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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 18 Nov 1948, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18th, 1948 Page Five MEDICAL DR. F. R. PEMBER Office Hours: Tuesday--Thursday--Saturday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P.m. Monday and Friday 2 to 4 P.m. Wednesday and Sunday Emergencies Only OPTOMETRISTS NORMAN E. EDWARDS, R.O. G. S. WONNACOTT, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS McCarthy Theatre Building. Belleville Phone 185 Office Hours: 10-12 and 2-6 Wednesdays: 10-12 DRY WOOD, 12"; at $2.50 to $3.50 single cord on premises. Phone 8-r-14 Castleton. o21-nllx 1936 OLDSMOBILE, in good condition, $600.00. Phone 164W, Colborne. n4c OAK AND POPLAR mixed, dry, 12" lengths, $4.00 per cord delivered, or $3.00 at woods. Apply EDWARD COVERT, Castleton. Phone Warkworth 16-r-3. nllx VETERINARY JOHN BEST, D.V.M. Veterinary Surgeon COLBORNE Office: King Street West Phone 71 COLEMAN SPACE HEATER, small size, containers for 125 gals. oil. Apply at EXPRESS PRINTING OFFICE. nlltf T. W. HAWKE, D.V.M. Veterinary Surgeon COBOURG' Division St. Out. Phone 200 LEGAL A. D. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office and residence King Street, Colborne Ontario. EDWIN HOWELL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. NOTARY PUBLIC Park and Toronto Sts., COLBORNE Telephone 88 m3-46 CONSULT J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS for complete Real Estate Service City and Country Homes Farms and Small Acreages Industrial and Business Properties A. H. COLLINGS is your local representative FOUND PURSE containing a sum of money. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement. Apply at the EXPRESS PRINTING OFFICE. nll-25c INSURANCE V/. W. D. McGLENNON (Successor to G. E. R. Wilson) GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE CONVEYANCING ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES BRUNSWICK BLOCK Colborne PHONE 20 Ontario WILLIAM J. TROOP JR. Phone 114J, Colborne Auto -- Fire -- Plate Glass Burglary--Liability, Etc Farm Risks written in Hamilton Township Farmers' Mutual Representing NORTH AMERICAN LIFE DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR DECORATING -- PLASTERING Free Estimates Reasonable Prices ALL WORK GUARANTEED G. I. VanSLYKE Phone 219w Brigl.ton The Veteran AUCTIONEERS S..E. ROBINSON Colborne - Ontario EXPERIENCED GENERAL AUCTIONEER AND REAL ESTATE BROKER Sales of Any Kind -- Large or Small Conducted Anywhere Lowest Rates for Guaranteed Service List Your Properties with S. E. >ne 78-r-23 OSCAR C. MORGAN auctioneer and Real Estate Broke- Sales Conducted Anywhere Several good farms for sale; also some valuable town, property t. O. Box 288. Phone 245 38-Om CHIROPRACTOR QL T. SCOTT, F.C., Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. Phone 100. P. O. Box 178, Front St., Campbellford, Ont. Honorary Fellow of the International College of Chiropractic, Inc. Colborne hours: Friday 6 to 8 p.m. at Brunswick Hotel. FUNERAL DIRECTORS E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - - - Ontario Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE I - - - Colborne, Ontario J. M. BLACKLOCK Grafton MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne First-Class Meals and Accommodation Give us a call when LT.-COL. J. F. Wql, FALL COURSES Farmers report their plowing and other seasonal work in shape and a good turn out is expected at the Agricultural Courses planned in Grafton for the three weeks following Nov. 29, It is a rare opportunity to meet the men who shape the policy ol farm production as a specialist serving this area is present each day. Women are welcomed if interested in general farm subjects. The first week is devoted to Field Husbandry. Members of the Crop Improvement Association should be on hand for Monday and Tuesday. Anyone interested in growing registered seed should hear Stuart Boman on December 1st. The basic problems of soil and fertilizers will be featured on December 2 and 3, with Charles McGuire of AA Chemicals of Port Hope featuring local conditions. The courses are free but full of information. Agricultural Representative, Ralph C. Banbury, challenges