THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 9th, 1938 $2.00 a year in advance; $2.50 to U. S. A. Liquor, Sweeps Attacked by Quinte Conference At Napauee, tine Bay of Quinte Conference of United Church ministers -and laymen went on record last week as being opposed to the liquor traffic in all is forms, protested the prevalence of bootlegging in the Province and deplored a move to legalize sweep- Ladies' Auxiliary The rem;! . ting .;t ■ ai-es : Ontla schools for drinking. Wlith the intro-duction of drinking rooms for women there had1, been a great increase in the consumption of liquor. -Deploring the action of the Ontario Legislature in asking -the Dominion Parliament to legalize sweepstakes in Ontario for tlba support of hospitals, the Conference expressed its satisfaction that the Dominion Parliament has not acceded to the request. Fewer at iSunday School During the pasr year. Sunday School attend a nice had decreased over 5 per cent. There was a great need for an increase in the Min-.iy School attendance, as the teaching of the children is the most important duty of the The* increase of the radio, the motor car, and -the motion pictures were stated as the reasons for the decrease In the Sunday Schools, according to the report on religious education presented hy Rev. C. H. Ferguson. "The United Church of Canada from the viewpoint of youith imust offer some solution to problems of youth, or some other 'ism' is going to step in for them," siaid Donald Baxter, the President of Young People's Union. "Youth has many solutions -to its probhlems. There is communism, nazisnr and faoisim, but youth does not want any of these that leaves out Christ." Reporting on Albert College at Belleville. Principal Bert Howard stated that the College was filled to capacity. Last yea-' sixteen students hlad to be turmied away for lack of accommodation. The students at the College have -acquired a high standard in aid examinationis set by the Department of Education at Queen's- University. New ministerial appointments in the Conference included: Cobourg Presbytery--Grafton Rev. W. E. L. Smith; Hilton. Rev. R. A. MteRae-; Baltimore, iH. S. Blez-atrd, per- j mitted to work in Saskatchewan: Oolbonme. superannuated one year. Rev. A. J. Terriill: student. ft. S. .1.1 Adams. Belleville Presbytery -- Caniffton. Rev. Adam Armstrong (formerly of Hilton Circuit.) Eight young men were ordained as United Church ministers. Ladfes' Auxiliary Colboi 187 Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. was held at thie home of Comrade Mrs. Pennington mi Wednesday, June 1st, 1938. There was a good attendance and several business matters were attended to. It was decided to hold an afternoon tea and sale of work at the home of Comrade Mirs. W. A. Moore. East Colborne. on Friday June 17th. The Zone representative,' Comrade Mrs. Humphreys of Oshawa, and Comrade Mns. Rollo. president of the Oshawa Auxiliary were in attendance. Comrade Mins. Hurtphries gave a very in re res-ting talk on the meaning of Magna Oharta week, also on the honour of wearing a badge the B.E.S.L. After the close of the meeting a dainty lunch wias served by the hos-i tesis and a pleasant social time was j spent by alll. I The next meeting will be held at j ithe home of Comirad'e Mrs. Mackie I on July 6th. Comrades please remember the Zone Rally at Oshawa o | June 14th. President--•Comrade Mow. MacOregn: Secretary-- Comrade Mrs. McAdam ; Treasured--Comrade Mrs. Hodges David R. Dingwall sr. A life-long and highly respected farmer of Cramahe Township, Mr. David R. Dingwall sr. passed away Friday, June 3rd-. 1938, in 81st year. Fo-r some time he has been failing in health. Surviving an'e two daughters. Mrs. H. L. Smith of Otawa and Mrs. M. H. Peterson of Warkworth, and1 a son. David R. Dingwall, at the family residence. The funeral services were held in Castleton United Church Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. H. Moore, with Rev. J. F. B. Bel-ford assisting. Interment at Castleton Oem-eitery. A large number of friends and; Cormw- 11 acquaintances- attended. PERSONAL Mr. Bill Fowler of Toronto spen tnday with his grandmother, Mrs H. Fowler. Miss Cora Peebles of Toronto spenl weekend at the home of Mr. anc R. Keys. Mass Mary Cochrane, who has beer Normal School at Peter borough, is home for the holidays!. ;nd Mrs. Hauold Kyle and fam-•'Hy of Bethany, Out., spent Saturnine nftgiht with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Buch- Northumberland County Girls' Achievement Day Program at Brighton, May 28th, 1938 The NoTtthum'«?