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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 25 Aug 1938, p. 1

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72nd Year No. 34 THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25th, 1938 $2.00 a year in advance; $2.50 to U. S. A. 'New Type" Show For Holsteins The NortKumiberland Holstein Club has joined with Roseneath Agricultural Society in co-operation with the Ontario Department of Agriculture in staging at Roseneath Fair on October 14th, 1938, the first "New Type" Holstein Show in Northumberland County. The prize list provides for jilO prizes of $2.00 each. All cattle exhibited must be accredited and blood tested. There are 17 classes exclusive of championships, with from 3 to 10 prizes per class, the remaining prize money will be transferred to some other class where the exhibit is heavier. If some ol the prizes are still unclaimed additional money will be added to the prizes in herd classes.. Already a number of Holstein breeders who do not usually exhibit at local fairs for fear of contamination from untestedi stock have agreed to show at Roseneath;, and aty least 100 entries are now assured. $84.00 of the prize money is provided by the Roseneath Agricultural Society, $50.00 by the Northumberland Holstein Clulb, 20% of the prize list by the Ontario Live Stock Branch and a fee of 50c per entry will provide the remainder making a total of at least $220.00 all of which will be distributed. The committee in charge of the "New Type" Black and Wlhite Show is composed of Lome Evans, Norham, and E. L. Anderson, Campbellford, President, and Secretary of the Holstein Club. Archie Campbell, Roseneath. director of Roseneath Pair, and A. H. Martin, Brighton, Agricultural Representative. This and a similar classification for Holsteins for Ontario County at Port Perry Fair on Sept. 28th are the first Holstein shows of this type to be held in Ontario. The Northumiberliand Holstein Club j have been particularly active during ! the past two "years. Last year a; j special Holstein-_ show was held in ' connection with Campbellfo-^ 'Fair. [ which brought out 56 animals. The club program also includes an annual banquet and series of barn meetings. The Roseneath Agricultural Society conducts the largest two-day fair in Ontario, with the .final day gate receipts always well over $2,000. They operate their own merry-go-round and keep their buildings and grounds in excellent repair. When two live organizations join -te&g&l*'**' tc> pranj">tf> a new Agrricu ture feature, success is as*r« -MS? Colborne High School Upper School Results 1 indicates a standing of 75% or over 2 indicates standing of 66% to 74% 3 indicates standing of 60% to 65% C indicates standing from 50% to 59% Alec Adams--'Eng. Comp. C. Ruth Allen-^Mod. Hist, C, Alg. 2, Trig. 2, Fr. Au. 2. Muriel Arkles--Mod. Hist, 0, A> Bot. 3, Zoo. 3, Fr. Au. 1, Fr, Cck^o. 2, Lat. Au. 3. Dorothy Armstrong--Mod. Hist. 2. Norma Bell--Eng. Lit 1, Trig. IV Bot. 2, Zoo. 1, Fr. Au. 1, Fr. Comp. 1 Gerald Bennett--Eng. Lit. 2, Mod. Hist. 2, Geom. 1, Trig. 1, Bot. 2, Zoo. C, Fr. Au. 1, Fr. Comp. 11 Azetta Blodgett--Eng. Comp. C, Alg. 2, Bot. C, Zoo C. Jessie Broomfield--iMod. Hist. C, Geom O, Bot. C. Zoo C, Ft. Au. 2, Fr. Comp. 2. Ford Cowie--Zoo. C, Fr. Au. C, Fr. Comp. C. Mary Delaney--Trig. 2, Fr. Au. C. Marion Deviney--Eng. Comp. C, Mod. Hist. C, Geom. C, Bot. 2, Zoo. 2, Fr. Au. 2, Fr. Comp. C. Bernard Fox--Eng. Lit. C, Geom. C, Zoo. C, Fr. Au.