THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, ONT., DEC. 8, 1938 A newspaper corresponds Hollywood was heartily sick of his job. He decided to take a holiday, and when someone asked him where he was going, he replied: "I'm going to paste a big picture of Clark Gable on the outside of the car and drive until someone asks, 'Who's that?' That's where I'm stopping." "Wasn't it? When she threw the axe at me I thought I'd split." "Well, did you get any surprise present for your birthday?" "Yes, rather. I got a book from Bill I lent you last year." "Brown hasn't had his hair cut for ten years." "He must be mad." "No, only bald." "Why on earth do they make so much fuss of that singer, Miss Smith? Miss Jones has a much richer voice." "Yes, but Miss Smith has a much richer father." A genius is a young man who can get through the whole summer without getting a severe sunburn, a case of poison ivy, a job or writing silly letters to the girl he just met. Sunday School Teacher--What is the difference between cherubim and the seraphim ? Silence followed. No one seemed to know. Suddenly a little hand went up. When a person begins to tell white lies, it isn't long before he becomes color-blind. News From Northern Mining Camps How Can !? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. Ho* can I make bro mops-last longer? A. Don't let the broom.-, and mops stand on thei: bristles, and strings. Bor a through the handle of ea :h, the far end, and insert the en a wire in each end of this forming a loop for handling. Q. How can I avoid an awk and messy job when melting c late? A. Place the chocolate on a of raxed paper and allow r to by mtting it over the top of a tag tea kettle. The chocolate ■ : run off the waxed pap Q. How can I clean and p silv >r? A Sprinkle a little carbona i to a damp cloth and thoio-jghly. Then wipe well a d y chamois. Q How can 1 remove va f.-o: l fabrics? A Saturate with turpentine, htal between the hands, and si o g? with alcohol. i I 1 call, CDOkies, and candy. Q. How can I remove spi light kid shoes? 1 Rub the spots with a; Interest of the week centred on news of a new find reported .n Montbray township, Quebec. The find is a few miles to the northwest of the location of excitement some years ago when Robb Monthly made a rich ore discovery. Engineer A. H. Stewart, acting for Rouyn Reward Mines, has increased its holdings in the section to over one thousand acres. The already important looking showing is being opened up. Scouts for the Dig companies are moving into the area. FRANCOEUR officially reports new ore developments. Aldermac Copper, also under MacAlpine management, has a new copper-pyrite ore zone. MARTIN BIRD officially Confirms its important new ore to the east of any previous development. Kerr Addison ihows constant expansion. Wright Hargreaves proves that the ores of Kirkland Lake go to great depth, with rich ores reported below six thousand feet. Preston East Dome's new 300 ion mill is expected to handle close to 400 tons daily, with grade of SI7. Milling is expected to commence in February. OFFICIAL CONFIRMATION comes from the Pioneer mine of British Columbia that the Orpit Company, owning over 2,000 acres in Southwest Porcupine, is to have the backing of the British Columbia Co. in a deal involving control of the Orpit Company. IN THE LITTLE LONG lAC camp Hardrock, Macleod rjockshutt and Bankfield show :onstant development expansion. WEATHER THREE MONTHS AHEAD Arctic weather forecasts so far in advance they could guide Canadian and United States farmers in their crop planting are predicted by Capt. Clifford MacGregor, explorer and meteorologist, who would recommend the establishment, through international co-operation, of six weather stations all above Canada, north of a latitude of 70 degrees. No meteorological data are collected in this vast area CHEAPER GASOLINE Cheaper gasoline with higher efficiency will soon be produced for motorists by means of the Houdry catalytic process for refining the crude oil. It will bring a saving to motorists, because the process makes it possible for a return up to 80 per cent, in gallons of gasoline from each barrel of crude oil, compared with an average return under today's refining process of 44 per METAL THAT "SHIVERS" A new magnetic metal that can "shiver" and turn on