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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 29 Jun 1944, p. 3

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1 HE COLBORNE EXPRESS. COLBORNE, ONT., JUNE 29, 1944 MAC DONALD'S SAD-LOOKING SUPERMEN OTTAWAJtEPORTS That Dominion Reconstruction Committee Advocates Standard Of Farm Homes Be Raised The farm home, long overlooked for consideration in the report of the Dominion Reconstruction Committee appointed by the Government at Ottawa. The building of 94,000 farm dwellings in the first ten,years after the war is recommended by the subcommittee on Housing and Community Planning. In the same period the subcommittee's report "urges repair of ISS.ono farm homes. It also advocates n, v homes for with other families, and provision of cottages for farm laborers. Two out of every five farm dwellings in Canada tire in need of chimneys, windows or doors, the report of the subcommittee advises. Four out of five have no electricity. In every 100, 1)3 lack batbitig facilities or flush toilets. Examining this report, Frank Shefrin, a Dominion Department ments, "For the first time we have a report on housing and community planning which deals not only with the shelter of urban dwellers but makes specific recommendations. ..'to raise substantially the standard of farm housing." Cheddar cheese production in May was approximately 20 million lbs., or a little over .11% above that of May, 1943. It is the highest recorded production since monthly records were first compiled in 1936. There is no need Tor July or August chicks this year, Dominion egg and poultry experts advise. With the substantial increase in early sales. greater numbers hatched, and a good growing sea-plies of eggs and poultry in sight to supply all anticipated require- Maximum prices for sales of to- juice produced by home canners. are set in a Prices Board order. Several thousand home canners, most of them in Quebec, are affected by the order which establishes uniform prices for all sections of Canada in line with the "ceiling" for industrial canners. The new regulations, apply to all canners with an output of less than 10.000 ,bs- ^ - in May. the value being $368,357.- 000. This was an excess of $64,700,- 000 over the previous monthly record established last July. Among the leading commodities exported were wheat and wheat flour; seeds, fishery products: eggs and meats; planks and boards; wood pulp, newsprint _paper; motor vehicles and parts; chemicals, cartridges and shells; guns, rifles and firearms. The United Kingdom received goods to the value of $140,-249,000, and the United States, $131,865,000. Other leading countries to which shipments were made included Italy, British India, Russia, Egypt, Australia, Newfoundland. French possessions, Switzerland, Eire, Iraq, Brazil, British South Africa and British West Africa. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Welded Aircraft A new welded stainless steel , cargo plane, the Conestoga, is in loll production at the Edward G. Budd Manufacturing Company plant, Philadelphia. The two-engine, 68-foot aircraft with an upsweep after-body giving It the appearance of a flying whale, Is the first plane in which welded stainless steel has been used to a large extent, the navy said. Doors on opposite sides of the fuselage permit launching of paratroops- and supplies simultaneously from both sides in contrast to conventional one-door transports. The cargo compartment, 25 feet long, eight feet wide and eight feet high, is made possible by , a unique manner of attaching the wing to the fuselage without passing the wing through the fuselage in the customary fashion. The floor of the cargo compartment remains level both on the jround and in flight as the plane is •quipped with a tricycle landing The ship i* capable of carrying 10,40 of e wiles, but its maximum range can fce increased to 3,500 miles with auxiliary fuel tanks. Two 710-horsepower engines give it a cruising speed of 165 miles an hour. Total weight fully loaded b 33,800 pounds. The Conestoga can be convert-ad to troop transport or ambulance use, and an ambulance and jeep fcoth can be carried inside. Answer To Alcohol Shortage: Poison Gas Those thirsty folks who wonder how the war effort can absorb practically the whole distilling capacity of this continent were driven an answer by a War Production Board head who had appeared before a U. S. Senate