THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, COLBORNE, [THURSDAY, MARCH 4th, 1937 Gardening Bv GORDON L. SMITH ARTICLE NO. 2 Informal planting, say the experts, is tbe most suitable for the average flower garden. True, it is possible with very large grounds and skilled help to do something with straight, dignified rows and borders. But in the average case planting irregularly in clumps will produce tbe most pleasing effects. Such planting too, will add an air of spaciousness, giving even tiny backyard gardens the appearance of much larger affairs. Set Off By A Lawn Where at all possible there should be a bit of a lawn in the foreground with an irregularly shaped bed of Cowers .trounc" the edges and, possibly, groups of shrubs set at the corners. Screening of harsh, straight lines about the house and drives with clumps of flowers and shrubs and an occasional trailing vine ever verandahs or garages will bring the whole thing together It will give the home the appearance of being part of the landscape rather than some rigid affair sticking out of the earth. Vegetable Rows Straight Vegetables on the other hand, should be planted in straight rows, But here, too, a little planning will he! p. There are a great many new varieties now available in Canada and by the liber;.1 uso of some of these newer things, and by adopting the rule to make at least three sowings of each variety a week or ten days apart, production can be - materially increased. The big advantage of the vegetable garden right at the door is freshness, but to get full value in this respect it is important to have a new supply coming along frequently. Therefore, the modern gardener instead of planting all his peas, lettuce, or carrots on the same day, puts some in the first week and more a little later. Turpentine Shortage Twenty years ago the vast londs of the Carolinas Georgias, Alabama and Florida produced millions of gallons of turpentine from their slash-pine forests. In an ignorant effort to prevent fires the forest owners burned over thfi land year after year destroying not only all inl'amabk debris but the yiuug tiers as *eil Tl e m ;vitaDle shortage of >:..v methods of refining the slash-pine seat'h for substitutes, ?nd scient'.<i;s so n perflated the various aiconol-base pain;s now in general use Modern developments in t'.e methods of efining the slash-pine 'ts demand for papergirl1 thiih tile sup-p-ly The Government, therefore is loans to the stricken South-States, and re afforestation is being taken scientifically in hand. In a few years' time, experts predict, pulp, to the value of 100,000,-000 dollars will be produced by the foi\st lands that once produced the nation's turpentine. To Alkalize id Indigesfio Away Fast People Everywhere Are Adopting This Remart.aiu? Phillips" Way The way to gair almost incredibly quick relief, i'r <\ , • • n aril condition arising from o•.•<•! ■■ ldity, is to alka-Ijze^lhe^toma-jl. i ,i.-kly with Phil-Yon take cilln Ivo teaspoons of the liquid Phi,I V after meals; or two Philips' V.i Magnesia Tablets. Almost ins ;!ly "acid indigestion" goes, gas .',!: hypcranditv, "acid-headach. '--from over-indulgence in food moking -- and nausea arc relic" d. You feel made ?; forget you 1 ave a No Substitute For Family Worship Judge McKay. Port Arthur, Gives His Experiences PORT ARTHUR, -- "' words of William E. Gladstone, the great Bri-tisb statesman, who said, "There are ii j great issues. There is but one gri at issue, and that is to get the ♦ruths of the Bible into the hearts of the people" are as applicable today as they were when he uttered them. There is no substitute for family worship in the home." This from Judge John McKay, jun- ior judge of tl Bay, uttered as DisKic-t i l his of 1 cipl-s and ich have, under his lerience, led to the stablishment 1 success of five Presbyterian Sun-r Schools in Port Arthur, "rom the mother church. First ;sbyterian, Cameron Street three ! shot out during the past four trong t i the any arid stoir.-K •• is. Get either the Itctml "Phil.;! ■■" or the remarkable, new Phillijs' Milk of M; imosin Tablets. Only 21 f< - a big box of tablets at drug ALSO IN TABltT I Ml 3sley Park, Jumbo Gardens, Oliver Road and Helen Street sectors of the city in an embrace of the worthwhilt doctrines of Sunday school work. Judge McKay believes there is no substitute for family worship in the home. No adult need have qualms about memorizing and reciting the golden texts. Personal evangelism is most important to a young Christian. It is his opinion that a young Chrisian cannot grow sturdy in religion until he has experienced personal evangelism. He spoke also favourably of a tithing -- the se'ting as'de of a spiritual offering at regular times -- and described the practice as making for a co-partnership with Cod which had ought to be established at an early age. It taught children thrift, too. he Judge McKay said 1 Roger Babson that n the work of the church vith ^Scratching \ m ij other skin < ... f\tatrenSeojbi. np&scni'rWf?. "29 Phillips' E£~ ess _ EAR Oil* $1.25 AUDmofsts, Dissrpn folder as request "a excellent for Temporary Deafness I Bead Noises ilae to oonirestion 1 sed by colds, Ma and swimmine. I A. O. LEONARD, Inc. I 70 Fifth Ave, New York City COLDS Ids: Hear Minard le it. Chest Cole. , Throat: Heat, then^S Real relief . . . quickly! J Exodus of 150.000 Worst of This Age Canadian Doctor Describes Horrors of Malaga Evacuation VALENCIA.--Dr. Norman Bethune, of Montreal, recently described the flight of 150,000 men, women and children from Malaga as "the most terrible evacuation of a city in modern times." Malaga, Southern Span.