*2, Fr. Comp. 2. Mildred Grant--Eng. Lit. C, Eng. Oomp. C, Geom. 2, Fr. Au. C, Fr. Comp. C. Fred Griffis--Mod. Hist. C, Alg. 1, Trig. 1, Bot. C, Zoo. C. Evelyn Gummer--Eng. Lit. C, Eng. Comp. C, Bot. C, Zoo C, Fr. Au. C. Helen Haynes--'Mod. Hist. C, Geom. 3, Trig. 2, Fr. Au. 2, Fr. Comp. 2, Lat. Au. 2. Doris Heckbert--Mod. Hist. 2. Bot. 1, Zoo. 1, Fr. Au. 1, Fr. Comp. 1, Lat. Au. 2. Rosamund Hubble--Bot. C Fr. Au. C, Lat. Au. 2, Lat. Comp. C. Jean Joss*--'Eng. Lit. 1, Trig. 2. Dorothy Knight--iMod. Hist. 2. Bot. C, Zoo. 3, Fr. Au. 2. Earl Metcalfe--Eng. Lit. 2, Eng. COuip 3. Mod. Hist. C. Geom. 1, Trig. 2. Lat. Au. C, Lat. Comp, C. Jean MicLaughlin--Eng. Comp. C, Geom. 2, Fr. Au. C. Miaguerite Murphy--Eng. Lit. 3. Eng. Comp. C, Geom. 2, Trig. 2, Bot. C, Zoo 2, Fr. Au. 2, Fr. Comp. 2. Stanley Oliver--Eng. Comp C, Geom. 2, Trig. 1, Bot. 2, Zoo. 3. Sandy Rutherford--Trig. 1 Zoo. C, Fr. An. C. Fr. Oomp. 2. ^^^k^m Colborne Middle School Departmental Examination Results, 1938 PERSONAL 1-- Indicates a standing of 75% and over. 2-- Indicates from 66% to 74% 3-- Indicates from 60% to 65% C--Indicates from 50% to 59% Edna Arklees--Eng. Comp. C, Eng. Lit. 2, Alg. 2, Geom. C, Physics 2, Chem,. 3, Latin Au. 2, Lat. Comp 2. Edythe Arthur--Eng. Comp C, Anc. Hist. % Latin Au. 3, Fr. Auth. 1. Fr. Comip. 1. Norma Bell--Chem. 1, Latin Auth. 1. Azetta Blodgett--Anc. Hist. 2. Raymond Boyd--Physics 2. Ford Cowie--Chem. C. Mary Delaney--Lat. Auth. 2. Marion Deviney--Ohem. 3. Mr. Nicholas- Aziz of Smiths Falte is visiting Colborne friends. Mr. Joseph Garfat of Woodstock, is -^isiting his son, Dr. E. J. Garfat. B Mr. Louis Keating is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Reynolds, at Norwood. Miss Sherry Reynolds of Norwood is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Keating. Mrs. Orrel Fleming and daughter Marjorie of Smiths Falls are visiting the former's cousin, Mr. and Mrs. H. -A. Free. iMr. and Mrs. John A. Grant of Toronto and daughter Margaret spent Saturday at the home of his brother, j Mr. W. G. Grant. Mrs. S. E. Turpin and daughters, ~^*"&eta and Joan, are spending a few ! days in Hamilton, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Stanton. Misses Norma and Lola Bell, Mar-Juno Fiske--^Can. Hist 2. Chem. 3,?Y Latin Auth. 3 Bernard Fox--Anc Hist. C, Auth. 3. . jorie Fleming and Helen Free are [spending a few days at the Redfearn Latin summer hotel at "Loughbreeze." Mr. Clayton Campbell, and daughter, Kenneth Grant--Eng. Co?np. C, Alg. 2, iMiss Helen Campbell, and his mother. Latin Auth. C. of Weybourne, Sask., spent the week- Mildred Grant--Anc. Hist. C, Lat. end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harnden. A^th. C. Mr. Hal McBain and Mrs. McBain Mary Gummer--Alg. C. Physics C,.;of Ingersbll called on Chief Jamieson Chem.. 3, Lat. Auth. C. Lat. Comp CJ an<* Mrs- Jamieson last week. Mrs. Gerald A. Wilce Killed Attempting to Get On Moving Truck A distressing accident occurred near Castleton, Monday afternoon, August 22nd, TO8, when in attempting to get on the running board of a slowly moving truck, Gerald A. Wilce, in some manner missed his hold and fell face downward in the wtieel track. Both the front and rear wheels of the truck, which was loaded with two yards of gravel, passed over his body, killing him instantly. The owner and driver of the