committee, states the Winnipeg Free Press. The main answer, he said, was "■poison gas." This does not mean that the United Nations propose to initiate the use of this dreadful weapon of war, but Dr. W. G. Whitman of WPB made it amply clear that, if the Axis starts using it we will immediately follow suit, and that we do not propose to be caught on a "too little and too late" fcasis. Alcohol is a principal ingredient of poison gases. It is also used for explosives and other war purposes, but poison gas stock piles are what are chiefly in mind now as the distillers keep on turning out industrial alcohol. Sufferers or bleeding and piles should know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the cause at its source. Money fcack if the first bottle does not satisfy. Buy from your druggist. .YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM N NOT FLASHES 1 If you suffer from hot flashes, I weak, nervous irritable feelings, are H a bit blue at times--due to the func-B tional "middle-age" period peculiar d to women--try Lydia E. Pinkham's II Vegetable Compound to relieve such H symptoms. It helps nature! Follow II label directions. Worth trying! I LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S cvSd' PILES SioHtch of Insect Bites-- HeatRash foot and other externally caused skin troubles. prescription. Grei stocks D. O, Dt PRESCRIPTION. h% Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE 1. How can a host or hostess divert a guest without seeming rude if he seems determined to monopo- 2. If a man stops to talk for a minute with a girl whom he meets on the street, should he turn his back when leaving her? 3. On which side of the plate should the spoons be placed on the dinner table? 4. Is it permissible for a bride to have her mother acknowledge the wedding gifts? 5. Is it permissible for a host or hostess to specify the length of time covered by an invitation for a rials on a visiting card? ANSWERS 1. At the very first pause ask some other guest if he won't relate some interesting incident or experience. 2. He should wait for the girl to turn first, before he turns to walk away. 3. On the right side of the plate. 4. No; personal notes should be written by the bride. They may be brief and should be sincere and express genuine appreciation for the gift. 5. Yes, and it will often prevent misunderstandings and embarrassment. 6. The faultlessly correct card bears the' full name. Mustard Gas A boy of 16 found a tin container on sand dunes on the South Wales coast. His younger sister opened it up and played with the contents. It held mustard gas in liquid form for use at anti-gas classes. The child died from severe burns. Her father and mother, brother, another sister, and six neighbors who came into contact with the liquid suffered burns. The whole district had to be decontaminated. Soviet Russia was the first country to train parachutists. MONTY LOOKS OVER A JOB WELL DONE dad in his famous sweater and beret, Gen. Bernard L. Montgomery and taff officers inspect one of the first Normandy ports captured by Allied Have You Heard? "Why do they call it a dental parlor?" "Parlor is another name for drawing-room." "Having a rather long and startling message to send home and just tnonc.h funds to pay for a 10-word telegram, the man wrote its follow,. '■ ' - ^Bruises hurt <ra-e.l a Ford ^Here's what he meant: "Bruc; is hurt, he raced a Ford, he wrecked it. and Alice, is hurt, in # The new recruit was late for Wade. "Well, it's so nice to see you, soldier," said th< sergeant with a snarl. "We so feared you had signed a separate peace."-- Paddy ran every"-year in the village -ports, hr.t, unfortunately, he never won. Perseverance was rewarded and !..-t yiar'h't was successful. "Congratulations' Paddy," said a I friend. "thanks," said Paddy. "I am first at last. I ytas always behind before." * "I hear you and your wife Jbad a few words." "And I still have mine. I "never had a chance to use Even The Lowly Cattail Goes To War It seems like a far cry from the common cattail of the marshlands to life preservers and sleeping bags, but recent events have found a commercial outlet for the hitherto useless cattail, says the Calgary Herald. The round, sausage-shaped fruiting heads of the plant are compact masses of seeds, bearing hair-like appendages by which the seeds are wafted-about in the wind. These threads are hollow, light and fluffy -- an excellent material for