THE COLBORNE EXPRESS. COLBORNE, ONT., MARCH 23, 1944 EDUCATION ON WHEELS When Johnny has thrilled to the last lines of Tom Sawyer or Huckleberry Finn and when Tane has lived through exciting experiences of Anne of Green Gables, all they need do to get more literature 'is stroll down to the corner, take a street car, return their books and select others as they ride back home. This is the system which has proven such a profitable and popular innovation in the city of Edmonton, Alberta. Thousands of books are thus circulated weekly among young, and sometimes older, Edmontonians. At left a group of youngsters are seen inside the ambulating library exchanging books. Another group at right is boarding the "educated street car." WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Plasma Miracles Blood plasma, the foremost life-saver of wounded men in this war, has been split into a number of fractions, each of which is as miraculous as plasma itself. Some of the new developments were described to the American Chemical Society at New York a few weeks ago by Dr. Edwin J. Cohn of Harvard University. One fraction, albumin, does all the work of plasma and only one-fifth the volume is required. A second, one of the globulins which protect man from many dis-«ases, is the best preventive and treatment for measles yet found and is in large scale production for the armed forces. A third, made of two of the blood's clotting elements, is a new plastic, which looks like a cross between nylon and rubber, and is in tise in surgery where sheets of it have been substituted for lost lay-«rs of-lining over the brain. Two others are new substances that quickly stop bleeding in wounds. A sixth is the substance which defines the different types of blood, and is in use in military blood tfp- And these are only some of the discoveries made. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. What should one say if it is necessary to be excused from the table before the others have finished eating? 2. Who should be asked to give the bride away' if she has no par- 3. How can children be taught to be socially at ease? 4. Wouldn't it be better to have a home wedding if the invtiations are to be sent only to the immediate families and closest friends? 5. What is the correct kind.of tie lor a man to wear with evening clothes? 6. What is the correct way to serve and remove dishes from the table? Answers 1. "Will you excuse me, please?" 8. She may ask an old friend of the family. 3. It can can be done by allowing them to'mingle with adult guests whenever possible. 4. This is a matter of personal preference, but a church wedding is preferable when many invitations are issued. 5. A white linen or pique bow tie, to match his shirt and waistcoat. 6. They should be •erved from the left side and re-inoved from the right. Have You Heard! Docor: "I'll have to charge you twenty shillings for improving your hearing." Aberdonian: "What?" Doctor: "I say your bill is twenty shillings." Aberdonian: "A canna hear ye." Doctor. "Then I won't charge you anything." Aberdonian: "Thank ye, doctor." Mulligan (to grocer)--"If Oi lave yez security equal to what Oi take away, will yez trust me till next wake?" Grocer--"Certainly." Mulligan -- "Well, thin, sell me two o' them hams an' kape wan o' them till Oi call agin." Ole Olson came into a Minnesota village one day and inquired it a drug stor.: if they had any S"No," said the6"derk. "but I can (lip you a little 'Old Crow'." "Ave don't vant to fly," said the Sweoe, "Aye ju*t wan to jump iround « little." The Old Bromide, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" was amended by one of the contributors to F.P.A.'s column in the New York World to: "All work and no play makes Jack." He was one of those drill sergeants who make basic trainee: quake in their GI brogans. One day be bellowed to his flight: "Eye; right." From the rear ranks came an unidentified drawl, "Yo sho is suh; you're a sergeant." First Cannibal (running into camp): "Is I late fo' dinna'?" Second Cannibal: "You is; everybody's eaten." Don't Blame Your DRUGGIST! fblame THESE 2 thugs mm increased DEMAND for Any Shortage of BUCKLEY'S REMEDIES When you ask for a Buckley Remedy and your druggist says, "Sorry, I'm temporarily out of stock", don't blame him The ingredients that have made iJuckley s cough and cold remedies famous, comefrom all over the world, and Hitler and Tojo sometimes delay their arrival, so that you cannot always get the Buckley remedy you want just when you want it. So, don't wait until a bronchial cough,chest cold or grippe strikes you. Get your Buckley's Mixture, White Rub, Cinnamated Capsules, Throat Aids or Cough Drops at ^-^opportunity and have them on hand to nip oncoming coughs or colds in the bud. See your druggist at once! Skin Itch Stopped in 7 Minutes ing, Cracking, eE?