THE COLBORNE EXPRESS. COLBORNE, ONT., MAY 18, 1944 MAC DONALD'S Get ready for HAYING... ORDER WINDSOR SALT NOW ■Windsor Salt is cheap protection. Windsor Salt checks excessive heating, preserves food value, increases payability, lessens danger of 6re through spontaneous combustion. Spread 20-30 lbs. salt per ton^of hay when READY--order your Win Salt n RURAL WET DELIVERY After the Mississippi's flood waters had topped the .levee at several points near St. Loius, the postman had to splash twice (oi more) to deliver letters to this mailbox on the city's outskirts. Tough War Map Paper Developed Paper you can write on and erase satisfactorily when it's soaking wet has been developed for use in war maps. Maps printed on this paper, the United States Commerce Department announced recently, retain their strength after being soaked •with water or oil, trampled in the mud, subsequently washed with »oap and water or dipped in gasoline. The paper now is being^ produced commercially in quantities sufficient to meet the armed forces' needs. Reservations Now For Sea Voyages Whatever the future of the transatlantic air services may be there Is still a demand for sea voyages. The Cunard Line is being kept ■very busy with reservations in the Queen Mary and the Queen Elizabeth for first voyages after the war. Both liners are now in "battle • dress," but they will be put into ; aible after the war. The Queen Elizabeth has yet to • make a commercial voyage. Her ! first trip will be regarded as her maiden voyage, and the Cunard of-j fice in New York has an impres-: »ive passenger list already in reser-I Tations. Headache (Nothing is more depres- &r^f^L (sing than headaches... /TW^T* | Why suffer?-..Lambh/s f JLamfly'sisgoodforear- : ache, toothache, pains in WJ.^ !back, stomach, bowels. J/eudf HEMORRHOIDS 2 Special Remedies fey the Makers of Mecca Ointment Meoca Pile Remedy No. 1 is for Protruding c. In Jar, and is for external use only. Price 50c. Order by number from your Druggist. /- If you suffer MONTHLY -FEMALE PAIN You who suffer cramps, headache, backache, and tired, nervous feelings--due to female functional disturbances -- should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It has a soothing effect on one of woman's most important organs. Also a fine stomach tonic! Made in Canada. Worth trying. LYDIA E, PINKHAM'S Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. Is a high centerpiece in good taste on the dinner table? 2. Is it necessary that one return a first call, even if one does not desire to continue the acquaintance? 3. Is it necessary that one acknowledge a written invitation to a 4. If a bride is wearing a veil over her face, what is the proper time to raise the veif? 5. Is it correct to spread jelly on bread when at the table? 6. Where is the proper place to write the date in a social letter? Answers 1. No; the centerpiece should be low enough so that the view of persons sitting on opposite sides of the table is not obstructed. 2. Yes; and this first call should be made within ten days. 3. One is not obliged to dp so. 4. At the conclusion of the ceremony, and it is considered the duty of the maid of honor when she hands back the bouquet to the bride. 5. No; the bread followed by a bit of jelly, which is conveyed to the mouth on the tip of the fork. 6. It is usually written on the last page, at the left of the signature. Have You Heard! Smith: "What's this check stub, one pullover--$25? I don't want to appear like a cheapskate, but isn't that a lot of money for a pullover?" Wife: "The man on the motorcycle said it was the regular price." Smith: "You got it from a man on a motorcycle?" Wife. "Yes, I went through a red light, and he drove up and said, 'Pull over.'" The despondent business man climbed wearily into his luxurious car. "Where to, sir?" the chauffeur asked. Drive off a cliff, James," was the reply; "I'm committing suicide." With his usual long-wndedness, the bore was describing one of his hair-breadth escapes. "There was I," he said, "on a lonely road, miles from anywhere, with a blazing car. What do you think I did?" One weary listener stifled his yawns long enough to reply: "Toole a long breath and blew it out!" "When I was travelling in Russia they showed me a bed twenty feet long." "Well, I dunno--sounds like a lot of bunk to me." WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Vivicillin \/& A new drug that may well play an important role in checking invasion casualties and reducing the death