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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 9 Jun 1938, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 9th, 1938 Page Five THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every Thursday morning by H, S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance; $2.50 to U.S.A. Transient advertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for jach additional insertion. Business cards not exceed Ing one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. Cr.W. PORTE MARSHALL, PhysiciAn and Surgeon, King Street, Colborne. Telephone 71. DR. E. J. GARFAT, Dentist, taken over the office formerly cupied by Dr. Campbell, Fowler Block, Colborne, Ont. 37-81 GEO. A. GROVER. K.C., Barrister & Solicitor, 371 Bay Street, Toronto. Phone Adelaide 3815. A. D. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office, King Street, residence, Division Street, Colborne, Ontario. f.16-34 INSURANCE E. R. WILSON, General Inauracne and Real Estate Agent, Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office Brunswick Biock, Colborne, Ontario, Phones--Office 10, residence 13. MARRIAGE' LICENSES AUCTIONEERS S. E. ROBINSON EXPERIENCED GENERAL AUCTIONEER Colborne, Ontario Sales of Any Kind--Large or Small Conducted Anywhere REASONABLE RATES OSCAR C. MORGAN Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker BRIGHTON Several good farms for sale; also some valuable town property. Phone 245. 38-om P.O. Box 288. AUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE BROKER. The undersigned is an experienced auctioneer -- pays for the clerk, pays for the advertising, and guarantees a satisfactory sale or positively no pay. Sales conducted anywhere in the Province. Pure tred stock sales a specialty. Phone at my expense. ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton, Ontario. Phone No. 10r23. E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - Ontario Oay or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 111 - - Colborne J. BLACKLOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 33, GRAFTON M CRACKEN & McARTHUR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Day and Night Calls Promptly Attended to ELDEN McFAYDEN no-36 Licensed Embalmer JUST ARRIVED No. 1 Government Standard SEED CORN Several Varieties FRESH SALT in bags, or blocks, coarse or fine, iodized or plain -- at -- . Exceptionally Low Prices COLBORNE GRIST MILL J. A. RITTWAGE Phone 99 Box 227, Colborne FOR SALE COWS FOR SALE--Apply to GORDON METCALF, Oolboirme R.R.2. Phone 134r3. TUDHOPE RANGETTE, two plate, with oven. Apply to R. M. Brezee, Colborne. Phone 82. RUGS--Stock of late importer, eludes Wiltons, Broadlooms and Orientals, extremely low prices while stock lasts, will ship mail orders promptly, write for price list. Traders and Importers, 54 Wellington S. West, Toronto. a28 TO RENT BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne First-Class Meals and Accommodation Slve us a call when in Colborne I F. WOLFRAIM - - Proprietor BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, etc CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON Colborne, R. R. 2 Phone--Castleton 19r3. QUEENS HOTEL COLBORNE Under New Management FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS at Reasonable Rates GARAGE IN CONNECTION Local Agent for HILL, THE CLEANER, TRENTON FELIX J. MURPHY, Proprietor W. S. BELL Jewellery Repaired Watches & Clocks Reasonable Still in the same place 1 Door East of P.O., Up Stairs Colborne The quantity of salt produced in Canada during 1936, according to finally revised satisfies, totalled 391, 316 short tons, valued at $1,773,144, as compared with 360,343 short tons worth $1,880,978 in 1935. HOUSE AND LOT in Lakeport to rent. Small barn on premises. Apply to Mrs. Nelson Fish, Colborne R. R. 2. Phone 134r31. ml9tf FOR SALE OR TO RENT FARM, 125 acres, more or less; about 20 acres new seeding, about 25 acres fall plowed; manure all out; wood on woodpile; 1 mile north of No. 2 Highway and Vz mile East of Little Lake. Possession immediately. Freeman White, Warkworth, Ont-m241al4x HOUSE FOR SALE VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY-- Modern conveniences, $1600.00; also other propertes, both farm and residential, at sacrifice prices to realize on mortgages and close out estates. These are all offered at low prices to make quick sales. Apply to A. D HALL, Colborne. Ontario. _ al3tr FARMS FOR SALE 100 ACRES--One mile North of Warkworth, known