/ema?likl lSasn?UPeeYing" Burning Skin Blotches, Pimples, Ringworm, ■ treatment Nixoderm stops the itching In 1 minutes and goes right to work curbing the germs and should quickly help make your ' skin clearer, softer, smoother and more at- completely or you get your money back on, return of empty package. Get Nixoderm from your druggist today--see how fast it works and how much better you look. The money back trial offer protects you. RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED piles or rectal soreness, do'not'delay this condition .become'chronic6 Any age 'ot stool ""nature's 'warntng* and proper treatment should be secured For this purpose get a package of Hem-Roid from any druggist and use as directed. This formula which is used internally is a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly aid in healing the sore tender spots. Hem-Roid Is pleasant to use, is highly recommended and it seems risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may be had at such a small cost. if you try Hem-Roid and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist Vill gladly return If You Get Up Nights Help Your Kidneys Do you feel older than you are or suffer from Getting Dp Nights, Backache, Nervousness, Leg Pains, Rheumatic Pains, Burning, ber"tha°t your" Kidneys are vital' to your heahtiand that t*]es|dsym^°°J>|em^nbes^ in trying Cystex. The l^rori^clad money-back on return of empty package unless fully A satisfied. Don't de- How Can I ? ? By Anrie Ashley Q. Hoi ■ 1 .! that : will i A. Rub it with a little fat that brown paper, and it will not rust. Q. How can I cut hot cakes and shortcakes without crumbling? A. Make a slight start across the top with a sharp knife; then finish the cut by working a thread back and forth in a see-saw man- Q. How can I remove the odor from a medicine bottle? A. Fill it half full of cold water and add one tablespoon of dry mustard. Shake* thoroughly, let stand for half a .day, and then rinse carefully in Cold water. - ,0. How can I remove scorch A. Onion juice is very effective in removing scorch stains from white materials. Q. How can I remove white spots on furniture caused by heat? A. By applying wood alcohol on a soft cloth and then rubbing the spots with furniture polish. However, if the spots are deep the only cure for them is refinishing. Easy fo roll, delightful --to smoke yjqeten's FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO Gets $2,000 Bath Every 20 Years Nelson and his famous Column in Trafalgar Square get a good bath and overhaul normally about every 20. years, at a cost of between £400 and£500. There are usually some repairs to be done. On one of these occasions huge cracks in Nelson's arm, as long as eight inches and four inches deep, had to be filled in with a special cement. The increase of heavy traffic and vibration from the tubes were not supposed, by the office _ of works experts, to be doing the column any good, and during the air raids of three years ago it must have had a further shaking. More than 10,000 training air-:raft are in use by the British , Commonwealth Air Training Plan. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE 73 HEAD OF REG. Holsteins supervised and blood tested on April 5 at one o'clock at John W. Brisco, Renfrew, Ont. V > I i SA 1.1: BOILER, ONE H.R.T. 100 h.p. Complete. Borsehk. and Borschke, First Concession, Leam- BARRED ROCK BLOOD TESTED Rul^E. dj. ^asse, 226 Bridge ^Ave." SO ^MUCH DEPENDS ON THE juTi>-_ u i iii "irf th. pel „l , ', I „ ■ no! le'ts ' or \ ... 1 'i. ' ", 'i ' Al'so livei'-y.'S':rc,'; ,-a i a-'.' t/, i, No ten R"IV REST cash iT.CMMVlLL BE the man \ ' it'll , ' Tweddle' ri/i'k' ilia■!-,,■ ,\,'^"\'J'iu1t ed, Fergus. Ontario. HIGH GRADE BLOOD TESTED Barred and White Rocks. Red delivery! eleven „'.!,!-,■ l,rc'c,]s for later deliveries. Order at once Dufferin Hatcheries. 2048 Duffer-in, Toronto 10. TCENTN in-- |!l;.\Y - i i :.- ■!