THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., APRIL 7, 1930 Classified Advertising AGENTS, repeater. \G FOB b(frai1ge SINGER DROPHEAD SEW Li ines -- Reconditioned, i like new, $14.00; r heads, $9. Shipping miu extra. Sutherlands, 358 Gej.i MACH-a__ranteed Williams Drop- DON'T REBORE THAT ENGINE. USE Ovrhaul patented mineral plating restores compression, stops piston slap, smoking and oil pumping. Works Costs $3.75. Money-back^guara tors, Box 03. Kitchener, Ontario PANNING MIDL (KL.INE I .TRY FOR BETTER CHICKS, BETTER liveablllty, larger eggs, better production, buy Pletsch's Government Approved Chicks at lowest prices in years. leghorns. Rocks, Mtnorcas, Sexed Chickr T" Plet_ Ontai itford. Route 5, ALE PRICES - CHICKS TH t--KA.S.'s^ r. chicks' 'our" A NO PRINTING l-IIINTKI) .ni-intj-"i-i'v Kins ? enlargement 2.3c. Treval BOLUS duyeuopku hicht it, r,,-. age,P e!*lrS"'""iu! . CoUe|e'('f'V'a'ia'da. 80S ronto, Out. ^CRa'^Radio HAIRDHCSM \<i iioor.s ANDREWS' ACALIEM Y dressing. Spring Hasse April 3rd. Free litetau West. Toronto. OF HAIR-U. 961 nfloor FUCK k.\!.ai;i;|v.\p:nt . prints. 2.-,;.. Reprints 3: ling Studio. 2 Richmoi i't'1 EVERY I loped and 8 . .1. Ii. Bright- ,-HOTO.,l,A,-, .V SEND YOUR FILMS TO THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Higher grade prints pi. u :.nteed« by latest developing pro^ss. THIS MOM ii S .<!'! < 1AL >l I I II --Any size roll developed. L'veryji i ;. nf... uetf; orif you prefer. Hi print.-. All for 25c. Free Film and Camera Coupon. free with every order HAMILTON, ONT. 1133551 'RAYMAR, C.n.J.-, Fcrno.. Adviiv on hanwn profc emi, will mik* i ClwKtcf Hid Ptnw.lit) Chart Free 1. H MASON'S 49 COLD REMEDY I LYONS' ANNUAL SPRING CLEARANCE SALE Reconditioned Furniture vp floor .space regardless is your opportunity to preconditioned ft buy high reversible cushions, thoroughly cleaned. $23.5o^;i;:.)v,,;!.:;.,:::;;:.;v^hion:- full webb construction, thoroughly $13,96 IS^risnhrT^pestrySUpniow "(brown shade)!1" with in splendid condi- $39.oo.^;!' '•|\^;;-"-TlU;,it;:e,;?;;.n ™mrnletelyi refinished^ ^ ^ w.lInut $69.00 flnf,fB.' "!lr, s'" :■' " Hiiffrobe. triple mirror, canity, full size bed and ,.-l«-V«« spring. I'omnlctelv rcfinisli. $49.00 ?z»«™ ^r'rVX^- $21.50 Ifud $45.00 \" $65.00",";^ $119.00 % I.VOW5' TPADF-IN DEPT. 478 Yonge St. -- Toronto } \.Mrsmi:i:s and KHODK I lied.-. Heavy layeis. . Nhil.iti (r«. Fifteen oggs, $1.11(1; lift l>M> SALE S--SPRING BARGAINS-- ttresses. $3.50; New Spring $8.50. From factory to ran Bedding. 893 Queen St. torts ( i the TON- ..... up and purify- !ie blood. Mr. Thomas MeCill. ot : '1-lseour- Ave., Toronto, suffer-;ih stomach ulcer for sever had lost foitv pounds, has veil his normal weight, and enjoy ood, eats whatever lie desires blood will heal your body if n good condition. Send for teste Is. Trice $l.:,0 and J3.0.I indud Ci.lnev Powders. size lasts weeks. Postpaid. Ma nu factor-Mrs. T. VanCamp & Sons, lOi ley Ave., Toronto. Ont., Dept. 3 •ES STOMACH, >ladder trobules. right side, under QUIT TOBACCO, SMI easily, inexpensive dies. Testimonials. FF. DRINKING, 3 MONEY. MAKIC FA ioes chesl rubs, He; Hi. n. fifty finest f SAVE MONEY! DRIVE WITH S ed. Used Car Lot, 840 St. Clair Ave. West, Toronto.__ Girls at cocktail parties in Manchester, England, are served sandwiches of various hues, cut from loaves of many colors, to match their drink or dress. Headache After Headache Now She's Free From Them A woman writes:--"I would like everyone who suffers from headaches to try Kruschen Salts. Before taking Kruschen I was seldom free from a headache. But since I have been taking it regularly I have hardly had a headache, for which I am very thankful. I have been taking a small dose of Kruschen every morning in a glass of warm water, before my breakfast, and I feel so well."