„a seaport, was captured February S by the insurgents in the Spanish Civil War. Dr. Bethune, head of the Spanish-American Blood Transfusion Institute, said he witnessed'the evacuation during a trip from Barcelona with a truck-load of refrigerated Blood for transfusions. "Imagine 150,000 men, women and children setting out for safety to a town situated more than 100 miles away with only one road to take on a journey requiring five days and five nights at least." he said. "There was no food to be found in the villages and there was no trains or buses to transport them "They staggered and stumbled, with cut and bruised feet, along the white flint road while the Fascists (insurgents) bombed them from the air and from the sea. "There were thousands 0 children. "We counted at least 5,000 under 10 years of age, at least 1,000 of them barefoot and many clad inly in single garments. Become Dense Stream "The incessant stream of peoph became so dense we barely could force our cars through t.i m. "We met so many distressed women and children we decided to turn back and start transporting the worst cas"s to safety. "Bu: it was difficult to choose which "Our car was beseiged by a mob of frantic mothers and fathers who, with tired, outstretched arms, held up to us their children with their faces swollen and congested by four days of sun and dust. "How could we choose between a child dying of dysentery and a mother stolidly watching us with great sunken eyes, carrying against her open breast her child born on the road two days before? "Many old people simply gave up the struggle and laid down beside the road to wait for death. "We first decided to take only children and others. Then the separation of fathers and children, husbands and wives became too cruel to bear. We finished by transporting to Almeria the families with the largest number of children and children without par- "On the evening of the 12th, when the little seaport of Almeria. was com- thought they had reached a hi,en "01 safety, German and Italian airplanes dropped 10 bombs in the very centre of town where efugees were sleeping huddled so closely together on the main street that an automobile could pass only with great difficulty. "After the planes passed I picked up three dead children from the pavement where they had been standing in line waiting for a cup of preserved milk and a handful of dry bread, the only food some of them had for days. "The street was a shambles of dead and dying, lighted only by the orange glare of burning buildings. In the semi-darkness the moans of wounded children and the shrieks of agonized mothers rose in a massed cry h'^her and higher to a pitch of intolerable Women Secretaries Cramp Rosses' Style NEW ORLEANS -- Men soon may turn the tables and replace women as secretaries -- because "a lot of bosses like to swear around the office." Robert Hoppock, assistant director of the National Occupational Conference, told the conference that bosses "don't want women stenographers or secretaries to cramp their style." "It's getting increasingly harder in many cities to find male secretaries and stenographers." Hoppock added. SHE WAS AFRAID TO SHAKE HANDS Rheumatism in Joints Caused Her Intense Pain suffered vilh rheumatisir of the joints especially in my hands, and this caused me intense pain. I was even afraid to shake hands with anyone, for it made me suffer terribly. I began taking Kruschen Salts regularly, and after a little while my pains disappeared completely. I am naturally delighted with Kruschen." -- (Miss) K. The pains and stiffness of rheumatism are frequently caused by deposits of uric acid in tho muscles and joints. The i.tunt-ro,.: salts in Kh,s- and kidneys to healthy, regular ac-help them to get rid cf t::i:< cid. Issue No. 10 -- '37 Motorist (to friend): "How much petrol is in. the tank, Bill?" Bill: "The indicator says "half" but I dont know -v hether it means half full 01 half-empty. Psychology Magistrate: "How can you be so mean as to swindle people who put confidence in you?" Prisoner: "Well, your worship, they n-e the only ones that you can swinde." Sotto Voce Mrs Brown 1 mand her colored cook rather sharply. Tie victim looked daggers but said lothing until she reached tho kitchai, where her voice could be heard in shrill vituperation. So loud becane the clamor that her mistress hurried downstairs. "Wly, Liza," she began n amazement. "Who <■- earth are you talking to?" "Ah ain't taikin' to nobody," was the --»»- but ah don't keer who in __^-->"l heah's me." Two professors were having an argu. ment in an inn. One called out. "Waiter, bring me an encye'opedia." Water, (returning without it): "I am sH-ry sir, we haven't got one in this lotel. But what is it you gents would like to know." The Worst of Jutland The real tea drinker cannot go very long vithout his tea! Alfred Noyes tells 1 delightful story about one of them. During the war lie was writing up important incidents and was assigned to interview sailors right after tlje battle of Jutland. Her found a sailor who had been sent «loft, and had to stay there during the whole engagement with halt-ton shells hurtling past his head. Thinling to get an exciting "story" front him, Mr. Noyes asked him to describe his sensations during those terrifying hours. All the man said was: "Well, of course, I had to mist, my tea!" One Way of Thinking ' The president of a firm of cleaners and renovators held up a garment for his foreman's inspection. said, "and look the other dresses bear me out. Look" -- he