toll has been developed in London laboratories. The drug, known as vivicillin % if a development of penicillin and can be produced in large quantites at comparatively Recent experiments conducted in Wellhouse Hospital, Barnett, London, have shown it to be effective in septicemia and hemophilia cases, as well as in cases where burns had endangered the lives of patients. The results astonish doctors, who, however, make nj extravagant claims at this stage of the new drug's efficacy. A statement issued at the hospital emphasized that vivicillin is not a cure-all, although it has been used with encouragiig results and its application in wider fields is expected. "Penicillin is not available for use by civilian hospitals and medical practitioners, and it would appear that the chief value of vivicillin lies in its comparatively low cost of manufacture and ease of production in quantity, making it available to a large mass of the population so far unprovided for." The drug also has been used with lemarkable success in cases of peritonitis and acute mastoiditis, where one to four injections were made. In several cases of infected burns and septic wounds the drug has been administered externally with excellent results, it was reported. Nazi Glider Tug Has Five Motors For months, fliers who returned from trips over Germany with reports of a five-motored German plane were pooh-poohed for their pains, says Newsweek. But now-Allied officials know definitely that such a craft exists. One was shot down, along wtih the two gliders it - Fr The monstrosity is actually two Tlein-kel 111 bomber-fuselages hitched together by a long wing and unconnected anywhere else. The fifth motor is mounted in the middle of this wing. In performance, it's apparently slow, but .powerful. However, reports which have not yet officially been confirmed say a 2,500 Home Defence Troops 'Go Active* More than 2,500 home defence troop* stationed at Vernon, B.C. have volunteered for active service overseas. Major-Gen. G. R. Pearkes, general officer commanding-in-chief of Pacific Command, said last1 week in an address congratulating the volunteers o« their appeals to "go THE BEST OF FRIENDS Friendship, just a perfect friendship; has sprung up between white rabbit and young fox at San Francisco zoo. Here, the usually amicable pair are having slight argument about who is to get first bite of carrot. Dispute was easily settled. 1:1:114:1 Protecting Clothing From Clothes Moth There are two main points to be observed in the protection of household articles subject to. damage by moths. The articles to be stored should be thoroughly clean, and the receptacle in which they are placed should not have the slightest hole or crack through which a moth might enter. If there be such a means of entrance, the trunk, box, drawer, bag or whatever receptacle is used, is not moth-proof. Washable articles before being stowed away should be washed. Clothing, blankets, and such-like articles, should be thoroughly brushed. Preferably, where possible, they should be sent to the dry cleaners before being placed in storage. To reduce the chance of infestation, moth balls or other repellent may be used. In trunks or boxes they may be scattered about, but a much tidier way is to obtain pin-up medallion repellents which may be bought at most stores. They may be pinned in cupboards, and on the inside of the lids of trunks and boxes. The fumes from these chemicals are deadly to insects, and being heavier than air they penetrate to the bottom of the receptacle. Particularly with bags, it is easy to suspend the repellent near the top of the bag above the hanger, and away from the clothes. Where naphthalene flakes can be obtained, an effective method is to enclose an ounce or two in a home-made cheese cloth bag and suspend it from the top. Moth balls may be used in the same Poles Flee Reich In German Plane Two young Poles with prewar . pilot training escaped form Germany in a Nazi training plane and landed in Sweden recently. The youths said they dressed in stolen German uniforms and presented themselves at the Breslau Flying School, claiming they had orders to make a test flight. The Germans, they said, fueled the plane for them and 3,'/2 hours later they landed in Sweden. The climbing perch from Asia is a fish that can walk on dry land and climb trees. BABY CHICKS SPECIAL PRICES FOR Jl'NE AND JULY Barred Rock Mixed ....... 10c New Hampshire Mixed .... He White Leghorn Mixed ---- 10c Barred Rock Pullets ...... 