Page Four THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, TJHURSPAY, MARCH 18th, 1 CANADA'S FINEST LOW! PRICED CAR! Sales & Service THERE'S W. J. Onyo Phone 122, Colborne P O N T I A C PUBLIC MEETING under the auspices of tht* Liberal-Conservative Club, South-Central Northumberland OPERA HOUSE, COLBORNE Friday, March 19th, 1937 AT 8 O'CLOCK P. M, EARL M. P., Leader of the Liberal-Con servative Party for the Province of Oi rtario SPECIAL MUSIC Ladies Cordially Invited to R. H. TYE, Secretary W. South-Central Northumberland Liberal-Conservative C ROWE This Meeting 1 PORTE MARSHALL, President lub, Colborne GOD SAVE THE; KING! VERNON VILLE .Man .Mr. Bert Belrm , 1937 x> Point Anne. Mr. E. H. Prat';. speir. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kerr. Ranford Salisbury Ummt Tuesday with Cobourg friends. The W. M. S. and tW W. A. met in the vestry on Thursday ,ast. Mr. James Kerr spen: .ast Wednesday afternoon in the Coanty town. Messrs. Ray McBrien arc Wm. Mc-Cart were in Belleville ra Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. McKidet ar-s spending a few weeks at their horn* in Cleve- Mr. Garnet Locke took i load of Hockey fans to Toron: »B Saturday Mrs. Norman Turk en'ertamed some lady friends at a quilt i- a; bee on Friday last. Mr. George Rowe sj: i t t week end with his brother, Mr. Win. Rowe, Brighton. The Y.P.A. held an oid fashionetf box social at the Chmr 11 or Tuesday evening last. We are glad to so* Miss Alovla Jarvis able to be ou; arain after her accident. We a George Burleigh's name addec list at the present time Mr. and Mrs. Bileox have neighbourhood sympathy ir I leir anxiety of -he illness of the-,r y. A number from he-e a'tended the oyster supper in Graft n sponsored by the Men's Club, on T 11.1 r«day night. Mr. and Mrs. Alex W>..|riff. Lake-por-. were dinner air" frit'e guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken 31 <y on Thursday night. Neighborly anxiety s 'Vs.! iwth the friends of Messrs. Will ~>raden and La<iu Thompson, who a-, quite ill at time of writing. , Mr. Nathan Drunnr h is ^ine to St. Michael's Hospital, Tore mo. His many friends wish for him a KMedy recovery to his usual health. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robson of Morganston made «r ml of their friends around hew ha: py when they paid calls rn them on Monday last. Friends of a former - eighbour. Mr. H. S. Coole, will be. .nterested to Imow that he and Hp Coole have moved from the Baltin ore road and taken up residence in Pickering. Mrs. Riley and son of Brookside were in the village on Monday evening. Mrs. Riley calling r>n Mrs. C. B. Turk, who is slowly bur steadily con-valescing from her recent serious 111- In Memory of Howie Morenz The following lines were contributed to the memory of the late Howie Morenz, one of Canada's great Hockey Stars, by a pal of Ross Kerr of Vern-onvil'le. Kerr is one of Morenz's greatest admirers. Old age had not crowned thee v th silver hair--nor had Thy steip known feebleness when i" 9 3reat Coach called thee To eternal games and lasting fields ot ice. On earth thy team mates mouiu Chse -^but From your wide visioned goal, To which thou madst thy last grand Long shalt thou watch them--earth's ties are not riven. There shalt thou help them more, Whispering to them in silence of the Spirit: Play fair, play clean, and thou shalt come to me One of earth's stars, to diadem His heaven In the great arena, that is yet to be. The toughest part about learning 1 the school of experience is that It oesn't seem as if there is any re- W. S. BELL Jewellery Repaired Watches & Clocks Reasonable Still in the same place 1 Door East of P.O., Up Stairs Colborne QUEENS HOTEL COLBORNE Under New Management FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS at Reasonable Rates GARAGE IN CONNECTION Local Agent for HILL, THE CLEANER, TRENTON FELIX J. MURPHY, Proprietor Satisfactory Service Frequent users of the Condensed Advertisements in The Express are well satisified with the results acnievecl. The cost is small. These small a" dvertisements are universally read and often accomplish results far r}ey°nd tne cost of insertion. The Colborne Express Telephone 44