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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 28 Apr 1938, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1938 Page Five THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every Thursday morning by H, S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance; $2.50 to U.S.A. Transient advertisements 12 cents' per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for jach additional insertion. Business cards not exceed ing one inch $7 per annum. Yearly at uniform rates. Dr.W. PORTE MARSHALL, PhysiciAn and Surgeon, King Street, Colborne. Telephone 71. DR. E. J. GARFAT, Dentist, taken over the office formerly cupied by Dr. Campbell, Fowler Block, Colborne, Ont. 37-31 tfEO. A. GROVER. K.C., Barrister & Solicitor, 371 Bay Street, Toronto. Phone Adelaide 3815. A. O. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office, King Street, residence, Division Street, Colborne, Ontario. 118-34 INSURANCE B. E. R. WILSON, General Insuracne and Real Estate Agent, Money to Loan at 5 tp 6 per cent. Office Brunswick Block, Colborne, Ontario, Phones--Office 10, residence 13. MARRIAGE LICENSES AUCTIONEERS S. E. ROBINSON EXPERIENCED GENERAL AUCTIONEER Colborne, Ontario Sales of Any Kind--Large or Small Conducted Anywhere REASONABLE RATES OSCAR C. MORGAN Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker BRIGHTON Several good farms for sale; also gome valuable town property. 246. 38-6m P.O. Box 288. BROWN'S CORNERS April 26th, 1938 ; Mr. Walter Ferguson is assisting Mr. Harry Sirett, near Brighton. Mrs. D. Quigley, Colborne, visited Mr. and Mrs. Neson Fish on Fridaj afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Coole, Newtonville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fish. Mrs. H. McManus spent Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. D. McEI-henney, Cobourg. Miss Helen McMurter, Dundonald. was Sunday evening tea guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ferguson. Miss Alice Robinson had her tonsils removed recently, She has resumed her duties in Cobourg again. iMr. Charlie Fish is visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charl Cook, Salem, for a few days. Miss I. Rose has returned to F< Erie, after a week's stay with her p: ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rose. Mrs. Elmer Whittaker and son Ivan spent the past week with her pan Mr. and Mrs. Woodyer, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. O'Grady sons and Mr. John Somers spent Sunday with fMr. and Mrs. O'Grady, Balti- (Mr. and Mrs. Thos. O'Grady and sons and M'r. John Somers spent Sunday week with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tunney, Shelter Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McCracken, Miss H. McMurter, and Mr_ W. Ferguson attended church services in Colborne Sunday evening. Miss Jean Quigley, who has been tth Mrs. Nelson Fish for some t' sft on Monday for Cobourg, where she has secured a position. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Bull of Baltimore were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Evely, They were accompanied home by her sister, Mrs. C. M'erney and son Walter for a visit. DUNDONALD April 19th, 1938 April 2'6th, 1938 Ml Mis. Gordon Dunnett spent ' in Trenton. ?rvice in Eden Church FOR SALE PIANO, used upright; also CREAM SEPARATOR, Renfrew, both- in good condition. Cheap for immediate sale. Terms arranged. Apply Express Printing Office. a28x RUGS--Stock of late importer, eludes Wjltons; Broadlooms and Orientals, extremely low prices while stock lasts, will ship : orders promptly, write for price list. Traders and Importers, 54 Wellington S. West, Toronto. FURNACE, needs slight repair, cheap for quick cash sale. Apply to A. B. Mulhall, or enquire at Express Printing Office, Colborne. White. Phone: experienced auctioneer -- pays tor POTATO PLANTER to rent. Apply the clerk, pays for the advertising, and guarantees a satisfactory sale or positively no pay. Sales conducted anywhere in the Province. Pure tred 3tock sales a specialty. Phone at my expense. ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton, Ontario. Phone No. 10r23. SEED GRAIN FOR SALE IRISH COBBLER POTATOES; also quantity of RYE. Phone 55r31, Colborne. a 6-13 E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - -- Ontario Oay or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 111 - Colborne J. BLACKLOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON M CRACKEN & McARTHUR FUNERAL DIRECTORS SEED OATS--Banner--for sale. Jas. White, Colborne P.O. Phone Castleton 3&rl4. a7-14x FOR SALE OR TO RENT FARM, 125 acres, more or less; about 20 acres new seeding, about 25 acres fall plowed; manure all out; wood on woodpile; 1 mile north of No. 2 Highway and % mile East of Little Lake. Possession immediately. Freeman White, Warkworth, Ont m241al4x HOUSE FOR SALE VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY-- Modern conveniences, $1600.00; also other propertes, both farm and residential, at sacrifice prices to realize on mortgages and close out estates. These are all offered at low prices to make quick sales. Apply to A. D HALL, Colborne. Ontario. al3tf FARMS FOR SALE n5-36 BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne First-Class Meats and Accommodation Slve us a csrtl when in Colborne i F. WOLFHAIM v- - Proprietor 100 ACRES--One mile North of Warkworth, known as John Wood farm. Good buildngs. Hard and Soft Wood. Savcrifice to close Estate. Mrs. Elizabeth Wood, Warkworth. BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring Clapboards, etc CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON Colborne, R. R. 2 Phone--Castleton 19r3. QUEENS HOTEL C DLBORNE Under \ew Management FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS at Reasonable Rates GARAGE IN CONNECTION Local Agent for HILL, THE CLEANER, TRENTON FELIX J. MURPHY, Proprietor W. S. BELL Jewellery Repaired Watches & Clocks Reasonable Still in the same place 1 Door East of P.O., Up Stairs Colborne The quantity of salt produced in Canada during 1936, according to finally revise! satistics, totalled 391, 316 short tons, valued at $1,773,144, as compared with 360,343 short tons worth $1,880,978 in 1935. Special Bargain Excursions TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA GOING DATES DAILY MAY 17 to 28, 1938 RETURN LIMIT: 45 days Excursion tickets good in Tourist, Excursion tickets good in Tourist, Parlor and Standard Sleeping Cars also available on payment of slightly higher passage fares, plus price of parlor or sleeping car accommodation. ROUTES -- Tickets good going via Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong, Ont., Chicago, 111., or Sault Ste. Marie, returning via same route and line only. Generous optional routings. STOPOVERS--within limit of ticket, both going and returning--at Port Arthur, Ont., Armstrong, Ont., and west; also at Chicago, 111., Sault. Ste. Marie, Mich., and west in accordance with tariffs of United States lines. Full particulars from any agent Canadian Pacific Butter Wrappers at Express office. Sunday. 8* Mr. and 11 a half day at Mrs. Philip Grosjean and children, Grafton, spent Friday kith Dundonald relatives. .Messrs. Austin Eddy, Eldred, and T. McDonald visited Harvey Eddy, Rose-neath, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Goodrich visited Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Graham, Castleton, Sunday. Mr. A. Chapman and Rev. M. L. Hinton, Castleton^spent part of Thursday in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Dudley have returned to Toronto, after spending the holidays here. !Mrs. A. A. Murph_ Dr. Burleigh of Buffalo, attended Eden Church on Sunday. Miss Margaret Dingman, who has been in Toronto for several months has returned home. IMiss Helen Waite, Brighton, spent Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Kenneth Mutton. Mr. and Mrs. E. Best of Brighton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chesterfield ou Sunday. Messins. P. N. Grosjean and Harold Sabins, Grafton, called on Dundonald friends Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Turney, Colborne, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Chapman. Mrs. Harry Pomieroy and son Bernard called on Mrs. L, Eddy and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Eddy, Sunday. IMr. and Mrs. F. L. Richards of Coraopolis, Pa., are guests: of Mr. and Mlrs. W. S. McDonald this week. Mise Mae Mtitton visited at the home of her cousin, Miss Ruth Allen, Castleton, a few days last week. Hugh Mutton and Misses' Nellie and Marjorie Mutton and friend were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mutton on Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Irwin and daughter Doreen and Earl Irwin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Graham and family, Keene, on Sunday, Master Gerald Dingman, who was in Belleville General Hospital for moval of his tonsils, is home again and well on the way to recovery. iMr. Roy Chapman and daughters Vera and Lola (Mrs. Orra Harnden) and Mr. Clifford Godwin motored to Toronto Saturday morning, returnng Sunday evening. Messrs. Howard Oliver and Stanley, and Fred Irwin attended the funeral of Eunice, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oliver, Colborne. Interment at Fairview Cemetetry. Mr. Archie Chapman and daughter Evelyn and son Howard, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stimers and family attended evangelistic services at Cas>-tleton United Church Sunday evening. Miss Marion Mutton has returned to her school at Ivanhoe, Miss Muriel Mutton to Madoc, and Miss Hazr Mutton to Peterborough Normal, af spending the holidays with her mother, Mirs. J. J. Mutton, Dundonald. Mrs. Post, IMr. and Mrs. Unger, Buffalo, and Mrs. Brailey and Miss Brailey, Oakfield, N.Y., were guests of Mrs. Harry Mutton and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton on Wednesday, and on Thursday they visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dunnett. Report from Sick Children's Hospital on Sunday concerning the condition of two year old Jackie Chap-, who was so badly scalded about days ago, were encouraging. After two blood transfusions, he is gaining strength and able to take nourishment. Hopes are held that the small sufferer will soon be fully recovered. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dingman attended a miscellaneous shower on Friday night, given in honour of Mr. nd Mrs. Gerald Foster, recently vedded. 4th concession, Brighton. The fair bride, who is a niece of Mrs. Dingman, and was Miss Laura Vos-bourg. before her marriage, received many useful and beautiful gifts accompanied by the best wishes of ...ny friends for a prosperous life for the happy young couple. Eden Woman's Association The regular monthly meeting of the Eden Woman's Association was held Wednesday. April 20th, 1938, at the home of Mrs. Lewis Mutton, with 17 members and visitors present. The meeting was conducted by the new President. Mrs. L. Mutton, and opened with the usual devotional exer-Following the minutes, plans > made for the next meeting to be held in Dundonald Hall sometime May. This meeing will be in aid. missions and special missionary speakers will be present. Shiloh Ladies' Aid are to be invited to join this special missionary meeting. The program consisted of readings by Mrs. E. Goodrich, Miss Mae Mut-and Mrs. C. Dudley; a duet by Mrs. G. Honey and Mrs. C. Dudley, xomipanied at the piano by Mrs. W. Chesterfield; and a chapter of Nellie McClung's "Treasures from Lantern Lane," read by Mrs. Armstrong. Following the roll call, lunch w-as Dundonald Y. P. U. Another successful meeting of the Dundonald Y.P.U. was held Tuesday vening. April 26th. 1938. in Dundon-ld hall, with an attendance of 29. The President. Marjorie Mutton presided, opening the meeting with the usual devotional exercises and the minutes. Mae Mutton, leader of the Missionary group, will he in charge f the program for next week. The ill call next week is to be answered ith a verse from the Scriptures con-| taining the word "be." mneth Mutton, leader of the Fel-hip group, prepared and conduct- MODERNIZE HOME DURO Water System and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures Visualize your own home with these fixtures and equipment installed. Try to realize the countless number of steps and tiring tasks that running water, under pressure, will save you. A Duro Pumping System will provide water at the turn of a faucet and make it possible for you to modernize your home. Emco Fixtures are moderately priced. Fixtures complete with trimmings, as illustrated, ready for installation, cost: Bath Tub .... $38.75 Toilet . .... 27.25 Basin, 17"xl9" . . . 17.85 Sink, 20"x42" only, with faucet 31.50 Sink and Cabinet, with faucet 61.30 No. 30 Range Boiler complete less heater . 14.90 Septic Tank . . . . 30.00 Duro Pump with 30 Gal. Tank 89.00 (Soil Pipe, Iron Pipe and Fittings extra) Enquiries will receive prompt attention and estimates will be furnished without charge. |L For Sale By FRED SPENCE, COLBORNE FMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED--London, Hamilton, Toronto, Sudbury, Winnipeg. Vancouver ed the following program: Topic, "Facing a New World," given by L. Mutton; reading, "Father Sews on a Button," by Marjorie. Mutton; solo, Adele Chapman; reading, Kenneth Mutton; contest, conducted by Naoin; Montgomery. The meeting was broughtt to a close with the hymn. "Take Time to be Holy." and the Mizpah Benedic- EDVILLE April 2.6th, 1938 Miss Willena Keys of Colborne visited at the home of the Misses Nina and Mina Lacey during the past week. Mrs. Percy Macklin of Cobourg spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Farrow. rs. Roy Howe and children visited at the home of her sister. Mrs. Claience Dale, at Hilton, during the week. Dr. Arthur Burleigh of Buffalo, who is been visiting at the home of his int, Mrs. A. A. Murphy, during the past week, accompanied her on Monday of this week to Norham, to visit her sister, Mrs. J. Arkles. Additional Grants for Ontario Schools Hon. Dr. L. J. Simpson, Minister of Education, assured members of the Ontario Educational Association that an additional grant of $11,200,000 over the 0i937 figure would be distributed by his department to school boards and boards of education throughout the province. All additional fund* made available by an increased budget for the Department of Education would go directly to elimentary and secondary schools. Dr. Simpson stated. "The end is not yet if I have anything to say ;n the matter," the minister declared. "I am heartily in accord with the view that the Provincial Government should pay a iderable