as John Wood farm. Good buildngs. Hard and Soft Wood, Savcriiice to close Estate. Mrs. Elizabeth Wood, Warkworth. GROW BIGGER BETTER CROPS Natural Mineral Phosphates with THE NON-BURNING PLANT FOOD Free Folder Gives Full Details WRITE OR CALL COLBORNE GRIST MILL J. A. RITTWAGE one 99 Box 227, Colborni Expert Plastering and Repairs Plain or Ornamental Work ALSO CEMENT WORK Estimates Furnished Work Guaranteed A. RILEY Address: Cobourg R.R. 5 Phone: Grafton 40 On Guaranteed Trusf Certificates A legal investment for Trust Funds Unconditionally Guaranteed THE STERLIHG TRUSTS CORPORATION STERLING TOWEH TORONTO A. D. HALL ..ocal Representative -- Colborne Tinsmithing and Plumbing Complete Line of STOVES AND FURNACES STOVE PIPES AND ELBOWS Stoves to be sold ori Easv Payment plan. Call and get terms. A. B. MULHALL Ireland Block, King St, Colborn* PHONE 152 DUNDONALD June 7th, 1938 Mrsi E. Tuck is visiting Brighton friends. Nexit Sunday is a spare in Eden United Church. Mr®. Vanslyke spent the weekend at her home in Warkworth. Mrs. R. Stimers is visiting at the home of heir daughter, Mrs. C. Cole, Wiooler. Mr. and Mils. Gordon Honey spent Thursday and Friday with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Edgar Bush, Castleton, spent 'the weekend with Mir. amd Mrs. Arch Chapman. Miss Naomi Montgomery is visiting friends in Stirling and Ftnankford this week. Miss Evelyn Gbapmn visited her aunt, Mrs. E, Tumney, Colborne, over the weekend. Miss Muriel Mutton of Eldorado spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. J. J. Mutton. Mrs. Claude Goodrich spent Wednesday with her parents. Mr. amd Mrs. Graham, Castleton. Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Stiimiees and daughter Eva visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Stimers on Sunday. Mr. Garnet Mutton visited his brother, Mr. W. W. Muton. who has been very sack the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgomery, Frankford, called on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Montgomery Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pogue and son, Toronto, were guests of Dundoniild relatives over the weekend. Mr. aind Mrs. Dean MacGregor of Cordova Mines called on Mr. and Frank McDonald on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Donald Broomfield visited Mrs. MicCuIlough, Sharon, on Sunday, and found her very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Cole and daughter Nadlime of Wooler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Manly Stimieais1. Mr. Harry Tuck and Mir. and Mrs. James Robertson* Belleville, called on friends in this vicinity on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Dudley, Toronto, were guests of Dundonald and Castleton friends over the weekend. Miss Helen Mutton is in Greenwood, staying for some time at home of her cousin, Rev. Herbert Mutton. Mr. and Mrs, Orra Harnden and children of Colbornie visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chapman, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDonald. Mrs W. S. McDonald and Angus spent Sunday with Mnt and Mrs. Alfred Inglis. Smithfield. Mrs. DeMarse, patient at Cobourg General Hospital, is said to be improving and will soon be able to return home. Mrs. Philip Grosjean and children Carl and Jack, Grafton, spent a couple of days with relatives at Dun-donald last week. IMr. and Mrs. Jack Montgomery attended a shower in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Turney, at Colborne, last Thursday evening. Mr. Avertili Mutton and mother, Colborne, werie guests of Mirs. Harry Mutton and Mr. and Mrs. Kennetn Mutton and family last week. Mr. and; Mrs. Kenneth Mutton and Betty spent Sunday afternoon at the home of the recently wedded couple, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Samis, Castle-Mr. and Mrs. Oardwell and Mir. Leach of Wiestwood and Mr. and' Mrs. George Pearce of Colborne were the guests of Mr. George W. Gummer on Sunday. Miss Nina Amarus, Mr. and Mrs, Foster and family, and Mrs. Freeman, all of Peterborough, sipent Friday evening with Mir. and Mrs. Archie Chapman. Rev. W. R. MeRae, B.A., from; Hallo-welll, Prince Edward County, is the new minister to succeed Rev. Adam Armstrong ias Pastor of Unitd Church Hilton Circuit. Misis Eileen Pinch, Campbellford, returned home on Saturday, after a two weeks' visit at the home of 'her aunt Mns. Archie Samons, at "Pleasant View Farm." Miss Marjorie Mutton, esteemed and efficient teacher of Dundonald school for five