buoyancy and insulation. Hence, their value for life preservers! Why not also for sleeping bags? Now the cattail harvest is a thriving business in many marshes, and a new plant industry has been born. An antelope has been timed to run at a speed of fifty miles an Airminded Air-minded and eight years of age, little Jim was perhaps a trifle scandalized, The Manches:er Guardian relates. William's elastic girdle was losing grip and a white, zone of linen surmounted his staking pants as he passed down th't garden path. "Hey!" shouted Httla Jim after him. "Retract your undercarriage." Headacl j Nothing is more depressing than headaches.., Why suffer?...Lambly's sj' will give instant relief. \ I Lambly's is good for ear- >~ ache, toothache, pains in / back, stomach, bowels. 7#iua/ *d 1 ■ HEADACHE POWDERS, u BAHV CHICKS QUALITY eiMi'k'.s AT BARGAIN LeL'l'or,'isU"'ia ned" It'oe'ks, \>.w Hampsllir. s. White Roeks. Whit ■ l>r'i<is and either popular 'breeds. Non-sexed as low as SK.'i" per 100. Heavy IO. ed Pullets S11.iT,. . Heavy Breed Cockerels SSMr,. "Shipped CO. a anywhere. Give I second el,,,ice. Immediate delivery. Last Kal.-h July M>h. Tw-ed-.11. ' hi. k Hatcheries Limited, SPECIAL week"AoiP' '$1.00 from' 'Government Ap-ifrvved so., l. si, ppo.l |. o. any point. j1 uara ,, t eed sa-isfac- * SPECIAL PRICES FMl july Barred 10,el.- Mixed ...... 1 fie New II, m,,shire Mixed .... 11c /White Leghorn Mixed .... 10c Barred Itoek Pullets ..... 17c White Leghorn Pullets ____ 20c Don't delay. $1.00 bonks y,,ui order. Carle...,, Hatchery. Brltannln Hclsrhts, Ontario. PROMPT SHIPMENT of TWO week old chicks in bleeds we Save listed m^our^,loy-old ;,1 o, PERHAPS YOU'RE CULLING NOW, If so. you'll wo tit young stock to take their place. We have 2-3 week Pullets in* Leghorns and Heavy Breeds for Immediate shipment. Just the _ thing for Bray Hatcherj^""^' J Hamilton. Ont. STARTED CHICKS TWO WEEKS shir. s.'V hit, 'Keek's. Whit, "l, g-horns. Hybrids in non-sexed. pullets and cockerels. Send for prices. Also day old nnn-seved as low as $835 pel- I O'.i.^ Pullets .18.95. ' FrcV 'Catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, STARTED PULLET C HICK S-- Ready for shipment. Barred 3 weeks old 30.'-. I w.-ek^'oid '»Sc! All from Canadian Approved Blood-tested stock. Martindcle's Farm Hatchery, Caledonia, Ont. GoveVnment ' A pp r,o o,f JPebi',-ks from bloodies,,,,! loaders. Barred Roeks. White Leghorns. Vow Hem),shires. White Wyandotte* White Rocks, Light Sussex New Hampshire X Parted Rock. Light Sussex-'x' New- Hampshires. 'Black dred. Pun, ts"s' I :e'T. Heavy e'ek- Prrnnpt 'deyvery.° Top3 'xo'trh DYEING A CLEANING HAVE VOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleanine? Write to us for information. We are rlsd* to menTerH.y° Parker"* rive Works' Limited. 791 Yonge Street To- HAIRDRESSING AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, learn hairdressing at Canada's finest and largest schools. Refined, dignified work. Splendid pay. Write or call tor free liter- 358 Bloor Street, Toronto. Branches 44 King Street. Hamilton, and 74 Rtdeau Street. Ottawa. L IB A K N HAIRDRJEP,SIN(5 THE Robertson method. information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Halrdreaslne Academy. 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. MEDICAL wanted--EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis to try Dixon's Rem, dv. Mimic's Drug Store. 33.". Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of Ill-health In humins all ages. No one Immune! Why not find out If this is your trouble? Interesting particulars--Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies. Specialists Toronto 3. fruit juices: the principal for'Vhrun, ,'i'c Fains. N^uTitfs. Sold onlv Munro's p. rug store 335 Elgin, Ottawa.. Postpaid $1.00. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denm-.e. DrufJ Store, Ottawa. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly^developed and 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Toronto. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANX Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, ToroDto. Booklet of information on re- FOR SALE 2 NICHOLSON CIRCULAR BLOCK hand machines for making 4%" x 12" x 18" circular block, designed to provide horizontal and perpen- ing" "useful in °coat " elevator^' silos, etc. Also> 1,000 special wood pallets. Lea-side Block and Tile Ltd., Toron- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. 