THE COLBORNE EXPRESS. COLBORNE, ONT., AUGUST 24, 1944 >afh Dr. Chases Ointment for Chafing. Skin Irritations. Eczema WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Pure Water? Because water is the universal •olvent, really pure water is never found in nature, comments the Saskatchewan Farmer. To some extent it dissolves everything, even solid rock, glass, or gold. As it flows through rock strata it picks up a little of everything it touches. It dissolves carbon dioxide, producing naturally carbonated water. When it dissolves natural gas in the ground, there is the amazing phenomenon of water giving off inflammable bubbles. This solvent action of water poses staggering problems for industry. As little as one part of iron in two million parts of water can wreck a • textile mill by staining cloth. Traces of minerals upset the delicate chemistry of rayon making. Boiler scale, formed of the minerals left behind by hard water, is a costly hazard in power plants. Water hardness poses the biggest problems encountered by industry and householders alike. Hardness is governed by the quantity of calcium and magnesium compounds dissolved in water. Less than one grain (about one seven-thousandth of a pound) of these compounds per gallon makes .tain industrial i mably hard for i WORKERETTE Typifying the war-working womanhood of Great Britain, Desnit Magnus, above, was awarded title of "Miss War Worker--1944" by Sussex County, together with cup which is hers outright "because 1844 is the Victory Year" Shipping Containers Made Of Strawboard Farmers who sell their surplus .wheat, rye or oat straw to Hinde and Dauch Paper Co. in 'Irenton for manufacture into strawboard are not only helping themselves by turning their surplus straw into cash, but they are also helping the war effort tremendously. Straw is manufactured into strawboard which, in turn, is used in the manufacture of corrugated shipping containers so largely used by the Department of Munitions and Supply for shipments overseas and also for packaging necessary civilian feed and clothing. ISSUE 35--1944 JAP DRYDOCKS AND OIL DEPOTS HIT BY B-29S Map shows where American Superfortresses, in a record 3600-mile round trip from secret Chinese bases, blasted Japanese drydocks and shipways at Nagasaki on the southern tip of jap archipelago, and oil refineries and depots at Palembang, in southeastern Sumatra. The spectacular bombing is the beginning of the new offensive which American military leaders promise will bring Japan's unconditional aorrender. THE WAR - WEEK -- Commentary on Current Events Nazis Are Planning Long-Range Conspiracy Against The World It might be said that this became a Thirty Years' War with the advent of August. We wish that it might be said with historical finality--for that would mean an end in 1944 ot the world conflict which began on August 1, 1914, was interrupted by the Armistice of 1918, and was resumed on a larger scale September 3, 1939. We are inclined to be skeptical, however, about civilization's chances of getting oft with a mere Thirty Years' War. True, the Germans may get another armistice before the end of 1944; but all the signs point to German determination to make this a briefer armistice than its predecessor-- and to make the third phase of this Thirty Years' War a more violent and destructive thrust for world domination than the phases which we know as the Fi/st and Second World Wars, says The p Buffalo Plans for Next War To illustrate: Eight years ago, Henry C. Wolfe, American writer (who called the turn on the Hitter-' Stalin pact, in the face of general skepticism), sat with Erich Koch, latter's office ir is what Koch Wolfe's article, the Next War Koei the igsberg. Here according to lan Plans for the August e use will be dictated by :es. At times we may n the battlefield; at other may suffer defeats; stronger than yoi No^ shall s that the Rue Koch's words sound like empty boasts--but were they? Wolfe apparently doesn't think so. Economy of Europe Scrambled "As part of their long-range conspiracy against the democratic world," says Mr. Wolfe, "the Nazis have scrambled the economy of Europe entirely." They have destroyed the accumulated