--(Mrs.) A.E.D. How do you deal with headaches? Do vou just take something to deaden the'pain, without getting rid of the trouble which causes the pain? Headaches can generally be traced to a disordered stomach and to the unsuspected retention in the system of stagnating waste material which poisons the blood. Remove these poisons--prevent them forming again-- and you'll never have to worry anymore--from that cause. And that is just how Kruschen Salts bring swift and lasting relief from headaches. Kruschen aids Nature to cleanse your body completely of clogging waste matter. "heARD annot find much pleasure in life. Professor -- "Fools ask questions Frederick -- "I wondered^/hy I had Mrs. Briggs was vigorously powdering her nose before going out. Husband (who was patiently waiting in the hall) -- "Why do you go to all that trouble?" Mrs. Briggs (shrugging her shoulder and smiling) -- "Modesty, my dear Henry." Husband (ejaculating) -- "Modes- Assistant -- "No sir, He is trying to find~Two shoes Which squeak in the same key." READ IT OR NOT! A cafe in Loveland, Colorado, has a sign offering "free coffee any time during any day the sun is not.shining." She "Did anyone tell I don't think anyoi e They Can Smell 'Em teeth in public?" Along Life's Pathway I'm treading life's rough path, and ] stumped my toe against a stone; And, oh, it hurts so terribly I utter ed a loud moan! Had I been going slowly, I'd have seer it -- and then passed; But in my haste I didn't look, and mel it -- going fast. In pain, I thought: "I'm rushing to 8 date -- and may be late; The prospective juror asked tl Prospective Juror (explaining) ---we a man $10, and as he is leavii )wn today for some years, I want atch him and pay him. the,y Judge (in a very cold voice) --"Y( re excused. I don't want anybody c The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best work even though no one is looking. Joe (reading death statistics)--"Say Phil, do you know that every time I breathe a man dies?" Phil --- "Then why don't you use a mouthwash?" The best talker is thi man who lis- Science has not been able to explain satisfactorily just why some lightning flashes show up black when photographed. The only explanation, so far, is that the wave-length of the light causes the unusual chemical re- Ontario to Pay $14,000,000 For Highway Construction The Coming Year -- Provincial Government to Make Roads As "Fool-Proof As Possible". Ontario will spend $14,000,000 on highway construction in the 1938-39 fiscal year. Premier Hepburn informed the Legislature at Queen's Park, Toronto, in his budget address. The proposed expenditu: 3 compared with $35,-000,000 last year. Added highway safety will be the slogan, with engineers instructed to satisfy themselves the finished road is as nearly fool-proof as possible. The Government visions the day when the main arteries of the system will be in the nature of the super-highway, eliminating incident of accident. Completing-the Gape Special consideration will be given to completing gaps in the highway system. Typical of this is the middle road, modern Toronto-Hamilton highway, which must be carried into Toronto so congestion will not apply either on the road or in the city where contacts are made. In Northern Ontario last year the Government constructed TO miles of new pavement, a greater length than had been completed in all the years from 1920. It prepared 175 miles of grading ready for surfacing this year. Pavement construction in Southern Ontario totalled 264 miles and 75. miles of grade were finished, most of which permits dual highway development this year. Larger Tourist Business Seen In Coming Season -- Unsettled .Europe to Lose and Canada Gain Despite the economic recession in the United States and Canada, the Canadian Travel Bureau of the Transport Department expects the tourist traffic will be as large this year as la-st when it was estimated visitors to the Dominion spent $295,00(1,000. In 1936 the tourist traffic brought $255,000,-000 to Canada. Inquiries to the bureau from United States residents between November 30 and March 20 totaled 17,000 compared with 14,000 for the corresponding period a year ago. This would indicate, travel official:; declare, that the tourist business this year would at least hold it ^pt- In addition requests from re-: travel bureaux, automobile c i n b^TTTrtt - TralTsTKntatton- com pan ies for literature about