100 acres Mulmer Township. 7 room - frame house, barn 4u x 60 steel roof. eem. nt stable, driving- sh. ,1 24 X 48 steel roof, drilled iv. II. Spy tree's Tearing, l^acres °Falj churches°™5,500. °Half cash, balance 3'i. Elwin Creer, Alliston, Ont. FOR SALE--145 ACRES CLAY loam excellent condition, good buildings, , lose town. Price ST.Joi, good terms. Leslie Dougherty, Beachburg, Ont. 62 ACRES, SANDWICH EAST, near Windsor City limits. 3rd. Concession Rd. Immediately adjoining improved Walker Home- Black loam. Also I -', lots, corner 3rd. Concession and Pillette Rd. Owner. Box 143. 73 Adelaide W., 100 REGISTERED POLLED HERE-ford cattle at auction July 3rd. For information and catalogue write^ Malcolm McGregor, Bran- RUMELY OIL-PULL TRACTOR 25 x 40. good eondition, spade cleats. Make offer. Ferris. 66 Westmoreland Ave., Toronto. NEW INVENTION -- PORTABLE Tacker, automatic one-hand compression, drives self-feeding Hansen Brad--Tacks, quickly. Eliminates using hammer. Free demonstration literature. Dominion Supply Co., 183 Bathurst, To- SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING -- Finest leather and harness preservative. Slipit also has many houeshold uses 25c up at most grocery. hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW. USED bought, sold, rebuilt; belts' pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd.. 2326 Dufferin St. Toronto. PERFECTION MILKERS AND SUP-pUes. J. F. Donaldson, Joyceville, PEDIGREED ANGORAS FASHION Plate and Snow- Drift strain. eIs?a7 H.00CoT*.' aTNorwaT £7 Toronto. V ^e" HE A PER--THRESHER, ONE-MAN combine, also for clover and tim- Big Separator, 'like new^S^Best Timothy Seed 100 lb. $13.00. Box 142, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. STEAM ENGINE, WHITE MILL tank on truck. Good cond......,. Appiy Leland Bryant, Wooler, wanted QUANTITY OF LARGE WILLOW 85 King '"s:i'.'. t IV.'st 'i!!!',"1;' Ontario. ENPEIHENCEl' TEAMSTER FOR Apply Ue'ioni " Hani's "o.Oe'i e' HELP WANTED BACHELOR DESIRES HOUSE-keeper on farm, no objections to child. Box 144, 73 Add . 1i W., Toronto. WANTED AT ONCE, WOMAN TO take full charge in farm home. One adult to cook for. Widow-preferred, respectable place. Good wages. Permanent home if sa::.s-fied, state age. Fare advanced. Thomas Armour, Port Burwell, R.R. 2, Ont. TEMPORARY CONSTABLES WANTED Ages 31 Years and Over MARRIED) PHYSICALLY FIT: AT LEAST 8' 9" IN STOCKING FEET; 180 LB S.I OF GOOD CHARACTER AND FAIR EDUCATION. TO BE AVAILABLE FOR APPOINTMENT IMMEDIATELY. UNIFORM CLOTHING SUPPLIED. Apply in person to Employment Spadina Ave. REFER TO FILE H-783M STUDENT NURSES WOODSTOCK GENERAL HO?-pital School for Nursing will for three years training in September 1944. Students holdlms secondary school graduation diploma wishing to enrol in th: class, kindly addrss applies:: >M to the Superintendent of Xur.o-s. W7oodstock General Hospital, Woodstock, Ontario. EXPERIENCED FLOORMAN AND all round printer, permanent position. Apply Fyle H791M, Nearest selective Service Office. Police Cadets Wanted Age \$y2 To 17J4 Years Education equivalent to two years high school or better. Knowledge of shorthand and typewriting an Good physical condition with every; likelihood of meeting follow minimum qualifications on attain-w-f'ghiT 160 21 y*dlrS: Height B' 13"» IMMEDIATE APPOINTMENT APPLY IN PERSON To Employment and Selective S"r-mc, Office, 174 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ont. REFER TO FILE H-784M THE BEST POST WAR PLANS are made by you for yourself. America's leading war made <s- independence. Unlimited "earr: power. No special education ,r employment assistance needed. No wage deductions. No compe-;-tion from job hunters. Age •-minor physical handicaps no barrier. Start now ^ in your spin ^^o^er"'^ an'd bVikeedivorIv full- nformation free^co^Vbl i;"-, -tion, as this plan is definitely restricted i„ district quota. Stano- ited, 645 WestnEglinton,aTorontc>" TEACHERS WANTED MANITOULIN ISLAND; PROTES-tant teacher for S.S. No. 4. Bid-to' commence Sept. 1st. Apr"' stating qualifications and salary expected to John McKay. See:., R.R. No. 1, Man i to waning, Ont. QUALIFIED TEACHER WANTED for S.S. No. 8 Raglan. Duties to '•'•mm. nee Sept. Apply sfatrsr <nialificatin„« :,„d salary to-Daniel Budarick, Palmer Rapt Is. WELLAND COUNTY. TEACHER ^f'"rv |nrOO)Jo' moo 2acoord'fi the' Niahgara1SFVdu?t" DistVicr'1 t'ct

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