THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., MAY 17, 1945 MONTGOMERY READS SURRENDER TERMS Field Marshal Sir Bernard L. Montgomery studies pact surrendering all German forces west Germany, Denmark; and Holland while German peace envoys look on. Left to right Friedel, Rear Admiral Wagner, and Admiral von Friedeburg. Major HARD GOING ON JAP HUNT A destroyer of the U. S. Fifth Fleet takes a big white one right over the foredeck while ploughing through heavy Pacific seas on the hunt for the elusive Jap navy. THE WINNER in coffee popularity is Maxwell House. More people buy it than any other brand in the world! It's All Purpose Grind suits any type of coffee maker. he righteous cause of freedom has prevailed in Europe ... as it must throughout the world when final Victory is won. To our men and women in every branch of the service ... all glory and all praise. To the memory of those who died . . . our reverent prayers. To those at home who have given so much to bring about Victory . .. our humble thanks. The House of Seagram