-iand County Girls' Achievement Day Program was held at Brighton or - i"i rdiay. May 28th. 1938. with 53 g'r s, <-ompebing and a large number on club leaders and Women's Institute officers present. During the win t months the girls under local club leaders have been studying the proj- at "Clothes Closiets Up-to-Dato." This work includes the making of shelves boxes, shoe racks and other «--rra a-eemiemts in the Clothes Closets f> r the protteotbn of ubel Clothes. Each rid -also made dress covens and hat wens and kept a note-book. nMJordi ig the progress of thie work during -tie winter. At the Achieve Mt Day each girl took part in the u'lriing competition and each oi thie :■ u!>s save a demonstration erotMfted 'A Well Equipped Clothes Closet The team of four g'ris selected to represent No-i ih-ui i.b r!and County at the C. N. E. includes Gracei Sioggctr. R.R. 1, Campbe!ltf'»tid; Nonmia Snider. Smithfield; Eleanor Oliver, Ca-mpbel-lford, and Lillian McFaritand, Baltimore (spane). The dietmonisitravKin team for the C. N.E. inicludle's Hie, f n Black and Liil-liilan MloClera.ry ikworth; Mrs. Geo. Hielson. Wa.-irv .-• s the leader and trainer of this t? .in and the subject of the demonistrt tion ils "The Well Equipped Clothes Cloise!t." The demonsitrat im team se-leic: e-d to represent tti-s con :y at the Peterboro Industrial E:-bii t\ 'ion iix-lrides Vara Clarke and Ir»> Ourle. R.R. 4, Campbellford, wtfth Mi's. O. Ditrran as Club leader. Miss Hannah Louisa Carr From Norwood Register: After a brief illness there passed s-way at Norwood on Saturday, May 21st, 1938. Miss Hannah Louisa Carr. at the age of almost SS years-. She was born in the Township of Cramahe, near Colborne. but the most of her life was spent in Norwood vicinity. Twenty yearns ago she moved into Norwood from the farm, purchasing a house on King Street. During the years scores of High School students f-omi the country found her home a. haven of contentment and- security. She was a mother with kindly advice and loving oaire to those who through the yearns passed through her home. Of a deeply religious nature, she daily lived out her faith in the common place things of life. Early in life she became a member of the M- aodi-st Church and later of the United Church of Canada. To mourn her passing she leaves one brother, William Samuel Cars- of Apsley, who is the surviving|heir oi a family of nine. Two nephews. T\"i".l:am of Gananoque; and George C-,rr and a niece. Mirs. Russell Camp- A. S. Cleland, her .minister, on Mom-cay after which interment took place in the Norwood Cemetery. Beautiful flowers expressed fittingly tbiEi appreciation of relatives and neighbours. Honorary bearers were Adam Gard-:ie ■ David Buchanan. Charles Lobb and Thoimas MbConnell. The active bearers ■vera Wm Buchanan. Jaimes Lob. Hugh Drain. Russell Thompson. Harold Beavis- and Wellington Burgess. Misis Carr was the oldest mes-ident of Norwood and in her passing leaves a host of friends and neigh hours who will miss her gracious and kindly John Barry An old and highly respected resident of Cramiabe Township passed away on Thursday. June 2nd, 193'S, in the person of John Bairr; He had reside< stead for the pa from Millbrock. i fan tirement a He is survive 1 by his widow and; three sons, Frank and Edward Craniah-Q. Joseph at home, and daughter, Mrs. J. J. Regan of Wooler. The funeral, largely attended relatives -ami friends, took place Saturday to St. Mary's Church, ~ ton. where Fr. Wolf of Cobourg brated Requeim Mass-. Interment place in St. Mary's Cemetery. Mrs. James E. Arkles The death occurred General Hospital on Saturday, ____ 4th, 1938. of 'Mir®. Jiaimes E. Arkles,1 (nee Fanny Gerowl who had been il for several months. In her 71st year she was a daughter of the lat.e Johi L. Garow of Castleton. Besides hei husband she leaves a daughter-. Mrs Ivan Den-ike of North-ami. The funeral service was held at tihi daughter's home on Tuesday after ' the 'Mrs Coxall and Mrs. Mcintosh and LUghter of Toronto, are at iMr. cottage at Loughbreeize the montlu and 'Mlnsi. Martin Kamary and Catharine Rex of Rochester, N. attended the funeral last Satur-of Mr. John Baifry. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Keane of Wellington spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Biowm. Mrs; 81st j Ke-ari'i and little daughter remained [ for a few days. . " Cong-flat illations ;o .hie'.. S e,i who ' .».} has successfully pa.s-s-eu his thin! yi»;r 118 j examinatiomls in Arts at Toronto University, obtaining honours in Political engaged J. Science and Economics. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Buchanan amd som.Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown, and Mr. and Mirs. Charles Ooodfellow attended funeral of Mr. David Dingwall, at leton, last Sunday. Congratulations -to .- Miss Helen Partridge, who successfully completed •her third year in Arts at Toronto 'niveirsity. Miss Helen is now at home with heir parents. Rev. and Mrs. H. L. Partridge. London. Eng., May 24th, 1938.--Mr. and Mrs. Lacey Amy leave Friday for Toronto. On June 2. Mr. Amy's new book. "Beyond Locked Doors." comes i-ei.-ville. 0ff the prelsis. Mr. Amy is better known June^to readers as Luke Allen. and Mrs. W. L. Matthews, Mire'. John- Connors and Miss Maude Connors' were called to Simcoe Wedmes-dlaly of last week owing to the death -of Mr. Will Maxwell, a nephew of Mm -Connors. Mrs. Connors remained for Read condensed ads * Hon. M. M. McBride on Sun-day in his home at Branitfort Acting member of the Hydro Con mission probe Friday he appeared i good health. Death was due to a bean attack. i Northumberland Conservatives Elect Officers Roy Dodge, Cobourg, Elected President--Representatives for Ottawa Convention Chosen Every polling district in Northumberland was well represented at the annual meeting of Conservatives held at Warkwortli, Thursday evening, 2nd June, 1938. when officers for the year were eliected and delegates to -th< Dominion Convemtion at Ottawa wen chosen. Officers Elected President--Roy Dodge, Oobourg. 1st Vice-Pries.--A. D. Hall, Colborne 2nd Vive-Pres.--F. Denyes.Brighton tP 3rd Vioe-Presi--Mrs. E. J. McCurdy. Oobourg Sec.--C. H-. Calver, Campbellford Treas.--J. A. Anderson- C-amipbeldford For the election of delegates to attend the Dominion Convention in Ottawa the constituency was divided into four zones and a delegate and alternate chosen to represent each Delegates Chosen The first named in each case being delegate and the second the alternate: Zone 1--iMrurray. Cramahe, and Brighton Towns'hips and Brighton Village --Wm. Good-fellow, Brighton Tp.; Grant Broatch, Murray. Zone 2--Percy and Seymour Town^ ships a-n-d Campbellford---Chas. H. Davidson, Campbellford; John Locke, Seymour. Zone 3--Alnwick and Haldimand Townships. Colborne and Hastings --Arthur G. Willoughby, Collborne; James Grieve, Aim-wick. Zone 4.--Hamiillitom Town-ship, Town of Cobourg--A. Roy Willmofct, Cobourg; Mrs. El J. McCurdy, Co-Short addresses wer-e delivered' by Major J. F. B. Belford, A. Roy Will-mott. A. D. Hall, and the new President, Roy Dodge. COMING EVENTS Strawberry Festival in Salem Unit ed Church Hall on Friday, June 24, 193S. Admission 25c and 15c. j2 Strawberry Festival in St. Pa Church, Lakeport, Tuesday, June 19'38. Admission -26c and 15c. The Ladies' Aid will hold a strav berry Social on Trinity Church law on Tuesday. June 21st, 1938, at 5.3 p.mi. Admission 2'5c. jM6 The Lakeview Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. John Mairtin, on Thursday, June 16th 193S, at 2.30 p.m.. (standard tlime). Subject. "Dos and Don'ts for the Institute." Roll Call: "How We Cam Improve Our Institute." All welcome. The ladies of the United Church, Castleton, will hold their Annual Strawberry Festival in the Church Basement on Tuesday evening, June 21st, 1938, from 5.3-0 until all are served. A splendid program will be' given in the Church auditorium. Admission 25c and !l'5c. The June meeting of Colborni Branch of the Women's Institute \s':\ be held on Tuesday. June 14th. 1933 at 2.30 p.m. (D.S.T.) at the home o; Mlrsi J. G. Wait©. Convener--Mrs. Irish. Subject--An Ideal Country Life. Roll Call--Recipes for Summer Din Current Events--M-nsi. Harvey. Demonstration--Salads, Mrs. S. .T