Canada is the largest since the travel bureau was established here in 1934. Visit Canada Instead The danger of war In Europe is offsetting the hard times in United States. Many who normally would have crossed the Atlantic this will visit Canada instead and ivel the Eas i enirating England js. Other States accordingly at on directing tourists t and the Maritime Pi bureaux in the Middle West are following the example and directing trippers to other parts of Canada. Canada is also going after the tourist business from the United Kingdom, Transport Minister Home announced. An advertising campaign has been started there to encourage Britons to come to Canada for their holidays. World's Greatest Tourists The tourist business is not all one way. Canadians, per capita, are claimed to he the greatest tourists in the world. They spent in other countries last year 123,000,000, of which about $120,000,000 was in the United States. This works out at more than $10 a head. If the $295,000,000 spent by Americans in Canada were divided among the entire population of United States it would average less than $2.90 Eire to Build Large Airport MANCHESTER, Eng. -- The Government of Eire will spend £500,000 ($2,500,000) to build an airport near the mouth of the River Shannon to facilitate trans-Atlantic air service, the Manchester Guardian said last week, following tne conclusion of a three-day conference at Dublin on such service. Commander sented Canada tended also by delega Edwards repjre- nferei , at- Great United States. Two companies, one representing the United States and the other joining Canadian, British and Irish capital, alone will be permitted to use Irish airports, the newspaper said. FREE FOLDERS TELL HOW NATURAL MINERAL PHOSPHATES For full details write Dept. W. Mineral Colloids (Canada) Ltd. 137 West Wellington St., Toront< Science Takes Minerals Back From The Sea Salt, Bromine, Magnesium Are Being Extracted From Water of Ocean But Recovering Gold Is Still Doubtful Proposition. Declaring the Pacific Ocean a source of raw material for numerous potential industries, two University of Washington natural scientists reverse the common idea of the ocean being merely a means of transportation and origin of foods. Recovery of common salt from the ocean is one of the oldest of all chemical industries, remindB Dr. Thomas G. Thompson and Dr. Rex J. Robinson of the Oceanographic Laboratories at the University. But ethyl gasoline, and magnesium compounds used extensively in cosmetics and chemistry is a recent and complex process, they Technical Difficulties Overcome The professors described the plant of an eastern chemical company at Cape Fear, N.C., where 15,000 pounds of bromine is extracted daily from the sea. When it is realized a gallon of sea water contains less than one one-hundredth of an ounce of bromine, it is possible to see that the process is a triumph of applied difficulties which were overcome. In San Francisco, another company is recovering approximately 16,000 lbs. of magnesium compounds of marked purity from the sea daily. A gallon of sea water contains less than two-tenths of an ounce of magnesium. Although there has been considerable talk and some research on recov-ring free gold from sea water, neith-r Dr. Thompson nor Dr. Robinson iewed such an accomplishment as of commercial importance in the near future. They based their statement on recent analysis of waters of Puget Sound for gold. gardening SPACING In planting shrubbery, a good gen-al rule to follow is to allow about half as much space between plants the height of those plants when fully grown. This will mean that the ordinary Spines .Van .Houtel, lov-ia-shrub about 6 to 7 feet in maturity in most parts of^ the Dominion, should have at least three feet between it and a neighbor. The rule holds good for most things from eight feet down to a few inches, and it particularly applies to planting about foundations. Very often shrubbery is placed very much too close to the house wall or fence with the result that the full, beautiful symmetry of the bush is not attained. The rule about