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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 20 Jan 1938, p. 7

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., JANUARY 20th, 1938 Classified Advertising j ARTICLES FOR SALE CUT YOUR OWN HAIR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES l DRESS AND LINGERIE FEATHERS WANTED FILMS AND PRINTS ELOPED, PRINTED, 25c. Re-prlnta 10 183% King St. E., for™™ Toronto. PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL free enlargement 25c. Trevanna 8tud-93 Niagara Street, St. Catharines, Ont. FREE!--TWO B r YOUR OWN ^NEGATIVES AT * S Williams, 5 Richmond 1 RGEMENT WITH EVERY 25c c each. Brightllng Studio, 29 FURNITURE free, S'.'nstrated catalogu; brand new all-felt mattress. Completely re- toq en 8-Piece solid oak Dining Room VAO.OU suite^ Large buffer extension ^ta- $29.00 'I o match, upholstered it ■prlng cushions. Thoroughly cleaned and r Buffet, drop-leaf table and four *■! 1 ejri °ak Kitchen Cabinet. Top has •pil.^U sliding door front with flour and dltlon. $6.75 0uBaZfeedGaS St°Ve ^ °Ven' ~ " ilece chesterfield $69.00 lions; full webb construction. Brand new Chesterfield Bed Suite. Chesterfield bed has large ward- $4.50 up L . $6.50 up <SJ££ni ' Guaranteed good c< $2.50 up * Large dresser, vanity, chlf->ed, sagless spring and brand ttress. Completely re-condl- l" Suite. Buffet, china cabinet, square extension table and 6 leather Hp-bolstered chairs. Completely refinlshed. SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS We have a large assortment of chain, «pf- $59.00 f v 193S i carefully packed fo lustrated catalogue ii LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturers OPEN EVENINGS 478 Yonge St., Toronto " Hsymtr/ Mason Remedies Limited FUR FARMING COPY MAGAZINE HAIR GOODS HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS \demy OF HAIRDRESSING, Board Examination. Free prospectus, 961 ) edmonton citizens testify for R^and S. ^Powder, hertal remedy _ rheu- MISCELLANEOUS LEARN SHORTHAND, ACCOUNTANCY, Typewriting by mail. Satisfied students throughout Canada. Write for free prospec- NOVELTIES PORTRAIT IN FOLDER--FREE WITH EVERY ROLL PERFECTLY DEVEL oped and printed. 25c (coin). Star Snap shot Service, 166 King St. West, Dept. Y. PATENT ATTORNEY > EVERY INVENTOR. LIST Company, Registered Patent PERSONAL lRE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COMFORT, No elastic or underetraps or steel. Write] Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219, Fres- equipment. high quality GROW FASTER, Healthy, hardy, Chick Hatchery, Cornwall, Ont. QUILT REMNANTS , Broadcloths, Silks. C Refund Guarantee! Department WILS. SALESMEN WANTED e Clothing. Free STAMPS AND COINS Where Apples Get Their Rosy Cheeks Chemical Substance Called 3-Gal-actosidylcyanidin is Said to Be Nature's Rouge; Effect on Complexions Studied. According to chemical tests carried out by the United States Department of Agriculture, it is not rouge that puts the blush on the cheeks of apples, but a chemical substance that sports the awe-inspiring title of 3-galactosi-dylcyanidin. If an apple merely has 3-galactosidylquercetln it is usually yellow in appearance, but 8-galacto-sidylcyanidin is the stuff that makes one of those nice red skins you love to crunch. The tests have shown that this substance is present in yellow apples of the Grimes Golden variety, but it is not identical with or responsible for the yellow color of the skin. In red apples the unseen coloring matter is acted upon chemically and ehanged to red idaein, which is a simpler name for 3-galactosidylcyanidin. They have not yet Identified the conditions that cause this change from yellow to red. Color Is Important Color in apples is important to growers and to consumers. For the grower there is the practical advantage that well-colored apples are not nearly so subject to injury by storage scald as are apples in which the color is imperfectly developed. Buyers have a decided preference for well-colored apples, whether they are yellow or red, MAKE YOUR LIVER Produce its bile and are willing to pay higher prices for them. There is good reason behind the preference. For the consumer, good color is a practical and easy guide to selection of good ripe fruit. The chemical changes that are essential to the formation of good color are the changes that are also required (o bring fruit to maturity and to develop flavor, aroma, and palatability. This research does not compare the merits of yellow apples and red apples. It does bear out the popular idea that to be good, red varieties ought to be red and yellow varieties Somewhere she lies across a bed. Her frail form shakes with sobs. Through weary months she searched for work -- but there weren't any jobs. Her empty arms prove life is cruel. Though young, she's lost all dreams. She's not to blame--for circumstance tossed her into its schemes. A thing that promised her deep joy brought horror, unbelievable. They've torn her baby from her arms --a crime that's inconceivable! While--through mere lack of money-- scenes like this are authorized, Each day throughout our land -- how can we think we're civilized? --Lyla Myers Two parsons were having lunch at a farm. The farmer's