Cox. God Save the King ! The binthday of Our Majesty King George VI. willl be celebbrated to-day, June 9th, which has been proclaimed a public holiday throughout the British Empire. The King's birthday is December 14th, but acting on the suggestion of His Majesty, its observance has been set for June 9th. Norwood Register:-- Those attend--iinig the funeral of the late Miss Hannah Louise Carr were: Samuel Carr and George Canr, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Qalmpbell and daughter Lois, Mr. and *?! Mrs. Clarence Campbell and daughter, ijjall' of Apsley; Mr. amid Mrs. John M,c-Mrs. Arthur -Mc- Gilbert of Havelock. Allen F. Walsh, B.A., of Vancouver, B.C., visited his uncle. Mir. Frank Wa'lsih. Warkworth. over the weekend, and on Monday was calling on old acquaintianceis here of his failier. the late Fred W|alsh. a well-known •nesl'demt of Lakeport a® a youith. Mr. Walsh is am honour graduate in Arts from the University of British Columbia, and ie now on his way to Paris'. France, to take special courses wtth the view of improving in speaking the French language, to be better qura'J'ified to teach that subject, sails from New York Saturday. The one mill subsidy to municipalities entails an expenditure of three million dolla|ils by the Omtario govemn- Clarte l the loqail at thie C.N.E. Laet year is not again eflilgibie to compete. The six clubs talcing part In the thei leaders i York Road--H Campbellford -Warkworth-- M Grafton--Mrs. . Harwood--Ma- F. Way. s. D. Durran O. Helson Carruthers . Lalwton E. MerrilL ■esentative A. H. 1 the girls on the Agiticulturtal Re Martin comgira"i;la splendid work accomplished and presented Aichievemt-nt Badges to each of the six cjub leadens-. Miss Gneta Pollard, BowimanTille, Home Economics Coach oooi-t charge of the Achievement Day Program. OLD TIME RE-UNION SERVICES Old St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Colborne Sunday, June 26th, 1938 Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. (D.S.T.) The Sesjsion and Board of Managers of the Church are planning to make Sunday, June 26th a great get-to gether for old and new friends from far and near. REV. P. BRUCE THORNTON, D.D. a former Minister of the Church, will be the special preacher The Choir will be assisted by former members and friends. Mrs. Jock Robertson-Fyfe will preside at the organ. Mr. W. W. D. McGlennon and Mr. C. W. Head of Toronto, and Mr. Robert Henderson of Oshawa, will give solo and duet numbers. A friendly half hour will be held in the Church parlours after the evening service. Sunday, June 26th will be a day of happy reunions and good-fellowship in Old St. Andrew's. The homes of the congregation will be glad to entertain out-of-town friends. FILL UP THE FAMILY PEW ! A hearty and cordial welcome awaits you at this old time re-union. A Pleasing Show A large crowd gathered at Victoria Park, Colborne, Friday evening, June 3ird, 1938, to see and hear the Talking Movfing Pictures sponsored by W. J. Oniyon, Colborne dealer for Pontiac and' Buick -automobiles and G. M. C. Trucks. The pieturtes were as annoumioed both entertaining and educational. - • i enthusiasts enjoyed the merw picture "Batter Up," which showed olose-ups of the outstanding leaders amd players in the National and American leagues. In their brief talks these men explained the strategy used in discovering and trying to overcome the strong points in the plays of their adversaries. For motorists, the slow moving pictures depicting the building and assembling of the engines and other parts of the Pontiac and Buick automobiles-, together with the talks etx-plaining the advantageous points were particularly interesting. The ehildnen were delighted with the comedy parts of the programme, which included the antics of "Mickey Mouse." Colborne Friends "Showered" Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Turney Thursday evening. June 2nd, 1938, nume-rous friends iamd relatives gathered at the Colborne town hall -to pay tribute to the new bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lloyd Turney. The groom, Harold Lloyd Turney of ______4 .Mr. and bride, Edith Evangeline, is the eldest diaiughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Johnston of Sarnia. Ontario. Mr, and