spacing does not hold good for large trees, however, which can he placed much closer together for clump or background effect but must, not be permitted to shade the ground entirely if grass or flow e grot iiiderr ath. FIRST PLANTINGS Leaf lettuce, radish, spinach and the first of the garden peas will be among the earliest vegetables sown. These may be planted as soon as the ground is fit to work. All of the first named seeds should be sown at least three times at intervals of ten days so that there will be succession of vegetables. The second group to go in will be car-■ots, beets, onion, potatoes, etc., that ;an stand a little frost, and then the leans, corn and tomato, cabbage and cauliflower plants, etc., which kill with frost, and finally those hot weather vegetables like lima beans, the squash well started, egg and pepper plants, cucumbers, melons and similar things. All garden rules, it should be remembered, however, are only approximate and should he varied a little to suit the local climate and individual preference. "Big Head" Census Is Scientist's Aim WASHINGTON.--The Smithsonian Institution wants to take a census of the nation's bigheads. Believing that the "thinking muscles" of the brain develop like muscles of the arms and legs, Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, Smithsonian anthropologist, sent out a call last week for re- has noticed a my t Following a recent appeal through a scientific journal, Dr. Hrdlicka received reports from 20 scientists that their heads had grown. There is evidence, he said, that the heads of persons doing intense mental exercise increase more rapidly than --the way Ogden's Fine Cut satisfies particular "roli-your-owners". They'll fell you that this smoother, mellower Fine Cut is a sure bet (or the man who wants to drum up a full measure of smoking pleasure. Ogden's Fine Cut with "Chantecler" or "Vogue" Papers -- that's the, marching tune to genuine satisfaction in rolling your own cigarettes. When The Corpse Slapped His Face A good number of people have been hanged and lived to tell the tale, folk-lore would have us belieVe- The case of William Duell is a strange one. On the morning of N'°" vember 24th, 1870, he swung frdm the Tyburn scaffold, London, England, for twenty-two minutes. Then, a representative from the SurgeoilS Company asked to be allowed to cut' the body down and take it away i'or dissection. Work on the body w8^ just commencing when the dead mt1" groaned, and raised himself up on his elbow! Messages were sent to the Sheriff8 who arrived to take the boy aw»y and hang him again, but a hu£e crowd had formed outside the h*11 and, feeling that the boy had becn saved by Providence, roughly handled the officers of the law. Another case was the amazing ol}e of the body that came to "life" 'n the Surgeons' Hall and struck one of the surgeons in the face, with the Jesuit that the latter died of fright! C.N.R. Operating Revenues Down MONTREAL.--The statement of operating revenues and operating expenses of the Canadian National Railways all-inclusive system for the month of February issued here last week shows operating revenues were $13,289,721, as compared with $14,301,856 in February, 1937. Operating expenses were $14,636,940, against $13,829,962, during the corresponding period of last year. cups of GARFIELD TEA ^ <* tkow pou Utt easy way W** _ KEEP CLEAN INSIDE!! Helps eliminate the left-over wastes that hold you back, cause headaches, indigestion, etc. Garfield Tea is U0.1i.,?Xmlracle worker, but if CONSTIPATION bothers you, it will certainly "do wonders!" llie and 2:,,. a; diun-S1.0.1?,?. or- WRITE FOR FREE .-AMj'I.FS ,f Carfi, Id -j',.;. .„„! Cari'leld Headache Powders to: n.MH.'lKLb •]•,,',■,■"'■ I4A' 1 01ose AYenue, SUItnh' i.'TAOlN SHRDDU p,k,- SHIt A TONIC AND BUILDER VOUR health is too important to be neglected. Poor appetite, indigestion, gassy, sour stomach have been relieved by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Read this: "I hail no appetite )'!■ Yum"*-: vx.':ii.*,;',. -Til:;;, c\ i END PAIN -- Soothe SORE HANDS by Rubbing in & M1NARDS LinimenT