THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., NOV. 3, 1938 Hepburn, Murphy, Open New International Bridge Before a crowd of several thousai water Bridge between Port Huron, Mich., and Sarnia, Ont., opened by Governor Frank Murphy of Michigan, and Prei Hepburn, of Ontario. Governor.Murphy is pictured throv" States" switch, while Premier Hepburn, RIGHT, looks "heARD "Rock Of Ages" And The Bible The words of the well-known hymn "Rock of Ages" can be coupled with quotations or paraphrases from the Bible in' a very interesting way. Of course, the song is not made up of literal quotations from the Scriptures, but the lines refer to passages which are strikingly similar: Rock of ages, cleft for me--Psalm 62: C-8 Let me hide myself in thee -- Exodus 33: 22 From thy riven side which flowed --John 19: 34 Be of sin the double cure -- II Kings 2: 9-10 Cleanse from its guilt and power --Isaiah 1: 18 Not the labor of my hands--Psalm 69: 6 Can fulfill the laws demands -- Matthew 5: 17-18 Could my zeal no respite know-- Psalm 69: 6 Could my tears forever flow -- Psalm 6: 6 All my sin could not atone--Hebrews 10: 5-6 Thou must save, and thou --Hebrews 10: 8-10 Nothing in my hand I bring -- Isaiah 4: 1 Simply to thy cross I cling--Galatians 6: 14 Naked, come to thee for dress-- Romans 13: 14 Helpless, look t> thee for grace --Philippians 4: 13 Foul, I to the fountain fly--Psalm Wash r 51: 7 13: 8 , Savi • I die--John ! -- I While I craw -hi; fleeting breath --Psalm 103: 15-16 When my eyelids close in death --Ecclesiastes 12: 3-7 When I soar to "n'.ds unknown --John 14: ::-3 See thee on thy . .idgn --Matthew '/ >: 31 Rock of ages cleft- f« Corinthians 1 ): 4 Let me hide r.iy f\l in thee -- Psalm 17: 3. Two Mexican? quarreled and decided to fight t. !uel. To do this without attracting too much attention, they took i train into the country. Th; fi?:,. Mexican asked for a return tele-, but his opponent only r.oc'.i .i single. "Ha-ha,' inugtuc the first. "You expect not to r me back, my friend? I alwf.ys ?et a return." "I never do," replied the other calmly. "I alwsyi ;ake my adversary's return hal ." You . " said the tech-I master u le placed his fin-on a piecl nechanism and d the handle, "that this ma-e is turned la crank." And the laugh :la.-. that ran round t There is ■ oil Hubby--'Dei' They had cor,, to the portant and tpc scalar the film, a to lu pper "Now undersl the hero, "in t- i scene the lion will pursue for 5 >0 feet." The hero looked at the Hon, then at the director. "5i,e hundred feet," he echoed, dismally. "Yes, that and no mere. ' cu understand." Our hero noddec "I do, but does Inauguration Of Air Express This Month Tranc-Canada Airlines Began a Service Between Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg Inauguration of air express service between Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and Winnipeg was made Oct. 17th, by the Trans-Canada Airlines. The service extends the air express routes now in operation between Winnipeg and Vancouver to establish daily two-way complete express service by air between Montreal and Vancouver. The initial schedule calls for departure from St. Hubert Airport at 7 a.m. (E.S.T.), arriving at Ottawa 7:53 a.m., departing 8:08 a.m., arriving at Toronto 9:56 a.m., departing 10:11 a.m., and arriving at Winnipeg 5.08 p.m. (C.S.T.). Leaving Winnipeg, eastbound departure will be daily at 6 a.m. (C.S.T.), arriving at Toronto 2:23 p.m. (E.S.T., departing 2:38 p. arriving Ottawa 4:03 p.m., departing 4:18 p.m. and arriving at Montreal 5:03 p.m. New High Score On Export Bacon At the British Dairy Farmers' Association Dairy Show held in London September 26 to September 29, first award went to Canada Packers Limited, Toronto. The contest, which is open to all bacon curers in the British Empire (exclusive of the Irish Free State) is for the best bacon produced and cured in the British Empire. Each showing consists of four Wiltshire Sides, which are scored on the following basis: Style and Workmanship 15, Suitability of Sides 20, Firmness of Fat of Rind 5, Colour 20, Fl.r. • 30. it is interesting to note that the winner this year scored 96 out of the possible 100 points, and the firs': five exhibits all scored 92 points or better. This compares with a high score of 87 points for the winner of the first prize last year, indicating the progress that is being made in Canada in the im-ixport bacon, ilso interesting to note that e contest on Wiltshire? was ?un in 1923, the prize has i-arded to a Canadian firm ear. In the 16 years that the c i by Canada Packers four Footprints 34 inches long have been