THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25th, 1937 Page Five THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every -Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance; $2.E0 to U.S.A. Transient advertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 centa per line for jach additional insertion. Business card* not exceed ing one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. MEDICAL Or.W. PORTE MARSHALL, Physician and Surgeon, King Street, Colborne. Telephone 71. OR. E. J. GAR FAT, Dentist, has taken over the office formerly occupied by Dr. Campbell, Fowler Block, Colborne, Ont. 37-81 GEO. A. GROVER, K.C., Barrister & Solicitor, 371 Bay Street, Toronto. Phone Adelaide 3815. A. D. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, stc. Office, King Street, residence. Division Street, Colborne, Ontario. 116-34 "RANK L. WEBB, B.A., LL.B., K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &c, 414 Bay Street, Toronto. At Colborne on Saturdays and Court Days. INSURANCE 6. E. R. WILSON, General Insuracne and Real Estate Agent, Money to Loan at a to 6 per cent. Office Brunswick Block, Colborne, Ontario, Phones--Office 10, residence 13. MARRIAGE LICENSES AUCTIONEERS AUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE BROKER. The undersigned is an experienced auctioneer -- pays for the clerk, pays for the advertising, and guarantees a satisfactory sale or positively no pay. Sales conducted anywhere in the Province. Pure tred stock sales a specialty. Phone at my expense. ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton, Ontario. Phone No. 10r23. OSCAR C. MORGAN Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker BRIGHTON P.O. Box 288. Phone 246. The Up-Town Mill Boss Laying Mash, 20%, per cwt..................... $2.50 Robin Hood Flour, bag $3.90 Order Your Corn Now Oil Cake, per cwt..... $2.50 Special price on Ton lots Bran and Shorts AT CLOSE PRICES Grinding a Specialty A trial will convince you J. F. Haynes&Son DUNDONALD February 23rd, 19$fl Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mutton, Qp-borne, visited Ml VERNON VILLE Dunn Sundi Miss Marjorie Dundonald Schoc No school for a HELP WANTED MAN WANTED for farm work. Good wages. Yearly employment for satisfactory party. Apply at Express Printing Office. EXPERIENCED AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER and Real Estate Broker. " Convincingly lowest rates for thorough service. Phone 78r23. S. E. ROBINSON, Colborne R.R. 3, Ontario. E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - Ontario Say or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 111 - - Colborne J. BLACKLOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Cal s Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON M-CRACKEN & McARTHUR FUNERAL Ji RECTORS ELDEN"WcFAYDEN n6-36 13-1 : :.::arn BRUNSWICK. HOTEL Coll urne First-Class Mea's rd Accommodation Give us a ca I mtten in Colborne i. F. WOLFRAilV - Proprietor BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, etc. CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON Colborne, R. R. 2 Phone--Cast e con 19r3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Farms ranging frcm 3 acres up Prices Reasonable Also Woodland, "own and Village Property. /-ill exchange In S. E. ROBINSON Reai Estate Dea ler and Auctioneer Phone 78r23, Colborne B. J. WALLER ELECTRICAL SERVICE HOUftSWIRtfIC and REPAIRS Electrical Appliances Repaired REASONABLE PRICES Phone 66 COLBORNE FOR SALE OR TO RENT FOR F:ENT or FOP SALE terms. Part of Lakebourne Farms, beings Lots 15, 16 and 17, broken front and 30 acres of Lot 16 and half Lot 17^ Concession 1, Township of Cramahe, about 213 acres. Located on Lake front about 1 mile south of No. 2 Highway between Colborne and Brighton. Good brick house and frame barn; also frame house. Part of Lake Front subdivided for sale of Lots for summer cottages, balance well adapted for (fruit and tomatoes. W)rite Mr. Ralph, The Canada Trust Company, London, Ontario. f25 the we.-keibd ; home of her sister, Mrs. Join scken, Colborne. and Mrs. Clayton Dudley aid Mrs. C. Dudley returned home «u Sunday, after spending three weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Philip Grosjean. Wicklow. The flu is still raging in this neighbourhood, scarcely a family without a member ill and in some instances whole families sick at one time. Mrs. D. McDonald suffered a severe heart attack on Sunday, necessitating medical aid. Miss. Ethel McDonald has also been very ill with "flu" Mrs. Walter Pearson is assisting in the care of her sister, Mr?. Blake Perry, who is very ill with pne imonia at her home at Presl Our neighbour to the west, TeL Walker was taken to Cobourg Qem H spital on Saturday. , 19.37 Mr. and M >d hon - Cornel and r lid hav< FARM of 100 acres, Township of Cramahe, good buildings and well watered. Apply to F. P. Strong, ■Coilorne, Ont. sl7U OATS and CORN CARLOAD OF OATS, No. 2 C.W., re •.leaned. Also corload of Argentine Corn, to arrive shortly. Book your orders now. H. C. Alexander, Smithfield, Brighton R.R.2. Phone 91rl3. fl8x On Sunday morning, Rev. strong, Pastor, gave an in address in