farmers with the following "You are the fellow who has to decide Whether to do it or cast it aside. You are the fellow who makes up his mind Whether to learn or linger behind." the forms. A widespread response to the plan is urgently asked from all types of farmers throughout the province. Unless the survey covers a large number of farms, it will not j nesday evening, Nov. 10th. Waite, Edville. Mrs. W. S. McDonald, Mr. Angus McDonald attended the Stokely Van Camp concert in Colborne on Wed- be worth a great deal. Statistics obtained from the survey are used extensively during the .year by governments, banks, farmers and farm organizations, railway companies and many industries in planning future operation. Internation-roups such as the World Food and Agricultural Organization depend Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Fararra ed into their new home on Pine St. on Thursday. Congratulations to Mr. and Henry May on the birth of born Nov. 10. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McKague and " I Tea Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Stimers, Cobourg, Mrs. Tackaberry and Shirley, Grafton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stimers on Wednesday evenng, Nov. 10th. Mrs. J. J. Mutton, Miss Shirley Mutton spent the weekend with relatives at Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Packard, Mr. tirely on these figures to provide up- j and Mrs. Argyle Packard and family o-date information on the province's | were Sunday guests of Trenton rela-gricultural industry. I tives. Such information as is derived will \ Mr. and Mrs. Glen Waite and Con-be distributed among school teachers ;nie, St. Catharines, spent the week-and will provide a real opportunity jend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wright. of aiding in forming a true picture! Mr- and Mrs. Walter Ferguson and \ Cobourg, during the past week, of agricultural conditions. It is there-j Ronnie vsited Mr. and Mrs. Douglas | Mr. and Mrs. L. Van Wicklin, of fore in his own interest for the far- ! Mutton on Saturday evening. Brighton, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. mer to fill in the form as quickly as I Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Honey, Mr. Arkles, Thursday. possible and return it. : and Mrs. Tom McDonald and Gordon Mrs. W. T. Runnels and Benson of jf1K\_ "What we want is statistical in- i sPent Sunday with relatives at Mark- Dartford visited the former's daugh-formation on the operations of far- i ham- ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. C mers in Ontario." an official of the i Mr- and Mrs- M- Dudley and Mich- McKague, Wednesday. Statistical Department said. "The 1 ael' Toronto, were weekend guests A bus is being chartered and s survey has absolutely nothing to do jat "The Cedars". number from this district plan tc with taxation and the individual ! Mrs- Glen Waite and Connie, St. attend the Royal Winter Fair or form is only seen by officials for t he ' Catharines, visited Mr. and Mrs. El- Friday the 19th. November. 61th, 1948 Sunday Scnool at 2 p.m. Church rvice at 3 p.m. Teachers and officers were very deXTreTidnTg" l)urirTg the business I P"*""0 t0 see so many scholars in it was decided to rent the cups at | f "endance at Sunday School last 50c. The December meeting will I social evening and bazaar. Mr. H. j ! DUNDONALD ! CASTLETON I SALEM November 61th, 1948 j November 61th, 1948 -- Service at Eden Church will be at! The W. I. met at the home of Mrs. During the last week of this month, ; n 0>clock n<Jxt Sunday morning. ! H. Welton on Thursday, with a large farmers throughout the province will Miss Aileen Wright, Peterborough I attendance and Mrs. G. Carr, Presl-be receiving once again the annual Norman School> was home for the 1 December questionnaire regarding j weekend livestock, poultry, farm labour, and ! Mr and Mrs Cecil Mutton, Tj.en. acreages of their farms. tor^ were Sunday guests of Mr. and The questionnaire is being sent out ! Mrs Gordon Dunnett. by the Agricultural Division of the ] Mrs Roy Packard was a week-Dominion Bureau of Statistics, in co-; end of Mr and Mrs Argyle operaton with the Ontario Department, packard Brighton of