Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 1938 ROWSOME'S BAKERY and QUALITY STORE offer you a complete line of BREAD -- BUNS -- CAKES -- PIES -- CREAM PUFFS -- MEAT PIES -- ETC. Also a full line of GROCERIES AND FRUITS AT RIGHT PRICES TOBACCO -- CIGARS -- CIGARETTES ICE CREAM -- SOFT DRINKS -- BUTTERMILK SWEET MILK -- CREAM Be Sure to Visit Our Basement Store CHIN A WARE -- GIFTS -- NOVELTIES Have You Tried Our Lunch Room! Look us up! E. W. ROWSOME Phone 150 We Appreciate Your Order Colborne Specials -- Friday and Saturday February 4th and, 5th Red & White Peaches (large) ............ 2 tins for 25c Corn, Peas and Tomatoes ...................... 2 tins for 19c Pineapple Marmalade (Extra Special) large jar.... 29c Ivory Soap (large cake) ................ Special--2 for 11c Wonderful Soap .................................... 5 bars for 14c Chipso (large package).......................................... 21c Vitone ........................................ (2 sizes) 27c and 47c 3 Kellogg's Corn Flakes and glass cereal dish--all for.................................................. 25c W. A. SEED Prompt Delivery Colborne "You Need Stores in Colborne as Much as the Stores Need You" MRS. MASON'S MILLINERY wishes to say Thank You, and wishes a Prosperous and Happy New Year to all her customers. Also announces a Midwinter Sale of Hats-- Reduced to Clear--Must go to make room for new stock. Many at $1.00 -- Call and See Them. Mrs. Mason Brunswick Block "Don't go Outside Your Home Town for Things Your Own Merchants Supply" General Variety Store WALL PAPER VARNISHES WORK MITTS -- GLOVES -- SOCKS COOKING UTENSILS -- KITCHEN ARTICLES TOILET GOODS -- FACE POWDERS -- SOAPS HEADQUARTERS FOR COAL AND WOOD Jas. Redfearn & Son PHONES: Store 1, Residence 66 Colborne "Colborne's Prosperity Depends Upon Those Who Spend Their Money in Town" COLBORNE TAXES NOTICE is hereby given that all Colborne Taxes must be paid at once to avoid extra charge. Jan. 25, 1938 W. E. OTTO Foreign Candy Worth $838,917 is Imported and Sold in Canada s Juliets have a very "sweet tooth" If the consumption of candy in Canada is any criterion and their Romeos apparently take pains to satisfy the craving for, in the twelve months ending October 1937, in Imported confectionery alone, the substantial total of $837,917 was spent. The children, whose passion for candy Is stronger than their intrest in homework, for example, are also generous buyers of the toothsome morsels which come from abroad, and, according to the National Produced in Canada Association, in a satement released today, the Romeos and the children could, with their parents, do their own country a service by showing more preference for candies which are produced in Canada. "Canadian men and women are em- ployed in mlaking candy, just the same as they are in producing other goods, and when we spend more than three-quarters of a million dollars' on candy alone, in foreign countries, it means that there is a lower demand for the confectionery that is produced in the Dominion. Auomatically, with a lower demand, there is less call for the swvices of our own people. And it is the fathers and mothers who eventually are affected by the spending haibibs of their children or their sons who are very much concerned with future plans for marriage and the noble experiment in which two try to live as cheaply as one." "Drive more safely in 1938" is a resolution every automobile owner might well make for this year. Cobourg Presbyterial W. M. S. Held Annual Meeting At Frankford The annual meeting of the Cobourg Presbyterial of the W.M.S. was held in Frankford on January 25th, 1938. The morning session opened at 9.30 with Mrs. J. B. Reynolds, Port Hope, 1st Vice-President, presiding in the absence of the President, Mrs. S. L. Terrill, Wooler. The Worship Service, "The Kingdom of God in my Home," was in cjnarge of the Stockdale Auxiliary. Reference was made to the bereavement in the home of the President. The minutes of the Executive meeting held the previous evening were read and adopted. Reports of the Sectional Meetings held in June were given. Mrs. Reynold's reported a very successful meeting held at Roseneath, when Mrs. C. M. Scott of Peterborough spoke of her 15 years of niisisnnary work in India. Mrs. Hi B. Neal, Caimp-bellford, stated that at the meeting held at Wlooler Mrs. A. E: Armstrong of the Dominion Board was guest speaker and that her addr most helpful. Asher retiring message to the Rresibyterial, M.rsi. Neal urged the need of special attentioi spiritual side of our meetings. Greater stress placed on the devotional part of the meetings will help with the attendance, allocation and study, but above all do not forget the motto of our Society. "Not by might, by power, but bv my Spirit saith the Lord." The Story of the Year was