found in a Colorado mine. They belong to a 35 ft. high Iguanodont taking 15 ft. strides, which lived 8,000,000 years ago, the biggest animal yet found to have existed in North America. Canadian Art Show Has Taken London by Storm Pslnt'ngs and Sculpture by Canada's Ari'sts Receive Highest Praise In Cld Country Exhibition Gallery, has taken Loudon by Following the opening ceremonies which were attended by London's elite, including representatives of the entire diplomatic corps, crowds thronged the Thames-side gallery to view the highly-praised Canadian paintings and sculpture. "Extraordinarily Interesting." "Eugland has vaguely known for some years that Canada has a mind of her own in matters artistic," says the Manchester Guardian, which describes the exhibition as "vigorous and extraordinarily in- "Vv'hatever may be happening in other corners of the empire, Canada alone can claim to have founded an independent school of painting," the Manchester Guardian What Science * Is Doing * adds. i Of Freshness The Yorkshire Post decla not surprising that the exhibition as a whole should give an impression of freshness and open air. With a continent at their doors, the paper says, artists have obeyed Constable's advice to seek communion with Nature, without turning to impressionism. _ Friendly Spiders Spiders, with very few exceptions, are Iriends of our. They help to rid the garden of insect pests. They do not attack us, and may be tamed to take food frpm our fingers. They are among the most highly-developed artists in their line of endeavor. They have suspension bridges, trap doors, several grades of exquisite silk. They are balloonists of note and are famous as divers. One-Pound Apple SARNIA. -- A-tisket, a-tas-ket, here's an apple too big for that little yellow basket about which everybody is singing. J. D. Mills, of Alexandra, displayed a one-pound apple, grown on his farm, at the market here. Many Problems Facing Britain Before Parliament Reconvenes Five Questions Will Have To Be Studied Government heads in Great Britain before Parliament reconvenes November 1, are studying what to do about the following problems which confront them. 1. Germany's demand that Great Britain and others return colonies taken from the Reich at the end of the Great War; 2. Italian intervention in Spain, which is holding up fulfillment of the Anglo-Italian agreement; 3. Economic re-alignment of the Danubian states, being drawn into Germany's trade orbit at the expense of Great Britain, France and Italy; 4. Economic and Political adjustment of Czechoslovakia, which would be lost to her former friends if Germany realizes Nazi hopes (»f a customs union with the dismembered republic; armament, described during the crisis as inadequate to cope with modern war. One unanswered question was whether Great Britain would resist Germany's desire for colonial expansion. CAN PREDICT TOOTH DECAY" Tooth decay is being diagnosed f.nd even predicted as long as twelve months in advance for patients never seen by the examiner. Developed in experiments at Michigan School of Dentistry, the process relies on the important diagnostic relationship between the Lactobacilli and the presence of cavities in the teeth. An accuracy of more than 80 per cent, has already been achieved. ^~ MOONLIGHT, RADIO PRODUCED A new use for radio, to light the sky fifty miles overhead as brightly as the full moon does, -is proposed in Nature. British official science journal. The new light would be an artificial aurora. A single radio station could cover a patch of sky sixty miles in diameter with this light. It would illuminate country roads as well as orjhnary lighting systems would, and could be used anywhere. CANCER OVER 60 cer deaths among persons over 60 shows that their period of life is the "dreaded cancer age" for Americans. Deaths in the-over-60 class almost doubled from 1910 to |930. HEAT TREATMENT OF STEEL A revolutionary heat-treating process in steel making was developed at the Kearny (N.J.) laboratories. By its use ordinary carbon steels can be given properties otherwise obtainable only in the more complex alloy steels. A piece of steel can be made hard enough to scratch glass and yet remain so ductile that it can be bent into a coil of small diameter. SNAKE VENOM EYE TREATMENT The venom of snakes (rattlesnakes, watermoccasins, cobras) most deadly to man may soon prove one of the most effective treatments to save eyesight, a South American physician declares. Such conditions as inflammation of the tiny arteries of the eye, blood clots in the eye veins, and spasms of the blood vessels have been treated with the venom. Royal Winter Fair Is Still Growing tA - brilliant unbroken record of seventeen years in the two-fold field of Canadian agriculture and international horsemanship will be still further advanced when the Royal Winter Fair opens at Toronto on November 15 with a programme of wider scope, more vivacity, larger prizes and greater variety than have marked its cumulative successes of the past. International army officers' teams are coming from Chile, Mexico. Eire and the United States to compete with Canadian officers in the numerous Horse Show events of the eight-days' engagement. 