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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 21 Jul 1938, p. 8

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Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, JULY 21st, 1938 ROWSOME'S BAKERY and GROCERY WHERE QUALITY TELLS and SELLS BREAD-- Fresh Daily -- Whole Wheat, Buttermilk, Scones* Cracked Wheat 9c Soya Bean 10c PIES--Fresh Raspberry, Blueberry, Cherry, Apple, Raisin. Filled Pies made daily or on special order. BUNS -- CAKES -- JELLY ROLLS Have Your Tried Our Raisin Tarts, Ice Box Cookies, Cocoanut Macaroons? F R E E-- One Steamship Model (it will float) --with-- 3 pkgs Kellogg's Corn Flakes -- 25c PICNIC SUPPLIES Chicken ................ tin 30c Turkey & Ham .... tin 10c Veal & Ham ........ tin 10c Potted Tongue .... tin 10c Paper Cups........ doz. 10c Paper Plates ...... doz. 10c 1 Paper Tablecloth and 6 Serviettes ........ 19c STORE Pork & Beans ....5 for 25c Aylmer Soups........ tin 5c Apple Juice-- small 5c, large 15c O'Keefe's Ginger Ale-- small 5c, large 15c BASEMENT English China Cups and Saucers .......................... 50c Cake Plates ................................................. 60c to $1.50 Royal Albert Sandwich Plates ................ 15c & 75c 6 Coloured Tumblers in Metal Rack-- Easy to serve iced drinks ............................................ 75c Dust Pans, Frying Pans, Gem Tins, Pie Plates A Nice Line of Souvenirs VISIT OUR LUNCH ROOM for Cooling Drinks, Ice Cream or Lunches You Will Be Satisfied ! E. W. ROWSOME Phone 150 We Appreciate Your Order Colborne GLASSES -AT- HALF PRICE 50% Discount on Regular Prices for a Limited Time I will give the same careful, expert examination, backed by experience, I have given my patients of Trenton and district for past 18 years, and supply you Glasses at Half Regular Price! No Extra Charge for Examination FIRST QUALITY LENSES AND LATEST STYLES IN FRAMES AND MOUNTINGS TO CHOOSE FROM AT HALF PRICE Phone, Write or Call for an Appointment Ralph B. Aylesworth, R. O. EYE SPECIALIST TRENTON, ONTARIO PHONE 409 4 Doors East of Trent Theatre COAL and WOOD Sewer Pipe and Land Tile Mixed Slab Wood a Specialty All the Above are the Best Qualities that can be bought FOR PRICES APPLY TO F. P. STRONG jll43m COLBORNE Magazine Subscriptions We are Subscription Agents for all LEADING CANADIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PERIODICALS Abo Foreign Ones most likely to be asked for GET OUR CLUBBING OFFERS ! Reduced Rates on Any Combination of Magazines THE EXPRESS Phone 44 Printing Office The Doctor's Lament Last night when others were at rest I .rode about and did my host To save some patients, called by fate. From trav'ling through the Golden Gate. This morning, when the news I spied, I thought they might as well have "Two Hundred Injured in a Wreck." "Man Falls, Sustains a Broken Neck." "Two Drown While Rocking a Canoe." "Grade Crossing Murders Twenty-two" "Gas Blast Takes Lives of Twenty-three." All night I tailed to save one life, And millions die in useless strife; While thousands barken to death's What is the use to make one well, knell ? Where Is my labour's recompense? Why can't the world have Only Four Left to Work (Motion Gazette) One of those 'bright fellows who work with figures has) given us following fanciful analysis of Canadian picture: Population of Canada ---- 11,2712,000 Eligible for OM Age Pension...................... 2,272,282 Leaves to work .......... 8,544,718 Persona working for FedL .elnail, Provincial and Municipal! Governments • • ■ • 1,818,1811 Leaves uo WjOtrk .......... 6,726,537 Minors, students, women, -etc..................... 5,454,545 Leaves to work ............ Hepburn has a sore ankle, Albertiart has heteta electioneering in Sals'klatc%-■owani. King is drowsing his time away in parliament and I am darnim tired. HALDIMAND COUNCIL Fenella, June 30th, 1938 Council met this day. Members all present, but A. Harnden. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by Stanley McBride, seconded by A. Stephen, That the road allowance between lots 8 and 9 in the list concession remain open as a road.