THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 1948 Page Five) MEDICAL DR. F. R. PEMBER Office Hours: Tuesday--Thursday--Saturday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 PJd. Monday and Friday 2 to 4 P.M. Wednesday and Sunday Emergencies Only OPTOMETRISTS NORMAN E. EDWARDS, R.O. G. S. WONNACOTT, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS McCarthy Theatre Building, Belleville Phone 185 Office Hours : 10 - 12 and 2 - 6 Wednesdays: 10-12 TABLE TURNIPS AND CABBAGE-- Apply to Alex. E. Rutherford, East Colborne. Phone 94w. n25-d2x COLEMAN SPACE HEATER, small size, containers for 125 gals. oil. Apply at EXPRESS ' PRINTING OFFICE. nlltf OIL BURNER, Lynn Twin Burner, complete with stove and tank. Will sell cheap for cash. Apply at the EXPRESS PRINTING OFFICE. WINDOW frames, complete with sash and glass, also one storm sash, complete with glass. Apply at EXPRESS PRINTING OFFICE. VETERINARY JOHN BEST, D.V.M. Veterinary Surgeon COLBORNE Office : King Street West Phone 71 T. W. HAWKE, D.V.M. Veterinary Surgeon COBOURG Division St. Ont. Phone 200w A. D. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office and residence King Street, Colborne Ontario. EDWIN HOWELL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. NOTARY PUBLIC Park and Toronto Sts., COLBORNE Telephone 88 m3-4o CONSULT J. A. W1LLOUGHBY & SONS for complete Real Estate Service City and Country Homes Farms and Small Acreages Industrial and Business Properties A. H. COLLINGS is your local representative Phone 203M, Colborne or write Box 305 INSURANCE W. W. D. McGLENNON (Successor to G. E. K. Wilson) GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE CONVEYANCING ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES BRUNSWICK BLOCK Colborne PHONE 20 Ontario WILLIAM J. TROOP JR. Phone 114J, Colborne Auto -- Fire -- Plate Glass Burglary--Liability, Etc Farm Risks written in Hamilton Township Farmers' Mutual Representing NORTH AMERICAN LIFE FOUND PURSE containing a sum of money. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement. Apply, at the EXPRESS PRINTING OFFICE. nll-25c WANTED GIRLS' SKATES AND BOOTS--Sizes 1 and 6. Apply at the EXPRESS PRINTING OFFICE. Office. SAMUEL MARVIN McCOMB There passed away at his home in Morganston on Wednesday, November 17th, Mr. S. M. McComb, well known citizen. He was born in the State of Ws-consin on May 2nd, 1874. Three years later the family moved to Raw-don Township where he lived until forty-three years ago, when he moved to Morganston. He was the son of the late William John McComb and Sarah Brown and survived by his wife, Agnes Johnston and eight children: Mrs. Charles Ross (Margaret) of Codrington; Mrs. Leslie ■ Campbell (Nettie), Cobourg; Lome of Morganston; Mrs. Albert Rusk (Verna), Castleton; Alex, Sara, Grace at home, and Una of Belleville; also 12 grandchildren and one sister, Mrs. Arthur Vale of St. Catharines. There was a short service at the home, after which the funeral ser-was held at Morganston United Church on Saturday, Nov. 20th at 2.30 p.m. with Rev. J. E. Griffith officiating. Pall bearers were Messrs. David Dingwall, Harold Doidge, Ernest Campbell, Robert Robson, Harold Clarke and Clare Goodrich. Flower bearers were Messrs. C. W. Massey, Walter McMann, Wilbert Bradley, Burton Fitchet, Wallace Tur-ney, James Begg and A. N. Bray. Interment was made in Castleton cemetery. DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR DECORATING -- PLASTERING Free Estimates Reasonable Prices ALL WORK GUARANTEED G. I. VanSLYKE Phone 219w Brigl.ton The Veteran AUCTIONEERS S. E. ROBINSON Colborne - Ontario EXPERIENCED GENERAL AUCTIONEER AND REAL ESTATE BROKER Sales of Any Kind -- Large or Small Conducted Anywhere Lowest Rates for Guaranteed Service List Your Properties with S. Robinson, Phone 78-r-23 OSCAR C. MORGAN Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker BRIGHTON Sales Conducted Anywhere at Reasonable Rates Several good farms for sale; also some valuable town property t. O. Box 288. Phone 245 38-6m CHIROPRACTOR H. T. SCOTT, F.C., Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. Phone 100. P. O. Box 178, Front St., Campbellford, Ont. Honorary Fellow of the International College of Chiropractic, Inc. Colborne hours: Friday 6 to 8 p.m. at Brunswick Hotel. FUNERAL DIRECTORS E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - - - Ontario Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phonne 111 - - - Colborne, Ontario J. M. BLACKLOCK Grafton MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne First-Class Meals and Accommodation Give us a call when in Colborne LT.-COL. J. F. WOLFRAIM, Pro*. ALLEY BOWLING Following are the alley bowling scores of Tuesday, November 23 : 7 to 9 p.m. points Southpaws........................ 32 Hotshots .............................. 25 j Kadoodlers .......................... 24 Superdupers...................... 20 Headpins ............................ 19 Gentlemen--r High Single--A. Dove .................... 2! High Triple--A. Dove .................... 6! High Average--H. Redfearn ........ 1' Ladies-- High Single--Mrs. E. O. Coyle ... 2( High Triple--Mrs. Frank Griffis ... 51 High Average--Miss K. Woods .... IE 9 to 11 p.m.-- points Knockouts.......................... 29 Jitterbuggs.......................... 25 Screwballs ..*....................... 24 Alley Kittens ...... ............ 24 Roustabouts....................... 18 Gentlemen-- High Single--I. Post ...................... 2£ High Triple--I. Post ...................... 775 High Average--Fred Griffis ........ 197 Ladies-High Single--Mrs. Fred Griffis... High Triple--Mrs. I. Post ............ 621 High Average--Mrs. Fred Griffis . High Sub, Single--A. Dance ........ DUNDONALD I CASTLETON November 23rd, 1948 I November 23rd, 1948 Next Sunday is a spare at Eden j The W.M.S. of the United Church Church. I Will be held Thursday; December 2, Miss Cora Goodrich and Mr. Fred Iat 2 P-m- in the basement of the Goodrich, Castleton, were Sunday j Church. Mothers and babies of the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Good- I Ba°y Band wM be guests. Convener, rich. ! Mrs. J. C. McKague. All members Mr. Eldred Eddy attended the Roy- i °f W.M.S. please bring lunch. Please al Winter Fair last week. ] bring in all mite boxes and Baby Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Honey visit- j Band gift boxes, ed Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sisler, Map- i Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Welton were le' Grove, on Sunday. \ Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Samis and j Arkles. family, Colborne, visited Mr. and I Mr- and Mrs- A. A. Kemp and Miss Mrs. Kenneth Mutton on Monday or Laurel Arkils attended the District week. Finals of the Public Speaking Con- e are glad to report that George test> neld in Brighton on Friday, the Perrault is recovering satisfactorily flatter a recent appendix operation at: The c c s- Plan to have their Cobourg General Hospital. George j Commencement Exercises on Friday, is a foster son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- I December 3. chie Samons. j Mrs- Norman Lee and baby daugh- Mr. Arnold Goodrich, Brighton, |ter- Colborne, are visiting Mrs. Lee, and his cousin, George Brown, Jr., Iat Mr- Joiin Coffee's. of Hilton were Sunday guests of Mr. I Mr- and Mrs- William Dickson of and Mrs. Claude Goodrich. ■ Vernonville spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Argyle Packard and'Mrs- N- Gaffield. RADIO___ Turpin Radio Sales & Service Repairs to all makes of radios and electrical appliances Both new and used radios . Tubes checked Pickup and delivery service King Street Colborne BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, etc CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON Do you know that anyone--even YOU--can contract tuberculosis? TB communicable disease and is one of Canada's worst health enemies. You can protect yourself and your family by supporting the sale of Christmas Seals. Christmas Seals provide-"money to fight tuberculosis. Buy your share of seals. Your mon-' is urgently needed. Buy and use Christmas Seals. Every penny raised through the sale of Seals goes towards fighting tubercu-in this country. Your individual purchases of Christmas Seals* will help finance a vigorous fight against this unnecessary enemy. family, Brighton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Packard on Friday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Stimers, Cobourg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stimers on Sunday. The annual Xmas Concert has been planned for Thursday evening, Dec. 23, in Dundonald Hall. Miss Nellie Mutton and her pupils are already practising. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dunk, Campbellford, spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dunk. Misses Audrey and Catharine Marsh, Brighton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Wright. Rev. Gordon Adams and Mrs. A. E. E. Adams, Hilton, were Sunday guests of Mrs. J. P. Mutton. Mr. Lyle Honey attended the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, last week and visited relatives in the city. Gerald Dunk spent Sunday with Mr- and Mrs. Guy Dickens, Port Hope. Mr. Fred Irwin attended the Trott- an-Wilby wedding at Port Hope on Saturday. Miss Hazel Mutton. Petrborough, was home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Packard, Winston Packard were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Parks, Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mutton and Wayne called on Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mutton, Shiloh, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Honey attended the funeral of the late Mr. McComb, Morganston, on Saturday, and later visited Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Weir, Warkworth. Mr. and Mrs. E. Best, Brighton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chesterfield. Mrs. Delbert McLaughlin and Bobby, Colborne, spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. Douglas Mutton. Mr. and Mrs. J, Carr, Mrs. Gouley and Douglas, Cobourg, visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dudley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Irwin and Douglas were weekend guests of relatives at Oshawa. Mrs. Douglas Mutton and Wayne, Mrs. D. McLaughlin and Bobby vis-ted Mr. and Mrs. John McCracken, Shiloh, on Thursday of last week. Mr. arid Mrs. Earl Irwin attended a venison dinner at the home of Miss Barbara Beatty, Grafton, on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mutton, Trenton, entertained a few relatives or Sunday in honour of Mrs. Gordon Dunnett, Dundonald, whose birthday anniversary is November 24th. Among the guests besides Mr. and Mrs. Dunnett were Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Lawrence, Oak Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Taft,- Brighton, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton, Dundonald. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trottman and Fay, Brighton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Irwin. LAKEPORT November 23rd, 1948 Service at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church at 3 p.m., Nov. 28th. Serivce at St. Peter's Church at 3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 28th. Miss Beverly Winters of Academy Hill is spending a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Warner, Sr. Mr. Everett Yarrow, Mr. J. Reber and party have returned from a successful deer hunt. Miss Pat. Dyment of Toronto is a guest at the home "of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Peebles. Mr. Mert. Peckham of Toronto is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Frost. Mrs. Woodruff has returned from visit with friends in Kearney. Mr. and Mrs. E. MacDonald of Omemee spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Reber. Mrs. Irvine, Sr., is visiting her family in Toronto. Mrs. Petrie of Toronto visited Mrs. M. O'Conor last weekend. Mr. Bruce Irvine of Kingston was home over the weekend. Mrs. J. Cracknell is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cracknell, Sr. Mr. Cracknell, Sr., who has been is now improving, we are glad to Mr. and Mrs. E. Island, Mr. and Mrs. Calver, Mr. and Mrs. S. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pettibone and their families were in Toronto on Saturday and attend the Santa Claus Parade. Make your home safe from tuberculosis by buying .Christmas Seals. Mr. and Mrs. James Findlay, Peterborough, visited Mr. and Mrs. B. Pomeroy recently. Mrs. William Hartford is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Westfall, Toronto. Mr. Jack Pomeroy, Toronto, spent the weekend with his father, Mr. L. V. Pomeroy. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McKague and Mr. a nd Mrs. J. C. McKague spent the weekend in Toronto and attended the Royal Winter Fair. Several from here attended the funeral of the late Mr. Austin Dingman, t the Christian Church, Morganston, on Sunday, November 21st. Mrs. Irvin Robson, Vankoughnet, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolfraim, during the past week. Mrs. Robson returned with her parents during the weekend. Bruce Fitchett was rushed to the hospital for an appendectomy oh Monday. There will be a special musical service in honour of Isaac Watts held in the United Church on Sunday. Nov. 28th, at 7.30 p.m. Miss Jean Ducie. Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ducie. Little Yvonne Moose is recovering from a severe attack of 'flu. SALEM November 23rd, 1948 Services next Sunday afternoon will be at the usual time. S.S. at 2 p. Church service at 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webb and children, Keith and Barbara, have arrived from England, and are spend-a week with their cous isn, Mrs. William Everden Sr. and Bill, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Everden. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Everden' and guests, Mr. and Mrs. Webb and family, spent Sunday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burley, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Burley and Teddy of Port Hope were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Smith. Miss Jean Onyon, R.N., and girl friend of Belleville spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Onyon. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bellamy spent day recently at Toronto. Baby Mary stayed with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Allen of Castleton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hook and infant daughter of Picton, visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bellamy and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bellamy last weekend. On Friday Mr. Hook and Mr. Howard Bellamy attended the Winter Fair at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. William Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bellamy spent Thursday of last week at the Winter Fair, Toronto. Support your local tuberculosis campaign! Buy Christmas Seals and help provide the funds to fight this disease. Salem W. A. will meet this Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Roy Bellamy. Final plans. will be made in connection with the Tea j and Bazaar which will be held in the Church Hall on Wednesday after-i, December 1st. SHILOH November 23rd, 1948 Church services here next Sunday j will be in the afternoon at 2.30. j Mr. and Mrs. Argyle Packard and family, Brighton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Mutton last Friday. Mrs. Clarence Mutton and young in arrived home from Cobourg General Hospital last Sunday. Mrs. Mut- J ton's mother is staying with her for while. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mutton and I Wayne, Dundonald, called on Mr. I and Mrs. Laurence Mutton last Sunday afternoon. r. and Mrs. John McCracken Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert McLaughlin of Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dark and family spent the weekend with relatives in Toronto and attended the Royal Winter Fair. Mrs. Roy Mutton and children of Colborne are spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutton. Mr. Frank Wilce spent the weekend with relatives in Toronto and attended the Winter Fair. Save all your waste paper! IT STANDS FOR WHEREVER YOU SEE IT Courteous and efficient service at our switchboards, in our business offices and in your home -- that's the kind of service we're doing our best to provide. More and better telephones have doubled the scope and increased the value of your telephone service. Yet, up to now, despite rising costs, there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established 21 years ago. No matter where you travel, you'll find no greater telephone value; no better service at the same low cost. For holiday baking id everyday baking makes wonderful everything. YOU NEED ONLY ONE FLOUR I PURITH FLOUR FOR ONE RESULT --PERFECTION s Purity Cook the Purity Flour Kitch Star.Tohn,UN^3., Mo. ttawa, Ont., Toronto, On an., Calgary, Alta., Van