17c White Leghorn Pullets .... 20c Don't delay. $1.00 books your order. Carleton Hatcliery, Britannia Heishts. Ontario. ALL SIGNS POINT TO A RECORD-br. akin*.- demand for May and June chicks. Look ahead «k tar let * up inYhe world'demand for chicken ii ml o?p Chickens much Quicker than beof^pork and la to-order your .links telay and five' and' six \vi'<k o 1 d Leghorn .'n'e'e Ms.' GuV.iH,1.'fc»"';V. DP 1 ° 0 1 IF YOU WANT CHICKS--NOW-- we can supply you with some breeds, for instance Leghorns, and B.M. x W.L. Other breeds brooders -- save time, get ojiK" quicker, with these. Write, phone or drop in. Bray Htu.-hcry, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. SUPERIOR CHICKS, ALL BREED-ers blood tested. Write for our special low prices for end of May, June and July chicks. Leghorns, Barred P.o'ks, Ha m;i-hu es. Rock Hamp. Sussex, Hamps, mixed chicks. pullets, cockerels. -ll.-ii- -a ttk old pullets for immediate delivery. Superior Hatchery. Linwood, Ont. STARTED PULLETS. COCKERELS and non-srxod .hicks for immediate delivery 2, 3. 4 and 5 week old at special pries while they last. Have some genuine bargains In four and five week old White Leghorn pu!M« _ P. >.'!_ for ^> ],e,-ial Old*3' pullet's"h ami' ' oliVei . T„ rd.lle Chick Hat l,cries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. SIX WEEK OLD WHITE LEGHORN pullets all from Government-Applied bled . stock I'll! Send y.'j; ' <'u\l'.'r*'a'i 'one, "'be'rV,,'e other' t a 1 1 ' ' hi c Kk bot- YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT 'DUDS' -may cost, nuhy '-hicks ilia- don't a'^bill' for'". ! d .' mi Yodgin'o '"i!d brooder.r,aar. 1,,-fore th. y "kick these "quitters" take' up "snare and care that might otherwise b. give, ,„ « „rih« bile sp, eimens so that ev, day ihe "duds" live increases loss. Vou avoid much risk when yon per chirks that blood- tes'ted"bre edersP' of ' pro'mjs- Hatcheries. Start all the < hicks you can handle: there'll be a market for every one of them-- and for their ce-gs--and get Tweddle Chicks. Day old and older, is ' ail p,.|.t."b'r "b '.is. S. mi for )!G4 .-a!.-. and reduce*! Prompt uili'v'ev ruir:.i';lo'ii! also bargains in stancd c h irks. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit-' BARRED ROCK COCKERELS. 4 40c each','r:iocd-i.'si'ed. v,\\\ stVrl-f'uii "W, ; . • ■' i V\ 1 t REDUCED PRICES FOR CHICKS. Barred Rocks and Leghorns lie Leghorn pull, is 22,-. n„rrfA Rock pullets 2i>. . Leghorns are Barron Strain. Rocks are O.B.S. breed, ing. All breeders are blood tcst- D YEING * CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to ua for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yong« street. To- HAIRDRESSING AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE \ ' " f t schools. 'Bfefined, dignified work. Splendid pay. Write or call for free literature. Marvel Hairdressing Schools. 35S Bloor Street, Toronto. Branches 44 King Street, Hamilton, and 74 | ... -.ii Street, Ottawa. LEARN HA I RDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. fmy,Cri37D AvenueraR3n\orAoCnato' WIG S, .TOUPES, ^TRANSFORM- 1 type's3' of finest ^quality ' Hair S Goods. Write for illustrated catalogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst Street, DIXON'S - REMEDY--FOR NEURIT- ands" satisfied. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. _ YOIJ GET QUICK RELIEF FROM Eczema and Psoriasis by using Patson's Eczema Ointment, stops burning and itching; soothes and dreds of satisfied customer?, fi'lc and $1 postpaid. 1'atson Health Products, 261 St. Catherine West, Montreal. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the^ cause *jj0'"ne6*tt? mune' Why not find out if this •is vour trouble? Interesting particulars--Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists. Toronto 3, Ont BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys jSffensive^ ^odor instantly. 45c i:eai> this-kvei:v ,«ritkrkrt PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIAL PRICES ON COLORED AND FRAMED ENLARGEMENTS Uful'i^efmoun^ 625c" Frlfm- Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames^ on ivory ^ mats 7x9". 59c ANY SIZE ROLL DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c Get prompt mail service on quality ers aH over Canada will tell you that Star .Snapshot Service does the DON'T TARE RISKS WITH- YOUR FILMS Snapshots can never be taken again. Send your rolls -to Canada's largest STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print lour Name and Address Plainly on AH Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS S for 25c 1 I NEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not feet all the films you want this j ear, but > on can get all the duality and s.rvi.e you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station -J. Toronto. PATENTS FartoitsTONHAUiiH & com fa.