higher percentage of school costs." HONEY OUTLOOK is impossible at the present lent to estimate with any degree ccuracy the honey crop for 1938. but with an increase in the number of bee colonies reported, the capacity for production has increased over previous years. It is quitte possible, however, that winter losses may offset this increase. Furthermore, reports indcate a possible shortage of major nectar securing plants in 1938 due to the heavy winter-killing of 1936-37. and a shortage of clover VERNONVILLE April 26th, 1938 Mr. C. B. Turk has started his rural delivery routes this week. Mrs. McMurray is visiting relatives at Bowmanville this week. Miss Ada Tripp of Cobourg is visiting friends in the village. Mr. Charlie Smith of Centreton spent Sunday at his home here. 'Mr. Clarence Fithcett spent a few days with friends at Hamilton. Mr. Alec Stimers of north of Brook-side called on friends here Friday. Mr. Leo Drumm of Cobourg called on friends here one evening last week. Mr. Ray McBrien is doing some interior decorating in Grafton this week. We are sorry to hear Mr. Archie Waite is suffering from an attack of pleurisy. Mrs. Alec Clarke spent last Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Fitchett. Mrs. C. B. Turk and Mrs. Clarence Fitchett were in Cobourg on Friday afternoon. .Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Edwards of Wicklow visited friends in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston of Cobourg visited relatives here one day last week. Mr. Albert Taylor of Brockville spent Wednesday of last week with Mr. James Kerr. Mrs. Mae Jarvis of Shelter Valley is spending a few days with her son, Mr. H. Jarvis, Oshawa. We are glad to report Miss Marjon Deviney is progressing favourably after her recent operation. Mrs. Robert McMurray and son of Enniskillen are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Robson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fraser and children of Academy Hill visited friends in the village on Sunday. Mrs. Spray Wilson entertaned a number of friends on Tuesday evening. Dancing and cards were enjoyed. The Presbyterian W. M. S. met for their monthly meeting at Miss I. Broomfield's on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman and children of Huntsville returned home this week, after visiting relatives here The Rev. and Mrs. Archie Peebles of Franktown called on Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Winter one evening this week. We extend heartfelt sympathy to the family of the late Miss Wilma Foster, whose earthly remains were laid to rest on Monday. TEST OLD SEED BEFORE SOWING When seed fails to germinate after sowing, real loss results, for re-seeding costs money and early crop prospects vanish. Recently a gardener sent samples of lettuce, onion, beet and carrot seed to the Domnion Seed Branch Laboratory, Ottawa, for germination test. The seed was three years old and intended for use next spring. The lettuce germinated 72%, the beet 71%, the carrot 49% and the onion 2%. Three years ago. when fresh, all of these seeds germinated over 90%. These tests proved once again that some kinds of seed lose their viability quicker than others. The onion seeds were practically dead when three years old, while the beet and lettuce seeds retained reasonably high germination. The carrot seeds had declined almost 50% in the three years but was still serviceable at a heavier seeding rate. These results are typical of many tests made. The point is that old seed should not be used before tested for germination. This may be done at home between two damp blotters or a sample may be sent to the nearest Dominion Seed Branch laboratory. BACON EXPORTS Regularity of supply is important and necessary in building up a trade connecion for Canadian bacon on the United Kingdom market and as an aid to keeping prices at a reasonably constant level, states -the. Canadian Animal Products Trade Commissioner in England. During 1937 there was more irregularity in Canadian shipments than during 1936. also a substantial spread in quantities. Bacon is a non-storable product, and as it handled in large volume an increase of 55% or over in imports in a few weeks' time makes it impossible to place this surplus on the market without causing price fluctuations. Canada is the only overseas bacon supplier out of 20 countries which has the freedom of the British market so far as volume is concerned, and her imports are easily the second largest, with Denmark leading. Must Label Fertilizers i the greatest ?ese in the ea h West Indie Every nixed fertilizer on sale in least 114% phosphoric acid. and potash, combined. Minii ties for e ach are establi hed. Fertil- dardized a nd Object-to h nimum. per- centages of plant food substances. Every fertilizer must be labelled to show the brand names and guaran- teed analysis.

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