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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 30 Jun 1938, p. 4

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, JUNE 30th, 1938 CASTLETON ing rela- (Last week) Mm John Pomeroy is vis tives in Toronto. Mass Cardie Hornet spent Sunday with lh,eir friend, Miss Helen Xaiish. Hiss Mamie Gleason srpent the week ed with her cousin, a>t Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ghent of Toronto spent Tuesday with Mrs. J. E. Wol- Mr. and Mrs. Will Day visited their son, Mir. and Mrs. Wililart Day, on Sunday. 'Mr, Clifford Rmlsk is home from Kirkland Lake, where hie hais been working. Mr. Robert McGregor is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Young, Walrkwonth. Mir. and IMHs. Harry Papimeau and family spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. E. Pappineau. Mir. amd Mrs. Harold Black and small daughter of Toronto spent the weekend w'th his parents. Mir. and Mrs. Fred Black. Mir. Airec Slater of Osba.wa spent the weekend with his parentis. Mr. and Mrs,. Fred Slater. Mrs. Kenneth Somimervillle and son spent Sunday with heir parents, Mr. and Mrs, F. I. Moore. (Mrs. Jos. Day is spending a few days with heir sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Doniaghy, Colborne. Mr. Iirvin Rohson of Toronto spent the weekend with his wife at her parentis'. Mir. and Mm Andrew Wol-fraiim. Mirs. Argyile. Allen and son Benny are spending a few days with her sister, Mr. and Mm Chas. Halrnidtem, at Canmel. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lean, and Mir. and Mrs. Frank Lean of Bowmamiville spent Sunday with Mir. and Mrs. Herman Lean. \h< V■■linaArkils of Belleville visited her mother, Mrs. J. Arkils, over the wekemd. Mir. and Mir®. Percy Hopkins and baby, and Ray of Oshawa, .Mir®, B. Potts, CObourg, spent Tuesday with relatives here. The Cramahe B.Y.P.U. of the Baptist Chulrch were invited to Cobourg ■rm Monday evening. June lStto. They .assisted in the program. Mirs, S. M. Purdy hais returned home, after spending a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mir. and Mm Melville Dudley, at Toronto. Mrs. Mettle Calberry and brother Mr. David Ferguson, took curlsion to Rochester on They are remaining for a few days. A ifew from here attended the Music Festival at Grafton on Tbur day 'evening of last wee leadership of Miss I. Rosevear, C. M. The Colboime senior ball team pliay-i game with Castle ton 'baseball Tuielsday evening on the core was 20-6 and 'brrotlhier lent feast of strawberries were enjoyed. The following program wa> sponsored by the Ladies' Aid: Orchestra. Miss Vivian Bowen. Messrs. Ray Bowen, Fred Greenley and Pat Inglis. Duet. -Miss Miairgairet Atkinson and Claire Atkinson. Recitation, Mr®. Effiins, Orchestra. Recitation. Miss Marjorie Muttocn. Trio. Margaret. Crarence and Ambrose Atkinson. Recitation, Mrs. Effiins. Solo. Margaret Atkinson. The evening was brought to a close with a few wards by the. President, Mirs. Herman Lean and Rev. M. L. Hinton. God Savet he King! June 28th, 1938 Mrs. Harold Coffee of Toronto is visiting SVUr. and Mrs. John Coffee. Mrs. E. Wlairner of Toronto is visiting her brother, Mr. John Pomeroy. Mr. Ernest May had the misfortune to lose a valuable cow one day last Mr. and Mrs. Willard Day and baby spent .