THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., AUGUST 2, 1945 Chosen by thousands OF BUSY CANADIAN HOUSEWIVES Kellogg's cereals have an important place in Canada's kitchens--now, more than ever. Appetizing anytime-- for breakfast, lunch, between meal snacks. Add flavour to 'leftover' dishes, too! ! GIRLS! They're free ... 8 Coloured<Cardx In every package. Save 'eml Trade 'eml VOICE OF THE PRESS Winnie Wins Winston Churchilll and Adolf Hitler had one thing in common, and only one. They loved to paint pictures. Mr. Churchill, on a brief holiday on the Bay of Gascony in France, has returned to his pigment and canvas. He is still painting. Hitler is not. --Ottawa Citizen Bee-Have Better A stingless variety of bee is said to have been discovered by honey producers in the Squamish Valley of B.C. Maybe the type is just better natured than others. Gaze Get 'Em Young And Foolish Statistics show that if a man doesn't marry before he's 30 the chances are five to one that he will never marry. Better catch 'em while they're young and foolish, girls. --Kitchener Record No Trading Goods There will be no horse-trading over peace with Japan, says one of the cosmic prophets. As things are going, it is not at all assured that Tokyo will have a horse. --Stratford Beacon-Herald Helium To Be Used In Airliner Tires Pneumatic tires on a forthcoming giant airliner will be filled with 26 pounds of helium instead of 180 pounds of air which would normally be required for the job, says Business Week. The net weight (not pressure) saving of 154 pounds will increase the available payload ot the craft by exactly that amount. Helium, being an inert gas that has no known chemical affinity for natural or synthetic rubber, should provide an extra dividend Electric Fences Control Live Stock Live stock as a rule need little training to keep away from electric fences. Observations at the Dominion Experimental Station at Swift Current, Sask., show that the animals learn very quickly and do not approach a fence even when it is not charged. At Swift Current, a 13-plate wet battery was used on an electric fence that was used throughout the summer months last year for pasturing cattle. The cattle were well controlled, no harm was done to the cattle or the attendant and the battery was still charged at the end of the season. The use of electric fences is gradually becoming more widely adopted for pastures. These fences have many advantages but care is necessary in establishing the equipment. Among the advantages are reduction of cost in erecting temporary fences, reduction of expenditure for wire, posts, and gates, ture for wire, posts, and gates, reduction of injury to live stock. sufficient to carry the electric current. One wire is sufficient for horses and cattle. Two wires are considered preferable for pigs and sheep. The wire can be supported by porcelain insulators on 2 in. by 2 in. stakes set in the ground 30 to 40 feet apart. Now Turkey Eggs Turkey eggs for soon join the familiar chicken eggs on the market as a result of the development of a small-sized turkey which is a heavy layer and produces eggs throughout most of the year. Barnacles Beaten? The age-old problem of barnacles on ship's hulls may be solved with a paint using D.D.T., the "miracle insecticide," an Oregon state college scientist said in reporting that the paint completely repelled barnacles on submerged panels for'six months. GIRL COP ON DUTY IN BERLIN T/4 Georgie Curto (left), Peria, 111., and T/3 Wilma Henry, Connersville, Ind., chat with Russian policewoman on platform at Unter den Linden near Brandenburg Gate, Germany. Women direct traffic in Russian controlled section of Berlin. WACS are making tour of German capital. SEEKS DIVORCE Former Maharanee of Indore, Mrs. Marguerite L. Holker Masters, 37, has filed suit for divorce in Santa Ana, Calf., against Charles Masters, 27 fisherman and former mail carrier They were married last January. Mrs. Masters was married to the Maharajah of Indore from 1939 to 1943 when he divorced her. The domestic reindee: troduced into North Am Siberia, via Aaska, in 1 CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS ON CANADIAN GOLD Mines ■ Properties Companies ASCOT AGENCY ITCH CHECKED i* a Jiffy -or Money Back D.nO?D?PRESCUm>TIOIN.' "Greasele^ stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly ca intense itching. Don't suffer. Ask your drug today for D. D. O. PRESCRIPTION. Huge Plane