Page Four THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 9th, 1938 CASTLETON Julne 7th, 1938 Our sympathy is extendfed to tibe bereaved relatives. Miss Viola Harnden spent Sunday with Miss Alice IHMord at Oobourg. Mr. Clarence Gunter of Whitby spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. D. Gunter.' M|n. and Mips. M. Dudley of Toronto sipenit the weekend with her mother, Mrs. S. M. Purdy. Mrs. Iiriyiin Robson of Toronto is visiting he|rt parents^ M!r. and Mrs. Andrew Woilfrtairn. Mr. and Mrs. Ziiha. Harnden spent Sunday with Mir. and Mins. Floyd Hairnidien ait Gratfiton. Mr. and! Mrs. W. Moore and Dicky of Brackvail'le isipent the weekend with Mt. and Mrs. Ted Black. Mr. amid Mrs. Andrew Wolfraim amid ■Mrs. Itnvin Robson had tea with Mrs. J. E. Wolfraim on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Warner and faimily of Lakeport sipemit Sunday with Mr. and Mirs. Mi. McGregor. Several1 ifirom here attended the funeral o.f Mm J. Arfcleis alt Warkworth, on Tuesday, June 7th,' 1938. Mr. and Miris. Lorne Haynes and children s-pent Sunday with her par-emits, Mr. and Mrs. R. Shred. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McKague spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. end Mrs. Runnels, at Dartfod, Mr. and Mrs, C. Warner and son Eugenit cf Michigan spent ;he weekend with his father, Mr. G. Warner. Mi sis Irene Gaiffleld is the new oper-aitor in the telephone 'office, talcing the position of Miss Madeline Covert. Misses and Ruth Lean spent Sunday with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mi is. John Nelson, at Academy Hill. Miss Madeline Covert left on Thurs* day of last week to spend six months with Mr. and Mns. V. Miller at St. Mr. amid Mr* Clifford Papineau. Bonis Chialnlie and Lotftu®, of Oshawa, visited his mother, Mrs, Ed. Papineau, on Sunday. Mr, and Mns. .1. Battishy and Mr. and Mrs. Thompsomi of CaimipbeWford attended the funeral of Mr. Dingwall on Sunday, June 5th. The Caisitteton Orange Lodge, No. 554, are ararngiimg a County Celebration of the 12th of July at Castleton amd expect a good crowd and a number of lodges'. We are sorry to report that Little Miss Mildred Welton is confined to heb bed for three weeks and is under the doctor's care. Dr. Gerald Wilson of Guelph, Mr. Melville WHignnr of Brighton. Mr. C. A. Wilson of Roseneaith called on friends heme om Saturday evening. This was hielM as the closing night of the Y.P.S. The treasurer, Mrs. W. R. Baxter gave the proceeds for the yeair, which, were very satisfactory. Mrs. J. C. MicKa.gue iis visiting her mother, Mrs. Runnels, at Dartfordi, while Mr. Runnel* •> laving an operation in Belleville Hospital this week. Miss Ruth E. Cowiei, teacher of the Public School, has accepted a position as teacher in Toronto. Her vacant place will be replaced by Misis Marjorie Mutton. The annual Sunday Convention of Colborne and Cbaamiailue Township will be held in the United Ohurch, Castle-tonv on Tuesday afternoon and evening, at 2.30 amd 7.30, June 14th. Rev. Stanley Osborne. B.A., B.D.. Mns. Bar., of Napa nee. O.R.E.C. representative, will be the special speaker for the HaT^d.r^Ora'^n^.-^r^'u^a^ of his illness' . He is confined to bed and under the doctor's care. We hope for a speedy recovery. The special meetings which were held in the Pentecostal Church for The Ladies of the United Church wild hold' their annual Strawberry Festival in the Church baseimemt on Tuesday evening. June 21st from 5.30 until all are served. A splendid pro-gfriaim will be given im the Church Auditorium. Admission 25c and 15c. Children's! Day Services will be held on the Casitllelton Circuit of the United Churclh as follows': Castlietom.',, Sunday, June 19--111.00 a.m. Morgansiton,, Sunday, Jamie 19--2.30 pm Oak Heights, Sunday, June 26--11 a.m. Splendid program, by the children. I Babies, birds and flowers. "Of such is the' Kingdom of Heaven."' The "At Home" of the Women's Missionary Society was held at 'the home of Mrs. James Honeywell on [ Thursday afternoon, June 2nd, 1938. I Mrs. J. C. McKague and Mrsi W. R. I Baxit,etn weme in charge of the program. i The President. Mrs. Honeywell was j in the chair. The delegates' were ap- i pointed for thie sectional meeting to fake place at Stockdale on June 10th. j Mirs. J. Harnden and Mns. N. Gaffield were the delegates appointed.. Mrs. Gerald Welton led the study hook. Mrsi. Frank Isaac sang a solo. "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer." Bilrdie Baxter- and Luella Lean gave a fine dialogue. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. The death owourred of a well and favorably known resident of our community on Friday evening, June 3rd, 1938. Mir. David R. Dingwall sr.. at the heme of his son. Mr. David Dingwall. Be had been ill for some time and Lived with his son. The funeral took place in the United Church on Sundav by Rev. W. HL iMoore. Major Belford gave a brief talk, expressing his sympathy to the bereaved relatives'. Mr. Belford was a close friend of MK Dingwall. He expressed that fifteen year- ago hp had spoken, at the funeral of Mrs1. Dingwall. Mais. (Rev.) Moore rendered a soilo. The> were Messrs David Arkles, McOomib, T. Grills. W. Nelson. S. Peebles. Inn rment was made in Castleton Cemetery. The big event, the Miamimoth Amateur Contest, was held in the town hall on Frldav evening. June 3rd, und'eir the auspices of the Y.P.S. The President. Mr. Raymond Bowen (ted a* chaiirimain for the evening. There were sixteen entries. Mr. Oorn-wel'l of Cotlbcrne was present and sang two delightful songs. The amateurs consisted of: Soilo--Bindie Baxter. Instrumental--Bert Bowen,. Step Dance--Mr. Jack Johnston. Piano Due'--Misses Helen Darling Marjorie Massey. l days t to & ing. Th© Members of Castleton Women's Institute are planning on visiting the Grafton Women's Institute on Thursday, June 16th, at the home of Mrs. J. Biacklock. There will be no regular Junia meeting here. The jiin'or boys of Colborne Public School played an interesting ball game with the junior boys of Castleton Public School Tuesday afternoon om the school grounds). The score was 32 to 6 in favour of Castleton, The special meetings are still being held in thei Free Methodist Church this week. Evangelist Lowcfcs is the special speaker at every service. Service every night except Monday and Saturday. Everybody welcome. Thie Women's Society of the Wes-leyam Methodist Church held its weekly' meeting at the homie of Mm Lome Haynes, on Wednesday afternoon of last week. A good crowd wj'is present and a nice time of fellowship enjoyed.. BROWN'S CORNERS June 7th, 1938 iMfr, amd Mrs. Gerald Quinn and family spent Sunday in Cobourg. Mrs. Spencer Burbridge called on Mr. and Mms. Hugh McManus one day last week. Miss Fern Stickle of Colborne spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Sheila MciManus. Mr. and Mrs. Maickie of Oolborne were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mns. Hugh MscManlus. Mists Elsie Rose of Toronto spent last week with her parents,, Mr, and (Mrs. W, W. Rose-Glad to report Master Hughie McManus n's recovering very favorably from pleuropneumonia. Sotnry to report Mns. Jiaimes Smith is quite ill at time of writing. We hope for her speedy recovery. Mr. and Mm. Chas. Cook of Salem ware Saturday evening tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fish. Mr. amd1 Mrs, Jaimies Grills and son Waiter of Campbellfoind were Sumdlay guests of Mir. and Mrs, Bert Ferguson. Quite a number from this district attended the free show in Colborne Friday evening and report a pleaslamt Mr. and Mrs. A. Duncan and daughter of 'Hawk Junction spent Saturday afternoon in Cobourg, calling on rela- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur iMcCiackeii amd family spent Sunday with the tollmen's father, Mr. John MeCracken. at Shiloh. Mr. and Mrs. Nielsen Fish and daughter Emma and son Clifford spent Sunday evening with Mm. and Mirs. Bert Ferguson. Ladles, don't forget Lakeview W. I. will hold its regular meeting on June 16th, 1938, at the home of Mils. John Martin. Everybody welcome. Mr. anld /Miris. A. Duncan and daughter of Hawk Junction. Northern Ont., spent two days with Mrs. Duncan's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fish. Mrs. Arnold Bull, Misses Hazel and Maimle Newiwton, Messrs. Richard arui Peter Newton called on the former's' parents, Mr. and Mirs. J. W. Evely, on Monday evening of last week. Master Waiter returned home with his aunt for a visit. Mrs. David MacElheinley and twins of Cobourg spent last week with her mother. Mrs. Hugh McManus, and helped in earing for Master Hughie, who at time of writing is very much improved. Mirs. MacElheuey having returned homie one of the twins re maimed with his grandparents for a T . School Chorus-->Ser Step Dance--Fred. Lovelace. Trio--Laura Wolfraim. Eileen Whitney and Evelyn Quimn Solo--Helen Darling. Solo--Roy Elakely. Highland Fling--Jess:.; and Norma Potter. Violin 'Solo--Carson Inglis. Thie judges were independent and awarded the following prizes: list, $3.00--Bert Bowen, 2nd. $2.00--Helen Darling and Marjorie Massey. 