somewhere in the Pacific. To-day we would suggest that each one of us pause in silent"remembrance of 94,000 young men, who in this hour of victory and jubilation, are sadly missed. "He sleeps not in his native land, But 'neath some foreign skies-- Far from those who loved him well, In a heroe's grave he lies." But each one, many by man, has won imperishable praise, each has gained a glorious grave--not that sepulchre of each wherein they lie, but the living tombs of everlasting remembrance wherein their glory is enshrined, remembrance that will live on the lips, that will blossom in the deeds of their countrymen the world over. For the whole earth is the sepulchre of Heroes; monuments may rise and tablets be set up for them in their own land, but on far-off shores there is an abiding memorial that no pen or chisel has traced; it is graven not on stone or brass, but on the living heart of humanity. Take those men, then, for your examples. Like them, remember that prosperity can be only for the free, that freedom is the sure possession of those alone ^who have courage to defend it.'" "From the oration of Pericles in praise of the fallen heroes of Athens. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall riot weary them, nor the years condemn; At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We Will Remember Them. - SALVAGE PICK-UP--There will be another salvage pick-up about the middle of this month. Spending unnecessarily is a defeat on the home front. If you don't need it--don't buy it. FETE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every Thursday morning by H. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance; $2.50 to U.S.A. Transient advertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for each additional insertion. Business cards not exceeding one inch $7.00 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. k. D. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office and residence Kiag Street, Colborne Ontario. EDWIN HOWELL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. NOTARY PUBLIC , Park and Toronto Sts., COLBORNE Telephone 88_m3-46 AUCTIONEERS S. E. ROBINSON Colborne - Ontario Lowest Rates for Guaranteed Service I Pay for Clerk and Advertisinz OSCAR C. MORGAN Auctioneer and Real Estate Broke* BRIGHTON Sales Conducted Anywhere at Reasonable Rates Several good farms for sale; also soi P. O. I W. W. D. McGLENNON (Successor to G. E. R. Wilson) GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE CONVEYANCING ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES BRUNSWICK BLOCK Colborne PHONE 20 Ontario LIFE AND MORTGAGE INSURANCE THE DOMINION LIFE ALLAN J. TERRILL Representative COLBORNE - ONTARIO MEET MR. QUINN It is with great satisfaction and pride that the citizens of the riding of Northumberland learn that Charles Quinn has accepted the nomination as the Liberal candidate for their stituency in the coming Provincial election. Charles H. Quinn was born in Hal-dimand Township, but has lived since the age of seven in Cramahe Township and married Fleda Andrus of Cramahe. He and Mrs. Quinn have a family of eight, and have made a notable contribution to the National War Effort. Four of the sons are in the Active Service Forces -- Flight Officer Fred Quinn with the R.C.A.F. in Great Britain, Lieut Wm. J. Quinn with the Royal Canadian Navy, Pilot Officer Donald Quinn and Sergeant Gordon Quinn with the R.C.A.F. in Canada. A daughter, Marion, is ried to Flight Officer Walter Carter, also of the R.C.A-F. Two sons remain at home--Clifford, who is running the farm in Cramahe, and Edmund, who is still at school. A daughter, Evelyn, is with the Manufacturer's Life Assurance Co., in Toronto. Mr. Charles Quinn is a staunch supporter of the United Church and member and trustee of Castleton United Church. In business he is a farmer of no mean ability and understands the problems of the farm. He has been President of the Federation of Agriculture for the County of Northumberland for the past four years. He has served as Reeve of Cramahe Township for eight years and acted as President of the Red Cross Association of that Township since the beginning of the war. executive ability is reflected by the excellent returns in work and finances that that organization has shown. In the last three campaigns he has acted salesman for the Victory Loan. His attributes are many. He is a man of integrity and honesty of purpose, and has an understanding of the people's requirements. He is of the people and for the people. We know he is a man of honour and has a very pleasing personality. During the last years of anxiety and extra work he has never failed in his duty in the community in which he lives. Mr. Quinn did not seek this election. It sought hiin and we look forward to his hearty support and predict for him many useful and successful years in the Provincial sphere.-- Contributed. We have heard many definitions of friendship, but none more true to fact than this one of the little boy: "A person who knows us--and still likes us." FOR SALE THREE BEDS, dressers, stands, 1 extension table, small tables, ladders, linoleum rug 9x9 ft. Apply to Mrs. MAE JONES, Percy St. lx COLUMBIA BLUEBERRY SETS for sale Apply to GEO. T. RICE, Colborne R.R. 4. ml0-17x LOST CADET CAP--Between Colborne and Castleton, on Monday evening last. Finder piease leave at Colborne High School or prone 81r4. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF HALDIMAND NOTICE is hereby given that the Court of Revision for the Municipality of the Township of Haldimand will be held at the Community Hall, Fenella, on Thursday, June 7th, 1945 at 2.00 p.m. and at the Council Chamber, Grafton, on Friday, June 8th, 1945 at 2.00 p.m. for the purpose of hearing and determining all the complaints against the assessments for the current year. All parties concerned will please take notice and govern themselves cordingly. M. RUTHERFORD, Clerk. Grafton, May 7, 1945. Poultry Wanted Highest Prices Paid If you have any for sale Phone 52 - Colborne Otaco Steel Wheels and Autotrac Bakers Auto Supply DISTRICT AGENTS 83 Front St. Trenton SALEM May 8th, 1945 Mrs. Lottie Coyle spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bellamy. Miss Dixie Brown visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan, over the weekend. On Sunday next a Mother's Day Service will be held in our Church, r.nd our Minister has urged that all the people of the community make an effort to attend. A Baptismal Service will also be held. Sgt. George Blyth returned home on Friday last from overseas, where he won for himself the British Empire Medal. Although not in the best of health, as the result of a serious injury," he will spend a thirty-day leave at home, after which he will enter hospital for further treatment. We hope for his complete recovery. Nearly all the family were home to welocme him. Among; those from a distance were Major and Mrs. Jack Russell, of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bob. Blyth, of Hamilton, Mrs. Emily Oswald, of Hamilton, Sgt. and Mrs. Nelson Cuth-bert, of Aylmer, Mrs. Mollie Taylor, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. A. Duffy, of Brighton, and Mrs. Allan Irwin, of Colborne. Mrs. Albert Irwin has a rose tree of China on her lawn, which despite our cold weather is a wonderful sight to see. The tree is completely covered LAKEPORT May 8th, 1945 Mr. and Mrs. S. Sivitor, Toronto, were weekend visitors here. Mr. Neil Stevens, Toronto, was here for the weekend. Pte. H. Oke, V. G. of C, Kingston, spent the weekend at his home here. We are pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Toronto, to our community. Miss Leona Rutherford, Belleville, spent the wekend at her home here. Canvas can be preserved from rot or mildew by applying coats of varnish or paint, but care must be taken to see that the protective coating is put on thinly enough to permit it to penetrate the pores of the cloth and to permit the fabric to retain reasonable pliability. with fluffy pink rose shaped blooms, resembling very much a flowering almond. Mrs. Grant Whaley underwent an operation at Belleville Hospital on Monday. Friends will be glad to know is doing as well as can be expected. Mrs. A. T. Marcott has been under the doctor's care for a few days. Mrs. W. McCullen is with her. Mrs. Fred Matthews, Hamilton, is spending a few weeks at the home of her danghter, Mrs. Grant Whaley and Mr. Whaley. CASTLETON May 8th, 1945 Mr. John Prosser has purchased the brick block on the corner of Percy St. from Mr. Edward Partridge. Rev. W. Seeley, Halifax, spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. Bishop, and the Rev. A. Bishop at the Parsonage, and preached at the several appointments on Sunday. Rev. A. Seeley is leaving to take charge of a church in Bermuda. A large audience enjoyed the play presented by the A.Y.P.A. of Trinity Anglican Church, Colborne, who displayed much talent. Mrs. Fitzgerald and Mrs. R. Haynes recently visited friends at Frankford. Pte. Albert Shredd has returned home, after spending several years overseas. Delbert Thurston, R.C.A.F., Ottawa, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. John Bowen. The Misses Palmateer have moved into part of Mr. Arthur Quinn's house. Mrs. W. Reed and son Roger spent a few days with her husband, Toronto. Bernard Pomeroy is home from Newfoundland on a furlough, and with his wife spent some time with friends at Hamilton and Toronto. A Thanksgiving Service for the end of the war in Europe was held in the town hall Monday night. Congratulations to, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ellis on the arrival of a fine baby girl. THAIN--RUSSELL The marriage of Lillian Myrtle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Rus-seU, Warkworth, and John Arthur Keith Thain, son of Mrs. William Thain and the late Mr. Thain, of Warkworth, was solemnized on Saturday, April 28th, 1945, at Colborne, by the Rev. M. L. Hinton. The bride wore a street length dress of white sheer with a white finger-tip veil and a corsage of red roses and Maiden's Hair fern. Her only ornament was a string of pearls. The bridesmaid, Miss Bernice Say-les wore a street length dress of blue sheer with white hat and a corsage of pink roses and Maiden's Hair fern. The best Tnan was Mr. Max Thain, brother of the groom. A lovely reception was held at the bride's home to about 25 guests. The bride's mother received wearing a i dress of British Navy blue crepe and & corsage of pink roses. The groom's mother assisted wearing pink sheer end a corsage of 4>ink roses. The waitresses were Mrs. C. A. Doxtator and Mrs. Leslie Hermiston. The bride and groom left later for points west, the bride travelling in a flowered silk jersey suit with lime green coat and brown accessories. On their return they will live on the groom's farm near Warkworth.