wife cooked a couple of chickens, saying that the family could dine on the remains after the visitors had gone, but the hungry ministers ate them all. Later the farmer was conducting his visitors about the place* when a rooster began a lusty crowing: One of the Ministers -- "Seems mighty proud of himself." Farmer (growling) -- "No wonder. He has two sons in the ministry." CORRECT THIS SENTENCE: -- "John lets me charge everything I wish," said the carefree wife, "so I never buy anything unless I need it." Professor of English--"Correct this sentence: 'Girls is naturally better looking than boys'." Pupil--"Girls is artificially better looking than boys." man with a big wart on his chin dropped into a doctor's office to have it removed. When he failed to return for additional treatments, the doctor phoned him to ask how the wart was getting along. "Just fine," replied the patient. "My face lg gone, but the art is still there." Nell--"I hear that you and Elmer e engaged. I don't suppose he told you that he was engaged to me last year?" 11--"Well, dear, he did say something about there being things in his ist he was ashamed of, but he didn't j Into details." The mother-in-law joke Is overdone. Ever notice that, when there is sickness in the family, the first person sent lor is the wife's mother? A golfer was driving off about a ot in front of the teeing mark. The club secretary happened to come ilong: Club Secretary (indignantly) -- 'Here! You can't do that. You're disqualified!" Golf Player--"What for?" Club Secretary--"You're driving off in front of the mark!" Golf Player (tersely)--"Away with you! I'm playing my third stroke." The mills of the gods grind slow. And that's also the way the old head works when you're trying to think up a snappy retort to somebody's wlse- Bunkers Herbal Pills f or P I L E S Along Canada's Mining Highway From coast to coast the aggressive expansion goes on--bringing results that indicate another new record of production for 1938. The Province of Quebec is the scene of great activity. East Malartic Gold Mines, now developing underground, shows definitely a "big mine"' outlook. Adjoining on the east, the Rand Mal-artic property reports go:>d diamond drilling results. On the Lacoma property in Tavernier township exceptional results are reported from first \iew work underground. The East Lacoraa people are planning diamond drilling. In the west section of the Province, Powell and Beattie show healthy development. In the Larder Lake district of Ontario, great activity is apparent. At the Barber Larder property mining plant is being installed preparatory to underground development of the extensive orebodies indicated by diamond drilling. Fernland is preparing for shaft sinking. Kerr Addison continues development on a large sca'e. Martin-Bird is shaping up well, with important new ore developments in the west section. Kirkland Lake Gold, Pamour and Buffalo Ankerite receive much favourable comment in the older mining districts. Albany River and Uchl are looming up importantly in the Patricia district. Alberta reports much good news, indicating this Province as a potential big souroe of oil supply for the British Empire. On the west coast of Vancouver Island a new camp is eausing some excitement. Bralorne and Ymir Yankee Girl report favourable developmenti Money Spent Was Boon to Industry $61,000,000 Spent By the C. N. R. During 1937 From Almost Ten Thousand Canadian Firms. Purchases made by the Canadian National Railways during 1937 amounting to over sixty-two million dollars from approximately ten thousand Canadian firms assisted very materially in bringing various branches of Canadian industry back to normal conditions, R. C. Vaughan, Vice-President in charge of purchases, stores and steamships, stated in an interview at Montreal last week in which he reviewed the year's activities of his department. "We expended considerably more for the purchase of material and supplies in 1937 than in 1936," Mr. Vaughan said. "That was necessitated by the increased business handled, which required the running of more passenger and freight trains to meet the needs of increased traffic. Consequently, more fuel was burned and a larger quantity of train and other supplies were used." "Our shops were also operated to greater capacity during the year, which was necessary to meet the equipment requirements of the railway, and, therefore, more material was required for that purpose." Fifty First-Class Coaches "Our total purchases of material in Canada in 1937 approximated $62,-506,000. Of that amount approximately $15,140,000 went for new equipment, and $11,216,000 for Canadian fuel used on our locomotives and in our boiler houses, stations, coaches, etc. Approximately 315,700,000 feet of forest products were bought in Canada by the Canadian National Railways in 1937, which consisted of materials for construction and repairs to equipment, buildings, etc. Of that quantity 226,700,000 feet are represented by track ties." During the year the following new equipment was delivered to the National System by car builders In Canada, Mr. Vaughan announced. Fifty first class coaches; 10 mall and express cars; 2,665 box cars; 49 Hat cars; 15 ballast cars; 