Page Four THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 11th, 1944 May 9th, 1944 Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Olmstead and family, Peterboro, spent the weekend with her father, Mr. R. S. Newman. Mr. Elwood Moore spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. Jas. Stark, Newtonville. Mr. Arthur Johnson, Oshawa, spent Sunday with his family here. Miss Nina Bush spent Saturday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bush. Miss Minnie Naish, Toronto, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Naish. Mr. Claude Taylor has been quite sick, but is some better at time of writing. Mrs. Willet Bookout spent Sunday with friends at Warkworth. Mr. Wesley Darke, Ajax, spent the weekend with his family. Mrs, Emma Gerow is back home again, after spending the winter with her daughters, at Toronto. Mr. Frank Armstrong came back with her for the summer. Messrs. Wm. and Harold Spencer spent Thursday at Toronto. Mr. Harold Fox spent Sunday afternoon and evening with C. Moore. Miss M. Mitchell spent Saturday and Sunday at her home, at Oshawa. Mrs. Douglas Tait and Mr. Geo. Tait spent Sunday at Belleville. Mrs. L. Covert spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Margaret Wolfraim. Mrs. Helen Baptist and Carl spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Naish. Mrs. Ethel Spencer returned home on Saturday, after spending a few days with Mrs. D. Ducie. Mrs. Lilly Ellis, Mrs. M. Haynes, Mrs. Marion Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Vosbourg and Mr. Claude Vos-bourg attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Alex. Smith, Frankford, on Thursday. A large number attended the Victory Loan Concert on Saturday night. Lieut. Kerr was the guest speaker. Miss Helen Cole, Trenton, spent the weekend with Miss Lenore Wel-ton. Mrs. F. A. Black and Keith spent the weekend with friends at Toronto. Mrs. Nelson spent a day last week with friends at Warkworth. CASTLETON W. M. S. The Castleton W.M.S. held their May meeting at the home of Mrs. J, E. Moors on Thursday evening. Mrs. G. Welton presided and opened the meeting with the hymn " From All That Dwell Below the Skies" and the Call to Prayer in unison. The June Meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Gaffield, with Mrs. H. Allen and Mrs. D. Allen as conveners, and "Labour" as roll call. Miss D. Farrell and Mrs. H. Allen had charge of the final chapter of "For All of Life." Mrs. D. Arkles led the Worship Service, assisted by Mrs. G. Harnden. Mrs. Moore read the Scripture Les-son.Hymn "Hail to the Lord's Anointed" and the Benediction closed the meeting. VERNONVILLE May 9th, 1944 Mrs. R. McMurray spent the week end with her husband at Toronto. Mrs. C. B. Turk spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. W. Fraser and Mr. Fraser, Centreton. Mrs. Fraser is confiened to her bed of a heart attack. Our teacher, Miss M. Carr, attended the meeting on Wednesday, held at the Gully School. A large number of men and women turned out to the "bee" for cleaning up the church grounds on Wednesday evening. Rev. H. L. Partridge, Colborne, conducted the service on Sunday, and was guest of Mrs. J. Deviney. Mr. and Mrs. N. Fitchett, Castleton, visited in this vicinity on Sunday. Bessie Harnden, C.W.A.C., Toronto, spent the weekend at home with her father, Mr. H. Harnden. Mr. and Mrs. M. McGregor and Miss Mildred McGregor, Castleton, and Mr. McAllister, Norham, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, R. Fitchett Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Broomfield and family, Gleason's Corners, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. W. Broomfield and Mary. Mr. B. Murphy, Kingston, is working for Mr. P. Calnan for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Robson, Trenton, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Robson. Miss Marion Deviney, Peterboro, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. J. Deviney, Douglas and Ruth. A SOLDIER asks your help... Men on the fighting fronts are ready to give their lives that we at home may live in peace and freedom. All they ask in return is a full support on the home front. Give it to them! Lend your dollars to buy their equipment, to help bring them home sooner, to bring them home to their familites. Put them and Victory First. Put Victory First Buy Victory Bonds SPONSORED BY Fox's Restaurant It<s No PUSHOVER! There's tough fighting ahead .... twenty-four hours a day! Our men must have more fighting stuff . . . better stuff than they've got against them! It's our job to see that they get it--now . . . and that they keep on getting it until the fight's won. Let's put every