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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 26 May 1938, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 26th, 1938 Page Five THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every Thursday morning by H, S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance; $2.50 to U.S.A. Transient advertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for ;ach additional insertion. Business cards not exceed ing one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. Or.W. PORTE MARSHALL, Physician and Surgeon, King Street, Colborne. Telephone 71. DR. E. J. GARFAT, Dentist, taken over the office formerly cupied by Dr. Campbell, Fowler Block, Colborne, Ont. 37-81 <3EO. A. GROVER. K.C., Barrister & Solicitor, 371 Bay Street, Toronto. Phone Adelaide 3816. A. D. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office, King Street, residence, Division Street, Colborne, Ontario. flS-34 INSURANCE a. E. R. WILSON, General Insuracne and Real Instate Agent, Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office Brunswick Block, Colborne, Ontario, Phones--Office 10, residence 13. MARRIAGE LICENSES AUCTIONEERS S. E. ROBINSON EXPERIENCED GENERAL AUCTIONEER Colborne, Ontario Sales of Any Kind--Large or Small Conducted Anywhere REASONABLE RATES OSCAR C. MORGAN Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker BRIGHTON P.O. Box 288. Phone 245. AUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE BROKER. The undersigned is an experienced auctioneer -- pays tor the clerk, pays for the advertising, and guarantees a satisfactory sale or positively no pay. Sales conducted anywhere in the Province. Pure tred 3tock sales a specialty. Phone at »ny expense. ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton, Ontario. Phone No. 10r23. E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - -- Ontario Oay or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 111 - - Colborne J. BLACKLOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Oay or Night Cads Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON M CRACKEN & McARTHUR FUNERAL DIRECTORS BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne Irst-Class Meals and Accommodation Sive us a call when in Colborne F. WOLFRAIM - - Proprietor BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, etc. CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON Colborne, R. R. 2 Phone--Castle,ton 19r3. QUEENS HOTEL COLBORNE Under New Management FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS at Reasonable Rates GARAGE IN CONNECTION Local Agent for HILL, THE CLEANER, TRENTON FELIX J. MURPHY, Proprietor W. S. BELL Jewellery Repaired Watches & Clocks Reasonable Still in the same place 1 Door East of P.O., Up Stairs Colborne The quantity of salt produced in Canada during 1936. according to finally revised satisfies, totalled 391, 316 short tons, valued at $1,773,144, as compared with 360,343 short tons worth $1,880,978 in 1935. Dundonald Y. P. U. Dundoinial-d Y. P. U. hiedd their weekly meeting in Dundonald Hall on Tu-esday evening, May 24th, 1938, with an attendance Of 23. The President presided, opening the meeting with the it,s-ual devotional exercises and the minutes of the last meeting. The next taaeeting of the Y.P.U will be'held next Monday evening, instead of Tuesday, and will take the form of a soci'all evening. Silver collection will be takem in aid of the Dundonald Softball Team-, and the program be prepared by Mae Mutton, leader of -the 'Missionary Group. The 'following program wjas j pared by Kenneth Mutton, leader the Fellowship Group: Topic, -entitled "Impressions Summer School," given by Stanley Pearson; Music by Ross Wright, Violin, and C. Dudley, organist; solo by Adele Chapman; mouith-orgaj slo-lo by Orland Drinkwalter; contest by Mary Broomfield. The mieetitng closed with the National Anthem and' the Miap-ali Benediction. LAKEPORT May 24th, 193-8 Mr. Harold Kernaghan spent the holiday in Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelly of Colboirn-e visited Lakeport friends on the holiday. Mr. Wm. Baker has returned to his borne in Toronto, aftelr visiting his mother, Mrs. J. Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson of VemMHWiille vtsited Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kernaghan on Sunday. Holiday visitors altj the home of Mr. and Mrs-. B. W|amer were Mr. 'and Mrs. -S. Dulma-ge, Miss Joan Dulmage, -and Mr. E. Fackwood, all -of Toronto. GROW BIGGER BETTER CROPS Natural Mineral Phosphates with THE NON.BURNING PLANT FOOD Free Folder Gives Full Details WRITE OR CALL COLBORNE GRIST MILL J. A. RITTWAGE lone 99 Box 227, Colborne HOUSE AND LOT in Lakeport to rent. Small barn on premises. Apply to Mrs. Nelson Fish, Colborne R. R. 2. Phone 134r31. ml9tf FOR SALE__ RUGS--Stock of late importer, includes Wiltons, Broadlooms and Orientals, extremely low prices while stock lasts, will ship mail orders promptly, write for price list. Traders and Importers, 54 Wellington S. West, Toronto. a28 FOR SALE OR TO RENT FARM, 125 acres, more or less; about 20 acres new seeding, about 25 acres fall plowed; manure all out; wood on woodpile; 1 mile north of No. 2 Highway and % mile East of Little Lake. Possession immediately. Freeman White, Warkworth, Ont m241aL4x HOUSE FOR SALE VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY-- Modern conveniences, $1600.00; also --titer propertes, both farm and residential, at sacrifice prices to realize on mortgages and close out estates. These are all offered at low prices to make quick sales. Apply to A. D HALL, Colborne. Ontario. al3tf FARMS FOR SALE 100 ACRES--One mile North of Warkworth, known as John Wood farm. Good buildngs. Hard and Soft Wood. Savcrifice to close Estate. Mrs. Elizabeth Wood, Warkworth. COURT OF REVISION Township of Cramahe NOTICE is -hereby given that the Court of Revision for the Municipality of the Township of Cramahe will be held in the Town Hall, Castleton, on Friday, May 27th, 1938, 1. p.m., for the purpose of hearing d determining all the complaints ainst the assessment for the current All parties ke notice accordingly. G. R. BEAVIS, Clerk. Castleton, May 9th, 1938 COURT OF REVISION Village of Colborne NOTICE is hereby given th t the Court of Revision for the Municipality of Colborne will be held in the Council Chamber, Colborne, on Friday, May 27th, 1938 8 p.m., for the purpose of hearing d determining ail the complaints against the assessment for the current All parties concerned will please take notice and govern themselves ccordinglv. H. S. KEYES, Clerk. Colborne. May 9th, 1938. Informal ion concerning the names of persons wro have certified seed toes for sale, and the treatment of the seed and the spraying of the crop when necessary in Ontario, may be obtained from O. W. Lamhine, Dominion Seed Potato Certification Service, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. Mr. DUNDONALD May 24th, 1938 . Ru'herfoird is not feeling ell the las No -service in Eden Church next Sunday, but S. S. as usual. Mrs. Philip Grosjean spent Sunday with relatives in Dundonald. iMirs. Bert Robinson, Toronto, i staying with Mlrs. S. Puffer for few weeks-. Norman Montgomery spent la; Thursday with his grandmother. Mr; Alyea, Colboirne. Miss Naomi Montgomery spent few days last week with Mrs. Clifford Turney, Colborne. Mrs. Cliffird Turney and children-, Colborne, called on Mrs. J. Montgomery Tuesday evening. iM*. and- IMrs. Cecil Mutton, Colborne, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mirs. Gordon Dunnett. Messrs. Clifford Irwin and Roy Mathers of Keene spent Sunday the hpmie of Mrs. iS. Puffer. Mr. and Mirs. Claude Goodrich and family visited Mr. and -Mrs. Burnett H aim den, Colborne, on Sunday. Mr. -and Mrs. Percy Smith and family vtsited Mr. and Miris'. Wilbert Ful-ford at Mt. Pleasant on Sun-day. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Honey attended anniversary service at the United Church, Dartford, Sunday evening. Mr. W. D. Brisbin, who has been living in Brighton several months, has returned to Dundonald, in poor health. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mutton and daughter Mae spent -a few diaiyls last week tin Toronto, ret'U'rining Sunday e-n-ing. Mr. Charles Vanwicklin, who has been sick at the home of his daughter, 'Mrs. J. Trottman, is recovering and able to be around-. Mr. W. W. Mutton, Mrs. Mutton, and Mrsi W. E. Chesterfield visited Miss Musa Philp, a relative, in Port Hope- on Sunday, and found he-r very ill. Rev. A. Armstrong has received a call to Caniffton Pastoral Charge, in the Belleville Presbytery, and will begin his work there the first Sunday in July. Mtns. E. R. Bradley, Toronto, Mrs. Ryekman, and Mr. and Mrs. Hainry Pomieiroy of Castleton visited Mm L; Eddy and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Eddy, Montgomery of Brighton, Mrs. Gerald Lethridge of Trenton, and Edward Humphrey of Whitby visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Montgom-Saturday. and Mrs, IS. Lawrence, Oak Heights, and Mrs. Atkinson of Dart-ford were guests of Mrs. Harry Mut-and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutr last Sunday. r. and Mrs. Ross Wright and R. Chapman attended the Music ival at Colborne on Friday eve*' Misses Marion Wright and 5il Chapman took part in the slng- _r. and Mrs. Fred I rwiin and daughter Doreen and Mr. Fred Irwin were guests at .the wedding of Mr., Rjoy Irwin and Mitss Holly Uieev. t'eteol ort ugh, on Sa-uirdey. May .TW 1938. The was great rejoicing at "The Cedars," on Sunday May 22nd. 193>. val of a 7% lb boy, barefoot and dimpled, and marked I--Mir. and Mrs. Earl Irwin (nee n Dudley) arte the happy par-of this fine baby boy, who is id Douglas Glenn1, ere will be a special meeting of -n Circuit official board, in the n Church, on Thursday May 26, p.m. It is hoped every member try to attend. The Rev. Fred, of" Frankford. who is a member ne Conference Settlement Com* -e, will meet with the Board. . and Mrs-. Kenneth Mutton, Mary 'Broomfield, and Mr. Stanley Pearson attended a "mi.-cellan-Friday night in v wedded couple; pson (nee Irene Plumpton). Very large number pme-and many beautiful and useful VERNONVILLE May 24th, 1938 Mr. P. Rixon spent Tuesday in Cobourg. Mr. "Davey" Kerr spent a few days in Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fitchett and family spent Sunday with her parents. Miss Isobel May of Castleton spent Saturday evening with friends in the village. MSss Bessie Fitchett entertained a numiber of girl friends to tea on Tuesday last. Mr. Arthur Naish of Baltimore called on friends in the village Sunday afternoon. Miss Ada Tripp of Grafton has been 'visiting friends in the village for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wicks of Baltimore visited friends in the -village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoskin spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. Waite. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Darling and family spent Saturday with her parents in Toronto. iMrs. Robert McMurray spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs, A. McMurray in the village-. Mirs. M. Calnan spent the weekend at her sister's home, Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaughlin, Toronto. Miss T. McCay of Trenton spent last week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs- F. Darling. A numiber of our young people attended the midnight show at the Capitol Theatre, Cobourg. Miss Ethel Larry of Toronto is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Larry. Mr. and IMrs. Jack Cuffe of Co-inrg spent last Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cowey. r. and Mrs. George Fitchett and srs. Russell, Norman and Gordon Fitchett attended the funeral of the late Mr. Jtos. Pogson of Toronto on Friday last. We are very sorry about the misfortune which betel a highly esteemed neighbour. Mr. Alec Stimers, who recently had moved away. He lost a thoroughbred horse last week. numiber from, here attended the Music Festival, held In Colborne on Thursday and Friday. Congratulation to the Wicklow-Vernonville Women's Institute, who won second prize on Thursday night. a ted. mdant. vill ail. Mrs. ■■ni--'soii for her continued f-s a help and inspiration to tne ole circuit, and we surely will be rbnely people, for where in th-e United Church can we find another tor and wife like Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong. But our loss will be gain Caniffton. Rev. Mr. Foley of Bowmanville addressed a large and attentive co-ngire-in the interests of Teimpetr-Hl era Hon in Eden Church Sunday morning. He was accompa: ' ■ Mr . Fole\ change ? they left. - d both l the cx i older -i and