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Inglis. Miss visited recently. lunch which wag much enjoyed by all. The Casltleton members wish to thank" Grafton for inviting them and also Mrs. Blaekloek for her home. A surprise party was held at the home of Msr. S. M. Purdy on Wednesday evening. June 22nd. in honour of Miss Rath Cowie. and Mrs. W. R. Baxter, Donald and Birdie, on their departure from our vicinity. A good numlber of the Young People's League gathered to snow their appreciation to them in our League. The evening was spent in playing games. At lunch hour Miss Cowie, Mrs. Baxter. Birdie and Donald, were called to the front. Miss Vivian Bowen read the address -and Miss Frances Dingwall presented the gift. Miss Irene Peebles read .the following address to Mrs. Baxter and Elwood 'Moore presented' Donald and Luella Lean presented Birdie, and Mrs. J. C. McKlague presented Mirs, Baxter with gifts. Dear Mrs, Baxter, Birdie and Don- niece litzgettald _ ijf " Mrs. Fitzgerald' Saturday, ait Wooler. imit. aernnett officiated. Mm. J. Stamk and daughter, Donna have returned to their home in Neiw-ionville, after spending a week with i rv pareits, Mir. and Mrs. F. I. Moore. Mass Alice Milford of Cobourg spent the weekend with Mir. and Mrs. Ziba Harnden. The special services which were heing held in the Free Methodist Church were brought to a close on Sunday evening. June 19th. The servicee were conducted by Evangelist I. Louckes, assisted by the pastor, Rev. Kay of Warfcworth. The Colborne junior boys' baill team played an interesting ball game with Castleton junior boys on Tuesday afternoon ait the school grounds. The score was 14 to 13 for Colborne, Mr. C. L. Keating of ReynoMs & Keating, Colborne, was behind the plate, as umptoein^dhief. The annual Sunday School Conven-- Tuesday, June 14th. Special speakers spoke at all services amd. Mir. H. Welton, superintendent of the Castleton Sunday School, gave an addiressi. The -.sung people of the Baptist Church took charge of the program for the -veiling service. Lunch -was served by the Sunday School in the basement of the Ohuirch. The funeral of the late Mr. Lewis Harnden was held in the United '"hureh on Wednesday, June 115. Rev. Hartal of Oenibretion was in eh the service, assisted by Rev. Hinton. Interment was made in Ed-;ys"one Cemetery. Our sympathy is ■extended to +bP bereaved relatives. Mr. and Mws. W. Kemp of Belleville spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mirs. G. B. Tart. Bob Chappie of Colborne spent Sunday with Iris mother. Mrs. Xiles Burleigh. Mr. Wilfred Coleman of Rowena visited his faher, Mr. R. Coleman, for a few days. Lunch, which consisted of cakes1, sandwiches, and lemon-ade were mlucih enjoyed Iby all. Miss Ruby Kemip of Orland spent the weekend with her friend, Miss On ace Bennett. , Mr, Clarence Gunter of Whitby spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. D. Gunter. Miss Dora Pomeroy spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ellis at Oak Heights. Mists Alice Clow of Colborne spent a. day last week with Mr. and Mm, Dennis Lathrope. IMr. and Mm. Marvin Gunter of Colborne spent Sunday wth his moth, er. Mrs. D. Gnumter. Mr. and Mm Clarence Ellis and baby of Oak Heights spent Sunday with Mrs. X. Gaffield. 'Miss Dora Pomeroy spent Sunday with her sisteir, Mir. and Mips. James Findlay, at Warkwortfh. Mr. and; Mrs. Ernest May and family had dinner with her fatheir, Mr. av j Obis. Panel, on Sunday. £™ Z!' I Mr. and Mirs, George Miller have loved to Salem. We wish them suc-sss in their new home, rioir ti,P I Mr- a;mJ Mrs- J- 9til,man s'Pent r*. t Sunrtav with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson ' ' : and family at Westwood. iMr. Bert Papineau and children of Detroit spent a few days with his mother, Mrs, Ed. Papineau. Mrs. Andrew Wolfiraim and Miss Dora Farrell spent the weekend with Miss M. W|aimsiley,- Colborne. iMrs. W. Kemp of Belleville! spent few days last week with her par-its, Mr. and Mirs. G. B. Tait. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Purdy of spemit the weekend with S. M. Purr'dy. -"'aimer Coleman and. have movant to Toronto, wthetre olemari hais1 secured work. Mr. and IMm Ziba Harnden spent Sunday with their son. Mr. and Mrs Max Harnden, at. Vernonville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cole and Mrs. Will Vosbourg of Bloomfield spenlt Sundiay with Mr. and Mrs. Rex Hay- It is difficult to express the regret We feel in losing you, who have become almost indistpensalble members difficult, Mrs. Baxter to thank you sufficiently for the sacrifices of time and energy you have made in order to comply with the many demands, we have made upon you. Looking back, we realize thjat you did more than one person should be expected to do. That we did not realize it fully at the time is doubtless due to the readiness and enthusiasm with which you entered info our every undertaking. Wei cannot but be amazed at your unselfish co-operation, and after so many years of depending on you, we learr thjait we shall have trouble in adopting ourselves to getting along without you. It is in return for your kindness that the League wishes you to accept this token of itis appreciation and esteem. We hope that you will find many worthy friends in Colborne, but we hope, too, that your Castleton Mends may still reserve a corner in your heart. And to you, Birdie, and Donald, who have so endeared yourselves to the people of Castleton, we extend these small gifts together with our very best wishes. We shall miss you, hut we are glad you are not going fair, because we shall not need to say poodsbye, but only "au irevoir." Signed on behalf of the League and friends in Castleton. The l: a. i held i . June 19. Church was filled and the birds added fe cheery note with -their songs. The Iromt was surrounded by beautiful flowers. The Sunday School-took charge of the proigram. Rev. M. L. Hinton acted as chairtmian. Opening exercise, followed by RevJM. L. H'n-:on in prayer. Double trio. Mioses Luella Lane, Laura Wnilfraim. Evelyn Quinn. Beny Shred. Eileen Whirl ey, -Laura Xaish. Solo. Cam Co- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mallory. Mildred and Joan, of Warkworth had tea with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lane on Friday of last week. Mm. Mat tie Calberry and hro'her. Mr. David Ferguson, returned home on Saturday, alfter spending"the past week with relatives in Rochester. A very interesting ball game was played on the school grounds on Wednesday afternoon, when Roseneath hr. baseball teami played Castleton. Casltleton were the winners. The entrance students are busy this week writing their final examinations, The students here who got throu'gh without trying are Gordon Quinn. Jean Yiairdy and Lauira Naish-A few of the Pemticostal followers enjoyed a picnic at Little Lake on Thurrsday of last week. The day was spent in swimlmSng, boat riding and playing games. A delicious lunch was enjoyed by all. Miss Ciowie and Mm. Baxter responded nicely to these addresses. Rev. M. L. Hinton and the President, M,. Raymond Bowen, gave a fer.v words expressing the thought of them leaving our midst. Mirs. W. Covert. Mrs.. H. Welton, ! Mrs. Chas, Wolfiraim,, Miss H, Bow-igl ditch and Mrs. J. Stiliman attended to. I the East Nortjh'U|mlberland District Annual of the Women's Institute, held at Smithfield on June 22nd. The Orange Walk, July 12th. will be held in Casltleton this year. All roads lead to Castleton on Tuesday. Dinner and supper will be served in the town hlail by the Women's Institute. Spec-Th,e j ial speaking will be given by Major Belford and others. Dancing in the Grang hall, afternoon and evening. Do ret faii to attend. Quite a number of old friend" and neighbours represented Mount Pleasant Comimlunity at a shower at Dun-do nald on Friday evening of las; week for a former neighbour, Clark Harren and his bride (nee Marie Drinkwalt-er) at their home, presenting them t with studio couch and rocking chair. Edmund