yeains, has resigned, and is enignged to teach Castleton Public School in September. Mr. and Mins. Stanley Spafford and son Gordon and daughter Ruth of Belleville, and Jack McDonald of Meyersburg, were guests of Mr. and Mns. Gordon Dunnett on Sunday. M'sisi Ruth Chapman viisiibekl her parents on Sunday, amd on her return to Toronto was accompanied by Mrs. Chapman and Jackie, who will take final treatment for burns at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. Mr, Garnet Mutton. Recondinig Steward of Hilton .Circuit, and delegate to Bay of Quinte Conference of the' United Church, held in Na.panee. on his return had as guest Rev. Herbert .nd well known to Dundi maid folks. •. United Church i CRAMAHE COUNCIL Cramahe Council met in the Council Chamber. Castleton, Friday, May 27ith, 1938, ait 9 a.m. Members all present, Reeve Quinn in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. A grant of $1115.00 was voted tc School Faim. Orders were drawn on the Treasurer as follows: Ross Whitney, tractor hire .. $233.50 Prov. Treas.. hall license ____ 3.00 Relief Account-- M. Parish (and road sup.) 2' Lome Darling ........... 8.37 M. C. Broomfield ........ E. L. MacNaehtam ....... 18.38 Dr. Marshall( and M.O.H.) 22.00 Fred Harnden ........... 5.43 H. G. McKay ............ 12.00 Thos. Verity ............ Wm. Hammond, labour ...... 6.50 H. E. P. Co., lights ........ 6.15 P. A. Thompson, care of hall J. C. Bowen, plank.......... 103.18 Chas. Haynes, r.b. 22 ........ 1.50 Jay Warner, m.b. 34. 31, 36 .. 5.60 S. Chapman, r.b. 34, 31, 36 .. W. Bookout, r.b. 22 .......... 1.60 Fred Irwin, r.b. 18 .......... 3.00 Roofers Supply Co., signs ... 1 W. J. Cochrane, r.b. 39 ...... 24.00 Wtm. McGraw, r.b. 15 ........ Lome MleGraw. r.b. 16 ...... 12.00 Cecil McGraw. r.b. 15 ........ S. J. Cox. r.b. 2 ............ 1 Leslie Rice, r.b. 2 ........... H. Spencer." cartage ......... 18.75 J. F. Haynes, r.b. 37 ........ 4.40 Henry Hubble, r.b. 37 ........ 4.i20 M. Hopkins, r.b. 37 .......... 1.00 R. Cook. r.b. 35 ............. 1.20 Alvin Anderson, r.b. 35 ...... 5.00 G. Philp. r.b. 26 ............. Jav Brown, on salary........ 20.00 Chas. Quinn, B.O.H.......... G. R. Beavis. postage B.O.H. 8.30 A. A. Kemp. B.O.H. .'........ 4.00 Geo, Pomenoy, gravel r.b. 38 and ocmstable ............. Ross Whitney, tractor ....... 40.50 F. Buchanan, grading........ 67.65 Grin Day ,r.b. 38 ............ 4 Robt. Shredd, r.b. 28 ........ 3 H, I. Allen, ir.b. 24 .......... 34.00 Jlack Oowie. r.b. 19 ........... I Lome McDonald, r.b. 16 ____ 1: A. Poole, postage ........... 2.16 H. Pomeroy, re indigent...... 4.00 Council adjourned to meet the last Frid'ny in June at 10 a.m. HALDIMAND COUNCIL Fenella, May 26th, 1938 Council met this day. Members all present. Reeve Jas. A. Deviney in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by A. Harnden, seconded by M. Rutbenford, That Mr. A. H. Martin 'be g'ven the regular $20 grant for School Fair to be held an Centreton. --Carried. Council formed a Count of Revision and^the following appeals were dealt Wm. Graham--Confirmed. Wm. Sandercook--Confirmed. Kern, Tyrpn--Confirmed. Wm. Hall--Confirmed Oliffond Hartford--Confirmed. Gordon Kellogg--Confirmed. Joe. Bray Estate--Confirmed. Canailia n N'ational--Confirmed. W. R. Macklin--Reduced $50. ' Don Lee--Reduced $1100. Ohais. Ainsworth--Reduced $200. Jas. Baxter--Reduced $200. Frank Conolly--Reduced $250. By-Law No. 233 and By-Law No. 234 were read, signed and sealed, selling certain read allowances in the Township. Moved by Stanley McBride, seconded by A. Stephen. That the Reeve and Treasurer sign orders on the following accounts': C. Harnden, trucking ........$ 2.00 R. McKenzie sup. ind....... 2.25 C. S. Rutherford, salary ..... 33.33 Stamps and excise .......... 6.00 V. Brinton. rent of hall ...... 3.00 E. H. Baggaley. pension --____ 7.50 St. Michael's Hospital ....... 19.25 C. B. Turk. sup. ind.......... 18.24 Ooboung General Hospital .... 11.75 J. Wt. Mounay, sup ind....... 10.05 G. Freeman, sheep damage .. 19.00 and the following road accounts: Floyd Bilcox .......... 3.20 Jack" Cowey ........... 8.25 Tom Johnston ......... 18.20 Orack Smith .......... 10.00 Clayton Ferguson...... 17.20 Gerald Harnden ....... 2.80 Harold Sabins ......... 