Agriculture, Toronto. Answers j Mr and Mrs Kenneth Mutton vis-given will provide a basis for estimat- ited Mr and Mrs Neil Xaftj Brigh. ing numbers of livestock, poultry, ton on Friday of last week etc., in Ontario at December 1, 1948, | Mrs. Hubert Mutton of campbell-together with details of marketing : ford Mrs.. Jack McCracken, Shiloh, and slaughter of livestock during the \ visited Mr and Mrg Dougias Mutton last six months. ;on Saturday afternoon. Success of the survey depends on j Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton were ■operation of farmers in filling out I Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. QUESTIONNAIRE RE FARM MATTERS Sunday. Keep up the Everyone is welcome. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Heckibert have returned home after spending the past two weeks at Boston, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Judson of Oshawa spent the weekend at the home Tk/r^l"'t"Till 1*,', 1 „"7r f +v,„ of her mother, Mrs. R. Blyth. Mrs. J. Lisle was in charge of the; ,„ , , . . , , ' Weekend visitors at the home of Mr. a nd Mrs. Wallace Onyon included Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ireland, Mr. and Mrs. Brankston of Toronto, and Quinn, recently returned from Nigeria, will give an illustrated talk. Mrs. F. Warner and Mrs. G, Carr, gave the report of the Belleville Convention, held Nov. 2nd and 3rd. following programme: Paper, Famous Canadian People, by Mrs. H. Allen. Readings by Mrs. J. C. McKague and Mrs. William Graham. Songs, Pack , . Up Your Troubles, Long,Long Ago i Mlf Betty ,0ny°n Cobourg. and National Anthem, were sung. | Lunch was served by the lunch mittee. Mr. and Mrs. D. Arkles, Mr. Mrs. J. C. McKague, and Mrs. Nelson were dinner guests of Mr. Jnf ^^f^^™* and Mrs. C. Nelson Saturday Messrs. Alex Nicholls, Don Chatterson and Howard Bellamy spent a few days last week at Bracebridge. Mrs. A. Bellamy and Mrs. J. Smith attending the community Train- the Sunday School rooms at Colborne United Church. Don't forget the W. A. Sale and Dec. 1st. Watch for the large a dvertisement concerning this event which will appear in this paper next week. The annual auction sale, staged by the Recreation Club was a decided Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Kemp attended | success- 11 was held at tne home of the County Finals of the Public! P«arl Simpson last Thursday even-Speaking Contest, Hastings, Nov, 12. j ^ Nov. 11th. The 14 members Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Black are vis- !present derived a 2reat deal of fun iting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Black and !tv^ to out-ttid one another as the family, Toronto. [auctioneer, Mildred Knapp, held up Mrs. C. Eddy visited Mrs. E. Cross, the articles for sale. Proceeds ounted to over $16.00. Lunch was served by the. hostess and members of Frances Everden's group. Next meeting will be held at the home of the second Th-..'rs- December. I LAKEPORT November 61th, 1948 JUNIOR W. I. GIRLS' HOMEMAKING CLUBS Northumberland County Homemak-ing Club girls participated in the Girls' junior program at the recent Bellevnlle Area W. 1 Convention. Aldythe Arthur, Woolor, 3rd year gardener, won a hand with an excellent exhibit of garden produce, including both fresh vegetables and canned ones. Aldythe commented on her exhibit, giving the highlights of garden club work. Marie Judd, Coi-borne, brought the Wicklow-Vernon-ville club exhibit, "A Table Set for two", and gave good pointers on setting an attractive table. Marie had already carried off first prize at the junior sections at Belleville and Peterborough Fair for her table exhibit and comment. A demonstration, "Packing a Weekend Bag", was ably presented by the Grafton Girls' Club under the leadership of Mrs. G. Dan-brook and Miss P. Harnden. Girls from Hastings County and Prince Edward also contributed to the program. Dominion and Provincial Statistical Departments. It is a secret document as far as any individual farmer is concerned so he need have no fear about giving accurate details of his business." The individual forms are all kept confidential in the most rigid manner, he pointed out. HOLSTEIN BREEDERS BANQUET AT GRAFTON wood Wrght