Quinn and ; They received many beautiful gifts Jo'vce Lyle. Hymn,. Bfble Reading, j of silver and linen. Wfe wish them Elwood Moor*. Duet. Birdie Baxter i much happiness in their life to-and Bert Bowen. Recitation, Lyle j gether. Welton. Choir. A few words were --:-- given by the superintendent, Mr. H. j The castleton Women's Institute Welton. Recitatiion. Bert Bowen. The i was, n,eW iat ^ home of ! Mrs I -oil call was given by Mrs, Irvin Rob-1 BtacJook, /©raiftoo- on 'Thursday after- CRAMAHE COUNCIL Cramahe Council met. in the Couu-cil Chamber. Castleton. Saturday, June 25th, 19S«, at 10 a.m. Present: Chasrle Quinn, Reeve; Harry Sirett, Deputy Reeve; A. Chapman and P. R. Darling Counillors. The minutes of last meeting were nead and adopted. ;P. R. Darling gave notice that at the next regular meeting of this Council he would introduc© a bylaw to provide for the levying niual rates for the Townshiip of ah© upon the property thereof f0r^! year 1938. «t Orders were drawn oii.^the Treai inrer as follows: D. Vanwicklin. r,b. 8 . . M. Parish, re indigents ...... 28.00 M] C. Broomifield, re indigent. F. I. Moore, re indigent ..... 4.72.1 P. A. Thompson, care of hall 1.00' Ont. Hospital, re indigent ... 45.50 E. L. MacNaohtan re indigent 12.25 Jay Warner, ir.b. 314, 16, 8 .... 34.20 Roy Sommervllle, r.b. 34, 16, 8 34.20 S. 'Chapman, r.b 34, 16, 8 . . 34.20 Don Knight, r.b. 34 .......... 27.10 R. Cook, r.b. 34^....,........ 26.40 Harold Stiliman, r.b. 34 ...... 4.80 B. Hearns, rjb. 34........... 9.00 Alvin Anderson, gravel ...... 46.40 G. Russell, gravel ............ 5.60 A. S. Miller, chloride ........ 81.18 Ed. Hoare. r.b. 16 ........... 14.40 R. S. W)aite, rjb. 16 ...-....... 6.40 Ross Walker, r.b. 16 ........ 9.60 John Cochrane, r.b. 16 ...... 9.60 Wm. McGraw, rb. 16 ........ 8.00 Wm. Sprung, r.b. 16 ......... 4.80 Harrv Stickle, r.b. 16 ........ 4.80 Grant Stickle, r.b. 16 ........ 4.80 Nathan Loveless, r.b. 2 ...... 14.60 Fred Hairnden, re indigent . . 3.15 Ray Hoare, r.b. 16 .......... 12.80 Lome McDonald, r.b. 16 ..... 7.40 W. W. Mutton, r.b. 24 ........ 10.1\6 G. Vanwicklin, gravel ........ 8.40 Clare Jones, r.b. 23............90 Reg. Turk, r.b. 23 .......... 79.40 J. F. Haynes. trucking gravel. . -133.00 F Buchanan, r.b. 19 ........ 10.50 J. K. Wilce.'land ............ 5.00 H. Lean cartage.........---- I-50 H. Doidge, r.b. 30 .......... 5.20 W. Hazelwood, repairs........60 Ross Wright, r.b. 17 ......... 61.50 W. E. Chesterfield, gravel---- 8.05 F. O. Wade, town line C. & B. 94.88 Jav Brown, on salary ........ 65.00 F."McDonald, r.b. 18 ........ 10.60 Geo. Pomerov, constahle & 38 6.00 Orin Day, r.b. 38............. 8.00 Cec-'l Mav. gavel, r.b. 3S.......84 Ross Whitney tractor ....... .32.50 W. O. Graham}', gravel, r.b. 29 4.90 Rolbt. Rusk. r.b. 29 .......... 35.20 H. Spencer, cartage ........• 8.00 Ken. Sommerville, r.b. 27 ... . 12.00 E. May, work in park........ 3.50 Rov Benedict, cleaning corn field....................... 40.00' Roy Benedict, r.b. 35 ........ 24.00 H. G. Welton. stamps, stat. .. 4.10 Council adjourned to meet the last Friday in July at 10 a.m. , The christening followed babies were christened'. They were: Son, Mir. and Mm. B. Graham; son, Mrs. Argyle Allen; son. Mr. and Mrs. W. Day; daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Claude Vois'boiiiig; daughter, Mrs. J. Harnden; three children, Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Jones; daughter, Mr. and Mm. R. Turk. The annual strawberry festival was held in the basement of the United Chiuirch on Tuesday evening, June 21. A 'good crowd attended and an excel- 'une 116th, where they vited to attend. The opening exer- | - condiu ted by Graftan Worn-1 en's Institute and the members: of Oaistileton gave the program. Mrs. I Ted1 