THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16th, 1948 Page Fiv« MEDICAL DR. F. R. PEMBER Office Hours: Tuesday--Thursday--Saturday 2-to 4 and 7 to 9 P.M. Monday and Friday 2 to 4 P.M. Wednesday and Sunday Emergencies Only OPTOMETRISTS NORMAN E. EDWARDS, R.O. G. S. WONNACOTT, R.O. OPTOMETRISTS McCarthy Theatre Building, Belleville Phone 185 Office Hours : 10-12 and 2-6 Wednesdays: 10-12 VETERINARY JOHN BEST, D.V.M. Veterinary Surgeon COLBORNE Office : King Street West Phone 71 T. W. HAWKE, D.V.M. Veterinary Surgeon COBOURG Division St. Ont. Phone 200w LEGAL i. D. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office and residence King Street. Colborne Ontario. EDWIN HOWELL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. NOTARY PUBLIC Park and Toronto Sts., COLBORNE _ Telephone 88_m3-46 CONSULT J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS for complete Real Estate Service City and Country Homes Farms and Small Acreages Industrial and Business Properties INSURANCE W. W. D. McGLENNON (Successor to G. E. R. Wilson) GENERAL INSURANCE KEAL ESTATE CONVEYANCING ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES BRUNSWICK BLOCK Colborne PHONE 20 Ontario WILLIAM J. TROOP JR. Phone 114J, Colborne Auto -- Fire -- Plate Glass Burglary--Liability, Etc Farm Risks written in Hamilton Township Farmers' Mutual Representing NORTH AMERICAN LIFE DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR DECORATING -- PLASTERING Free Estimates Reasonable Prices ALL WORK GUARANTEED G. I. VanSLYKE Phone 219w Brig:.ton The Veteran AUCTIONEERS S. E. ROBINSON Colborne - Ontario EXPERIENCED GENERAL AUCTIONEER AND REAL ESTATE BROKER Sales of Any Kind -- Large or Small Conducted Anywhere Lowest Rates for Guaranteed Service List Your Properties with S. E. Robinson, Phone 78-r-23 OSCAR C. MORGAN auctioneer and Real Estate Brok»-BRIGHTON Sales Conducted Anywhere at Reasonable Rates Several good farms for sale; also some valuable town property P. O. Box 288. Phone 245 38-6m CHIROPRACTOR H. T. SCOTT, F.C., Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. Phone 100. P. O. Box 178, Front St., Campbell-ford, Ont. Honorary Fellow of the International College of Chiropractic, Inc. Colborne hours: Friday 6 to 8 p.m. at Brunswick Hotel. FUNERAL DIRECTORS E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - - - Ontario Say or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phonne 111 ■• - - Colborne, Ontario J. M. BLACKLOCK Grafton MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne Hirst-Class Meals and Accommodation Give us a call when in Colborne LT.-COL. J. F. WOLFRAIM. Prop. MORGANSTON December 14th, 1948 The tea and auction sale of various articles were over one hundred dollars. Sorry to hear of the illness of two of our older residents, Mr. I. A. Clark and Mr. E. Davidson. Don and George Rayner have pur-shased a new Chev. car. Mr. Glen Carr who is employed at the Whitby hospital farm was home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Field have moved in Mr. C. Massey's tenant house. Mr. Lawrence Mountjoy visited his mother a couple days at Black-stock. Miss Katie Moore won the proficiency prize in Grade II at Castleton Continuation Schol. Mr. John Darkins has much improved the appearance of his house by insul brick siding. Mr. Glen Clark purchased a tractor last week. Mr. Douglas Steenburg is helping in Mr. Darling's store. Mrs. Wallace Turney visited a couple of days at her daughter's, Mrs. Owen, Clarke, last week. Mrs. H. Reynolds returned home on Friday, having been a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc-Coll, who are now living in Ottawa. FOR SALE WINDOW FRAMES, complete with sash and glass, also one storm sash, complete with glass. Apply at EXPRESS PRINTING OFFICE. 