truck, Mr. Frank Haynes of Colborne did not see the young man try to get on, and was not aware the truck had run over him until persons nearby drew his attention to it. Travelling on a steep up-grade the truck was moving slowly which no doubt was the reason the unfortunate young man tried to get on. Mr. Wilce, who was in his 28th year, was a son of Mr. John K. Wilce of Gas tie ton, and he was highly esteemed in the community. The funeral services were held in the United Church, Catleton, Wednesday afternoon, being conducted by the Pastor, the Rev. M. L. Hinton. COMING EVENTS Fifty-sixth Anniversary Services in Colborne Baptist Church, Sunday, August 28th. See advt. Rummage Sale, Home Cooking and Candy Taible, at home of Mrs. John H. Connfnors', on Friday, August 26th, U938, from 3 to 6 p.m. Proceeds for Trinity Church Talent Fund. TRINITY CHURCH, COLBORNE Rev. P. W. A. Roberts, Rector Sunday, August 28th-- Morning Prayer--11 a.m. Rev. J. F. Belford, Codrington. THE GREAT EVENT AT CASTLETON Marjorie Haynes---Alg. 3, Physics C,| Lat. Auth. C, Lat. Comp. 2. Doris Heckbert--German Comp. German Authors 2. Thelma Heckbert--Eng. Comp. McBain is a cousin of the Chief. = They were on a motor trip to the States" of Maine and New York. •Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Hill, Mr. T. K. ( ;| Moher. and Miss Marjorie Henderson, ii'of Toronto, spent the weekend with C1 Eng. Lit. 2, Alg. 2, Physics C. Lat| &iei|ds at Lakeport. Mrs. J. A. Hen- Autih. C. Helen Ives--Geom. 2, Physics 2, Lat Auth. 2, Lat. Comp. 1, Fr. Auth. Cf Fr. Comp. 2. Jean Joss--Anc. Hist. 1. Geom. Ci Physics 1, Chem. 1, Lat. Auth. 2. James Keating--Alg. 2. Physics C. Irene Kemp--Eng. Comp. C, En^ Lit. C, Geom. 2, Physics 2. Jack Kernaghan--Eng. Comp. C. Enfg. Lit. C. Alg. C, Lat. Auth. 3. Lat. Comp. 3. Harold Knight--Geom. C. Lat. Authj; C, Lat. Comp. C. Jean McLaughlin---Anc. Hist. C. Clara Matthews--Alg. C. Amby Miller--Alg: 1, Geom. 1. Physios 3, Ohem. 3. Lat. Auth. 3, Lat. Comp. 2. Harold Moore--Eng. Lit. C. Alg Physics 3, Lat. Auth. C. Marguerite Murphy--Anc. Hist. Lat. Auth. 3. Horse Smashes Into Car I Colborne Women's Institute ■Colborne Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Rose, on Tuesday, August 9th, ID 3 8, with over twenty memibers and ajbout twenty-four vis^ iters. The President, Mrs. Sabins was in the chair and opened the meeting with :he usual exercises. The roll call was well answered, it being "Meai Substitutes/' The picnic was dig m- ed and it was decided to hold it at Ciobourg on Tuesday, 16th. Mrs. Peebles was convener of the program am site had a. lovely variety of enter-■taiii-rr <mt. (Mrs Miller gave some very fine :ment events. Mrs. Irish gave us a very interesting talk on "Uncock m : Foods and how to serve tlierr' " Duets were sung by Misses Young rf Toronto. Duet was sung by IVIa-jo ie and Mary Rutherford, then the safcle two young ladies entertainer! tie With, a piano solo. All the program being much enjoyed. A very pie1 s i? event of the afternoon was the presentation of a bouquet of roses to Mr* Collins by Mrs. Cook in hon-car 01 he.r being 90 years young. The National Anthem brought the meeting be a close and a lively half hour was s >ent over the tea oup. The women of the Colborne Institute, along with husbands and friends, cirove to Cobourg on the morning of Augm ( Kith, 1938, and had a nice liierk la Victoria Park. Some ninety folks >•>-!