Could Carry 750 Soldiers The world's largest airplane--a flying boat--of such size that it could only be exhibited in sections, has had its first preview and left the previewers astounded. The plane is being built at the Howard Hughes plant, Culver City. Calif., and has been named the Hercules. Here arc some statistics announced by the company: Cost: In excess of $20,000,000. Weight: 425,000 pounds. Wingspread: 320 feet. Hull: 220 feet long, 30 feet high, 25 feet wide. Engines: Eight in all, each of 3,000 horsepower capacity. Gasoline capacity: 14,000 gallons. The Hercules, begun in 1943, will not be ready for flight tests before next January. There are no plans for luplicating the monster ship. The Hercules will be able to carry a 60-ton tank with full plei :nt Of £ . Or, carry three light tanks and equipment. It can become "a mobile hospital, with 350 patier.ts on stretchers, surgery facilities and plenty of doctors and.nurses. And it could, engineers say, carry 750 soldiers equipped. The Hercules will have a top speed, engineers say, of about 218 miles an hour and a cruising speed of about 175 miles per hour. Reunion Suits In Waterloo, low?, a businessman was delighted to find his favorite prewar brand of underwear at a church rummage sale, bought some, found they were his own castoffs.--Time Canadians to Help Dutch With Harvest Canadian troops in Holland are going to help to bring in the har- AU headquarters and units" have been ordered to get in touch with Dutch authorities in their areas and arrange for the fullest possible assistance to Dutch farmers in alleviating the critical farm labor shortage. Copper is very seldom discovered by itself; it is generally associated with other valuable Bourlamaque • Villebonne • Yellowknife -VALD IN A- GOLD MINES LIMITED (No Personal Liability) Diamond Drilling Now In Full Swing On Company's Bourlamaque Property Following an extended program of surface exploration, a program of diamond drilling under the supervision of the Company's con-suting geologist, Mr. E. K. Fockler, is now underway. The property comprises approximately 100 acres and adjoins the producing Sullivan Consolidated mine. To the east--see accompanying map--are the producing Sigma and Lamaque mines. Events during the past few months throughout the fast-growing Bourlamaque camp--East Sullivan, Aumaque, Louvicourt Goidfield, Lavalie and others--highlight the tremendous possibilities inherent Valdina's current drilling campaign, planned to thoroughl the i jrface disclosures r McMACKEN a REID 100 ADELAIDE STREET *WEST Toronto (1) ADelaide 1953-4 Ontario Members Of The Ontario Security Dealers Assc. McMACKEN & REID, 100 ADELAIDE ST. WEST, TORONTO (1), ONTARIO. Kindly send me complete particulars, reports, maps, etc., in regard to Valdina Gold Mines Limited (No Personal Liability). It is understood that this request places no obligation upen me. Also Weekly Comments. NAME ADDRESS City ....... British Post-War Car Reaches U.S. A British Austin, said by the Austin Motor Company, Inc.. to be the first British automobile to have gone into post-war production, arrived in New York last week for exhibition. "England is anxious to export the cars," said David O. Alber, public relations representative of the Longbridge, Birmingham, firm. Shipments to the United States will reach .2,000 a month by the beginning of 1946, he said, and added, "This marks the resumption of trade,- and the cars will establish dollar credit for England." He said the rapid reconversion to the car was possible because its chassis was the same as the British jeep. The car will sell for .about $1,600. r^JX* • 10c package of WILSON'S FLY PADS will kill more flies than-«5.00 worth of any other fly killer!!! Grocery, Drug. Hardware and General Stores sell and --------J Vu.'OM'S FLY PADS. iiaiiy chicks NGE PULLETS 12 WEEKS hatched to ord . Day old chicks siness opportin CLEAN EAST MILKER! available. TV ■ ■■ ■ 5. S. Dennis London, Onta PILL- TRADE FINE 1 HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS NO. 17 DE LAVAL ( THRESHING OUTFIT FOR SALE-- Goodison steam engine 20 x 22 h.p., separator 50 inch body, 36 inch cylinder. In good condition. Matchedash Threshing Syndicate, R.R. 1, Coldwater, Ontario. 