on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Packard, Mr. Winston Packard attended the memorial service at Colborne on Armistice Day. Messrs. Roy and Winston Packard also attended the annual Legion banquet in Cobourg on the ev-j ening of Nov. 11. , Mrs. Earl Irwin and Douglas spent | several days last week with her sis-jter. Mrs. Philip Grosjean, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Argye Packard and j family, Brighton, visited Mr. and Mrs. ; Roy Packard on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Service in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church at 3 p.m., Sunday, November Service in St. Peter's Anglican 21st at 3 p.m. (Holy Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Quinn and : church N Pat, Wooler, spent the weekend with ; Communion). Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quinn. I Mr. Donald Stevens of Toronto The W. A. will meet at the home j spent the weekend with his parents, of the President, Mrs. D. Arkles on ■ Mr and Mrs. W. Stevens. Thursday, Nov. 25th. Roll call: j Miss Mary Fagg of Cobourg was "Love". Convener, Mrs. J. C. Mc-! home for the weekend. Kague. Time, 2 p.m. ; Miss. Margaret Fagg is visiting in Rev. Paul Beech, McMaster Univer- Toronto at the home of her sister, sity, has accepted a call to Cramahe j Mrs. Leslie Jones. Baptist Church and began his pastor- Mr. George Bishop of Welland ate on Sunday, Nov. 14th. : spent the weekend at the home of his Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McKague and , parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warner, Sr. Jim were Sunday guests of Mr. and j Mrs. Baker of Toronto is visiting Mrs. J: C. McKague. ; at the nome of Mrs w Kernaghan. Misses Jane and Naomi Gaffield, Mr. and Mrs. Calver. and two child-Port Hope, spent the weekend with j ren> Andy and Bobbie, were in Tor-Mr. Albert Hawken. onto last Wednesday and attended Mr. and Mrs. G. Ellis, Marilyn and ! tne jce capades. ville, Mrs. Glenn Waite and Connie, i Philip spent Sunday with friends at | Mrs H May of Castleton and son St. Catharines, called on Mr. and Newcastle. 'Donald, have been spending a few Mrs. Kenneth Mutton on Tuesday of Mr, and Mrs. Herman Lane and days wjtin her parents, Mr. and Mrs. last week. Ruth, Trenton, spent the weekend ! b. Warner Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mutton and fam- with Mr. and Mrs. G. Devine andT ily, Bowmanville. were weekend Mr. and Mrs. William Lane, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Wright j Miss Shirley Devine, Trenton, spent Macklin & Son. The three and four j and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Wright : the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clif- j Armistice" Day year did for both milk and fat was I and their §uests visited Mr- and Mrs. j ford Moore. j Mrs H Rush is in Belleville Hos- eredited to Lindsey Anderson. 2 year _Mu!:t.0^.Bri^^^ndi aJ^d" 1 T,.T.heJ Y:P-Y;.met, at .the. home of the j Pital, where she has undergone an operation. We wish her a speedy re- The Northumberland Holstein j Breeders had an excellent get togeth- , turned home after ten days' visit with er at their annual banquet in Graf- ' relatives and friends at St. Cath- | ton Town Hall. Following a sump- arines. Niagara Falls and Toronto, tuous supper a very full program was Mrs- Gerald Waite and Gary, Ed- j enjoyed presided over wy President, Douglas Hoskin. Special prizes for milk and fat production in Northumberland were announced by Eric Merrill as follows:-- Mature cow in'a 305 day test, milk, Lindsey Anderson, and fat, Congratulations to Mr. and IV | May on the birth of their second s : Grafton Nursing Home old milk, J. S. Macklin & Son, Douglas Hoskin. In the 365 test division the standing was as follows: Mature cow, Honey Bros., with 20,-800 lbs. of milk. 5 year old, J. S. Macklin & Son, 15959 lbs. of milk: fat, Leo Drumm. 