dollar we can into Victory Bonds. Put Victory First BUY Victory Bonds SPONSORED BY Rowsome's Grocery Mr. and Mrs. Don Chapman and Linda, Brighton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Darke. Mrs. Chas. Lee, who has been spending some time at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bertrand, Campbellford, has returned to her home here. Mr. and Mrs. L. Mutton, Dundonald, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John McCracken. Mrs. Harold Mutton, who has been spending the winter and part of the spring with relatives in Seattle, Wash, and Vancouver, B.C., has returned to her home here. Freedom is your dividend On the battle fronts of the world, thousands of Canadian men and women are gallantly fighting a war to insure freedom for everyone. They're ready to give their lives, all you're being asked to do is lend your dollars. You'll be anxious to share the freedoms . . . are you willing to share the cost? Put Victory First BUY Victory Bonds SPONSORED BY Hotel Brunswick Make Your Greatest War Effort Now! Our fighting forces now face the great sacrifices demanded by invasion. So we at home must pray, help in every way and practice self-denial as never before! -Everyone must buy Victory Bonds who can--and each must buy all he can. Put Victory First BUY Victory Bonds SPONSORED BY Matthews Meat Market CRAMAHE COUNCIL Cramahe Council met in the Council Chamber, Castleton, Friday, May 5th, 1944, at 1.00 p.m. Members all present, Reeve T. A. Chapman in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopt-' ed. Moved by Dingman, seconded by Allen, That the by-law to appoint road overseers, pound keepers and fence viewers for the Township of Cramahe be given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 946. Moved by Heckbert, seconded by Allen, That this Council insure the Township G.M.C. truck with W. W. D. McGlennon at a premium of $98.50. --Carried. Moved by Quinn, seconded by Dingman, That L. W. Naish be appointed Constable for the Township of Cramahe for the balance of 1944. --Carried. Moved by Heckbert, seconded by Dingman, That the Court of Revision for the Township of Cramahe against the assessment be held in the town hall, Castleton, on Firday, June 2nd, at 1.00 p.m.--Carried. Orders were drawn oh the Treasurer as follows : H. E, P. C, hall lights ........"... $ 4.05 A. E. Wilson & Co., road ins. 175.00 D. E. Boyle, re ind.............. .6.69 E. L. McNachtan, re ind......... 22.75 Treas. of Ont., hall lincense .... 3.00 P. A. Thompson, hall, park .... 5.70 Leslie Rice, assessor and postage ............................................ 70.98 L. W. Naish, bal. sal. collector 102.60 Irene Godwin, refund on arrears ....................................... 5.31 Road account to amount of 3273.15 Council adjourned to meet the First Friday in June at 9.00 a.m. G. R. Beavis, Clerk. SALEM May 9th, 1944 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Vanslyke moved to Cobourg on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coulter, of Trenton, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Armstrong. Quite a number of the Salem folk were blood donors at the Red Cross Clinic at Colborne on Friday last. Petty Officer Whaley, Mrs. Whaley and baby Carolyn left last Sunday for an East Coast Port, where P.O. Whaley will take up his duties. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swain and family visited her sister, Mrs. Jack Bull and family, Campbellford, on Sunday last. Mr. A. T. Marcott, Toronto, was home here for the weekend. Miss Eldora Bellamy, Brighton, is spending the week at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Albert Irwin, and assisting with the tomato plant transplanting. The regular monthly meeting of the War Workers* was withdrawn this week, owing to the busy times. Friends of Miss Grace Smith will be glad to hear that she is improving after an attack of pneumonia. She was taken ill at her boarding place at Trenton, where she is attending Business School. A special Mothers' Day program is being prepared for Sunday next in connection with the Sunday School Rally. EDDYSTONE May 9th, 1944 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harnden and children and Mrs. Jack Harnden visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harnden at Havelock this week. Mrs. S. Usher and Mr. Nelson Usher spent part of Sunday at Mr. Milton Usher's, Vernonville. Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Wangen, Toronto, spent the weekend at their farm here. Miss Grace Hinman, Cobourg, sang "Open the Gates of the Temple" at Eddystone Church on Sunday after-Mrs. Birney and pupils had a spring clean-up and weiner roast on Arbor Day. Congratulations to Robert Usher, who has secured his High School Entrance on farm leave, and also to his teacher, Mrs. Birney. Mr. and Mrs. D. Birney and Garnet visited Oak Heights on Sunday. RATION CARDS FOR AMERICAN TOURISTS American tourists are entitled t) the same ration allowances as are provided for Canadian citizens. Visitors to Canada should apply to the Local Ration Board immediately upon arrival at their destination. They will be given an application form, and on completion of this will obtain a temporary ration card. Temporary ration cards are issued to visitors who remain in Canada for five days or more. Should the visitor be going to an isolated part of the country where there is no local ration board they may obtain the application form at the port of entry into Canada. This form may then be mailed to the near-1 est office of the Board. Owing to Canadian policies of subsidizing imports and distribution by zones, Canadian fertilizer prices are probably the lowest in any country of the world, being several dollars a ton less than in the United States or in the United Kingdom. New Condensed Ads. on Page 5. MORGANSTON MSy 9th, 1944 The Congregational meeting is to be held Wednesday evening. Carman Bray, R.C.A.F., Trenton, Was home on Sunday-. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Darling and Mrs. C. Massey were at Toronto over the weekend. P.O. Gordon Hutchinson, R.C.A.F., and Mrs. Hutchinson have been home the past week on his furlough. The Red Cross unit quilted at the home of Mrs. Reynolds on Wednesday. Lunch was served. Mr. Fred Goodrich and sister have moved to their new home near Castleton. Sgt. and Mrs. L. Mountjoy and baby Douglas, Peterboro, spent his leave with Mr: and Mrs. Reynolds. Wilfred BanBlaricom calling on prospective Hydro applicants on Saturday. Several attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Etta Ireland, Warkworth, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simpson are announcing the birth of a baby girl oh Sunday, May 7th. Mr. Lee Palmateer is assisting at the cheese factory this summer. Several attended the Memorial Service at Warkworth on Sunday for the late G. Richardson, Parachutist, killed in Italy. Mrs. Jos. George is visiting her brother, Mr. Percy Moore. PROPERTY FOR SALE 150 acres of real good land, good buildings, well fenced, plenty of running water, near to church, school and store. 112 acres of a choice farm, 2 sets of first-class buildings, choice location, Hydro installed. $7,000. FARM, 5 acres, choice garden land, newly built frame house, cottage design, soft and hard water, good cellar, barn 30x48 ft., stable for 5 head, good hen house, good garage. This property is within li/2 miles of Colborne. Sacrifice for quick sale. FARM, 75~acres, well watered and fenced, good level land, good buildings, on county road. See this one--$1500. FARM, 65 acres more or less, lot 34f con. 6, Cramahe Township, mostly workable, trout stream, frame house, 6 rooms, bank barn. SOLID BRICK HOUSE, 7 rooms, with modern conveniences, barn, half acre of land, in Village of Colborne. Persons having properties for sale are invited to list them with the undersigned. We pay for advertising. S. E. ROBINSON Auctioneer and Real Estate Agent PHONE 78r23 COLBORNE, Ontario "Colborne's Prosperity Depends Upon Those Who Spend Their Money in Town" TTTell your Friends..... the minute you have bought your new Victory Bond. Tell them why you bought it--because you have someone precious over there... because you want to see that every Canadian has ovemhelming weapons to win -- because you are buying a stake in your country's future. Whatever your reason, tell your friends and you'll do another national service--you'll xj^...- sell your Friends C. A. POST, Barber, 1 door West of Post Office DEPARTMENT OF N t Canada and members of the Voluntary nany other Voluntary War Workers ive banker) im th* i.____ ______ t<w= „/■ i...-.,----- * tL maleria£ factor.m turning the t the enemy. When Car,***'* _'•T tide of battle against tfie'enemT j", "-unung the have been dangerously low vou hav* h? Canada s st°<* Piles salvaged waste material .h<y?\ ve dlsc°vered, saved, and --nition^^p^iv ^ ^into weapons, paigns have been Nation-ffide and n? S\■ 0uf SalvaB« cam-Your job has been a "ne which°i, a 10nal imPortance. =■ oig one which you have nobly performed ^tt^ and we. t look to the be -a morl ^Y^^^r\^^ £enjay $fc^S2 » a aay-t0_day basia Fellow f..-^. Fe"-Canadianspieaseheip! Yo«« sincerely. *e°he. T5!*i naoer shortage by saving; e y tore TovTtO DO IT: Tie raw material to Paper containers. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL WAR SERVICES Phone Colborne 86r24