170 Classes In Horse Show Several operating changes in the Horse Show should speed up the performances enabling a larger number of classes than in any previous year, now totalling 170, to be run off in shorter time schedules. On its agricultural side similar Declaring he has given up Arctic adventure, John Rymill, South Australian explorer, sailed for England to marry Miss Eleanor THE HANDY POURING 5PL jortketwopoundiin s free--write for 01 • Fits the special top o and Karo syrups. • Is easily tleaned^atid a • Makes the 2 lb. tl table container. • The protective cap v "CROWN BRAND" crown brand CORN SYRUP Issue No. 44--'38 improvements have been made in the Royal Winter Fair classes. Entries from new competitors in the United States, notably in dairy cattle and in sheep, have been received. It is hoped that with herds from P. E. I. and British Columbia, all nine Canadian provinces will find representation this year. The Flower Show The Royal Flower Show, always engaging to a wide circle of esthetic taste, is being recast and Fox, mink, dog, cat and fancy fish shows are being held. Largest single increase is in the Poultry Show, where almost a whole floor has beep taken for a novel exhibit by the combined poultry industry, Dominion Department of Agriculture, egg producers and manufacturers of sup-plies. Discover Oil Near Watford STRATHROY. -- A new oil well has been struck in the new oil field which has been developing in the Watford district in recent months. This well, which was struck on the farm of Samuel Birch, two miles east of Watford and on the land near the railway south of the highway, showed first indications at the 360 foot mark, and within a short time there was approximately 300 feet of oil standing in the well. This well has every indication of being a really good producer, as it is usual, in order to obtain the best flow of oil in this section of the country that drilling must extend to 450 feet. 1 Classified Advertising RLD'S LARGEST PL'EI.ISHIXi; impany c.-, n life full or part-time ?ents to solicit orders for Pietor- $1.00 when painted sent on receipt of 15c. Money cheerfully refund-• fied. This is pleas- ALTOMOIIII.E II SERVICES. ALL MAKES. QUALIFY FOR OFFICE POSITION by home study. Courses inexpen- booklet. Canada Business College, FOR MINK, SILVER FOXES AND Blue Foxes of Mgh grade breeding RICED FOR QL'I >. Mitchell, St. Mai STOCK REDUCTION SALE Reconditioned Furniture LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT. 478 Yonge St., Toronto 45 D1N,N(! ROOM SUITES, OAK finish. Thoroughly cleaned and re- high class suites i 1 tlr.i- Guaranteed clean and c------- conditioned. Priced from $24.30. 7C CHESTERFIELD SUITES IN A *** wide variety of covers and styles. Mohairs, repps, tapestries and velours, 2 and 3 piece suites. Guaranteed clean and completely reconditioned. Priced from $14.»3. LARGE STOCK OF ODD DRESSERS, chiffoniers, beds, springs, wardrobes, kitchen cabinets and stoves at rock Buy With Confidence EVERY ARTICLE IS THOROLGH-ly cleaned, reconditioned and sold with a positive money hack guaran- LYONS TRADE-IN DEPT. 478 Yonge St., Toronto lliam Hart, Impor IIA1RMKESSI \1,LEW'S- I1AI KLKESSINO . f.y for sale i:rty wanted ADVERTISER IS INTERESTED IN SHORTHAND Toilets Vom $40., PHOTOGRAPHY STAMMERI? ST V.UMKKI.v: CORRECTED, I ful booklet giving full in." tion. Write today. W. Den TRACTOR MAGNETO AM GENERATOR REPAIRS SEND US YOUR TRACTOR M you money. Allanson \v Manfr., 835 Bay St., Toront The satisfied acclaim of over a hundred thousand Canadian homeowners is your positive guarantee of the greatest heating value money can buy. Give your home the thrilling comfort and dcDendability of "the world's finest anthracite". v-Order from your nearest 'blue coal' dealer today. Ask him also about the 'blue coal' Heat Regulator which provides automatic heat with your present equipment. lue coa THE MODERN FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT Tune in "The Shadow" every Sat., 7 p.m., CBL, Toronto, 6.30 p.m., CBO, Ottawa.