Eden Church on and works of Dwight L. Mo great evangelist, whose one : anniversary is being celebral Mr. Elton Goodrich is re from the "flu" and is aroun though far from well. He a Goodrich have been caring and Mrs. Claude Goodrich am who have all been sick. Gerald, infant son of Mr. and Mri George Branscombe (Bernice Cha^ man) passed away with pne on Sunday, February 21st, 1987. Tb funeral service took place Tues" afternoon, at the home of Mr. Mrs. Milton Branscombe, at TJ Neighbourhood. Mr. and Mr. Bra sombe have the sympathy cf all the loss of their beloved child. Mrs. Calnan visited friends in Colborne last Sunday. Mrs. M. Calnan visited friends in Colborne last Sunday. The Mission Band met in the Church here on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Darling are visiting her sister at Norwood. The Mission Band met in the Church here on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Woodruff visited her parents' home on Sunday. Miss M. McGregor visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fitchett on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Darling entertained visitors from Norwood on Sunday. Mrs. Reuben Ament spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Edwood Edwards Mrs. Reuben Ament spent Saturday with her sister. Mrs. Elwood Edwards. Mr. Willie Harnden is quite sick at present. We hope for his speedy recovery. Mr. Willie Harnden is quite sick at present. We hope for his speedy BTy. Messrs. George and Wallace Rowe spent the weekend with their brother Miss Isobel Harnden spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harnden. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cuffe spent ai [few days at Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kowey's this week. Mr. George Rowe has been quite Sill again this weeV and taking treatment from Dr. McGlennon. We are sorry to learn Miss Albina Jarvis met with a painful accident while skating, requiring the doctor's attendance. Lieut. C. S. Rutherford, V.C., went to Toronto on Tuesday to take up his duties as Seargent-at-Arms at the Legislature. •.....does he ? Sure you "get along", Mr. Brown, and you could get along without a lot of other things, too. Your car, for instance, and that shiny tractor over there. And lots of others. But your idea isn't just to "get along", now is it, Mr. Brown? You invested money in those other things because they give you good return, either in money, comfort or enjoyment. And so, Mr. Brown, since you haven't a telephone, you're missing a bet! It will give you maximum return in money, comfort and enjoyment. Drop into our nearest office. They'll tell you more about it! Nothing yields so much For what it costs as the TELEPH ONE ARTICLES WANTED B'lGGY--Steel-tired open buggy, in good condition. Apply to S. Joice, Coiborne R. R. 5. f4x POULTRY FOR SALE If you have something to sell at a price others are willing to pay, a classified advt. InTke Express will sell it. F!RED ROCK COCKERELS--A few kotoe, leg banded and blood tested y O. A. C. experts, at |2.00 each. Jot banded nor blood tested, from I. O. B. stock, $1.50 each. Also matching Eggs and Baby Chicke rem O. B. S. stock. ARNOLD '( OLE, Castleton. Phone: Castle-:>n 10r23. j28 FOR SALE HOUSE--Formerly known as Mrs. i:.amons's, Norton Strtet, Colborne. Entirely remodelled and redecorat-e within. Hardwood floors. New electric wirng and plumbing. Complete bath room and running water. Heated by stove or furnace. Drawers. Woodshed. Summei kitchen. $1400.00 Apply at the premises. J. L. Rimmington. f4-ll-18 HOUSE FOR SALE Dundonald Y. P. U. Eden United Church Y. P. U. met for their weekly meeting on Tuesday. "What a friend we have in Jesus," was sung, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Scripture reading hy Vera Chapman, and prayer by Rev. Armstrong. Minutes read and adopted. Next meeting will beb in charge of the Christian Culture group, under the leadership of Mrs. Earl Irwin. After singing "I am Thine, O LordJ" Miss Mae Mutton took charge and the following programme was given: Topic--"The Charm of the English Bible," by J. Bird. Orchestra Selection. , Reading--"Widow Green's Last j Word., by Mary Broomfield. - '~T Mouth Organ Selection--'Lloyd ' I ' Chapman. A most interesting address by Rev. A. Armstrong on "The life and success of Timothy Eaton." A contest, conducted by Kenneth Mut Meeting closed Faith Looks Up t< Mizpah Benediction by LAKEPORT February 23rd, 193T VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY-- Modern conveniences, $1600.00; also ;.ker propertes? both farm and residential, at sacrifice prices to realize on mortgages and close out estates. These are all offered at low prices to make quick sales. 1 pply to A. D. HALL, Golborne. Ontario. al3tf Carbon Monoxide Conscious At this season of the year it would be advisable to draw the following which is cribbed from 'Health News," to the attention of your motor vehicle operators:--■ 1. Always drive with at least one window partly open With the "no draft" system of ventilation a partial vacuum is developed inside the car which tends to suck air from under the hood.'Such cars need more than one window open. 2. On long trips drive fifty-five of any hour, then get out of stretch and exercise for five In the long run, this "lost" can be easily made up v.4rile the ride^ itself will be more enjoyable and safer. - Close aperatures in the floor boards. 