-. s so don't hold hack-, send your orders and delivery to the best of our ability. Bray Hatchery. 1,10 John N„ Hamilton, Ont. POULTRY-KEEPERS. BE SURE of a good healthy bum-h of bahv ehick-s this ocming season. Good ofdPSchick1s!'1V,-j'i1!i' 'for1 1 344 catalogue and prices on our Gov- TON^POULTRY 'FARMS, ' Monk- 15 FREE CHICKS BUY SUPERIOR QUALITY CHICKS "EXTRA PROFIT" All from inspected approved or certified blood tested breeders. Barred Rock Price per 100 Mixed 90CJ. Cockerels Pullets Day old 14.00 24.00 COO 1 week old 17.00 27.00 " 9.00 2 weeks old 22.00 32.00 12.00 weeks old 20.00 37.00 15.00 To all who will buy chicks and take immediate delivery. We will give them 1,5 free chicks per 100. COD. by Express. ^Ask bf°ra our Price List for 20 WILFRED LEFEBVRE 202.-. Amherst Street - Montreal I\Q. LICHTI'S 1944 CHICKS FIRST HATCH FEB. 1. PRICE LIST supplied. All birds for our 1944 hatching season have the interesting O.B.S. Government Band/ Culled and blood tested by Department inspectors. SOLOMON L1CHTI Mill ci-ton, R.R. 1. Phone »»-24 BABY CHICKS AND POULTS, Barred Rod; and White Leghorns from Government approved and bloodtested stock, all egg's ^ set Holland" and" SBroadA' Hreasted Bronze Turkey Poults. Send for price . list The Wright Farm, Brockville. Ont. CANADIAN APPROVED CHICKS for immediate delivery. Leghorns, Barred Rock. New Hampshire. Sussex and Hybrids. Write for 1944 i'n .-c list. MONK TUN POULTRY FARMS. Monkton. Ontario._ R.O.P. AND R.O.P. SIRED BLACK AUSTRALORPS AND BAR-red Rocks. Donley Poultry Farm, R.R. 6, London, Ont. BLACKBERRIES EVERBEARING BLACKBERRIES, very hardy. Have been successfully transplanted on Prairies-- well packed in moss. Heavy crop-clusters. Order before April 10th. 4 vines for $1.00 Prepaid. A. Klein, Agassiz, B.C. COMPLETE I).....lltSAl, SALE 40 HEAD SH.I.iSil ON . "\ MARCH Scotch Shorili..; ns: Headed by Blythwcod Master Model. The offering includes n top qualty females and 7 really choice j nunc Biili-. sired 1, ■!.. International mand Imported: and Blythw.....i Micia vied, 1. 4 Grand-daughters Mill '1 I , mil _ < , ^ - toeSH.'!S. In 1 1 ' ""o ' T^Amos.'1 ,r. 1-:" Ki'.'hl'.' Red Cross OVRIMi * CLEANING HAVE you AN VTH1NG NEEDS dyeing^ or cleaning? Write to us Mm it d^^l^Yon^e tSti ^"y^8 EGGS WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ecus. live ani^drksskd Paul !■:'r!'-.h .-iii"!'! El ECTIUC AI, E« V11»M E NT ELECTRIC MOTORS*«NEW i SI 1), bought, sold. rebuilt; belts, i i'V i ' ' jgAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys f* ' ' V ,Y, ni , FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE used THRESHERS AND TRAC-tors of various sizes and makes for sale, wholesale and retail. For particulars writ.- lluFir-,r,!,' Essex, Ontario. ' ison-^cnuc' FARMS FOR SALE FRUIT AND POULTRY FARMS for sale, 5 to 50 acres in Niagara, i district. Easily financed. r. C. MeGhee, •>.; Jackson St. West Hamilton, Ontario. For sale, nine miles from Gait, one-third mile from 97 highway, Valens. Farm of 112 acres, eighty acres cleared, balance bush and lot of good cedar. Good buildings, land in high state of cultivation. Forty acres in hay and wheat, remainder plowed, close to school and store. Old age reason for selling. G. W. Lanbier, r.r. 3, Puslinch, Ont. 50:ACRE FARM. GOOD build- TownshipV 'pri'e, ' \\i;iy"$V*mCln. J. CottJ- & Co., 108 Downic Street, Stratford, Ont. 100 ACRE FARM, no. 8 high WW, and land. 4 wells. Anpiv to e. C. Chamberlain, Seaforth, Ont. ' with or without stock, one half --i 1 _>'■■'■ ■ 16h acres in NORTHERN SASK- tion. good mixed" farming district, 3 miles from town with 5 elevators, on good highway: price $25 per acre. MS per acre cash, balance arranged. Pox 101, 73 ' 1 e . ■■ T__ FAftM HELP WANTED RESPECTABLE, TRUSTWORTHY, man without children to operate ii 11 miles west of Tore,no. Separate house. Tills would suit active re-• ed fat un t Writ fully stating 73 '.Adelaide St. West,' Toronto!"' FARMHAND, SINGLE, EXPER-ienced mixed farming, milking machine, good wilh siock. Good job for right man. A. o. Haist, Ridgeville. HARRIED MAN FOR FRUIT farm, separate house. hydro, yearly engage no na Sac, number of family and wages. ,1. It. Slock. R.R. 3. St. Catharines._ FARM MACHINERY WANTED A'ANTHH. JOHN DEERE POTATO Seed CiRier. will pay same price fo u t liar Donald Cameron, R. 2 Barrio. Ont.