-- Warkworth Journal. Save all your waste paper. It is still urgently needed. AND INCOME TAX THE following announcement will help to clarify the relationship between Family Allowances and Income Tax credits for dependent children. Family Allowances are payable from July 1st, 1945, and the registration of children is now taking place. The Family Allowances Act was designed to help equalize opportunities for all children, and when the Act was passed, Par'iament approved the principle that there should be no duplication of benefits by way of Family Allowances and Income Tax credits for the same child. An amendment to the Income War Tax Act will be made to deal with this duplication. In the meantime, however, the Govern- ment proposes, for the last six months of 1945 during which Family Allowances are payable, to remove duplication by adjusting the income tax credits received for children. It is natural that parents in the low income groups will be expected to receive maximum benefits from Family Allowances. Partial benefits will be received, however, by parents with incomes up to $3,000. The table below shows the effect of the adjustments which the Government has decided to make. For convenience and simplicity the benefits received by each income group are shown as a per cent of the Family Allowances received. The table shows: (a) Heads of families receiving incomes in 1945 of $1200 or less will benefit to the extent of the full amount of the Family Allowances received. As they are not required to pay income tax, there is no duplication to remove. (b) Heads of families receiving incomes in 1945 in excess of $1200, but not in excess of $3,000, will in effect retain the full value of their present income tax credits and in addition a percentage of the actual Family Allowances received. (c) Heads of families with incomes in excess of $3,000 will retain their full income tax credits for children if they do not receive Family Allowances. These taxpayers may, however, apply for Family Allowances to protect themselves against a possible decrease in income at a later date which might bring them into a lower income range where they would benefit from Family Allowances. In such cases if the income remains in excess of $3,000, the income tax credits for children would be reduced by the full amount of Family Allowances received. TABLE SHOWING EFFECT OF ADJUSTMENT FOR 1945 AMOUNT OF Percent by which taxpayers will benefit TAXABLE INCOME Not over $1200 Over $1200 but not over 1400 1400 1600 1800 2000 " " 2200 " " ^2400 " " 2600 " " 2800 " " 3000 --This table applies 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 -----ed persons and < s. For the relatively si present income t x credits, for 1945. . . 100% . . 90% of . . 80% the . . 70% actual . . 60% Family . . 50% Allowances . . 40% received . . 30% in the . . 20% year . . io% 1945. g the status of married Family Allowances will be paid in full In all cases, those who apply for and are eligible to receive Family Allowances will receive them in full, month by month. See scale below: SCALE OF MONTHLY ALLOWANCES FOR THE FIRST FOUR CHILDREN For each child Under 6 . . . . . $5.00 From 6 to 9 . (inclusive) . 6.00 From 10 to 12 (inclusive) . 7.00 From 13 to 15 (inclusive) . 8.00 Where there are more than four children under 16 in the family, the monthly allowance for each child after the fourth will be reduced in accordance with the provisions of the Family Allowances Act. As far as is possible, to take care of the adjustments necessary to avoid duplication of benefits, current income tax deductions at the source will be adjusted to take into account the new situation when Family Allowance payments commence. This will avoid placing an awkward burden on the taxpayers at the end of the year. FAMILY ALLOWANCES ARE NOT TAXABLE Special attention is drawn to the fact that the income ranges used in the table above refer to taxable income, and any amounts received as Family Allowances should not therefore be included in calculating income for this purpose because Family Allowances are not taxable. Family Allowances are also additional to dependents' allowances for servicemen's families and military pensions. For children registered after July 1st, 1945, Family Allowances will be paid as from the month following the month when registration is made. Family Allowances are not paid retroactively. Published under the authority of Hon. BROOKE CLAXTON, Minister, Department of National Health and Welfare, Ottawa NOTE THESE TWO EXAMPLES 1. Family with two children, ages 6 and 8, with total income during 1945 of $1200. TOTAL FOR SIX MONTHS OF 1945 As this family does not benefit by way of income tax credits, it receives and keeps the full.amount as stated above. 2. Family with two children, ages 6 and 8, with total income during 1945 of $1950. TOTAL FOR SIX MONTHS OF 1945 $72.00 28.80 t retained (60%, see table)...... . $43.20 REGISTER NOW! If you intend to apply for Family Allowances but have not already done so, please complete and mail Family Allowances Registration Form. Copies of form may be obtained at the nearest post office.