Mrs. Turney stopped in Colborne on their wedding trip. They were married May 28th, 1938. in Sarnia, and have motored by way of Windsor Niagara Falls, St. Catharines, stopping at Colborne on their way to Peterborough, wherai thiey will reside. MiSs Vera Arkles read a very appropriate address expressing the feelings and wishes of all present to the bride land groom. The bride and groom replied to the address, thanking everyone for their numieroua and generous gifts extending an invitation to all friends who care to call on them in Peterborough. The evening was em-joya-bly spent in damcing. Several musical numbers were also well received, lunch-eon. TRINITY CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Special services will be held on Sunday next June il9th, 1938, to co-m-memorate the founding of the Anglican Church in Colborne. 8.00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11.00 ai.m.--Morning Prayer and Sermon. 7.00 p.m.--Evensong. On Wednesday next, the Archbishop of Toronto will be at the church and add-ness the congregation, CARD OF THANKS Mir. and Mirs. Wj. E. Otto and "Bobby" wish to express to their many friends and neighbours sincere appreciation and -thanks for kindness amd sympathy received during their recent sad bereavement. Northumberland Students Win Essay Prizes Fish Conservation Competition "Young Ontario," represented by an army of public -school situdemts- recently took am enthusiastic part im the Conservation Essay Competition, sponsored jointly by the Ontario Federation of Anlgleirs and The Globe amd Moil. Among 1311 prize ed appears the names of Michael Taylor (age 11) OOlborne R.R. 3, won $-2; Grace Taylor (13) Oolbornie R. R. 3; Helen Weatherson (12) Warrk-wortlh; Thelma McLean (11) Balti-i and Helen Robertson (12) of Trenton, each get $1. Read condensed ads < page 5. U TI LA C This is a Paint -- Not a Fad It dries in four hours and can be used successfully for enamelling gas, oil and electric stoves, giving a lasting, perfect enamel finish. The housewife should use nothing else but Utilac on her furniture, on the floors, or around the rugs. Washing does not in any any damage to the lustre of this enamel. REYNOLDS & KEATING Victoria Square neighbours for kindness and s-y-m-poithey ext'endied during the iilneea and death of a beloved husband amd father; also for spfrltual offerings. Mrs. James Walsh and the Leonard family wish to express their sincere appreciation and thanks to friends amd meighbouirfe for kindness and sympathy extended in their recent bereavement; also for -spiritual offerings. The family of the late David R Dingwall sr. wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to their many friends and neighbours- for the kind expressions of sympathy extended' to them m -their nelcent siad bereavement of a beloved father. DEATHS DINGWiALL, David R.--In Cramahe Township, on Friday, June 3rd, 11938, David R. Dingwall sr., in 84th year-, Interment at Castleton Cemetery. BARRY, John--In Oramfflihe Township, on Thursday, June 2nd, 1938, John Barry, in his 81st year. ' Internment at St. Mary's Cemetery, Graf- Car Ferry Watchman Drowns in Harbour James Dearmam. 40-year-old, watchman on car fenry Ontario No. 2, was drowned Sunday night. June 5th, 1938, when he fell into the harbour ait Cobourg. He is believed to have stumbled when descending a gangplank. Artificial respiration was applied for almost two hours without, success Car ferry Omtario No. fl, which was about to leave for Rochester, remained in dock in order that a troop of * Sea Scouts could -give -assistance. Mr. Dean-mam/s companion, Mr. Ed. Martin saw him slip and called for help. Nelson Cuthbert and George Fortune, employees of the car ferry, went to the rescue. Cuthbert dived but was- unable to locate Dear-. Four Sea Scouts, Tom Mason,, Marky Paul. Ohuch Bertiram and Gabe Sorrentino, stripped1 off their uniforms and also dived in, Mason locating Deanman on the bottom of the -harbour In 18 feet of water. He ■ised him -to the surface. . Dr. W. E. Wilkins ,amd the Sea Scouts worked in relays im a vain effort to revive the n Deanman was e mam for about 10 rployed as watch-rears. He is mar-d by his widow and ; Castleton Wednesday. Castleton 4 to 3. Batteries--C Burleigh F. Cowie; Castleton; S. Purdyv