■-• down to dinner. There was ,t. variety of sports for both old and Hou.i£ ; even for the men folk. The iports cornimiittee are to be congrat-1:1a teci on their good ways of entertaining After a look around the beau-•; f. I pma. of Cobourg, they all met again tar supper. After supper they all g< t into cars and truck and started ft r home, tired, but happy. Twc Autos Collide Clinging to Brink of 150 ft. Cliff at Hamilton Bot. 1, Zoo. 2, Fr. Au. 1, Fr. Comp.l. Frances Simpson--Bot. 2. As a. result of the aibove examinations, the following students have now complete Honour Matriculation standing:--Ruth Allen, Muriel Arkles, Dorothy Armstrong, Gerald Bennett, Jelsteie Broomfield, Marion Deviney, Helen Haynes, Doris Heckbert, Rosamund Hubble, Dorothy Knight, Marguerite Murphy, Arthur Winter. Castleton Continuation School Middle School Results Donald Bush--E. Comp. C, E. Lit. C, Can. Hist. 2, Geqmi. C, Phys. 2. James Cross--E. Cbmp. 1, E. Lit. C, Oan. Hist. 1, Geom. 3, Physics 2, Lat. Comp. C, Fr. Comp. 2. Leona Gunter--E. Lit. 3, Clan. Hist. 1, Geom. 3^JPhys. C. Donald Isaac--E. Comp C. Can. Hist. C, Geom. C, Physics 3. Una McComb--E. Comp C. Geom. 2, Lat. A. C. Doris McKague--'Geom,. C, Fr. Au. C. Roy Mutton--E. Comp. C, Can. Hist. 2, Geom. 2, Phys. 1, Lat. Au. C, [Fr. Au. 2. Myrtle Poole--E. Comp C, Can. Hist. C, Geom. 2, Phys. 2, Lat. A. 2, Fr. A. 1. Fr. Oomp. 2. Reta Welton--Can. Hist. 2, Geom. C. Read the Condensed Ads on page 5 Oomp. C. Grace Peterson--Alg. C, Physics C Noreen Purdy--Alg. 3, Lat. Auth. C. Betty Rowsome'--Eng. Lit. 2. Can. Hist. C, Physics C. Sandy Rutherford--Chem. 2. Leone Rutherford--Eng. Comp. 2, Eng. Lit. 2, Alg. C. Lat. Auth. C. Ruth Sneldrick--Eng. Lit 2, Alg. C, Physics C, Lat. Auth. 3, Lat. Cotm. C Vance Sutton--Eng. Comp. C, Eng. Lit. C. Dorothy Walker^--Eng. Comp. 2, Eng. Lit. 2, Alg. 1, Geom. C, Physics 2, Latin Auth. 3, Latin Comp. 2. ArthurWinter--Anic. Hist. 2, Latin Auth. 1. derson and son, Mr. Charles Henderson, -who spent the past wreek at Lakeport, returned to Toronto with them. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Joslin, accompanied by the Misses Dulcie and Lenora O'Conor^Fenton, motored to Kingston and Iva Lee to see President Itodsevelt at Queen's University and ihe dedication of the new International Bridge over the St. Lawrence Rr«ei\ at which Premier Mackenzie king and President Roosevelt spoke. .Chief J, A. Grant of Toronto paid a fraternal visit to Chief Jamieson on his way home, after officiating during the ceremonies in connection with the re-opening by Premier King of the old Fort Henry at Barrifield, and also the opening and dedication .9111 «I8A0 3SpUH 1^U01;BUJ9^UI 9IT) JO f$t. Lawrence River from Iva Lee, by President Roosevelt and Premier King. Mr. Grant says Chief Jamieson W one of the old timers whom he H il I--Cofteen Bird-Cliffe LUNCHES -- TEAS SUPPERS 25c and 35c ►MEAT PIE -- VEGETABLE PLATE DELICIOUS FRUIT PIES CAKES AND TEA BISCUITS HOMEMADE Y2 Mile North of Colborne on Percy Road MISS E. F. MARSHALL Phone: 93rl5 Our former townsman, Mr. Allan Coyle of Toronto had an exciting experience there one morning last week When a irunaway horse attached to a bread waggon collided headon with his automobile. The heead of the horse crashed through the windshield, cutting the animal so badly that it had to be destroyed. The car, Which was covered with blood and hair of the horse, was damaged to the extent of $300. Mr. Coyle escaped serious injury through having been able to get a door open to slide out of the car. Thero was no driver in the waggon nor tie weight attached to the horse. Mrs. W. C. Griffis Sustains Fractured Hip By slipping off the platform in front of the Brunswick House, Mrs. W. C. Griffis sustained a fractured hip. In falling she unfortunately struck against the edge of the platform. She is resting as comfortably as possible at Cobourg General Hos-ipital. The 7th annual Field Day, Harvest Home Dinner and Supper will be held at the • spacious Castleton School grounds and Oomimunity Hall dining room, under the auspices of the United Church, on Wednesday, August 81st, U98S. • A splendid program of soft and hard ball games--ladiss and men--will be played. Races and sports for young and old. iDon't miss this greatest Field Day of this lovely County. You are welcome. See posters. Ten Die in Weekend Accidents Six drownings, three highway fatalities, and a death from burns occurred in Ontario over the weekend. Many persons were injured in automobile accidents, and in ^ome cases arrests were made by Provincial Traffic Officers. Colborne Water Pure A report from the Ontario Laboratory on samples of water taken from different parts of Colborne Water Works System has been received by Dr. A. C. McGlennon, M.O.H., and again all saimples are pronounced Grade "A." McCutf.heon Bereaved 1 WHg r«t&iimi' Lovely midsummter rites Wednesday afternoon, August 10th, 1*938, marked the marriage of Miss Dorothy Madelyn Coffeen, daughter of Federick Stanley Coffeen,t Parkside Avenue, and Jerald Everett Hill, Colby Street. The rites were performed at Miss Edith Hale's by Dr. Weldon F.■■Cros-sland, Pastor of Ash bury First Methodist Episcopal Church. While Gladioli formed the background for the ceremony. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white chiffon fashioned with a, gathered bodice and short puffed sleeves. Her short veil fell from a braided halo, and she carried a bouquet of gladioli and Shasta daisies. Following the tea Mr. and Mrs. Hill left on a trip to Maine. The bride was graduated from the University of Rochester, where she was a memlber of Theta Eta soroity, and the bridegroom is a graduate of Western State College and the University f Michigan.--Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. announcing the sudden death at Elgin House, Muskoka, on Tuesday, Augustt 23rd, 1-9*38. of Jared Vining, K.C., of London, Ontario, in his 68th year. Mr. Vining was a brother of Mrs. F. W. C. MctCutcheon of Colborne. Lawyers agree there are too many K.C.'s at the bar, but how to K.O. them is a a big issue. Advertising has established values and confidence. LOW RAIL FARES TO TORONTO EXHIBITION $2.55 $2.95 In Coaches In Parlor Cars Parlor Car Fare Extra Good going Aug. 25 to Sept. 10 Return limit -- Sept. 14 Canadian Pacific Ha tain beac ahno bro'w i he whet into v» e n IT lusi: E>P* • Pr gait i. 3acn • on, Aug. 21.--When two * Hided head-on on the Moun-I he, just easU' of the aircraft Saturday night, both vehicles ;1 plunged over the mountain at a point where there is a Irop of #50 feet or more to L i/nwa'y b%low. The two front j: ui both vehicles were hanging ;-;)3ce over the edge when they Trought to a stop, e persons were hurt and were id to the Mountain and St. Jos-i Hospitals. ovineial cons' aiblejs are investing to detrimiine how the two cars o meet head-on. I e two-storey frame house of Mr. Wii am Semlple at Brighton, struck by i.