the heat was announced last week at the Bat-telle Institute, Columbus, O. The shivering of this metal in losing its magnetism. It be made to do this aLany tem-aturo from 150 below zero to 3 possible use of mag-ew alloy for numerous introls. Losing or re-magnetism, they oper- t it off when the MARS COMING CLOSER Don't be alarmed, but Mars getting closer to the earth ev WAITING FOR YOU! Issue No. 50--'38 " can send thousands screaming into the streets. By next July 27 it will be practically upon us--only 36,-000,000 miles away. MENDING BROKEN NECKS A new method of healing broken necks by boring holes in the skull and attaching wires through them to pull the head has been found successful. The device is designed to pull apart the broken fragments of the backbone until they have time to heal. It makes the wearing of a plaster collar unnecessary until late in the mending process. The BOOK SHELF] \ By ELIZABETH EEDY I "ALL THIS AND HEAVEN TOO" By Rachel Field Here unrolls the strange, true story of Henriette Deluzy Des-portes, the author's great-aunt. It is a fascinating tale of murder mixed with everyday life. Suspected of having helped to kill the Duchess de Praslin, her mistress, Henriette leaves the Paris household she has served for several years, comes to the New World to seek--and find -- peace and refuge from danger and This is a powerfully written book, in which the author has given us a series of highly impressive pen pictures of those stirring and strenuous times in France during the age of Louis Philippe. "AH Thi. and Heaven Too," by. Rachel Field .... Toronto: Mac-millan Company of Canada .... $2.75. Daisy, an old cart horse at Old Windsor, Eng., and a favorite with the children, went on a rampage the other day and ended up in a ditch with the cart on top of her. A wasp had stung her muzzle. Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. When introducing two persons should one repeat each name, such as; "Mr. White, this is Mr. Black. Mr. Black, Mr. White"? 2. What should a girl wear to a dance when she does not know whether she should wear an evening dress or not? 3. When eating soup, should a person lower his head slightly towards the spoon? 4. When stopping to speak to a woman of his acquaintance, what hand should a man use to take off his hat? 5. If the host at a Thanksgiving dinner is short of stature, is it all right for him to stand while he carves the turkey? 6. At a wedding reception, who usually proposes the toast to the bride and bridegroom? Answers Any suchthis 1. It isn't necessary to repeat the names. Any such repetition is usually tiresome. 2. The best plan would be for her to ask her escort. 3. No; the body should be bent slightly forward, but the head should not be dropped. 4. His left hknd, leaving the right free to shake hands if the woman should offer her hand. Or, he may take it off with his right hand and transfer it to the left. 5. Yes. This is far preferable to keeping his seat and going about the task awkwardly, and probably with a mishap. 6. The best man. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all-inclusive Canadian National Railways System for the week ending Nov. 21, 1938, were ....$3,810,813 as compared with ........ 3,757,463 for the corresponding period of 1937, an increase of ...................... Gangsters Try Police Exams. Marseilles gangsters recently sat at an examination held in Toulon to recruit 40 men as police inspectors. They all passed. They handed in by far the best papers. These gangsters would now be police officers if a rival gang had not heard of the plan and revealed the facts to a high authority. INVENTIONS WANTED successfully sell- DO YOU PREFER PENNY STOCKS? In previous depressions large profits have been made by purchase of low-priced shares. " ' We suggest the following: W1LTSEY COUGHLAN PELANGIO ROUYN REWARD ASHLEY MARTIN BIRD WOCO BOBJO BARBER LARDER ORPIT , LAR-ADD CHEMINIS INQUIRIES INVITED: G. FIRTH -- 200 BAY ST. - TORONTO Britons Keep Bomb Shelters In Spite of the Passing of the Czech Crisis, They Are Preserving Them "For Future Contingencies" Since the passing of the Czechoslovak crisis householders and institutions have been showering the British War Office and the A.P.P. with inquiries as to what should be done with the bomb-proof shelters recently dug and