--Carried. Moved by M. Riutherford, seconded by Stanley McBride, That sealed tenders for road insurance be received up until noon, Thursday, July 2i8th, 1938,--Carried. Moved by M. Rutherford, seconded by A. Stephen, That the return of the Collector's roll be extended to July 28, ia3«.-^Ca,rrled. Moved by Stanley McBride, seconded by A. Stephen, That the Reeve and Treasurer sign orders on the following accounts: A. E. Baggaley ............ 7.50 J. H. Mbuncey ............... 12.58 T. W. Hare, sheep damage .. 12.00 Wm. Heenan, telephone loan.. 300.00 C. S. Rutherford ............. 3 Stamps and excise .......... Percy Telephone System ---- 185.96 Cramahe Telephone System .. 10.80 L. Roddy, rent of hall ...... 3.00 Oofbourg General Hospital ---- 14.88 C. B. Turk, supplies indigent 21.58 and the followng road account: Dave Crawford .......... 10.40 Frank Pratt ............ 4.20 A Lawless .............. 17.00 Albert Lawrence ........ 4.80 Frank Caldwell .......... 3.20 Norris Gleason .......... 29.50 Hugh Tunney........... 1.80 Ray MoBrien ............ 12.80 Arthur McMann ......... 10.40 Archie Waite............ 15.85 Tom Waldlie ............ 7.00 Harry Fenton ........... 5.40 A. A. Brown ............ 3.20 Jas. Waldie ............. 54.80 Elmer Bull .............. 27.50 Clifford Mann ........... 9.80 Jack Cowey ............. 16.50 Wm. C. Nicholl ......... 4.80 Fergus O'Grady..........80 Herbert Speechley ...... 16.00 J. W. Speechley ......... 16.00 Jas. McKemzie .......... 2.50 Ted Baggaley ........... 11.40 A. Cowtemanche ........ 1.20 Wm. Davies............ 4.00 James Baxter ........... 15.80 Archie Nicholl .......... 13.20 Lewis Hie ............... 7.40 Fred Tripp .............. 17.80 Roy Merriaim ............ 6.40 Wm. Bush .............. 18.40 Archie Birney............80 Joseph Smith ........... 10.10 Clayton McGregor ...... 3.00 Sam Clarke..............80 John Noonan ............ 32.50 Harold Sabins ........... 2.75 Tom Marriott ............ 24.00 Roy Cowling ............ 19.00 Gerald Harnden ......... 1.80 Arnold Beatty .......... 7.60 Charles Child's .......... 6.40 Ed. McBride ............ 8.80 Harry Macklin .......... 4.00 Smith, Ellis ............. 10.00 C. B. Turk .............. 39.75 Harry Bayson........... 11.05 W. I. Allen .............. 4.60 D. E. Boyle............... 22.25 Gordon Bradley .......... .60 Wm. Broomfleld ......... 10.60 A. Clouson .........._____ .15.00 George Harnden ......... 1.60 Toronto Salt Works ..... 3i2.68 J. S. .............. 275.68 Hersev Motors, Port Hope 109.80 W. R. Hall .............. 11.20 A, Larry ................. 94.50 Lvle Curtis ............. 9.60 David Eldrie ............ 2.40 E. J. Lawless ............ 33.75 J. H. Mouncey .......... 3.75 Geo. Beedham ........... 10.60 Moved by A. Stephen, seconded by Mi. Rutherford, That this council adjourn to meet' at Grafton on Thursday. July 28th, 1938, at 1 p.m.^Car- C. S. Rutherford, Clerk. j Butter Wrappers at Express Office. The *R®*<3^ Drug Store WHERE YOU SAVE WITH SAFETY SEASONABLE BARGAINS FOR EVERYONE KLEENEX 200 -- 15c 500 -- 35c FOR BETTER PICTURES USE KODAK FILM For Developing and Printing Leave Your Films with Us KOTEX Regular, Junior 23c MOONGLOW MANICURE AIDS In each package: 8 Emery Boards .................. ^ 2 Orangewood Sticks .......... ( 15c 1 Cotton Roll ....................... ) ; CAMPANA'S SPECIAL Italian Balm ................ 60c Fitch Shampoo ............ 25c 85c value Both for 59c TEK tooth brushes 50c Gypsy Cream for sunburn 50c r 3 g I TUMS for indigestion 10c. BACHELOR FOR GENTLEMEN Bachelor Shaving Cream .............35c Bachelor Shaving Lotion ............ 50c Bachelor Shaving Talc ................ 35c Bachelor Brilliantine ...........,....... 35c KOTTAGE KIT The travelling medicine shest--everything that is needed f >r the cottage. Complete -- $1.49 NU-FEET 25c pair LISTERINE lc SALE SPECIAL 2 tubes Listerine Toothpaste 50c value for 26c FREE DECORATED TUMBLER with each purchase of a 1 lb tin of Fruit Saline -- 39c MODESS Certain - Safe 21c Bathing Caps 19c - 29c 35c - 39c 4-Square Floor Wax 39c tin Castile Soap FOR SUNBURN Use Famous ftoxema Ends pain -- Doe? not stain 15c -- 54c --- $1.00 FLY-KIL SPECIAL The New Fly-Kil with the pleasant odour and a sprayer Both for 59c DELICIOUS NOURISHMENT -1 at our - SODA FOUNTAIN PAPER SERVIETTES 15c pkg. W. F. GRIFFIS Your Druggist We