14.00 | M. MoM; Substantial Price Reductions TIRES Come in now for New Low Summer Prices W. J. ONYON Phone 122 - SALES AND SERVICE - Colborne Theobald's Savings Store GROCERY SERVICE STATION Gas -- Oil -- Grease -- Coal Oil OUR PRICES ARE LOWEST Give Us a Trial and Be Convinced Phone 132j - Newspaper Subscriptions Renewed WE ARE AGENTS FOR Leading Daily and Weekly Papers In many cases our clubbing rates will save y ou money. In all cases you are relieved of the trouble and expense of remitting. We Will Appreciate Your Subscription Orders THE COLBORNE EXPRESS Hat ' Fenitc Jas. McKenzie Ted Baggaley . Geo. Harnden . Wm. Dav'es ____ Jas. Peebles ... Smith Ellis ..... Wm, Tapseott . "Millar Bradley 13.0 Elm Bull the/t >f Cobouirg [,n. and Mrs. ; past week, held at the L Drinkwal- mnS. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Harren. The ing was spent in pleasant sociability. A dainty and bountiful lunch was served, with Mrs. Charles Fiddick of Bnighton amd Mrs. Herbert Due:© of M< rgar.-ton pouring tea. The happy ecu pie received many lovely and practical gifts. The best wishes for a long and hrappily wedded life were extended to them by all present. Jack Walker .. Fred Tripp .... Archie Birney . Clayton Joice . Stanley Nelson Andrew Hie ... Max Ya-worski . A. F. Graham . Albert Birney . Jim Kout...... Tom Marriott . Jas. Noonan .. . Jos. Wilson .. • G. Bloomfield .. Willis Bull ---- Tom Milgate . . Durwood Haines M. McFiggims . . A. Larry ...... 77.00 4.50 1.00 C. B. Turk ..... C. McGregor .. ■ David Elder............SO Arthur Richardson .... 4.00 A V. Harnden ........ 7.00 Jas. Smith ............ 9.50 Sam English .......... 5.20 Geo! Harvey*11. '. 3.50 Tom McBride ......... 5.40 Moved by A. Stephen, seconded by A. Harnden. That this Council adjourn to meet at Burnley. Thursdav. June 30th. 1938, at 1.30 p.m.--Carried. C. S. Rutherford. Clerk. WOOLER June 3rd, 19i3)8 Mr. Harry Richards was burried recently. The recent refreshing rain was much appreciated. Rev. Poulter is attending United Church Conference in Napanee this week. Mrs. Stillman Tairill was delegate to the Dominion Board-of the W.M.S. at Toronto last week. | Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wesseils of ! North Dakota are visiting her broth-) ers Frank and Herb Wessels and oth-| er relatives. I egate of Belleville District, attended I the-East em Star Conventions at Toronto last week. Mns, Katel Crews attended the an-i nual Alumni Dinner at Albert College, Belleville, on Saturday night, n 'ieeininK^in the city with friends I About a scone or more of school j pupils from this vicinity were some of the jubilant throng of 920 (14 j coaches) sightt-seens, who as guests of Northumberland (Mr. Martin's Inspectorate) of the Canadian National Railway amd the Ontario Department of Education visited Toronto Zoo. Parliament Buildings and Museum on Saturday last. Butt Wrap] ' Express office. Canadian Hams Popular Canada displaced the United States in 1937 as the largest supplier of hams to the British market. The I Dominion sold 314.606 cwts. to buyers in Great Britain. Imports of hams i from Empire countries increased by 10 per rent in 1937, and represented 49 per cent of the total imports of i hams as compared with 45 per cent in 1936. Shipments from Clanada were 13 per cent higher, while those fromi Ireland declined 31 per cent. Canadian hams are appreciated chief- I ly on account of their high quality. Grain in Canda Total stocks of grain in Canada at March 31stt, 1938, were estimated as follows: wheai. S4.160.5ii5 hbushels, as compared with 115,212,298 bushels at the corresponding date in 1937; oats, 77,927,249 bushels, compared with 80,092,118 busnels in 1937; barley, 25,727,624 bushels, compared with 19,756,211 bushels in 1937; rye. 1,984,-350 bushels, as against 1,948.919 bushels in 1937, and flaxseed, 527,399 bushels, compared with 888,350 bushels in 1-937. legiate addition Monday. Only a third of the voters turned out, and a majority of fointy-six approved the by-law. Most of the Limhurger cheese produced in the United States is made in Wisconsin. In 1936 that State produced S.792.000 lbs. out of a total of 11,982,000 lbs. The dates announced by Agricultural Representative, A. H. Martin, for the 1938 Northumberland County School Fairs are as follows: Warkworth, Monday, Sept. 12th. Campbellford, Tuesday, Sept. 13th. Castleton, Thursday. Sept. 15th. Centreton, Friday, Sept. 16th. Roseneath', Monday, Sept. 19th. Baltimore, Tuesday, Sept. 20th. Wednesday. Sept. 21st. Hilton, Thursday, Sept. 22nd. Wooler, Friday, Sept. 23rd. According to some lumbermen, a liece of pulpy poplar wood is better or keeping an axe-head on than any aetal wedge.

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