capital and business structures of the Occupied countries. They are employing the scorched earth policy aimed at leaving the evacuated lands so impoverished as to postpone and perhaps to prevent economic recovery entirely. Their depopulation policy which employs every ruthless method of decreasing the birth rate and destroying established populations--by starvation and the uprooting of millions of people and settling them far from their native lands--is calculated to leave a debilitated generation in the rest of Europe facing a healthy and vigorous German generation, he warns. "Once the war is over," writes Mr. Wolfe, "the Nazis reason that jobless millions will be demanding employment, and the Germans will be ready to step in and say: 'We have the plans. Not all our machinery was destroyed by bombs. Give us the manpower and the raw materials and we shall produce for the world markets. That will mean employment and finished goods for all. We'll all prosper by this arrangement." To Offer Dynamic Leadership The Nazis, reports Mr. Wolfe, expect to finance their post-defeat activities with money and other assets hidden in neutral countries. They bank on our failure to cope nt, economic stag-s 'conflicts. They vithin the ranks ■ cs find that tlier the v Then when the turn 'to the " leadership" offered by the Germans. This arrangement would ensure a highly industrialized Reich surrounded by dependent agrarian neighbors.' In effect, Gcr-' many would be pretty well set lot the Third World War or lor the third phase of the Thirty (or re) Ye; ' Wa Nazi V-2 Weapon: ! 0-Ton 'Rockets' We Must Stem Tide Of Hysteria And Ignorance Except for a few radical intellectuals, no one in Canada really wants socialism, J. M. Macdonnell, former head of the National Trust, argued before the London Rotary Club last week. Other men turned to that party, he said, "only because they distrust the business community -- what it has done and what it can do." Bluntly Mr. Macdonnell stated: "That's the simple, unpleasant fact. They distrust us and regard us as selfish and incompetent." That distrust, Mr. Macdonnell, attributes to the CCF's constant campaign of fear -- an unfounded , and ridiculous fear that the war must necessarily be followed by While some may think that Mr. Macdonnel is too sweeping in his declaration that business is so widely distrusted, most of us will agree wtih the remedy he suggests, says The Financial Post. Mr. Macdonnel says: "Thats the way we are being pictured. The task is clear. We have to convince men like that that capitalism is not for the benefit of the few, that wages, jobs must corn* first, and that taxation can guard against undue profits. We have to convince them that under our system while there will be full opportunity for those with energy instinct -- the ; large and small -- to con-ddirg to the nation's wealth [tie past, there will also be Safeguards against exploiter ;|that there will be justice and the Edis. Easy to roll, delightful -- to smoke o, ]qden's FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO and a square deal for all, including work on fair terms; and finally, an assurance that the claims of the weak and the unfortunate will not be forgotten. ... If we make clear that in peace as well as in war we have a sense of public responsibility, then we will be able to stem the tide of ignorance and Nazis On Wrong End Of Robombers German officers camp in southern revealed to have commandant for moval to another • land after damage or i in a prison England are petitioned the ection of Eng- FRENCH ROLL OUT THE BARREL bot bombs, may n pagarida talk. He pointed to : aicl V-2 n >r might i STOP SNEiZING Hay fever sufferers say there's nothing like NOSTROLINE for instant action. You smear NOSTROLINE up your nose, where the trouble j&; Stuf i , NOSTROLINE JL\ CllFION, BRISTOL, ENGIAND Good Way To Treat Sore, Painful Piles Female Weakness Lydta B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is made especially /or women to help relieve periodic pain with weak, nervous, tired, Irritable feelings-- due to functional monthly disturbances. Pinkham's Compound helps nature and that's the kind of medicine to buyl Follow label directions. Worth trying I LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S compound Thirsty Allied soldiers cluster around townsfolk for French patriots about to lea' for service with the French army. Bomecour Mine* Limited <N» Personal Liability) Bought -- Sold -- Quoted PICARD & FLEMING Staek Broker* 100 Adelaide St. Wen', Toronto AD. 5821 Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE 1. Is it correct to use the fork or the spoon when eating desserts? 