60 H.P. INTERNATIONAL STA-tionary Diesel, used very little. *Vrite or phone Lowville Feed SKID ENGINE P300 McCOR.MICK, in good condition. Variable Speed Govenors for McCormick Tractors (only). New and used Tractor parts. London Farm Equip-ment^Co., 335 King Street. Lon- t sale BARREN STRAIN LEGHORN Pullets, 6 weeks and up. Sussex X Barred Rock pullets, 6 to 10 weeks. Barred Rock Pullets, 6 to 10 weeks. Johnson Hatchery, CPUNTRY STORE suitable also for tourist Parry Sound district, tmount Ave., Toronto, ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pulleys, brushes. Allen- Electric Company Ltd., 2326 Dufferin St., To- REGISTERED FEMALE COCKER puppies, 14 weeks old. Real beauties. 745 Indian Road, Wind- THISTL of Canada's outstanding strains. Write for free folder. Brown's Angora Ranch^ 278 Courtland St., PEDIGREED ANGORA RABBITS. Finest wool producing- stock. Lynwood Angoras, Box 140. LOCKERBY DOMINO 18TH, 167015, well marked low-set dark red T.B. tested, 22 months old. D. C. Cook, R6, OranKvllle, Out. FOR SALE, PEDIGREED ANGORA 8 INCH PLANES, : GAINING WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA GUARANTEED HARMLESS, WE CAN SELL YOU ANY SIZE OF farm you wish to buy--with or without stock and machinery. For particulars apply at Dono-hue's Garage, Renfrew. Ont. FOR SALE 50 ACRES--CLAY loam--ten acres hardwood--good 130 ACRES, DURHAM CO., CLAT? loam soil, in good state of cultivation, very productive, stream through pasture, nearly all workable, on Lake Ontario front, adjoining Bowmanville summer re-' 'Tie highway un- fac der construe and schools. _ chions. Large spacious lawn A farm with a future, price $7,500. Possession arranged. Apply E. F. R. Osborne, Newcastle, FOR SALE--FARM, HURON COUN-ty, 100 workable acres, excellent buildings, good drilled well, close hairdressing LEARN HAIR DRESSING THE Robertson ^ method.^ Information UFFERER OF Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of Ill-health In humans, all ages. No one Immune! Why not find out if this HAVE YOU HEARD AliOC iTRUMENTS ODDINGTON BUYS, •outunities BE A HAIRDRESSER * JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel tern. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. TRY CANADA'S LARGEST PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO Get better pictures at lowest cost. Don't take chances with your film rolls. You can't take "snaps" over again. PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size Roll -- 6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c A customer in Cape Breton says, "1 have been sending films to you for 4 or 5 years. Would not send them i 16-20-127 if 2 (4c extra) is sent with film roll. SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" In beautifu easel mounts, 3 for 25c. Framed Gold, ilver, Circassian Walnut or If enlargement colored, 79c each. OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore any old photograph or snapshot . . . and make any number of prints or enlargements desired. The process requires the work of skilled artists, but the cost is reasonable. Send us your picture and tell us what you want done and we will tell you the cost before doing the work. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION 6 OH 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 tor 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE the quality and service you deslr by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER WANTED FOR U.S. No. 1, Bond. Protestant, fir class; salary $1,400. Apply Brightwell, Secretary-Treasur* ;s°certm- PP.OTESTANTj or S.S. No. 3 vlir.g,. , Larch- rood, Ont. Duties tc ... ept. 4.' Salary $135CvJU um. Apply stating- qualif •KIP K CHOOL BOARD, Drury, Denison and Cf; .ham. District of Sudbury, requires 3 Prd- niddle-school sub-of subjects- to be ipper scli.-.'-'i work. Secy., Keewatin, Ont. HELP WANTED MARRIED FARMER < CORDWOOD, MAPLE, BIRCH'AND Mixed. Also slabs and bundled edgings. Hardwood . and Soft- PULLETS WANTED TO PURCHASE ALL AGES AND BREEDS 2 months to laying age. Our prices are worthwhile. Box 40, 73,Ade- W ANTED -- PRINTING EQUIP-ment with automatic press, by private party, also addressin| WANTED IMMEDIATELY Licensed garage mechanic as partner. Fred! Chak. Burks Falls, Ont. Box 254. WANTED, BUFFALO POWER sausage stuffer, complete, 75-100-lb. capacity; 1 5-h.p. 25-cycle, 3-phase motor; pie molds and Horn's 0F°°d ' Market, Tort Col-WANTED BT ELDERLY COUPLE OPPORTUNITIES AWAITING YOU Sarnia General Hospital School for. • nurses offers an excellent course, in Nursing Education. Class enters Sept. 4th, 1945. Application, forms furnished on request. R. M. Beamish, Superintendent.