THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 7th, 1938 Page Five THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance; $2.50 to U.S.A. Transient advertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for jach additional inser tion. Business cards not exceed ing one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. Or.W. PORTE MARSHALL, Physician and Surgeon, King Street, Colborne. Telephone 71. OR. E. J. GARFAT, Dentist, has taken over the office formerly occupied by Dr. Campbell, Fowler Block, Colborne, Ont. 37-31 GEO. A. GROVER, K.C., Barrister & ■ * Solicitor, 371 Bay Street, Toronto. ," Phone, Adelaide 3815. I A. P. HALL," Barrister, Solicitor, . ' Notary Public, etc. Office, King Street, residence, Division Street, Colborne, Ontario. 116-34 INSURANCE ' '.a.' E. R. WILSON, General Insuracne and Real Estate Agent, Money to Loan at 5 w 6 per cent. Office ' 'Brunswick Buck, Uolboine, Ontario, Phones--Office 10, residence 13. MARRIAGE LICENSES AUCTIONEERS S. E. ROBINSON EXPERIENCED GENERAL AUCTIONEER Colborne, Ontario Sales of Any Kind--Large or Small Conducted Anywhere REASONABLE RATES OSCAR C. MORGAN Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker BRIGHTON P.O. Box 288. Phone 246. 38-6m AUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE BROKER. The undersigned is an experienced auctioneer -- pays for the clerk, pays for the advertising, and guarantees a satisfactory sale or positively no pay. Sales con ducted anywhere in the Province. Pure tred stock sales a specialty. Phone at my expense. ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton, Ontario. Phone No. 10r23. E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - Ontario Oay or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 111 - - Colborne J. BLACK LOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Oay or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON M CRACKEM & McARTHUR FUNERAL DIRECTORS n6-36 BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne First-Class Meals and Accommodation 81 ve us a call when in Colborne i F. WOLFRAIM - - Proprietor BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, etc CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON Colborne, R. R. 2 Phone--Castleton 19r3. QUEENS HOTEL COLBORNE Under Ntw Management FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS at Reasonable Rates GARAGE IN CONNECTION Local Agent for HILL, THE CLEANER, TRENTON FELIX J. MURPHY, Proprietor LAKEPORT April 5th, 1938 Mr. Bruce Peebles is visiting friends in Toronto. Capt. C. B. KiTk spent a few days in Toronto last week. We are sorry to report Mrs. 1 Smith is not very well at tim< Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cowie Colborne viisted Miss Jennie Nichol on Sunday. : Mrs.. Wm. Baker of Toronto is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. J. Kirk. Capt. Geo. Kirk of Hamilton is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. J. Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. A. Slater and son Eric of Castleton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Warner. We are sorry to hear Mrs. I. lams is very ill at the home of daughter, Mrs. Nelson Fish. Bro Corners. ■: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cowie have gone to: Bowrnanville, where Mr Cowie has secured a position with tin Canadian Canners. : We wish them success in^'their. new home. The regular meeting of the Y.P. was held in the basement of the church on Monday evening. The meeting was in charge of the Missionary Convenor, Miss Dorothy Bishop. The next meeting is- to be in charge e" the Educational, Mr. Mac Pettibone. DUNDONALD April 5th, 1938 in Eden Church (Mr. r Dingman is : . illness. ering W. S. BELL Jewellery Repaired Watches & Clocks Reasonable Still in the same place 1 Door East of P.O., Up Stairs Colborne BARGAIN FOR CASH WOODSHiED, 18' x 20'--Will saoriflt for cash as owner has no further use for sarnie. Phone 26, Colborne. SEED GRAIN FOR SALE IRISH COBBLER POTATOES; alsc quantity of RYE. Phone 55r31, Colborne. a6-13 SEED OATS--Banner--for sale. Jas. White, Colborne P.O. Phone Castleton 38rl4. a7-14x ROOMS, suitable for small family Low rent. Apply at Express Printing Office, Colborne. a7x BABY CARRIAGE--in good condition. All overhauled. Apply Express Printing Office, Colborne. f24x FURNACE, needs slight repair, cheap for quick cash sale. Apply t< " B. Mulhall, or enquire at Express Printing Office, Colborne. QUANTITY HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE for sale, including square piano. Apply at Express Printing Office. FOR SALE OR TO RENT Starters and Cheese One of the most important factors in determining the quality of the cheese is the starter which is used to hasten and control the acid fermentation of the milk, and it is, therefore, b.ghly important that uniform starters ot high quality be used. A starter carreetly