Deliver Beach Balls 25 cents Public Demands Better Sanitation An indication of the strong demand for higher standards of hygiene is seen in the recent innovation of the "registered" washroom system in gasoline service stations, says the Canadian Institute of Plumb'ng and Heating. A recent survey in the United States nevealled that 49 per cent of the restaurants visited had n.o washroom facilities and 2:5 per cent of the stores were in need of more and better plumbing. However, it is now being more and more widely recognized that the plumber is the protector of public health, and astute business men are providing the kind of washroomi facilities which reflect credit on their business services. What applies to public sanitary facilities with equal force, of course, to domestic arrangements. Not only are efficient sefrrrioe and attractive appearance necessary requisites of mod^ era plumbing, but it must be realized that expert installation is necessary to ensure the health, warns the Institute. Faulty layout of household plumbing has been known to cause serious epidemics. Therefore, the home owner or business man who is planning repairs to his present p'lum-blng equipment, oir a new installation, would do well to have the w^ork done by a. reputable plumbing contractor, is the advice of the Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating. A survey by an expert will disclose the condition of the Piping for distribution of the water supply to the various fixtures, water heaters, tanks, pumps, and other mechanical devices having sewer or water connections. Contamination of the water supply s apt to occur from, dangerous 'crosls" connections resulting when .repair work or installations are made' " r inexperienced "handymen." Overhauling and renovating of the home plumbing is a sound investment for the protection of the family health and may be easily aranged under the terms of the Homie Improvement Plan. E. Northumberland Baseball League Schedule Grafton at Harwood Wednesday, July 27-- Hawood at Colborne Grafton at Castleton Saturday, July 30-- Harwood ait Roseneath Wednesday, August 3-- Colborne at Gnaftom Castleton at Harwood Wednesday, August 10-- Grafton Bit Colborne Rosenieaith at Castleton Saturday, August 13-- iQastlelton at Rosemeath Wednesday, August 17-- Rostenealth at Grafton Colborne at Harwood Wednesday, August 24-- Harwood at Castleton Rosemeath at Colborne Saturday, August 27-- Harwood1 at Grafton Wednesday, August 31-- -Grafton at Rosemelath Colborne at Castleton Saturday, September 3-- Roseneath at Harwood Castleton at Colborne C. R. COWIE, Secretary-Treasurer E. N. Baseball League AT MRS. LLOYD'S Permanents in all the Latest Styles AT SUMMER PRICES Curl Ends, Oil Curl Ends, Hair Curling and Shaping TRY THE NEW ETERNOL OIL SHAMPOO cleanses, re-conditions hair, covers grey hair. Does not interfere with permanent waves PHONE COLBORNE 147 FOR APPOINTMENT BARGAINS at Redfearn's Variety Store Women's and Girls' Sockees .................................. 15c Broadcloth Slips ...................................................... 25c Hair Bandeau, braided silk .................................... 20c Men's Socks.............................................................. 25c Boys' Zipper Sweaters ............................................ 59c House Dresses, small sizes .................................... 50c Ladies' Dresses....................................................... $2.95 ALL KINDS COAL AND WOOD Jas. Redfearn & Son PHONES: Store 1, Residence 66 COLBORNE BARGAINS in MEN'S SUITS Every Shade -- Every Style Every Price ALL REAL BARGAINS Call, inspect and be convinced you can have your next suit tailored to your own measure! The very style you like, the very cloth you like. Why pay your good money for cheap, ready-made suits that are expensive at any price and never really fit. We work on such a low margin of profit we can sell you high grade clothes at low prices. Cream Flannel Trousers are Smart Treat ourself to a pair! 1000 Samples to choose from -- Shown in your home on request--or on display at C. A. Post's 48 hour Service on Dry Cleaning Laundry Service too Fred W. Hawkins Tip Top Clothes for Men

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