30 and cars; 800 gondola cars; and 175 freight refrigerators. In addition, 125 freight refrigerators were built in C. N. R. shops. Alr-Conditionlng to the Fore "During the year we had a heavy air-conditioning programme in connection with our passenger cars, and lit s were air conditioned," Mr. Vaughan added. "In 1837 there was a substantial increase in the price of some lines of material, but we are hopeful that there will be recessions In price during the year." The expenditure by the Canadian National Railways of such large sums of money in Canada has meant many million man hours of work for our Canadian citizens and has done much to assist various branches of Canadian Industry back to normal condl- We all feel this way at times> Physician--"Are you ill? Let me see your tongue, please." Patient--"It's no use, doctor. No tongue can tell you how bad I feel." HOW'S YOUR STOMACH? YOU lose vitai nerve force if you allow your stomach to distress you. Dr. Pierce's Golden ^ledical Discovery is a depend-able tonic which m will increase the •petite, eliminate Passenger Traffic Is Up 15 Per Cent. C. N. Railways Vice-President Reports Volume of Freight For Year 1937 Also Tops 1936 Figures. MONTREAL, Jan. 11.--The volume of freight and passenger traffic carried over lines of the Canadian National Railways during the past year shows a considerable improvement over that of 1936, Alistair Fraser, Vice-President In charge of Traffic, stated in a review issued here last week. "The year 1937 was one of steady progress in the volume of freight traffic handled, as well as changes and improvements effected in our service to the public," said Mr. Fraser. "While there was a heavy falling off in grain shipments, resulting from the very light crop in parts of Western Canada, this was more than offset by the improvement in general business, resulting in an increase in freight tonnage handled of approximately ten per cent, over that of 1936. Progress In Mining Development "Mining developments in Northwestern Ontario and Quebec have shown remarkable progress during the past year. The opening of that portion of the Canadian National Rail ways' new Senneterre-Rouyn line from Senneterre to Val d'Or on November 29 provided much-needed rail facilities to the numerous mines located in that area." Increased 16 Per Cent. Mr. Fraser stated that passenger traffic on Canadian National lines had shown an increase of fifteen per cent, during the year. "Increase in train travel generally resulted from the upward trend in spending power that was noticeable during the greater part of the year," he said. "Frequent low fare excursions between Canadian cities and towns, and to points across the international border, brought hundreds of thousands of people to the railway for short coach trips. Good progress was made in the air-conditioning of our passenger equipment. We have had air-conditioned standard and tourist sleeping cars, dining cars, compartment, observation and library cars, parlor cars, buffet club coaches and lounge-buffet cars In service for some time. By the purchase of fifty air-conditioned first-class coaches of tne latest design during the past year, we have attained the objective of having all principal main-line trains fully alr-conditloned." VILLAGE EVENING Twilight, and the tide returning Back to the arms of the azure sea: Sunset, and the first star burning Deep in the depths of Immensity. Nightfall, and the last of gloaming Lingering along the old lake shore; Evening bell, and a late herd homing, And a woman framed in a cottage A COAST-TO-COAST "SMOKE-UP" Wise rol!-your-owners will tell yoi Ogden's is the feature of the smoke-nent programme. They know ...,er Flavour and cooler,smoother smoking ate assured--every time-- ith Ogden's Fine Cut and "Vogue" r Chantecler" papers And there': of Ogden's bigger 15c. package OGDEN'S FINE CUT_£ The knotted spiral nebulae thrown off by the sun in the formation o| the solar system began drawing th« outer particles, or planetesimals, tfl them. Thus the earth grew after it first was formed. The first 19 years are the noisiest. A MISTAKE TO WAIT WHEN "ACID INDIGESTION'! STARTS carryv alkalizcr 1 with you always The fastest way to "alkalize" is to carry your alkalizer with you. That's what thousands do now that genuine Phillips' comes in tiny, peppermint flavored tablets--in a flat tin for pocket or purse. Then you are always ready. Use it this way. Take 2 Phillips' tablets--equal In "alkalizing" effect to 2 teaspoonfuls of liquid Phillips' from the bottle. At once you feel "gas," nausea, "over-crowding" from hyper-acidity begin to ease. "Acid headaches," "acid breath," over-acid stomach are corrected at the source. This is the quick way to ease your own distress--avoid offense to others. ITCH TOWN BY TOWN ♦ VILLAGE BY VILLAGE MORE ONTARIO HOMES SAY B1UE Let "BLUE be your guide fo better heating efficiency and greater economy. Kemember, your furnace is designed to bum anthracite and 'blue coal' is the world's finest anthracite. Order a trial ton. Six sizes.;. a size to suit every furnace. 'Miiecoal^ THE SOLID FUELF0R SOLID COMFORT I to "THE SHADOW"--Every Wed., CFRB, 9 to 9.30 p.n

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