made and handled cannot hanm the product in any way, whatever the quality of the milk may be. The question of starters is wholly under the control of the maker, and he has only himself to blame if the Quality of his product is injured by the use of a poor starter. FARM, 125 acres, more or less; about 20 acres new seeding, about 25 acres fall plowed; manure ail out; wood on woodpile; 1 mile north of No. 2 Highway and % mile East of Little Lake. Possession immediately. Freeman White, Warkworth, Ont m241al4x FARMS TO RENT FARM, 100 acres more or less, to rent for a term of years. Good buildings. South from Salem School. Address Box 330, Colborne. fl0m3x HOUSE FOR SALE VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY-- Modern conveniences, $1600.00; also other propertes, both farm and residential, at sacrifice prices to realize on mortgages and close out estates. These are all offered at low prices to make quick sales. Apply to A. D HALL, Colborne. Ontario. al3tf FARMS FOR SALE 100 ACRES--One mile North of Warkworth, known as John Wood farm. Good buildngs. Hard and Soft Wood. Savcrifice to close Estate. Mrs. Elizabeth Wood, Warkworth. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EDWARD PAPINEAU, late of the Township of Haldimand, in the County of Northumberland, Retired Merchant, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having any claims against, the estate of the late EDWARD PAPINEAU, who died on or about the sixth day of February, A.D. 1938, are required to send on or before the twenty-first day of April, A.D. 1938, to the undersigned Ziba Harnden, Castleton, R. R., Ontario, Executor under the will of the said Edward Papineam, their names, addresses and descriptions and full particulars in writing of their claims, statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said twenty-first day of April, A.D. 1938, the Executor of the said estate will proceed to distribute the assets thereof among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. DATED AT COLBORNE the twenty-first day of March, A.D. 1938. ZIBA HARNDEN, Castleton, R.R., Ontario. m24-al4 Executor of the Estate. Mrs. J. Collins is spend.n weeks with Toronto friends. Our neighbour. Mrs, Austin Eddy is improving in health these days. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mutton visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Darke Sunday. Misses Marjorie and. Doris Mutton spent the weekend with Bowrnanville relatives. Mr. Cecil Mutton, Colborne. spent Sunday at the home of his sister, M Gordon Dunnett. Dundonald school was closed • Monday, owing to he funeral of Mr. John J. Trottman. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pearson moved on Saturday to their newly purchased farm, east of Shiloh. Nearly all the farmers in this inity have already engaged their help for the season. April Fool's day'was observed chiefly by tlie children, the older people • having grown wiser. '•' ' Mrs. Kenneth Mutton spent a days • last week with Mr. and C. Mutton, Colborne': Mr. Harold Clark, who has 1 spending the winter in Detroit. Mich., has returned Co Dundonald. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Goodrich and family spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Graham, Castleton. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Smith visited at the home of his brother, Mr. Gordon Smith, Vernonville, on Saturday. (Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDonald have moved from the Clarence Walker farm to their home in East Colborne. Mr. and Mm Donald Broomtfield entertained Mr. .and Mrs. Carson Inglis (Pat) and children of Castleton last Sunday. Mrs Sherman Rowe has returned to her home in Peterborough, after a week's vist with her parnts, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Goodrich, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Miller and daughters Shirley and Marilyn of Oshawa were guests of Dundonald relatives on Monday. Our Pastor's heart was last Sunday evening when a number of the Eden congregation attended Church service at Shiloh. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Grosjean, with Barbara, Carl and Jack, formerly of Wicklow, now of Grafton, spent Sunday with Dundonald relatives. It is reported that very small quantity of maplt syrup has been made this vicinity; but remember, £ Indians say "a small cake of sugar, a big loaf of bread." Our Pastor, after a short r taken up work again, which has been made somewhat lighter Board. All the Circuit are anxious that his health be restored. IMr. and Mrs. Will Thomas1 have moved from Mr. Garnet Mut Mr. Geo. W, Gummer's, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Broomlfield are occupying; the place vacated by Mr. and Mrsj, _ Thomas. The funeral service for our neighbour, John J. Trottman, was held at his late residence on Monday, April 4th. Rev. A. Armstrong, assisted by Rev. M. L. Hinton, Castleton, conducted the services. A large number of friends and relatives were present. Sincere sympathy is extended to the bereaved wife and family. Interment took place in Walker Cemetery, hort distance west of Dundonald. EDVILLE April 5th. 1938 IMr. Harry Stinson and son of Cobourg visited their cousin, Mrs. A. A. Murphy on Saturday last. Mr. Kent and Miss Loretta Brown of Port Hope spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hoare. (Miss Janey Cooper has been spending a few days at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Irvine Cooper, at Brighton. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane on the birth of a fine young son--mother and baby both doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kenny and Mrs. Ada Kenny of Hilton spent a few days during the past week ait the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chat- MODERNIZE 1/()Wl HOME DURO Water System and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures Visualize your own home with these fixtures and equipment installed. Try to realize the countless number of steps , and tiring tasks that running water, under pressure, will save you.. A Duro Pumping System will provide water at the turn of a faucet and make it possible for you to modernize your home. Emco Fixtures are moderately priced. Fixtures complete with trimmings, as illustrated, ready for installation, cost: Bath Tub . . . . $38.75 Toilet..... 22.75 Basin, 17"xl9" . . . 17.85 Sink, 20"x42" only, with faucet 31.50 Sink and Cabinet, with faucet 61.30 No. 30 Range Boiler complete less heater . 14.90 Septic Tank .... 30.00 Duro Pump with 30 Gal. Tank 89.00 (Soil Pipe, Iron Pipe and Fittings extra) Enquiries will receive prompt attention and estimates will be furnished without charge. Under For Sale By FRED SPENCE, COLBORNE EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED--London, Hamilton, Toronto, Sudbury, Winnipeg. Vancouver CRAMAHE COUNCIL Cramahe Council met in the Council Chamber, Castleton, March 25th. 1937, at ten o'clock. Members all present, Reeve Quinn in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Moved by Chapman, seconded by Peebles, That the By-Law appointing Road Overseers, Pound Keepers and Fence Viewers for the Township of Cramahe for the year 1938, be given its several readings, signed, sealed and numbered 894. Moved by Peebles, seconded by Sirett, That the salaries of the Assessors be restored to the previous level of fifty dollars each.--Carried. Orders were drawn on the Treasurer os fololws: E. L. McNachtan ........$ 14.88 H. G. McKay ............ 24.00 M. Parish .............. 38.76 D. J. Wfoite ............. 5.76 W. Theobald.............94 F. P. Strong ............. 9.00 Lome Darling ........... 5.28 Thos. Verity ............ 18.50 Matthews Bros........... 4.00 H. Pomeroy .............. 8.16 Fred Harnden ........... 5.56 P. R. Darling ............. 10.00 Ontario Hospital ........ 45.00 City of Oshawa ......... 66.13 P. A. Thompson, wood, care of hall .................... 3.00 C. S. Rutherford, tow line Cramahe and Haldimand ... 49.75 Chas. Haynes, r.b 22 ........ 2.00 Reg. Turk. rbb. 23 .......... 8.20 D. M. Peebles, r.b. 1 ........ 12.40 Stewart Chapman, r.b. 24 ____ 9.60 Ray Diddier, r.b. 21 ......... 47.90 Cecil Gummer, r.b. 15........ 5.60 Chas. Quinn. part salary ____ 25.00 Harry Sirett, pt. salary ...... 25.00 A. Chapman, pr. salary ...... 25.00 Roy Darling, pt. salary ...... 25.00 D. C. Peebles, pt.. salary____ 25.00 G. R. Beavis. pt. salary ...... 100.00 H. G. Welton, pt. salary ..... 25.00 S. A. Clark, pt. salary, postage ....................... 51.50 F. I. .Moore ............. 34.81 J. F. Haynes, cedar .......... 152.50 Mrs. John Stillman, grant, library ...................... 20.00 John Bowen, plank .......... 7.15 Council adjourned to meet the last Friday in April at ten o'clock. A boy of four years, all spent in far-north Coppermine, where aeroplanes are flying about daily, had his first trip "out" to Edmonton recently, and the most amazing thing he saw was a horse. So that, no matter where one starts travel brings new thrills. la, Butter wrappers at Express Office KOLOFOG, KOLODUST AND KOLOFOG WET-TEX are all packed in containers that are handy and economical. Each package contains a "shot" ready for the tank. No mixing - no time lost -exact strength at all times. kolofog iaras tive in helping the tree to greater vigor in leaf and latent bud development, as well as thoroughly protecting against scab. KOLODUST - the dust form of Kolofog, applied in the rain at spraying time, prevents serious losses. KOLOFOG WET-TEX is Kolofog with Niagara Arsenate of Lead added. It is sure protection against insect pests as well as fungus diseases. r Spray Calendar D. W. CHURCH, Colborne J. A. B. WILSON, Cobourg If you have anything to sell, or want to buy anything--try our Condensed Ads. on Page Five