2. When in general company and a question has been addressed to another to answe 3. Would it be temporary address Wh for a son to hoi the fable? could be characterized most annoyingbores? 6. Is it necessary that his hat in his hand whe 2. No; it would be v rv ill-br d to do so'. 3. No; it-sho ild be vv it'3* with ir k. 4. The h -ad sbou d-bt held in stiffly. Bend the ition, bii body foi r„ot yard slighth , of course, \ hen tak a bite; b it the head sh onId nev •r he bent d Dwn over the plate. 5. The one wl o tries to pro e he is ight, and the one who tries to prove ano- ther is wrong. C. No he neec not remove his hat. HeadacJ Nothingismoredepres- , sing than headaches... ) Why suffer?...Lambh/s fc-e will give instant relief. AA Lambly'sisgoodforear- C%/ ache, toothache, pains in "ttUj\ .. back, stomach, bowels, ffiadf ~ HEADACHE ,'OWDERS u INTHLY SERVIC1 PLAN AHEAD--TAKE STOCK . place •orders and cns-iT'ln e Chick Hatchern APPLE SHRED-s C?o.,Pl>22eKi'n|IEel LDIAN ARMY OP-ind bridles, $40 set. NEW AND USED CAR A bought, sold. POULTRY CRATES BIRDSELL CLOVER HULLER Here is the chance for every per-itehing, painful piles to try a simpje"* home remedy with the promise of a reliable firm to refund the cost satisfied with the results. Simply go to any druggist and get a bottle of Hem-Roid and use as directed. Hem-Roid is an internal treatment, easy and pleasant to use and pleasing results are quickly noticed Itching and soreness are relieved, pain subsides and as the treatment is continued the sore, i painful pile tumors heal over leaving the rectal membranes clean and healthy. Get a bottle of Hem-Roid today and see for yourself to rid yourself of your pile misery. NOTE: The sponsor of this notice is a reliable firm, doing business in Canada for over 20 years. If you are troubled with sore, itching, painful piles, Hem-Roid must help you quickly or the small purchase price will be gladly refunded. EDUCATIONAL ATTEND BUSINESS COLLEGE hhindFaltaughtSt '°n GreSS ^OOO reporters? Tr'adoaTeloona with Gregg." FARM FOR SALE $5,000--100 ACRES, ALL TILL-able, Durham county on 7A Highway, 55 miles Northeast Toronto immediate possession; sacrifice, death reason selling. Apply own-ton, Ont. FOR SALE--COMPLETE CREAM-ery, package 50 gal. pasteurizing plant including cooling pump and dit' n 'w°tler'f aU ln ■s'ood eon" J.' P°nCyburiskie, Barry's" Bay^Ont! ENGLISH SETTERS--ONE DOG 1 bitch 3 months, well bred, 1 bitch 7 years, mother of pups, broken, papers, $25 each. Ed. Grondin, Amherstburg, Ont. f To relieve distressof MONTHLY-V51 FARMALL F- tachment, two-furrow ris),'Ford two- RUBBER, AL- two-furrow (Massey-Har-truck (good- ■ ■ id ro throwci RELIABLE SINGLE MAN WA? ed for modern farm, milking r chine used, good home, h HAIR DRESSING AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE Refined, dignifi fork. Splendid Robertson's Hatrdressing Acad- B ARE TALKING ABOUT good results froml taking ,'s Remedy for Rheumatic &335 Elgin,8'Ottawa.3 Post? STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill-health in humans, all ages. No one immune! Why not find out if this is your trouble? Interesting particulars--Free! Write Mulveney'B Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 8. PAIN? Pain Tab! 3R ARTH-Rheumatic ;--get posi- r ^druggist' 3ox°St71 EXCELLENT, HEAL RE- TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Farmhand--Single A.CRES FRONT-tict, good land,' W. L. Curri. TEACHER 1 CARLETON COUNTY--ASSISTANT, 1st class certificate for Grade B continuation school. Subjects required -- Mathematics, Science. English, Defence other necessary g-ood disciplinariai.. duties to commence in Fail term of 1944. Apply to Ira Owens'Sec-; retary, Fitzroy Harbour, Ont