___ HOME KINDERGARTEN MOTHERS! YOU CAN AID THE siliwl d iii "\ h jiii HORSES FOR SALE REG. PALOMINO QUARTER HORS-es and reg. Palomino Tennessee pion blood lines, Stallions fr°m standingaytallions°;al3 '"good Pal-horse breeding; 5 reg. ralomino n't - 1 lit i 1 several reg. Tenessee Y\ nlking requirements'. S, nd" for".,-it- "latest drs, :-iff-ve price list. World's largest breeders of Palomino horses. FISHER PAEOMIN" i FARMS. Souderton. Pa. HAIRHHESSING SCHOOL LE A H N HA1RDRESS1NG THE Robertson's Hairdressfng Acad-emy. 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. HAIR GOODS WIGS, .TOUPES, TRANSFORM -ations, Switches, Curls and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illustrated catalogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply .Co., 528 Bathurst Street, HARRIS TWEEDS GENUINE HARRIS TWEEDS 3 AND 4 i'ARD ENDS AT $2.00 PER yard. High Grade half yard Suitings or Gabardines, suitable for childr, ns clothes. See each. Postage extra. Louis nice, 301 Spadina Avenue, Toronto. HANDWRITING DISCOVER VOUR HIDDEN TAL- a" sis, Vl.'> 'ink.' unruled paper. Send anx- f,f;> '.vords Caroline HARNESS DRESSING SLIPIT^ HARNESS" DRESSING -- houeshold uses 25c up at mos^ grocery, hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Dab- HORSES FOR SALE FOR SALE CARLOAD GOOD horses fourteen to eighteen cwt. Correspondence invited. T. E. Murphy. Chaplin, Sask, offer TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Attorneys, NEW MOTORS FOR IMMEDIATE d. livery, all sizes and electrical i i r siock of re- ment and wood-working machinery. Mao- Machinery Co.. 109 King East.' Toronto._ MEDICAL GOOD ^Ai'Vi 'i:: kvfr\ sri-i'-i;ii- Munro!sU'l'ii u" slllre" ^SS^^Iffln! NURSERY STOCK FREE -- colore"-) v i:-ti;i Catalogue, Full line of Fruit Trees: Evergreens: Flower,ng Shrubs; P.rerniaN: Shade Trees: R 8 e s;^ nrookdaie-Kyigsway SPECIAL PRICES ON COLORED AND FRAMED ENLARGEMENTS Quality Enlargements 4x0" in Beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c. Framed in Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebonv finish frames, on ivory mats 7x9". 59c each. If coloured 79c each. ANY SIZE ROLL 6 or 8 exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c Get prompt mail service on quality ers all over Canada will tell you l t 81 a r. Snapshot Service does the DON'T TAKE RISKS WITH YOUR FILMS Snapshots can never be taken again, -■end your rolls to Canada's largest and finest finishing studio-- STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO IMPEF! 1AL FOR cjU A 1.1TY^ tion J^lprontrv0'0 PETS WANTED WANTED CANARIES. PUPPIES, Persian Kittens, Pigeons, other Pets. Send descriptions price to Seeds & Dirds Co., i.'ilu St. Cath-erine W.. Montreal.__ FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890;' 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet or Information on re- PERSONAL GAIN WIS I H.Bl-ENCLOSE HIRTH dona«on^!p.O*CBGX%^ Otfawa^ Q.UILTING PATCHES QUILTING PATCHES FANCY TOPCOATINGS AND HIGH grade Suitings, some Scotch Tweeds, 0x18, 60 pieces 52.50 postage included. Louis Rice, 861 Spadina Avenue, Toronto. RHEUMATIC PAINS ITS IMP! N','-, NT-- I: v iTTTv gUF-ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem-• d.v. Sol! Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgii . Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. song POEMS >V -vNTKD i i BE SET TO MUSIC. Send poi in for immediate consideration Five Star Music Masters, 541 Beacon Bldg., Boston, Mass_ seed CORN 'Vfcte:asKo( i ri'i'n \ ■", k'V.i'a^l Ear Brand seed corn. Order early and save money. Belle River Grain & Seed Company, Belle River, Ont._ THOROUGHLY RECLEANED Government err-ded Clover Seeds, Timothy and Cossack Alfalfa. Write^for prices. J. E. Muir. Cey- 1944 FLOWER NOVELTIES THIS YEAR GROW A GARDENFFL of rainbow colours, Hick's 1944 Introduce, ii^ -- Petunia Cheer-day ^Irt Am-erica Winners .Value 75c) to Dept. W. W. W. Hick and Sons Limited,^ Lindsay, Ontario. "Seeds YEOET AP.l.E ,'e EEOWIal; SEED for sale AMERICAN^ . 1111 AM separator KNITTING, WE WING \v oo L summer resort wanted v ; \ti-i. to ccv good paving tractors fob sale Mccormick deering tractor. - tractor wanted WANTED--1. V E AloDEi. -i-PLOW Tractor on rubber for ,-■ n.e Ho. i.e I.. S'.-k STOMACH CD ',). . \ \! ol;\"- mune.,mWhyam>tn'f?nd ^.ut°if' this ticulars--Free! Write Mulvenev's Remedies. Specialists Toronto 3. attention! wool growers MR. WOOL GROWER the strath i ' Y*' WOo'i'.LEV MILES limited st 1: \ thro Y ONTARIO.