given by Mrs. A. Niill, Roseneath, Corresponding Secretary. This comprehensive report showed many encouraging features of the year's work, ace ' plished by the various secretaries. Mrs. F. Ketoheson, Frankford, gave an interesting report of the work done by the young women. Two new Orcles were organized during the year, at by the young women. Two new Circles of only five members had raised over $80.00. The Campbellford Circle was awarded the Banner. Miss Helen Gray. Garden Hill, secretary of Affiliated C.G.I.T. Groups, in reporting for her department stated the aim of every W.M.S. should be, "Every W,M.S. a mother proud of her C.G.I.T." Mrs. Ed. Morton, Cobourg. in giving the Mission and Baby Bands reports deplored the lack of leaders. There are only 19 Bands among 35 Auxiliaries. The children of today are the W.M.S. members of tomorrow. Canton Mission Band won the Banner with Port Britain and Frankford receiving honorable mention. Mrs. W. E. Lewis, Welcome, made announcements regarding the literature for sale and awarded both prizes in the Reading Contest to Colborne Auxiliary, with Cobourg coming sec- A most hearty welcome was extended the delegates by Mrs. W. H. Lan-c"on, to which Mrs. A. Armstrong, Hilton, graciously replied. The Quiet Half Hour was in cha.r«Jk-of Mrs. Wm, Dunk, Brighton. Shi? emphasized the need of having Jesug' unfailing strength with us daily in order to perform our common tasks. Being a Christian is a full-time job, calling for faith and prayer. May we live so that others1 wlill know Christ through us. Following prayer the meeting adjourned. At the noon luncheon, greetings' were presented by Mlayor Spencer and Rev. T. M. Wesley, Cambornw, Chairman of the Presbytery. Afternoon Session The afternoon session opened at 1 45, with Mrs. H. B. Neal, Campbellford, 2nd Vice-President, presiding. The Worship Service, "The Kingdom of God in My Community." was ken by the Carman Auxiliary. The "In Memoriam Service" was . charge of Smithfield Auxiliary. The names of those who had been called to Higher Service were called and responded to, after which Mrs. Frank Morgan sang "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere." At the close of this-solemn service the Recording Secretary called»the Roll, to which 17 Auxiliaries responded. A fine layette made by the Port Hope Evening Auxiliary was displayed by Mrs. C. E. Stephenson. rs. J. G. Findlay, Wicklow, gave Treasurer's Report, showing 7.33 had been raised in 1937, a deficit of $191.19. The amount raised tor Presbyterial Expenses- was $139.50. Following this report prayer was offered by Mrs. S. J. Gray. Garden Hill. The report of the Christian Stewardship department was given by Wlm. Jibb, Camborne. This report had many encouraging features, a of i which were: 9 Auxiliaries had reached the 10% increase and 50% had increases. There had been increases in the Circles also. A comparison of the 1936 and 1937 was made and the new financial policy outlined. The 1938 allocation of $9000.00 wag accepted, an increase last year of $1344.43, or approximately one-sixth mbre per member last year. This , makes a uniform allocation and one which the Dominion Board has promised not to change for 5 years. The election of officers' followed. Mrs. E. C. Roberts, Campbellford, was*, elected 2nd Vice-President, all other] officers being re-elected. Mrs. A. Nill, Roseneath, in giving the report of the Resolutions Committee presented three which were discussed and adopted. The Nominating and Finance Committees were elected, and Brighton selected for the next place of meeting. The offering was taken, followed with prayer by Mrs. Wlm. Calder, Grafton. Mrs. Jas. McKinnon, Coliourg, introduced Mrs. C. M. Loveys, Secretary.-©f the Home Mission Board. Mrs. Loveys vividly described the work accomplished by this department of the W.M.S. En the Western Provinces, Northern Ontario and Montreal. She also conducted the Installation of officers, after which the meeting was 28th Birthday SALE GET YOUR SHARE OF THE SAVINGS A FEW SUGGESTIONS ARE LISTED BELOW SEE BILL FOR COMPLETE LIST A MEDICINE CABINET SPECIAL A regular 49c bottle containing 100 Puretest A.S.A. Tablets and a 25c bottle of Alkalizing Headache Relief Both for 59c A Bumper Special Package containing 500 sheets LADY DAINTY-CLEANSING TISSUES 29c QUICK RELIEF FOR COLDS A 25c package of Riker's Laxaitve Bromide of Quinine and a 50c bottle of . Rexillana Both for 59c LOOK AT THIS MARVELLOUS VALUE--Puretest Halibut Liver Oil Capsules (50 capsules in a box).......................'.............................;.................. 3 boxes for $2.00 Riker's Seidletz Powders 13c a box--2 for 25c Ilasol Lotion (large) 50c . Cocoanut Oil Shampoo Bottle 19c First Aid Absorbent Cotton 25c Jiffy Dressing Combs Ladies' or Gent's---10c Four-Square Mineral Oil 40 oz. 79c Family Budget Specials Here is an opportunity for you to save money on some real values "THREE REGULAR ITEMS FOR THE PRICE OF TWO" Take your choice from this partial list;--See bill for other values Puretest A.S.A., 24's ........ 