^htning, was destroyed *by fire. Oil a few articles of furniture were ^i.v, :i by neighbours. C .3da exported 3,311 tons of wheat to Italy during the first five months of 1158. TOWN HALL COLBORNE Thursday, Aug. 25-8 p.m. 'KAY-DEE' EXHIBITORS CIRCUITS PRESENT Ursula Parrott's Famous Story ii There's Always To-morrow99 with ROBERT TAYLOR _featuring Frank Morgan & Binnie Barnes What happens to a typical family in this picture could happen in any family you know. A motion picture for every member of the family Also: OSWALD -- "THE LUCKY RABBIT" -- in "Birthday Party" A comedy treat for old and young NEXT WEEK -- THURSDAY, SEPT. 1 ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT with all star cast . . Also: Mentone Musical--"Shoes with*Rythm" . . PERFECT SOUND NOISELESS RECORDING Admission: Adults 30c Children 15c RUMMAGE SALE Home Cooking and Candy,Table at MRS. JOHN H. CONNORS, Colborne Friday, August 26th, 1938 from 3 to 6 p.m. % Proceeds for Trinity Church Talent Fund Truck Burns on Highway A large transport truck owned by Mitchell Bros, of Norham, and driven by Walter Thain, was completely de*-stroyed, together with its load of ten cases and a drum of oil, when it in some way took fire while on tb AUCTION SALE --by-- ARNOLD POOLE, Auctioneer Phone 10r23 -- Castleton, Ont. Thursday, Sept. 1st, 1938, at 1 p.m.-- Horses, cattle, hogs, farm implements, grain, blacksmithing outfit, the property of Elvin Tucker, Lot 15, Con. 7, Township of Haldimand, 2% miles North-East of Centreton. No reserve, as Mr. Tucker is giving # up farming. Terms cash. DEATHS VINING, Jared--iSuddenly, on Tuesday, August 23lrd, 1938, at Elgin House, 'Muskoka, Jared Vining, K.C., of London, Ontario, in his 68th year. Mr. Vining was the brother of Mrs. F. W;. C. McCutcheon of Colbobrne. WILCE, Gerald Arnold-nSuddenly, at Castleton, on Monday, August 22nd, 1938, Gerald Arnold Wilce, in his 28th year. Interment at Castleton Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM 56th Anniversary Services -of the- COLBORNE BAPTIST CHURCH will be conducted Sunday, August 28th, 1938 PREACHER: PROFESSOR N. H. PARKER, B. Sc., Th., D. of McMaster University, at both services Services 11 a.m. and 7.39 p.m. (daylight saving time) INSPIRING VOCAL MUSIC WOODROWE--In loving memory of W. C. Wbodrowe of Ottawa, who departed this life August 24th, 19'37. God 'called him home The blow was severe, To part with the one We loved so dear. Our loved is not dead, He is just away. Sadly missed by the Woodrowe family of Ottawa and his friends of Castleton. a25x STIMERS--In loving memory of Mr. A. Stimers, who passed away August 25th, 1927. Our loved one is gone and can never . return, On earth as was wont we shall see him no more. But why are we fretful, why cheerlessly mourn, He has landed all safe on a heavenly shore. We parted in sorrow, in joy shall we meet, Where Death is unknown aand where tears never flow: But all are with joyous emotions replete, And no terminations shall happiness know. Missed by Wife and Family Thanksgiving Day Monday, October 10 A proclamation fixing Thanksgiving Day for Monday, October 10th, the second Monday in October, was published in the Canada Gazette Those who don't like the humidity should exercise a little patience. The frigidity is just around the corner.

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