heads of of 'thi- families have finished life's .lourney. hildren were grown up, and few faimi^ar faces remained. Mr. and Foley are remembered with affection and gratitude, and time has dealt gently with them, only they have only "a little older grown." Tent Caterpillar Now is the time to control tent caterpillars. The whitish webs con cted by the insects are only toe commonly seen on neglected fruit trees and on roadside trees, especially wild cherries. The caterpillars be readilv killed by spraying infested trees with lead arsenate 2 lbs in 40 gallons of water, or by destroying the tents by hand when the cat erpillars are inside them, which is usually on cloudy days and early in 3 morning. Burning the nests with torch is very effective, but care must be taken not to burn the tree. It i . arly and thus ■ / the-s labor and loss Butter Wrappers at Express office. ACADEMY HILL May 24th, 1938 Holiday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. L. Jaynes' were: Misses Ella Jaynes and M. Hardinge and friends, Toronto, and Miss Irene Foster. Toronto. ister Clarence Jaynes held a birthday partv on M»v 24th. Mrs. J. Xels -n and ' iiighte-rs visxt-a Mrs. H. Lean, Castleton, on Sun-Miss Luella Lane. Castleton. spent J last week. He gradu-5 week and then takes summer congregation Mis Andr- ew a end in Bowmanville with hen- com Mrs. Kenneth Wood. Miss Muriel Roblin of Toronto a weekend visitor of her parei r. and Mrs. H. M. Roblin. Mr. and Mrs. S. Swain and fan spent Sunday at Bowmanville. atte tog the funeral of his sister. N Ira Purdy. Dr. Hueh Ronev and wife of Pi field, Mass., were guests of their un ,nd aunt. Mr. and Mrs-. A. M. Ma im, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thorne, companied by their friends. Dr. i Mrs. Morgan, all of Toronto, left Saturday for a six weeks' motor t down through Kentucky, Tenness New Mexico. Southern California ; up the Pacific Coast home, aor Canada. They plan to be back Brighton in time to attend the I Home Week July 1st. in Brighton Farm Land Values For the third year in sucoe "erage values of occupied farm in Car . Fart Water • • water No matter if it's raining, snowing, blazing hot or below zero . . . water is absolutely necessary to one's' existence. But it is no longer necessary to carry it from the old fashioned pump. A DURO PUMPING SYSTEM will supply all the water your home needs, at the turn of a faucet. In addition, it will make it possible for you to modernize your home with Emco Fixtures, so necessary these days to health and comfort. Emco Bathroom Fixtures and Fittings are modern to the minute, mechanically perfect and finely finished. They will give years of satisfactory service and greatly improve the appearance and comfort of your home. The four pieces illustrated -- Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and Lavatory -- with all Trimmings, ready fof installation, cost only...............................................$142.50 (Soil Pipe, Iron Pipe and Fittings extra) Other complete Bathroom equipment as low as.... $83.85 The Duro-Special Pumping System, complete with 30-gal. Galvanized Tank, 25 or 60 cycle Motor, has a capacity of 250 gals, per hour and costs only..........$89.00 Take advantage of this Government Plan to modernize your home with Emco equipment. Write for free booklet or see-- Duro-Special ipplied for S. FRED SPENCE COLBORNE EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury WWT£ff#£/ l|§r Protect your Buildings TITE-LAP METAL ROOFING Dry, rotted shingles catch fire like kindling! But with Council Standard Tite-Lap roofing you needn't worry about flying embers or sparks. It is good for a lifetime and is sold with a 25 year guarantee. This guarantee is backed by a reliable firm with a background of years of service to agriculture. Ask your banker. Tite-Lap roofing comes in large sheets that are easily handled. Fireproof, weatherproof--does not crack, bulge, shrink or curL They may be put on right over your old roof. Send ridge and rafter measurements for free cost'estimate. Eastern Steel Products 85 Guelph Street Jjintted) Factories also at Preston. Ont. Montreal and Toronto. W. J. ONYON e 122 - SALES AND SERVICE - Coll

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