THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., NOV. 17, 1938 Football Terms If You Want to Be Able to Enjoy A Good Game, You Should Know What Some of The Terms Mean For those people who like going to football games, even though the amount of their knowledge of the game is rather vague and sketchy, the following pointers by Joan Durham may be a help in following the game with even keener enjoyment. There are three chief ways of scoring -- the touchdown, the field goal and the extra point. The touchdown is made when a player carries the ball or receives a pass across the goal line. It counts five. After making a touchdown, a team gets one try to score an extra point, which counts one. The point is made by kicking the ball over the crossbar, by carrying the ball over the goal line, or by catching a forward pass over the goal line. A field goal is made when a player kicks the ball over the crossbars. It scores three. Water Erosion Destroys Soil Evidences of Destruction Are Seen On Nearly Every Cultivated Sloping Land in Canada While the extent of the damage done to cultivated soils in Canada by water erosion is not as yet sufficiently apparent to arouse public opinion, there is clear evidence that a considerable amount of damage has been done by this agency of destruction states Dr. A. Leahey, Division of Field Husbandry, Central Experimental Farm. "It is not exaggerating the case to state that on nearly all sloping cultivated land in this country, soil erosion by water has taken place. In some districts the appearance of yellow clay or gravel spots, the stunted and sparse vegetation on the knolls, the occasional presence of gullies, are unmistakable evidences of its destructive presence. "The common farm practice of cultivating and seeding land up and down the slope, is one of the leading causes of soil erosion by water. Therefore, the first step that Bhould be taken in controlling or prventing washing away of the soil is to avoid this practice by cultivating the crops across the slope, or on the contour of the land. Tropical fruits a in Iceland by util springs. Irish Army Riders Will Compete At "Royal" rriving to take part in the International Horse Show at Mad:son - Gardens, New York, members of the Irish army riding team are y welcomed to this continent. Tne Irisn team will be among competing at the Royal Winter Fair m Toronto this month. Grading Canadian Dressed Poultry New Regulations Call For Distinction to Be Made Before Preparing for Market Under the new regulations respecting the grading and marking of dressed poultry in Canada, issued by Order in Council 14th of September, 1938, the kinds, sub-kinds, and grades of the Canadian Dressed Poultry Standards are as follows: -- Chickens -- squab broilers, broilers, fryers, roasters, poulards, capons, stags. Fowl -- hens, roosters. Turkeys -- young hens, young toms, old hens, old toms. Ducks--Ducklings, ducks. Geese -- goslings, geese. Pigeons -- squab pigeons. Guineas -- guinea chickens, guin- The kinds fo poultry outlined in the Canadian Dressed Poultry Standards include both sexes and no distinction is made between the breeds. According to the definitions of the kinds and sub-kinds, chickens, ducklings, goslings, young turkeys and guinea chickens are all young birds with soft flexible cartilage at the posterior end of the breastbone or keel. They are birds that are prepared for market and killed at or before maturity, and before they are used for breeding Let this overwhelming preference for'blue coal'--the world's fittest anthracite--be your guide to better heating, 'blue coal wi11 give: you a standard of heating satisfaction and value that ha;; won the confidence of over 100,000 Canadian homeowners. Order a ton of 'blue coerf' today the 'blue Ask your 'blue coal' dealer also coal' Heat Regulator which pro heat with your present equipm ides lue coa 1% THE MODERN FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT Two casual golf acquaintances were walking towards the green when they sighted two women coming over the hill. "Here comes my wife with some old hag she's picked up somewhere," said one of them. "And here comes mine with another," retorted the other, icily. Jasper: "Why do you want a rubber plant in your gar- It's after the tenants move out that the landlord sees the handwriting on the wall. .elf." If placed end to end, the hairs grown by the average man in one year would equal 7,604 feet, we learn. The trick, of course, is to get them to grow end to end. Goofus -- "They say the king of Denmark lives a regular dog's life." Rufus--"Of course; he's a great Dane, isn't he?" When Bliss Is Blister "If ignorance is bliss," said she to him, "well then, my boy, you'd better get your life insured, you're apt to die of joy." « Brown--"I haven't seen your son for years. He seemed quite a promising fellow." Jones--"Too much so. He's been sued twice for breach of promise." Claim to the title of world's record snuff-taker is made by a tailor in Apoldo, near Weimar, in Central Germany. In the 65 years of his life, the man says, he has used 770 -pounds of snuff and is still going strong. INVENTIONS WANTED Mystery Monster The skeleton of a "mystery" Arctic monster has been found west of Jameson Land, in East Greenland, by a Danish Arctic Expedition. It is well preserved, and is evidently that of a mammal of the same period as the dinosaur, the prehistoric reptile. Remains of dinosaurs have been found widely distributed over both the Old and the New World. This latest discovery should throw fresh light on the emergence of mammals and on the vague border-line betwei reptiles. What Science * Is Doing * CALCIUM DIET FOR LONG LIFE A new secret of long life--that it depends partly on the calcium your ancestors ate -- was announced to the U. S. Academy of Sciences last week. If a family is fed a rich calcium, diet, the results add up in the second and later generations. The amount of calcium in the descendants^ is increased. They live longer. JAWS AND DEAFNESS The American Society for the Hard