2 and 3 year old at Brigh- ed the anniversary ton United Church. Mrs. Bill Stewart and Billy, Toronto, Mrs. H. Stickle, Edville, visited Mr. arid Mrs. Keith Stimers on Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joyce and grand- RADIO Turpin Radio Sales & Service Repairs to all makes of radios and electrical appliances Both new and used radios Tubes checked Pickup and delivery service King Street Colborne both milk and fat went Bros. James T. Brown, Newcastle, Director Holstein Friesian • Association of ______| Canada, told of R.O.P. work. Lindsey BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, etc. CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON NOTICE OF POSTING OF VOTERS' LISTS Voters' Lists, 1948, Municipality of the Township of Cramahe, in the County of Northumberland NOTICE is hereby given that I have plied with Section 8 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Castleton on the Thirtieth day of October, 1948, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parliament and at Municipal Election and that such list remains there for inspection. A^d I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for ?als being the 20th day of November, 1948. Dated this 30th day of October, 1948. G. R. BEAVIS, n4-18 Township Clerk. Anderson, Sec. of the county organization introduced the guest speaker, [ Mr. Charles Mclnnis, Iroquois, presi-; dent of the Hog Producers' Association, told the group of increased food prices since 1939. He said the prosperity of a nation depended on a proper balance between agriculture and industry. The Hon. W. A. Goodfellow, Minister of Welfare, said it was his desire to co-operate with the Holstein Breeders and complimented them on their fine organization. Dominion Member, Earle Drope, brought best wishes to the breeders. Ralph C. Banbury, Agricultural Representative, read the names of: the calf club members and those showing Holstein calves received a special dollar from the Secretary. He also told of other junior work being conducted in the county. Roy Ormston, Brooklin, Holstein Field-man, presented the Master Breeder Banner to Lindsey Anderson. Charles Honey, past president of the club, and A. J. Tamblyn, Orono, spoke briefly. Miss Ruth Page of Cobourg gave an interesting reading. Mr. Albert Hircock rendered a fine solo and music by Mr. and Mrs. Campbell of Welcome were enjoyed thoroughly. Honey daughter of Campbellford, M 'Mrs. Fred McNally, Mr. and Mrs. Bill McNally and David, Georgetown, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. I Frank Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chapman, j Buy and use Christmas Seals. Every penny raised through the sale of Seals goes towards fighting tuberculosis in this country. Your individual purchases of Christmas Seals will kelp finance a vigorous fight against this unnecessary enemy. ROYAL JUDGING TEAM Each year; three of the more experienced junior farmers from the county attend the-Royal Winter Fair, to compete in a livestock judging competition with boys from other counties. The group this year consists of Alfred Gooding, Hilton, Will Curie of Campbellford and Rosswell Mann of Baltimore. The group left on Thursday, Nov. 11th, to visit farms enroute to Guelph where they will coach on classes of livestock at the O.A.C., under the direction of Agricultural Representative -Ralph C. Banbury. The contest will take place on Nov.' 15th and they will remain over to see the Royal Show on Nov. 16th. at the home of Mr. a pneumonia patient in Cobourg Hospital. Mr. Willard Day has erected a new service station on the site of the one burned last-year. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and family moved into the house vacated by Mr. J. Hunter. Mr. Ainsworth and family of Ver-Linda and Larry of Milton were week- j nonville moved into the building end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis j known as Red Cross rooms. Mutton. | Sorry to report Robert Pegnain Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mutton, Bow- j sick in Cobourg General Hospital, manville, were guests last week of j Mrs. Ben Andrus, our wonderful old Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mutton. i woman, has been confined to her bed Members of the Eden Woman's As- for the past week. Later--We just sociation met on Wednesday, Nov. 10, j learned of Mrs. Andur's death to-day, at Dundonald Hall with the president, j Wednesday, November 17th. Mrs. Gordon Honey in charge. The j Mr. and Mrs. Isben Ghent visited worship service, based on the theme. | on Sunday