4. A periodical inspection of the exhaust system is good insurance. A new gasket is cheaper than a 5. Become carbon monoxide conscious. j A tribute to the high quality of I Canadian cheese is contained in the grading statistics for the year 1936. Out of the 1.251.609 packages graded during that year. 95.52 per cent was Grade 1. Well, here's hoping the fruit ( prosperity will be something besid a lemon. 3%* W. S. BELL Jewellery Repaired Watches & Clocks Reasonable Still in the same place 1 Door East of P.O., Up Stairs Colborne A legal Investment for Trust Funds Unconditionally Guaranteed Toronto motorist who failed to take a curve in a Brantford road, rammed a house with disastrous results. So far It has not been reported that he was blinded with the lights of an oncoming car. FARMS TO RENT FARM TO RENT about one mile south of Colborne, on lakeshore, containing about eighty acres. Good buildings for summer and winter Late tenant, George Ives. Apply to G E. R. Wilson, Colborne. d5tf Warner on Sunday. The Ladies' Aid of St Anglican Church held theii meeting on Thursday last. Mrs, Andy Crawford and family of Toronto spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Irvine. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Irvine and Mrs. Wm. Ames of Toronto spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. and son of By dining on prison fare. Judge Mrs. Bruce'Madden and his counsel show their I determination to get at the facts re-si Peter's warding complaint about the food ser-regularlved in the Guelph Reformatory. STERLING Trusts Corporation STERLING TOWER - TORONTO A. D. HALL Local Representative -- Colborne Bargain Fares February 26-27 *o Windsor U620 Detroit ) ^ Chicago - $9.50 Going: All Trains Feb. 26-27 except train 15 Returning : From Detroit--Last Train 2.55 a.m. March 1 From Chicago--Last Train 11.59 p.m. March 2 Not good on Train 6 from Toronto Consult Agents for Handbill POOL TRAIN SERVICE CANADIAN PACIFIC CANADIAN NATIONAL QUEENS HOTEL COLBORNE Under New Management FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS I at Reasonable Rates GARAGE IN CONNECTION Local Agent for HILL, THE CLEANER, TRENTON FELIX J. MURPHY, Proprietor of "flu." Mrs. Louis VanWicklin and Mrs. Martin of Salem visited at the home of the Misses Nina and Mina Lacey. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. George Branscombe in the death of their young son, Gerald. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Waite and Mr. and Mrs. Van Waitte recently visited the former's brother-in-laiw, Mr. J. C. Scripture, Colborne. Tinsmithing and Plumbing Complete Line of STOVES AND FURNACES STOVE PIPES AND ELBOWS Stoves to be sold on Easv Payment plan. Call and get terms. A. B. MULHALL Ireland Block, King St., Colborn-PHONE 152 Grafton in Darkness When Car Breaks Pole Grafton village was without light for three hours on Saturday night, the result of a Hydro pole being knocked <lown by a car which, police state, was driven by Gordon C. Hunter, of 118 Snowden Avenue. Toronto. It is sta'ed that Hunter was rounding a curve east of Grafton and failing to make the bend collided with the Hfydro pfole. The car was badjy damaged, but the driver and his wife escaped with only a shaking up. Provincial Constable Fred Blucher of Ool'horne, investigated. A dictator is the man who doesn': ant the world with a fence aroun I :. In an emergency, he can ntil later for the fence. Another British Social Credit expert has quit the Alberta scene, with the comment that Premier Aberhart's Government is merely "a vacillating machine which operates in stops, starts and reversals." This is about the briefest and best criticism that has appeared. I Wild geese are faithful birds, pair s There is such a thing as a hidden remaining mated for tax, but it's nearly an impossibility - to successfully hide from a tax. J Butter Wrappers at Express Offlcs Because of their mineral content Canadian fish foods are health builders as well as strength builders. WE NEED YOUR HELP-THIS YEAR! EVERY YEAR! Needy children from all over the Province are treated regardless of race, creed or financial circumstance. This policy has been continued for over 60 years In the firm belief that everyone who understands the facts would want this great work to continue . . . would agree that no Ontario child should be denied a chance for health or escape from deformity If mere money makes the difference. Over 95% of our beds arc in Public Ward*. The Hospital receives no support from Ac Toronto Federation for Community Service because patients arc accepted from all parts of the Province. We must therefore appeal to a humane and generous public to take care of an annual deficit ... this year It is $08,000.00. • Please mail a donation to the Appeal Secretary, 67 College Street, Toronto. The thanhe of little children will be your reward. The Hospital for Sick Children