of Hearing learned last week that many cases of deafness are caused by abnormal relations ber tween the jaws. Repositioning of the jaws, it was said, often would entirely eliminate deafness. TO CURE DRUG ADDICTS A hypodermic in the spine to make the cure of drug addicts easy and painless is reported. The hypodermic is an anaesthetic causing "nerve block," a form of anaesthesia often used in surgery to render a portion of the body insensible to pain. This sort of nerve block frees narcotic addicts during their first few days of abstention from the nervous shock, excitement and mental upsets that accompany withdrawal of morphine. WHEN ATOMS EXPLODE The extent to which we are affected by powerful unseen forces is indicated by studies made on the cosmic rays at the University of Manchester, England. They have detected atomic explosions which spread their debris over a span of fifteen feet, and there are indications that the effects cover greater areas. They estimate that the total energy release in one of the atomic explosions observed reached as high as 10,000,000,000,-000,000 electron volts. EYES, ELECTRIC BATTERIES Human eyes are powerful electric batteries. This discovery, showng that each eyeball is an independent battery, was announced last week by a Yale University psychologist. Each eye produces a current averaging 1-1,000-volt, an electrical energy equal to that of the heart beats which make the recordings of electrocardiographs. Numerous eyes, Dr. Miles found, average l-400th volt; one gave 2-100 volt. ^BRINGS INSTANT EASE Classified Advertising Ontarioy N APRONS IIY MAI APRONS FOR BIG WOMEN, THREE Needfecraft °Guild?1 X'TOHOHILK REI'A .shock Absorbers ANDREWS' HAIR DRESSING ACA demy Course reduced one third 1 first six students enrolling to corr plete Fall Class. Free catalogu HIGH BLOOD 1'RESSURE--WRITE for free booklet and full particulars regarding our amazingly suc- t TO EVERY INVENTOR, nventions and full infor-nt free. The Ramsay Com- LEARN COMMERCIAL TELEGRA- QUIT TOBACCO. SNUFF, QX'ILT REMNANTS TAMMERtNG STAMMERING CORRECTED, HELP-ful booklet giving full information. Write today. W. Dennison, 150 Manfr., 855 Bay St., Temporary Maps The Edward Stanford Company, London, England, has just issued a new edition of their map of Central Europe showing the areas recently transferred from Czechoslovakia to Germany. They have added an explanation that a new map will be published as soon as possible showing the cessions to Poland and Hungary and the final Czech-German frontier. PHOLSTERING / LYONS TRADE-IN DEPT. 478 Yonge St., Toronto Every article i marked o._____ We must have floor space re-ess of cost. Every piece is re-tioned , guaranteed absolutely and sold under a definite mon-iek guarantee of satisfaction. bedroom suite, dresser, hiffonier, bed, spring, "erfect. a walnut $79 VX\ „.. and brand new mattress. Perfect, chiffonier, spring a $65 Errors, "die $39 a hiffonier, vanity, bed, ttress. Like new. uite in rich walnut finish, dresser, chiffonier, van- *4 QC DP. Large assortment dre; tyH.VO gerSi vanities, chiffonie: and beds in walnut and enamel fii *oV Oak dining room suite, buffe **^* extension table and 6 leathc upholstered chairs in real leather. *AS Beautiful oak suite, buffe •r**° china cabinet, extension tab and 6 leather upholstered chairs. *KO English oak suite, buffet, ei "P«J» tension table, china cabin, and 6 leather upholstered chair Perfect. $67 cabin* *7Q Solid walnut suite. Buffet, and 6 leather upholstered chairs. *OK Large walnut suite. Buffet, and 6 leather seat chairs. 410/1 Beautiful large walnut suite. V1*^* Buffet, china cabinet, extension table and C chairs with upholstered backs nnd spring seats in blue mohair. Cost new $450. Completely refinished like new. 4^7 erfl Chesterfield suite, 3 pieces, $0/.DU upholstered in brown mohair, reversible Marshall spring cushions. *QC LARGE 3 PIECE SUITE, UP-holstered in real hard-wearing repp, rust shade with figured reversible Marshall spring cushions, (on Smart 3 piece suite in figured V^** velour. reversible Marshall $24 HSR $i4.^ :K; piece Marshall spring Large 3 piece suite, upholster-lish tapestry. Mar-Wons. Thoroughly t of single ehester- ■onditi 1 thoi fables!" S2.95; Rugs, ii" x il at $6.93. BUY WITH COMFIDEXt E All merchandise sold with a posi- LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT. 478 Yonge St., Toronto THIS FRAGRANT SLOW-BURNING DIXIE SAVES MONEY F0RY0U/j^ DIXIE PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO BOYS' TOWN 1--A New Inhabitant "Me? I'll wind up at Alcalraz." The settlement that is called Boys Town, is the dream come true of Father Flanagan (Spencer Tracy). A refuge for homeless boys, it is run like a e.ty, with a Mayor elected from among the lads themselves. One day, Joe Marsh, notorious gangster, sends for Father Flanagan. He has a brother, Whitey. (Mickey Rooney) whom he wants taken v.-ito Boys Town and brought up properly. "Money doesn't grow on trees, Father. Father Flanagan is on his way to Whitey's hangout when he runs into his good friend, David Morris (Henry Hull) the man who has helped him finance the home. Morris warns Father Flanagan that unless some donations come in very soon, the whole project will fail. But Father Flanagan doesn't worry. The settlement has flourished since it was started and somehow, he will keep it going. 'Slop being a kid, Whitey." Entering the boarding-house room where Whitey lives, Father Flanagan looks at the occupants in grim despair. They are all "toughies," smoking, forced to take him by the scruff of the neck and knock some sense into him. Belligerently, Whitey packs and goes along with him. "Hello, Mr. Boy. I'm Pee-wee." Reaching Boys Town Whitey stares at the well-arranged buildings. Despite himself, he is impressed. Aloud, however, he expresses his opinions in terms of eontempt. At the outer gate, a six-year-old little fellow greets him. He is Pee-wee (Bobs Watson) Father Flanagan's pet. Whitey is scornful. Kids! He'll leave the first chance he gets. Read the fiext exciting episode.