25c ") Rexall Cold Capsule, 10's 25c ' Cascara Aromatic, 2 oz..... 25c Boots' Meloids .................. 25c Riker's French Balm ........ 25c | Klenzo Tooth Brush ........ 25c J Any 3 for 50c Mi 31 Antiseptic, 8 oz..... 50c Rexall Bronchial Syrup .... 50c Lin-A-Septic ...................... 50c Rexall Chest Rub ............ 50c , Gardenia Face Powder .... 50c Gardenia Shaving Lotion 50c J Any 3 for $1.00 Effervescent Carbonates Compound ........75c j ^jiy 3 Bisma Rex, 4 oz....................................... 75c I . &> -ten Carica Bile Tablets, 100's........................ 75c J tOf $.150 MELO MALT $1.00 Puretest Camphorated Oil 3 oz. 25c W. F. Griffis WE DELIVER COLBORNE Colborne Women's Institute The regular monthly meeting of the Colborne Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. E. Yarrow, Tuesday, January 11th, 1938, with an attendance of 19 members and 8 visitors. The President, Mrs. Cook opened the meeting with the usual exercises. The secretary read several letters of thanks from people who had been remembered during the the pasit month. Roll call being New Year Resolutions, the answere were Varied and different. Alfter some discussion on the pot luck supper it was decided to have oyster and pot luck supper at Salem on Thursday. Jan. 28th. The President then handed the meeting over to the Convener, Mrs. Sabins. Mrs. Irish gave some interesting current events. A reading by Mrs. Davis on New Year's Resolutions was greatly enjoyed. Mrs. Mackie gave the first lesson on the Local Project, Care of Clothing. Mrs. Miller gave a good comic reading on "It Could Not be Done," which was enjoyed. Mrs. C. Edwards put on a fruit guessing contest, which was a tie with four groups. The first prize for the best lemon pie was awarded to Mrs. Sabins. Mrs. Waite and Mrs. Turney were judges. God Save the King brought the happy meeting to a close. A social half hour was spent the tea cup and the lovely lunch served by the hostess. Colborne BY a. m. wa l l e r Twenty-Seven Times Reeve When the County of Hastings Coun-:il sat in their inaugural session In January. James A. Moore, Reeve of Elzevir Township, took his seat on that body for the twenty-seventh consecutive year. Mr. Moore is a quiet man. of gen-1 mien, and has never aspired to the Wardenship. but for the past twelve years has been chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee. Factory cheese in Canada during 1937 made further advances and reached the highest level since 1928. Exports increased over 1936, and as prices have also been considerably higher, prospects for 1938 are encouraging, states the Agricultural 'Situation and Outlook. 1938. Cheese prices in 1938 will as usual depend upon the United Kingdom market. dismissed with prayer by Mrs. W. J. Harper, Warkworth. At the supper hour a letter was read from Mrs. .Toliffe, Branch President, and Mrs. Simmons brought greetings from the Anglican W.A. Evening Session The Evening Session opened at 7, with Rev. J. F. Lane conducting the Worship Service, 'The Kingdom of God in my Church." This was followed with an anthem by the choir. Mrs. Loveys gave an another address, this time describing her vis?r to Kitamat and other centres of W. M. S. activities. The Frankford Circle presented a pageant, "New Homes for Old." The first act showed a non-Christ!an Chinese home, and the second the same home a year after its inmates had become Christians. The Frankford Mission Band took up the offering, after which Mrs. A. Armstrong offered prayer. Mrs. C. E. Stephenson, Port Hope, gave the report of the Courtesy Com- Theobald's Savings Store GROCERY SERVICE STATION Gas -- Oil -- Grease -- Coal Oil OUR PRICES ARE LOWEST Give Us a Trial and Be Convinced Sale Men's Suits, Extra Pants Free TAILORED TO MEASURE d*Q A »7C Making Suits with Two d» Q A «P^T-. # D prs. Pants as low as *P*£i£T. I O Tailored to measure--Fit guaranteed--See the Cloths--Compare the value OVERCOATS TOO -- ON SALE -- 10% OFF We will make you a good Coat for $22.50 Former prices $25 to $28 OVERSHOES AND RUBBERS 4 buckle or 2 buckle--at lowest price. We save you 50c a pair -- Get our price! SALE OF FINE SHOES Clearing our line of High Quality Fine Shoes at Wholesale Prices---Compare price and quality HIGH GRADE OVERALLS at the same price you pay for cheap-cut lines NEED UNDERWEAR -- SEE US Clearing Sale--Balance Christmas Neckties and Fine Quality Hose 48 hour Service on Dry Cleaning --. Leave us your Laundry--Serviced by modern steam plant SPECIAL SHOWING of the Great TIP TOP line of Men's Suits and Overcoats FRED HAWKINS 1 Door West of Post Office