Page Four THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10th, 1938 Castleton Women's Institute] The Castleton W. I. will meet oh Thursday, NoV. 10th, at the home of Mrs. S. M. Purdy, at 2.15 pm. Convener--iMrs. D. Arkles. Exhibit--Drop Cakes (recipe supplied). Mts, Geo. Helson and her team 0f girls who won first prize at Toronto Exhibition on House Furnishings, will he present to demonstrate. All welcome. Girls especially invited. CASTLETON November 8th, 1938 | The Castleton Public Library hav Irvin Robson is visiting her | Purchased eighty new books. spent Sunday with Miss Viola Harnden. Mrs. J. Baptist spent Sunday with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Naish. Miss Viola Harnden spent Wednesday with her friend, Miss Helen Naish. IMrs. J. Puffer is having a well drilled by W. J. Summers & son, drillers. Mr. and Mrs. David Arkles spent a few days last week with friends iin Unionville. Mr. and Mirs. Ziba Harnden spent the weekend with Mrs. Lew Purdy, at Kingston. Miss Mamie Gleason of Carmel spent the week with her friend, Miss Viola Harnden. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Ernest Slater is on the sick list at time of writing. We are glad to report that Mrs. John Coffee is improved in health and able to be out. Miss Eileen Whitney spent the week end with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Dawson. Mr. Wilson Goff spent Sunday with Ms friend, Mr. Everett Harnden, at Vernonville. Mr. and Mrs. WSllard Day and baby spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Prosser. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Papineau and family spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Ed, Papineau. IMr. and Mrs. H. Wilton and fam-iily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Harnden, Grafton. Mr. and Mts. C. E. Dawson, have moved on the farm recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. K. Tett. IMiss Harvey of Vancouver, B.C., is visiting her friend, Mrs. Jas. Honeywell for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. George Burleigh and family have moved into the house occupied by Mrs. S. A. Clake. A few from here attended the dance at Mr. and Mrs. Harrison's, at Eddystone, on Friday evening. Mr. Cliifford Quinn of Little Long Lac is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Quinn. Mr. T. Williams is having a new barn erected on his lot where the former barn was destroyed by fire. Miss Madeline Covert returned home on Sunday, after spending the past few months with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. V. Miller, at Murryfborough, Illinois. Master Mac Gaffield spent the weekend with his friend, Master Donald Baxter, in Colborne. Mrs. D. Gunter and daughter Leona spent Sunday with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Gunter, Colborne. . Norman Reid of Toronto < Lisle. Miss Dora PomeToy and Mr. Mer-ton Hopkins spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James Findley, Wark- Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Clarke and Vema of Morganston were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Moran Grills on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ratz and daughter Eleanor returned home on Saturday, after visiting relatives iin Landsdowne. |Mr. G. M. Johnston, Principal of Continuation School was in Toronto for a copple of days last week, trying an exam. Misd Grace Nelson of Academy Hill spent a few days last week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lean. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dempsey, Dorothea, Betty, Jean and Tony, of Port Hope, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Mattie CaKberry. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carter and balby have returned to their home in Little Long Lac. after visiting her parents, Mr. a.n4 Mrs. Chas. Quinn. We are sorry to report that Miss Doris McKague had an operation for appendicitis in Belleville Hospital one day last week. She is doing very nicely. The Women's Missionary Society are having a social evening in the basement of the Church on Thursday, November 17th, at 8 o'clock. A Missionary Pagent will be given and other program. Everybody come and help this good cause. A small admission will be charged. The Young People's League of the United Church held a Masquerade on Wednesday evening, November 2nd, in the basement of the United Church. A good crowd filled the basement. A pleasant evening was spent in parading. A great many strangers were present, dressed as convicts, ghosts, princes, etc. Best dressed girl under 10, Betty Wilce; best dressed girl, 10 to 16, Laura Wolfraim; best dressed woman over 16, Isobel May; fancy dressed lady. Laura Arkils; character, (Mrs. Chapman; best dressed couple, Isobel May and Laura Arkils. Several other prizes were awarded. The judges were Misses Bird and Mutton, and Mrs. Robinson. Miss I. Peebles acted as chairman. After the parade all joined in community singing. S games were played and a delicious lunch served. Everyone is invited attend the Young People's meeting each Wednesday evening in Church. BROWN'S CORNERS November 8th, 1938 Miss Shelia McManus spent Sunday with Miss Fern Stickle, Colborne. Miss Phylis Inglis was weekend guest with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ferguson. Mr. Frank Smith of Oshawa was weekend guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith, Oshawa, were Sunday week guests with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Smith. Ladies, don't forget Lakeview W. I. regular meeting, November 24th, at 2.30, at Mrs. Martin's home. All welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fish and daughter Emma and son Charlie were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cook, Salem. Sorry to report Master John 0'-Grady, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. O'Grady, is on the sick list. We hope John soon gets better. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carter of Colborne, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Coomiba and baby, and Mrs. V. Coombs were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. ArthuT McCracken. The steel industry alone consumes approximately 3,360,000 electric light bulbs annually. CRAMAHE COUNCIL Cramahe Council met in the Council Chamber, Castleton, October 28, 1938, at 10 a.m. Members all present. Reeve Quinn in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Moved by Darling, seconded by Peebles, That this Council grant Mr. Geo. Gleason the privilege to diig and control a well on Cramahe side of the boundary between Brighton and Cramahe Townships in concession 9, on condition that Mr. Gleason build and maintain a suitable concrete top on samle.--Carried. Moved by Sirett seconded by Peebles. That this Council allow the proposed Badminton Club the use of the Township Hall. The Club to assume responsibility for heaty. light and caretaker during the periods they use the hall.--Carried. Order", were drawn on the Treasurer as follows: Cecil May gravel ............? 43.00 Arnold Poole, bal. sal. 1937 .. 100.00 P. A. Thompson, care of hall and v/ork ................. 5.60 Municipal World, supplies.. 2.12 E. L. MacNachtan, re ind. .. 77.00 M. Parish, re indigent ...... 17.99 Jack Montgomery, r.b. 17 ---- 55.00 W. E. Chesterfield, r.b. 17 ... 58.90 AnntiP TiHTflY. r.b. 17 i Walter Puffer, r.b. 17 ........ Oft. 20 Ross Wtright, r.b. 17 ........ 18.70 Jay Warner, r.b. 14, 18, 17 .. 3i2.90 Roy Sommerville r.b. 1(4,18,17 32.90 S. Chapman r.b.' 14, 18, 17 .. 32.90 Art Johnson, r.b. 14, 18, 17 . . 27.90 D. Puffer, r.b. 17 ............ 8.00 Helen Puffer, light r.b. 17 .. 1.50 Ken Somerviille, r.b. 27 ____ Canada Creosoting Co. ,oil .. Peebles, r.b. 1 ........ Geo. Pomeroy, constable and r.b. 38 • The hardy Fishermen of Canada market over 60 different kinds of food Fish and Shellfish, either fresh, frozen, smoked, dried, canned or pickled . . . each affording a grand opportunity for thrifty dishes that have style, zest and delicious flavour. So nourishing, too, for Canadian Fish and Shellfish give plenty of proteins, minerals and precious vitamins. In fact, they have everything folks enjoy and need in a lunch or supper dish. You can make arrangements with your dealer to supply different kinds of delicious fish several times a week, and the family will enjoy this tempting treat. DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, OTTAWA. Lorne Haynes, r.b. 38 ....... 3.85 Jay Brown, on salary ........ 60.00 Jas. Menzi'es, r.b. 34 ........ 9.60 Orloff Mann, r.b. 23 ......... 2.00 J. F. Haynes, trucking ...... 14.40 H. Spencer, cartage ......... 25.25 Nat Loveless, brushing ..... 19.20 Arthur Rutherford, r.b. 13 .. 6.00 F. A. Black, s.S. 14 .......... 116.40 A. E. Jones, s.s. 22 .......... 400.00 A. E. Jones, premium on hall 63.00 A. Poole, postage ........... 4.50 F. I. Moore, re indigent Neil McGregor. 3 sheep 18.00 Chas. Quinn, selecting jurors 12.00 The Newman Co., supplies .. 39.71 L. Campbell rebate dog tax.. 2.00 I. A. Ghent,' poets .......... 20.10 F. Wilce, r.b. 24 ............ 16.64 Robert Slade r.b. 24.........80 Hugh Mutton, r.b. 24 ........ 1.80 Council adjourned to meet the last Friday in November at 10 a.m. ■A N V DAY A F I S M 12 A Y. Urges People to Stretch Before Arising s dangerous to jump right out of the very minute you wake up Dr. Maurice Auguste Boigey, prominent French physician and physiologist. In agreeing with the French med- o, a University of Pennsiylvannia medical authority declares that 'even dog, upon awakening, will stretch a few times before getting up unless )u wake him with a cat." The sleeper is advised to wait 2< minutes to allow time for certain physiological adjustments to takt place. During sleep the flexible blood vessels are relaxed, and have more space in them than there is blood to fill. If the sleeper stands up suddenly the blood rushes into the lower part of the body draining away from the brain. This accounts for dizziness and in the case of certain blood vessels diseases of the brain might produce thrombosis. Recovery Prayers Conflict Marysvljije, Cjal-- Two giippy women kneeled at the bedside of Jiim Barrett, ill in his calbdn near here, and prayed for his recovery. Since then, Barrett has been praying for the recovery of $25 that disappeared with them. A Weekly Letter from Home in the form of a visit of THE EXPRESS WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED by that absent friend or relative $2.00 per year in advance; $2.50 to United States Only $2.00 from now until Dec. 31, 1939 New Things Are "News" Every member of every family in Colborne and community is interested in the news of the week. And no items are read with keener interest than announcements of new things to eat, to wear or to enjoy in the home. You have the goods and the desire to sell them. The readers of The Express have the money and the desire to buy. The connecting lir i: ia ailverUs!ne_ Give the people the good news of new things at advantageous prices. They look to you for this "store news" and will respond to your messages. Let us show you that "An Advertisment is an Invitation" Everything in Printing The Express is equipped to do your printing in the newest styles--let us supply your next order of: Financial Statements Letter Circulars Letter Heads Note Heads Bill Heads Statements Catalogues Pamphlets Envelopes Blotters Sale Bills Posters Tags etc. Our Motto: "Service and Quality" We will compete with city price on large quantities! THE COLBORNE EXPRESS Phone 44