3rd, $il.00--Laura Wolfraim, Eileen Wlhitnley and Evelyn Quinn, The three winmiens will appear before Ken Soble at Roseneath on Wednesday evening, June 8th. FREE METHODIST MISSION CASTLETON Sunday School--2.30 p.m. Preaching Service'--3.00 p.m. Evangelistic Service --7.30 p.tim. Prayer Meeting--7.30 Wednesday evening. Revival Services aire on mov/. Everyone welcome. Sunday 7.30 p.m Week nights 8.00 o'clock. C. W. Kay, Pastor,, I. M. Loncks. Evangelist. Castleton W. M. S. Meeting I The Castleton W.M.S, held their I quarterly "At "Home" on Thursday, .Tune 2nd. 1938, aft the home of Mrs. .la*, Honievwell. After the opening hymn amd prayer, Mirs. G. Cairo- gave amd Mrs. A. Kemp Devon saflet itled "The Church of Tweni'v-ome members answered the roll call, Mrs. Honeywell, Mrs. J. Harnden and Airs. Gaf field were appointed delegates to the Sessional meeting at Stoekdale on June 10th. The treasurer reported $36.65 on hand and the collection at this mneet-ing was $5.45. There followed a season of prayer and a synopsis of the lasr chapter of th; Study Book by the leader. Mrs. G. Welton. with Mrs. J. Hairmdem, Mirst. H. Allen, Mrs. E. Bush, Mr*. Gaffield Mrs. Purely and Mrs. D. Ankles ail taking part. The President. Mrs. Honeywell then all present, with joined hands, repeated and dedicated themselves to uphold the Church. A pro'giram arranged by Mrs. Bax- l thei given ■ of leading by Mrs. H. Alien < the "Little Japanese' Disciple." A solo, by Mrs. F. Isaac. "The Garden of Prayer." Reading, "The Master is coming." by Mrs. J. Harnden." A iialoeue. "A Missionary Dime," by Birdie Baxter amd Luella Lean, was very interesting and instructive- The meeting closed with hymn 380 and prayer by the President. A lunch consisting of many good things was then served by the members amid closed a very interesting afternoon. MORGANSTON Jume 7th, 1938 The three teachers are re-engagei at increased salaries | 'Our cheese factory is off to a goo« stunt making 9 a day. Mr. iHialey Pollard of Toronto spen ia few days lalst week with Donali Mr. and Mrs. McKague attended thi aiiiaiitiation at, Hamilton, of thei daughter Ethel, the last of May. Mir. and Mrs. H. Madill and Mr and Mrs. Orr of Bondheart visited ; couple of davs at his brother's, Wm MadaM. The church services were with drawn last Sunday owing to the fun era! of Mr. David Dingwall, which was held at Castleton. Mrs. J. Arkles, who has been poorlj a few months and taking treatment at. Ocillia. was brought home, and i few days later taken to Belleville Hos pital where she passed away Saitur day night. VERNONVILLE June 7th, 1938 Miss iMieta Warner spent Thursday evening in COIhorne. Mrs. Fred Darling called on Mrs, j Joe Darling on Tuesday last. Dr. Adlam H, Miller of Toronto cal-I led on friendls here Sunday last. Mr. Henry Knight of Wicklow called on friends in the village Friday. M.«'s? Juno Fisk spent with her friend. Miss Marion Deviney. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cainam spent Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. P. Cooney. in Grafton. IMr. Hienry Coole of Newtonville called on firiendb in the village Monday l|asit. Mr. 'and Mns. C, H. Winter spent Sunday with Mm. and Mrs. Piatt Kellogg, The Gully. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rowe and fatally of Brighton spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Geo. Rowe. We are glad to report, 'Master Bobble Shenwin is improving and is able to be outside now. Mr. Bill Culverhouisei of Hamilton has been visiting relatives in the village for the past week. Miss Esther Harnden of Cobourg spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mm (Henry Harnden. Mr. Morris, Frost & Wood representative, of Belleville, called on Mr. James Kerr om Wednesday. Mr, Stanley McMurray and his mother spent Sunday with Mr. an< Mrs. Wiill MiOMurray, Trenton. Mr. and Mrsi Alex. Miann of Bait: more spent Sunday at thei home of Mr. and Mrs, iFramk Sherwim, Messrs. Douglas Deviney, Allan Rusk amid Bill Warner spent the week end in HalibuiKon. visiting friends. Miss Annie Hairmdem of Colborne has been spending a