1937 CHEV. COACH, in excellent condition; good tires. Apply to Glen Beavis. Phone 93r22, Colborne. dl6x PORTABLE "PAL" PHONALA, not working. Purchased new North Bay 1924. Twenty-four records. No reasonable offer refused; not guaranteed. Earl Hinton. ELECTION NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the Municipal Electors of the Village of Colborne will be held in the Town Hall, Colborne, on Monday, December 27th, 1948, at 7.30 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of nominating candidates for the offices of Reeve and Councillors for the said Village to serve for the year 1949, and candidates to serve as School Trustees for the years 1949 and 1950, and a candidate to serve as Public Utilities Commissioner for the years 1949" and 1950, and that lore than the necessary number of candidates to fill the said offices are proposed and seconded and a Poll demanded, such Poll shall be opened on Monday, January 3rd, 1949, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, and remain open until five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, in each Polling Sub-Division in the said Village, at the places set forth in the Schedule hereunto annexed to determine the said election: Schedule: Polling Sub-Divisions and Places for holding election : No. 1--Comprising all that portion of said Village lying West of Elgin Street, at or near Town Hall. No. 2--Comprising all that portion of said Village lying East of Elgin Street, at or near the residence of Mrs. D. Bland, Parliament Street. Of which all persons are hereby required to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly. Colborne, December i6th, 1948. W. W. D. McGLENNON, dl6-30 . Village Clerk NOTICE OF POSTING OF VOTERS' LISTS Voters' Lists, 1948, Municipality of the Village of Colborne, in the County of Northumberland NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my offiee at Colborne, on the Second day of December, 1948, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parliament and at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I herehy call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeals being the 24th day of December, 1948. Dated at Colborne, this 2nd day of December, 1948. W. W. D. McGLENNON, Clerk of the Village d2-16 of Colborne. RADIO Turpin Radio Sales & Service Repairs to all makes of radios and electrical appliances Both new and used radios Tubes checked Pickup and delivery service King Street Colborne EDVILLE December 14th, 1948 Mr. Donald Larson of Toronto spent the weekend with his grandmother. Mrs. Hannah MacDonald. Mr. Alex Waskawec, Bill and Da-bisce, who is employed in Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. Waskawec and family here. Guest of the Sunday dinner as Mr. and Mrs. Hoare's were Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Pearson and Mrs. Ella MacDonald of Salem. Mr. Bill Bugg, Miss Jessie Bugg and Mrs. Charles Bugg visited Mrs. J. Hoare on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Hoare of Hilton had Sunday dinner with Mrs. A. Hoare, Ray and Maude. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thorne spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne MacDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Montgomery spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery in Ajax, Ontario. Mr. James Cochrane, Jim, Frank and Phyllis, spent Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Fiddick of Brighton spent Sunday last with Mrs. E. Hinman and Ray. Mrs. Walter Chapman spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Rouse, Janet and Charles, of Union Neighbourhood. Mr. Dean Chapman of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chapman. The W. A. had another quilting this week at Mrs. Hinman's. This is a new weekly event. The regular dance was held at Verity's Dance Pavilion on Friday evening with a good local crowd. Friends, keep the date open for the optional dance at Little Lake Pavilion. SHILOH December 14th, 1948 Church service here next Sunday will be at eleven o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mutton spent last Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hodges, Hilton. The Christmas Tree and Concert will be held here in the school house on Tuesday evening, December 21st. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Watkins were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mutton. Little Miss Stephenie Mutton entertained several of her little girl friends to afternoon tea last Sunday. The event was her sixth birthday. Cummings' . Funeral and Ambulance Service BRIGHTON Phone 277 Forgotten anything? It isn't too late yet. to pay for your Christmas Seals. Do it today and help out your local tuberculosis association. SALEM December 14th, 1948 Services next Sunday will be held in the Sunday School Hall. S. S. at 2 p.m. Church services at 3 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Smith visit- j ed her sister, Mrs. P. Locke, and Mr. Locke at Madoc recently. Mrs. George Blyth and Bobby spent j several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Packard at Dundonald. I Mr. George Blyth and Mr. Norm. Simpson were two of the Salem rep-1 resentatives who attended the plant j growers' meeting which was held last Thursday and Friday at Hamilton. Mrs. Thomas Everden and child-! ren spent one day last week at Belle- | Mrs. W. Packard, Mrs. J. W. Heck- | bert and Mrs. Jack Smith were in | Belleville on Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whaley spent j several days at Chatham last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norm. Simpson spent! the weekend-at Natural Bridge, New i York. ,i Mrs. Menard of Toronto visited at I a the home of her > daughter. Mrs. J. ' *~ W. Heckbert, and Mr. Heckbert, last I Sir. and Mrs. Jack Smith entertained several friends on Wednesday evening. December 8th. An evening of music was enjoyed in honour of Mr. Smith's birthday. We are sorry to report that Mrs. A. T. Marcott is on the sick list. Her it.any friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Al. Irwin who has been ill for some time shows a little improvement this morning. Plan to attend the Christmas entertainment which will be held in the Church on Tuesday evening, December 21st. Mrs. Bruce Chatterson, our local school teacher, is in charge of the program. A committee of Sunday school teachers has been appointed to assist her. The ladies of the Bible Class are requested to leave their home-made candy at the home of Mrs. Archie Bellamy on (or before) Monday, December 20th. Donations of this candy from any person in the community would be greatlp appreciated. It will be put into bags on Monday evening at Mrs. Bellamy's home, along with the organges which have been donated by the Y. Women's Recreation Club. Mr. and Mrs. Dave VanWicklln spent Sunday in Trenton at the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Archie "Walker. The December meeting of the Y. W. Recreation Club was held at the home of Mrs. Gordon Knapp on the evening of Thursday, December 9th. During the business session, the following officers were elected for 1949: President--Mrs. Archie Bellamy. Vice-Pres.--Mrs. Douglas Bellamy. Secretary--Mrs. Cecil Bellamy. Asst. Secretary--Mrs. Lloyd Chatterson. Treasurer--Mrs. Earl Whaley. Sunshine Convener--Mrs. Earl Whaley. West Group Convener--Mrs. Harold Chatterson. East Group Convener--Mrs. Wallace Bellamy. An interesting program of games, contests, riddles and Christmas music followed. Lunch was served by the hostess, and members of the east group. . 0: "Here's how to avoid the rush of Long Distance Christmas Calls' To be sure of reaching faraway friends with a minimum of delay -- Call BEFORE Christmas Eve or AFTER Christmas Day THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA PURify Save all your > Redfearn keeps Colli ^eePs Redfearn Good Stove Wood on Hand ORDER NOW ! New Wall Paper Just Arrived COME IN AND LOOK IT OVER ! GOOD ASSORTMENT OF PAINTS & VARNISHES Beatty Vacuum Cleaners and Washers Limited Number--Place Order Now ! Jas. Redfearn & Son PHONE No. 1 King Street COLBORNE NOTICE - FARMERS! 24 HOUR SERVICE We pay as high as $10.00 for Dead or Crippled Horses or Cow*, according to size and condition. Small animals removed FREE WE DO THE LOADING. Highest Prices paid for Old Horses. PHONE : Stirling 553, or Peterborough 4026, reverse charges. NICK PECONI, Owner XMAS GIFT SPECIALS Values You Cannot Afford to Miss LARGEST SELECTION OF GIFT SUGGESTIONS IN TOWN TRI-LITE Lamps WITH SILK SHADES $15.95 LARGE SIZE BROWN BETTY Tea Pots 69c 20% off SILK and SATIN CUSHIONS HASSOCKS ALL SIZES SHAPES AND COLOURS Special $2.49 METAL DOLL PRAMS $7.95 English Bone China CUPS AND SAUCERS $1.49 END TABLES WALNUT FINISH $3.95 WITH BOTTOM SHELF $4.95 KITCHEN ROCKERS IN GOLDEN FINISH $6.95 BED LAMPS PLASTIC OR METAL In Assorted Colours $2.95 SLEIGHS WITH METAL RUNNERS "SPIT FIRE" Large......................... $2.95 Medium ...................... $2.50 Small .......................... $1.95 WARDROBES STURDY CONSTRUCTION WHILE THEY LAST $3.95 SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES $24.95 COOPER HOME FURNISHERS PHONE 36 Where Your Xmas $ $ $ $ Buy MORE BRIGHTON