\ i Patent Solicitors. Establishes Booklet'4 of Information on^re- FOR SALE MILKING MACHINES GEN cine HI N MAN Hi."1 :P.E I'.S and parts for old-style shaft line Hows 'i '-eriienr ' Lim'itVd. *bis- Ont °rS' ' ~ra"K Ve" 010n.t0' FARM FOR SALE, 3^ miles from Timmins.^160 acres^. 70 cleared, stock; inquire further Box 455, Timmins. Ontario. LARGE Gr.ADlOL.US BULBS, RAIN- varieties, 2 dozen $1.10 delivered. Kuyper's Bulbs, Ha-z:e. EC. We grow the best only. PEACH TREES, APPLES. PEARS, <hei: . - I,".ins, . .i. ■ -,s, grapes, t,,, es no per,]-.- bearing FARMS FOR SALE. IN TEMISK-Zalek" V.-i-iVu-b. Wawbewawa. Ont. NO. 1 VANGUARD OATS. GROWN FOR POrLTRTMKN ONLY Mam: \ih.\i:i ani. flan for St?nw.. Toronto! 1. Subs, im „m v*L0O per year, $2.00 for three I ti i luigg Fox 253, *' IFieimaei'tY! 'Good build- FOR ANGORA BREEDING STOCK, write for prices to Halycon Angoras, Pickering, Ont. DeWALT SAWS AND WOODWORK-ing Machines. Newest types available from direct factory representatives for Canada. Quotations gladly furnished on application. DeWalt Disher Corporation Ltd., 402 West Pender St., Vancouver, B.C. DR. J. H. ENGEL'S MINERALIZED Yeast has been helpful in the prevention of abortion. Many testimonials verify its value. 100 lbs. $15.00 plus charges. Nnexcelled for cattle, sheep, goats, and swine. We claim our Mineral and Yeast Powders for all animals for malnutrition but they more than pay for themselves in growth, vigor and production. Dr. J. H. Engel, corner Queen and Princess Sts., Waterloo. Ont. Write for booklet. ARMY BOOTS NEWLY RECONDITIONED BOOTS of our armed forces, perfect condition, $3.25 delivered. Ladies' army shoes,- perfectly rebuilt. $2.25 delivered. Money-back guar- order. Ruskin & Co., Peterborough, Ont. FREE -- COLORED NURSERY Catalogue. Full lino of Fruit Trees; Evergreens; Flowering Shrubs; Perennials; Shade Trees; Roses; Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries, Bowmanville, Ontario. SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING -- Finest leather and harness pre- houeshoid uses 25c up at most stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- THROW GASOLINE ^ AGAINST STOR-aIO, Vap'oriz.'r ' ,-.--,',,1 -more miles. Build y,,urs.cir, is simple. Results good. Flans 85c. FOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, pulieys! brushes."6 Allen Electric Company Ltd.. 2326 Dufferin St. Toronto._ JUST OUT, ILLUSTRATED CAN- V eit^ Stamp Shop,' 294 St! Catherine West, Montreal. YEW INVENTED SNARE TRAP IF YOU ARE- INTERESTED IN expensive Trigger you^can make plan and_ instructions? i-°Peter POULTRY GRIT „m„ L V":«hi%4^uiire'1Srits "bags ,,. «„y Tut.ntitV. 'Write for 98' DEALERS WANTED STOCK FOR SALE SERVICEABLE AGE AND YOUNG-er dual-purpose Shorthorn bulls from R.O.P. dams, deep, thick, hef/ers, Elves'. \lan f Alde^Tn; HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED FLOORMAN^ AND tion. Apply' Fyl'e H791M, Near- THE CORNWALL GENERAL HOS-.] „ i i ' nts "for student •a a vi Ei , r r i,!, i o.-..\ i.,i'i i'll inn I \ l I ul be 1 si;c.,e Me v:-!i >.\\'.-( ,-.] AX ^ FOR adluts i, f, i' c" living , u t- Mrs. iii,r,lM ' liiiimv, 232 Poplar Plains Rd.. Toronto._ WANTED WANTED IN VOUR DISTRICT someone to take orders in their spare time for day old chicks for Approved. Chick Hatchery. Tic-Investment required. Liberal com-mission. Write for full details. Box 130, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. PASTURE WANTED. WANTED RE. j liable farmers who have extra | good pasture and accommodation to .pasture herds of young cattle for cash monthly. Preferably, near Toronto. Write fully. Post Office Box 578, Toronto. WANTED, LITTERS PUPPIES, grown dogs, any breed. State price. Box 52, Lansing P.O. PARTNER FOR SHOW HORSE farm (Hunters & Jumpers), Box 631, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. WANTED TO BUY TRACTOR OR will trade Formall H for bigger, tractor. Box 23, Eiliclb, rt. Man. WANT TO BUY. RENT OR TAKE Plete small' ' iron 'or woollen mill, operating or operated recently.^ A1-, 1 ed , IV! pih.c mill space*) Kith r...l'i v'». ,T Al'i!iVr'ii.'-'a Fox 142. 73 Adelaide W.. Te ,.o i""i!iv'.i"-,'"« AdelaideC°St EasU Toronto.