week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harn- Geoii ! Fit Goi I Misis Mildred Dunseith re I her home in Toronto, afte j at her sister's homie, Mr. Ken Bilcox. LAKEPORT June 7th, 1938 Mr. Jaimes Moore is visiting friends in Toronto. Mm Wfm. Matthews left on Tuesday to take up her residence in Tor- We are sorry to report Miss Mary Fagg not much improved at time of writing. Mirs. George Bishop spent the week end with heir parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Wm. Spears. Miss Ada Bishop and Mr. Harold i Winter spent Sunday at the home of j his paremltts, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley j Winter. , j Aberdeen-Angus Association i to Hold First Annual Sale The firs; annual sale sponsored by the Ontario Aberdeen-Angus Associa- j tion will be held at the Winter Fair Buildings, Guelph, Wednesday, June ! 8th. 1938. | . Fifteen bulls and twenty females I will go before the auctioneer. They j have been carefully selected fromi the herds of J. D. Patterson, Richmond Hill; T. G. Todd, Lucknow; D. E. McEwan, Byron; Markham Farms, Queenston, and Malcolm Bailey, Ux-bridge. Cheese exports from Canada for the 10 months of 1937 ended Oct. were 71.4il:5,800ib. Of the amount 64,597,400 lbs were shipped to the United King-dam, and 4,429.200 lbs. to the United-States. The increase in the total exports compared with 1936 was 17.8 per cent; the increase in the shipments to the British Isles was 35.4 per cent. Pear production in Canada, has remained fairly constant since 1930 at approximately 450,000 bushels per annum. MODERNIZE HOME i ^"7 DURO Water System and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures Visualize your own home with these fixtures and equipment installed. Try to realize the countless number of steps and tiring tasks that running water, under pressure, will save you. A Duro Pumping System will provide water at the turn of a faucet and make it possible for you to modernize your home. Emco Fixtures are moderately priced. Fixtures complete with trim-nungs( as illustrated, ready for installation, cost: Bath Tub .... $38.75 Toilet.....27.25 Basin, 17"xl9" . . . . 17.85 Sink, 20"x42" only, with faucet 31.50 Sink and Cabinet, with faucet 61.30 No. 30 Range Boiler complete less heater . 14.90 Septic Tank . . . . 30.00 Duro Pump with 30 Gal. Tank 89.00 (Soil Pipe, Iron Pipe and Fittings extra) Enquiries will receive prompt attention and estimates will be furnished without charge. nn For Sale By FRED SPENCE, COLBORNE EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED--London, Hamilton, Toronto. Sudbury. Winnipeg. Vancouver Fighting Game Fish Across Canada HOLIDAY opportunities in the thousands of lakes, rivers and streams of Canada afford fishing opportunities which are unexcelled anywhere in the world. The wide stretches of the Dominion are liberally supplied with forest and lake-land, abounding with game fish and animals, where lovers of the great out-of-doors can find a sports district to suit their every whim. Fishing conditions are so varied in Canada and the species of game fish so numerous that a small booklet is required merely to list all the fish and regulations of the different sections. Deep-sea fishing is found on both ocean coasts, for half-ton tuna off Nova Scotia and equally large sharks near Vancouver Island; five-pound small-mouth black bass at the Devil's Gap Camp, Lake of the Woods district, and in hundreds of lakes in Eastern Canada, vie for popularity with 40-pound maskinonge af such favored resorts as the French River Camp in Ontario; fighting trout of several species are found everywhere in Canada, most popular regions among anglers being the Laurentian Mountains, north of Montreal, or the mile-high lakes surrounding Banff and Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockies; and mighty salmon bring joy to the hearts of anglers in ine Mari- These few highlights of Canada's many fishing opportunities illustrate why Canadian sportsmen fishing in their home waters are joined every year by so many thousand anglers from the United States and overseas. Conditions, possibilities and regulations vary so widely in different sections that anglers planning to visit strange districts would do well to find out all about them in advance from A. O. Seymour, general tourist agent, Canadian Pacific Railway, Montreal, or from fishing booklets obtainable at all Canadian Pacific offices.