Black was thl? convener. Current j 'events were given by Mrs. JVed Black. Solo. Miss Vivian Bowen. Paper, Mrs. W. R. Baxter. Solo, Mrs. Harry Isaac. Community singing by all present. Two contests were played and were won by Mm W. R. Baxter and Mislg Wilma Hoskin. The Giraftrm members served a delicious Livestock Bedding Straw is the bedding material for livestock almost universally used on-the farm in Canada. It will absorb two or three times' its weight of liquid. Peat moss used as bedding will absorb about ten times its weight of liquid. Other suitable kinds of bedding for livestock are sawdust and aiir-dried muck and peat. Approximately 99 per cent of the Canadian egg production is consumed in Canada. Apart from the possibility of a further increase in exports to the Un ted Kingdom, states the Agricultural Situation and Outlook, there is no indication that the demand for eggs in 1938 will vary materially from that of 1937. MODERNIZE 1/oUX HOME i ^--7 DURO Water System and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures Visualize your own home with these fixtures and equipment installed. Try to realize the countless number of steps and tiring tasks that running water, under pressure, will save you. A Duro Pumping System will provide water at the turn of a faucet and make it possible for you to modernize your home. Emco Fixtures are moderately priced. Fixtures complete with trim-mingSj as illustrated, ready for installation, cost: Bath Tub . . . . $38.75 Toilet.....27.25 Basin, 17"xl9" . . . 17.85 Sink, 20"x42" only, with faucet 31.50 Sink and Cabinet, with faucet 61.30 No. 30 Range Boiler complete less heater . 14.90 Septic Tank .... 30.00 Duro Pump with 30 Gal. Tank 89.00 (Soil Pipe, Iron Pipe and Fittings extra) Enquiries will receive prompt attention and estimates will be furnished without charge. For Sale By FRED SPENCE, COLBORNE EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED--London. Hamilton, Toronto. Sudbury, Winnipeg. Vancouve* ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-- Summer Comes to St. An^rews-bv-the-Sea drews-by-the-Sea in New Brunswick, beautifully situated on the Bay of Fundy west of Saint John and possessing a commanding view of Passamaquoddy Bay. Hundreds of Canadian, English and American vacationists visit there each year to enjoy golf on the two splendid courses, fishing, ocean bathing, and other attractive-holiday pastimes. The golf course of championship 18-hoIe length, bordering the sea amid delightful scenery is in the best of condition for a heavy programme of competitions. The length but. the sporty lay-out makes it popular among golfers. The four championship tennis courts are in good condition for the use of visitors. Summer life at the Algonquin Hotel which is open from June 30 to September 6, consists of out-door pastimes with excellent facilities and an equable and temperate climate. From breakfast to dinner the visitor is busy with golf clubs and*tennis racquets,, fishing and automobiles. But perhaps the most popular place of all is the famous Katy's Cove bathing beach, just a pleasant walk along a tree-shaded path from the Algonquin Hotel. The cove is a sandy beach ideal for the frolics of sun-worshippers, and the warm salt water affords exhilarating swimming. Exciting fishing is found within 20 miles of the hotel for speckled trout, bass, and land-locked salmon. This is the result of an intensive restocking programme. Yachting, salmon fishing in season, and deep-sea fishing are additional pleasures for which St. Andrews-by-the-Sea is famous. Evenings are spent in pleasant diversion in the lounge or on tbo Casino dance floor. Picture shows regularly and gay parties help make the summer pass p"

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