at the home of Mr. and "Friendship", was conducted by the Mrs. Thomas Yule, Warkworth. Mrs. E.Irwin. During the ^ L French of eoboyrg was a nade tolgyggt Qf Mr and Mrs j Q,hent on Sunday; Monday. evening, Dec. 19, in the Eden church |___ in conjunction with the regular, church service. A financial report j HALDIMAND COUNCIL was given by the treasurer. Mrs. Douglas Mutton. The next meeting President. Miss Marjorie Carr, Tuesday, evening. , covery. Mrs. A. Clarke spent some time] Mr Charles Allcorn has returned home from a deer hunt and brought home a fine deer. will be held on Friday, Dec. 3, at | and at Grafton on Nov. 5 as Court the home of Mrs. Ross Wright and , of Revision for the 1949 Assessment the annual election of officers will , Roll, and later as a Council to tram SHILOH November 61th, 1948 Church service here next Sunday will be in the evening at 7 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Mutton and Donna, Campbellford, spent the weekend with friends and relatives here. A Baptismal Service was held here last Sunday afternoon for Graham John, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Mutton. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mutton on the safe arrival of a young son, born. Saturday, Nov. 13th, at Cobourg General Hospital. Rev Gordon Adams was Sunday tea guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mutton, Mrs. Grace Sampson and daughter, iGermaine, Peterborough, spent the j weekend with Mr. J. C. Mutton. % ! Mr. and Mrs. John McCracken at-j tended the Twenty-fifth (Silver) wed-jding anniversary celebrations of Mr. :and Mrs. Arthur McCracken at Co- ■ Council met at Fenella Nov. 4th! bourg Saturday evening, November FARM FIRE HAZARDS act routine business. The 1949 Roll as returned by the Assessor was accepted, with acreage 75,571.25; population, 1661. Combined property and business values, $1,235,872.00. At the Court of Revision the following reductions were allowed: A. A. Richardson $100.00; R. A. Gour-lay $100.00: Gillard Estate $300.00: frequently in barns and j Frank Day $300.00; E. W. Edmund-Only one out of every | son $500,00; Carl Hay $500.00; Winter increases the chance of fire around farms, for oil lamps are needed more often in the home, storm-lanterns outbuild: n Canadian farms is served with j McLean $500.00. Total: $2300.00. electricity. Few. because of their lo- j Abatements of $119.50 were allow-cation, can be aided by the effective j ed on the 1948 Tax Roll on account fire-fighting services available to city | 0f double assessments, and urban dwellers. Often lack of) At the Council session which fol-water and snow-bound roads would lowed, road accounts for $3,401.93 make fire-fighting apparatus useless ] and general accounts for $857.92 were any case. j passed. [n a survey of fires on Canadian I Council then adjourned to meet at farms, the Dominion Bureau of Sta- Grafton on Thursday, Dec. 2, at tistics estimates that 11 per cent, of ! one p.m. farm fires are caused by the use of I m. Rutherford. Clerk. inflammable liquids and a quarter ar- j '_ from faulty heating or cooking equipment. Tuberculosis is one of our major health enemies. Hundreds of Can-i adians die of this disease each year. Make your home safe from tuber-1 Buy Christmas Seals and help erad-cuTosis by buying Christmas Seals. I icate this killer. 13th. The social evening held here last Friday was well attended and a pleasant time spent. The collection amounted to sixteen dollars. TRACTOR EFFICIENCY Tractor expense in [ i) i by : i be kept at a Thorough and timely lubrication. A complete spring or fall check-up with replacement of worn parts. Careful operation, avoiding overloading and. high speeds. Selection of proper size of tractor for field and belt work. By remembering that a tractor should be worked as near to full capacity as possible to obtain maximum efficiency. PASTEURIZED MILK Unless milk is pasteurized we cannot tell if it is safe to drink. Unpas-tuerized milk may carry germs causing intestinal illness, tuberculosis or undulant fever. Insist on pasteurized milk--the only safe milk. If necessary, raw milk may be pasteurized at home by a safe, simple process.

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