turned over a pile and brought several articles of ladies' wear into view -r- "notice how those dresses that were re-colored by the older men are streaked and spotted, while these here" -- he indicated the pile on the left -- "which were done by the yor.nger Laps are perfect." "Ah, yes," said the foreman. "The old fellows have lost their eyesight for such work. I'd get rid of them, bat it's a hard thing for me to do. For some of them have been with us forty years' or more." "I know," remarked the president, "but they must go. Remember, 'Id felloe, that only the young dye good!" Anywhere But -- The- golfer who has paid his club dues, settled for some lessons and bought an entire outfit finds it hard to believe that the game started in Scotland. The Diplomat here p Boarder: "I wish I had come Lai 1 week earlier." fillaily: "That's very flattering %d Building-lip? ^/HEN you feel appetite, or stomach gives trouble, with gas or dys- Medical Discovery. For coughs due to colds try this tonic. ^Pierce's6 Golden Mining properties from Coast Coast known either as producers of base metals or to contain bas-- metal ores received marked stimulation during the past week bv price advances in copper, lead and zinc to new high records for many years. Mining Corporation's important subsidiary, Normetals, formerly Abana, announced financing rights to shareholders at 75 cents a share. With the further announcement that the property would be placed 011 production in July on a 250-ton daily basis, the shares attained a market price of over $3 per share. Mining Corporation will own close to three million Nor-metal shares on the completion of the financing. Mining Corporation is further interested in Base Metals through its large shareholding in Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting and its control of Base Meta. Mining Corporation, with properties in British Columbia. The Company's holdings of gold equities are also substantial. Mining Corporation is conceded to have most able and efficient management. Th' imp< cant development in oil was the listing of the shares of United Oils on the Toronto Stock Exchange. In addition to holdings in Turner Valloy, including a holding immediately adjoining the Foundation well, the Company has extens've holdings in other Alberta oil fields. . Philosophy On Clothes Stated NEW YORK.--Frank Chapman, recently designated one of America's best-dressed men, airily swung his snakewood walking stick with a shark's tooth head and summed up his clothes philosophy, "You've got to wear clothes, so why not enjoy it?" Chapman, who is a singer and sportsman, is the strong, dark and handsome half of "America's best-dressed couple," his beautiful wife, Gladys Swarthout. opera singer and movie actress--who sometimes* buys a suit from the same bolt of cloth he has chosen--has twice been on the New York designers' list of "ten best-dressed women." The secret of her success with husband. His sartorial success hinges on his idea of deriving pleasure and comfort from dress "sjnee you've got robe a certain intrepidity. He dares to wear thin black wool socks, instead of silk, with his dinner clothes. He dares to wear a striped coat and waistcoat with plain trousers, instead of a plain cutaway and striped trousers--and a wine-colored silk gros-gain waistcoat under his dinner jacket, instead of whatever it-is other these by the Merc! Association. He wears w . Taih Design' lis wine-colored silk waistcoat star ruby studs. His dinner clothes are midnight blue. In the coat lapel goes a wine-colored carnation with a matching carnation on his How and blac print, and gay yellow and~fi Offhand, one would think i loud, but : these things. He is not, in general, a loud dres- He is not an extravagant dresser. He believes it is possible for men to dress presentably on $150 a year--if they have a few things to start with. Clinic, Buffalo, N. Y. WAKE UP YOUk LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go noisons eo into the body, and you feel bout. sunk and the world looks punk. A mere bowel movement doesn t always get at the cause. Yon need something thatworks feel "up and up". Harmless andgenUe. they Ske the bile flow freely. They jdo the work of ejilomel but have no calomel or mercury iu SemAsk for Carter's Little Liver PUlsby name! Stubbornly refuse any tains else. Last but not least, his overcoat. It is of wonderfully soft navy blue cashmere--just the kind of coat a lady enjoys when she weeps on a man's shoulder. Canadian Gold Production has consistently improved with the new gold-producing areas developing in Authentic statistics regarding the Canadian Gold Mining Industry and individual operating con-, panles, may be obtained upon request and w!'V..->ut obligation, from our fc'a tisticaI Department Classified Advertising : TO EVERY 1NVENTOH. iBERTSON'S HAlRDRESSi.VG .< Rt.™;" "QUILT PATCHES" i FIVE POUNDS $1.00 DEAUTiFUL Materials: Washfast! ,J ISroa.lcloths! Makes five quilts! FOR BAftfACHE KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLE Stop Getting Uo Nights and Feel Younger „.„. good way to flush ham i'n! waste from kidneys and stop blai der that often scanty, burning and 1 Sa|sk your druggist for a 40-cent box of Gold Medal Haarlem Oil Caps::', s -- a splendid safe and harmless «.!>»'-etic and stimulant for weak kidneys and irritated bladder. Besides getting up nights, some symptoms of kidney trouble are back-a'ehes, puffy eyes, leg cramps, an* moist palms, but be sure to get GOLD MEDAL - it's the genuine me theme for weak kidneys -- right tvom twi-lem in Holland.