constructed. The War Office has remained silent, but the A.R.P. in a brief circular advises that they he preserved "whenever convenient, for future contingencies." How it is possible to do this, Alfred Herbert shows in The London Times, with text and diagram. These in terms of A, B, C, D show the trench, the soil covering it, the surplus soil used to fill in the space between the trench to a uniform level and the line of the new turf over all. In this way he has preserved for "future contingencies" his trenches at Coventry, while continuing to play all sorts of games on the new soil above. ^Etching TORTURE In A Minute For quick relief from the itching of eczema, blotohej, pimples, athlete's foot, Kales, rashes and other akin eruptions, apply Dr. Dennis* pure, cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION, Its gentle ofif soothe the irritated skin. Clear) greaseless and stainless-dries fast. Stops the most intense Itching instantly. A 35o trial bottle, at drug Btorw, proves It-- wmoneyback. AskforD. D.D.PRESCRIPTION. 28 Registration figures at University of Saskatchewai this year topped the 1937 total by nearly 100. Students this year total 1, 230, compared witn .1,143 a year ago. GET A LOAD OF THIS, SANTA CLAUSI tobacc 1 for their who "rol Ogden's Fine Cut is c really smoother and more fragrant cigarette at rolls them cool and sweet and satisfying every time. A lb. tin of Ogden's with "Vogue" or "Chanfecler" papers--man, that's the gift of gifts for every "roll your Vz lb. tin 75/ I in a jolly Christmas Wrapper OGDEN'S Classified Advertising PERSONAL, BE YOUR OWN BOSS, GET A JITO products. November, De- ' Ltd., 1031 Dor- AGEXTS--SELL MEN'S NECKTIES Vonge St. AUTOMOBIL] FARM IMPLEMENTS KM KXT.S--CAN GIVE shellers. roller Prices lowest in Canada. Have few demonstrating: machines bat-sain prices Will sell farmers ■ Life r.Klg., Tor . Ki:i: - K10K. milli. l'OUR OWN RAW FURS WANTED FOR H1GH-est market prices. Prompt returns. A.' "jones.S Vjjs Talbot Street, St. >FFEK TO EVERY INVENTOR. YOU WANT AN AFFECTlON-is romantic sweetheart, with Mary Lee, 445-0, MARRY--WOULD YOU MARRY IF suited? Hundreds to choose from. Some with means. Many farmers' daughters and widows with pro- PHOTOGRAPHY ONE ENLARGEMENT, 8 GLOSSY prints with roll developed 25c. Pho-toart Service, Drawer 809. Trenton, POTATO BAGS l'OTATO BAGS FOR SALE 2%e LYONS CLEARANCE SALE RECOXDITIO-VRI) II I!.. . i I We must dispose c " ' r..•<•>.mliti 'lied fin 85 l:neifS t^v(ofPi" oughly clean. Priced from $9.5(1 up. 39 Dining Room Suites in oak, 09 walnut and birch, all nine LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Yonge St., Toronto BOYS TOWN V-"NoSquawkin'P "You'll listen!" Whitey is badly beaten in the gym fight by Fred. Humiliated, he goes around with a chip on his shoulder, putting all his hopes on the election. To anyone who refuses to listen to his pompous orations, he offers insults. But election day arrives and he finds, to his surprise and horror that he has polled just one vote--Pee-wee's. Furious, he packs his bag and makes for the road. "A lousy joint." "I didn't mean it. Say something, Pee-wee." "Pee-wee, lad, Vtt keep the candy on tap." Suddenly, Whitey hears someone calling to him. It is Pee-wee, following him down the road. The little fellow begs him not to go but Whitey tells him to scram. Blinded by tears, Pee-wee moves away and fails to see an approaching car. There is a horrible squeal of brakes and then all at once, there is Pee-wee's unconscious figure in the road. Sobbing* Whitey picks him up. A few moments later, Father Flanagan comes running down the hill with some of the boys. They all gather around Whitey, feeling that the accident is his fault. He hangs around for a while, trying to get into Pee-wee's hospital room but no one except Father Flanagan is allowed there. Now Whitey feels that there is no place in Boys Town for him. He starts off down the road. Listen kid. Remember. No squawking Whitey is walking about aimlessly in the night. Suddenly, he hears a noise. A bank is being held upl The bandits dart out of the building and to Whitey's amazement, one of them is his older brother Joe. H« calls out and suddenly one of the other gangsters fires. Whitey falls to the ground writhing, a bullet in his leg. Don't miss reading the powerful concluding J.