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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 22 Apr 1937, p. 8

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Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, -, THUR RSDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1937 IMPORTANT -TO- Men and Women CALL at CORNWELL'S SELECTsYOUR-CLOTH-- SELECT*YOUR STYLE--LEAVE YOUR MEASURE-LEAVE THE REST TO CORNWELL-- Hundreds of beautiful samples to choose from, and prices for men's suits--$22.00 to $41.00. No, we don't quote $12.00 or $15.00 suits. We.have more respect for your judgment. When you are shown a suit or samples below $22.00, you may get a ready made suit, "doctored" and called a custom suit. There are two or three agents going from door to door making such offers. Be on your guard! LADIES ARE DELIGHTED with the styles and samples for Spring Coats. Orders are being booked also for the famous SWISS KNIT SUITS.. They are so smart and reliable; no stretch; no sag--just cant' be beaten. Made on -Swiss Machines by Swiss Operators. New Spring Goods Arriving Daily at Cornwell's Dependable Goods at Moderate Prices Call at Our Store and Inspect--A Pleasure to Show Phone.56 CORNWELL'S Fowler Block Colborne WA Woman's Work is Never Done99 This old saying may or may not be true, but certainly if your home lacks running water, and a kitchen sink, the job of housekeeping is greatly increased. With running water, supplied by a Duro Pumping System, and piped to any part of your home, it will be ready for an Emco sink in the kitchen and an Emco equipped bathroom. All Emco Fixtures and Fittings are carefully made, subject to the closest inspection and will give years of unexcelled service. Emco prices are moderate. For example, Snow-white Enamelled Sink, as illustrated, 20" x 42", including Faucet and Trap, ready for installation for as low as..,..... $34.60 The Duro Special Pump, illustrated below, has a capacity of 250 gallons per hour, is supplied with a 30 gallon Galvanized Tank and 110 volt, 25 or 60 cycle, motor, and costs only.........................................................................$89.00 Small Monthly Payments The Home Improvement Loan Act enables you to purchase Emco fixtures, fittings and Duro Pumps on the monthly payment plan over a period not exceeding three years. Enquiries given prompt attention and estimates supplied without charge. Fred Spence COLBORNE Ontario EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. London Hamilton Toronto Winnipeg Vancou If you have anything to sell, or want to buy anything--try our Condensed Ads. "Vox Nostrae Scholae" William Shakespeare was born at jtratford on Avon in April, 1564. Tra-litioh has linked his birthday with he festival of St. George, the patron saint of England, and it seems fitting tha the birthdate of England's greatest poet should be set on St. George's Day, April 23rd. Authentic information regarding his family is scarce; but it is thought that his father was a well-to-do citizen who exercised considerable influence in the community. It is supposed that William was sent to the free grammar school in Stratford, and that there he gained his knowledge of Latin authors. In a paper dated 1582 there reference to Shakespeare's marriage to Anne Hathiway. t" siderably older than he, but seemed to have Utile influence over him. They had three cshildren, Susanna, Hamnet, and Judith. There is a story that Shakespeare was pleased to engage in poaching on the estates of the nobles of the district and that it was to avoid arrest for this offence that he went to London. Whatever may have been the reason, Shakespeare did make his way to the great city, about 1586. drops out of sight for the next five or six years, but it is safe to assume that he joined a company of actors. By 1592 he had made a name for himself as a successful playwright. In addition to his writing, it is supposed that he engaged in actng. During the next two years, he wrote "Venus and Adonis" and "Lucrece. There are records showing that a this time, he belonged to the sam company of actors as the famous Elizabethans, Kemp and Burbage. In 1596, Shakespeare suffered his first serious misfortune. His eleven-year-old son, Hamnet, died. By 1598 Shakespeare had showed that he was a shrewd businessman as well as an inspired poet. He amassed sufficient capital to invest in land near Stratford and he bought New Place, an estate in the same community. He had no compunctions about resorting to the law to recover large or small sums of money that were due him, and this familiarity w'itn court procedure may account for the frequent use of legal phraseology in his plays. It is an interesting commentary on the times that the actor was paid more generously than the playwright. Shakespeare's average price per play was £10. For this reason, he found acting more profitable and for a time turned to that occupation. Before 1600 he had become a shareholder in the company. He is thought to have given up acting about 1603. During this period, from 1601 to 1609, Shakespeare wrote his four great tragedies --■ "Hamlet," "Macbeth," "Othello," and "King Lear." His withdrawal from acting may have been caused by his inter his writing. with the affairs of that town, and there are numerous stories told of his actions during these years. In March. 1616, he made his will, and in April he died. He was buried in the Church at Stratford, and his death went unnoticed in London. Shakespeare's literary work is usually divided into four periods, the division beng made in accordance with the nature of the work. Until 1593 he expeiimented with the various types of play that were current. To this period belonging the rhetorical "Richard III' and the brutal "Titus Andron: icus." The most original works of this early period are the comedies. "Love" Labour's Lost," and "Two Gentlemen of Verona." "The Comedy of Errors," which was written during these years, is based on an old Latin play, The second period in his literary work occupies the remaining years of the century. By this time, Shakespeare's craftmanship had been perfected and he turned his art to the composition of the history plays and such light-hearted comedies as "Much Ado About Nothing" and "As You Like It." "The Merchant of Venice" belongs to this group. From 1601 to 1609 Shakespeare was absorbed in the four great tragedies, "Macbeth," "Hamlet," "Othello," and "King Lear." The Roman plays were written at this time, and several comedies, which in their sardonic tone are more akin to the tragedies than to the comedies that preceded or those that succeeded them. The last years of his literary life show a return to comedy. These later comedies are, however, richer and more romantic than those written fifteen years before. The final play written by Shakespeare was "The Tempest." Of this play, which culminated Shakesipeare's dramatic work. Dover Wilson has said that it showed "Beauty at its serenest,, most magical and most blessed, as Truth." "One may have an individual preference for some other poet, but the cumulative opinion of persons and of years grants the foremost place to this greatest of all poets. William Shakespeare. The answers for the word squares given last week are: dark from 1 akin ride ride odor Answers to last week's questions: 1 A gave one third, B, one quarter; C, one fifth of $6,500.00 or $2,166.66, $l,63f50, $1,300.00. _. it would not affect the size of the suit to take the measurements with a short tape measure. For next week: 1. In what country is Mandalay? 2. In what year was fought the battle of Waterloo? 3. What is a Spa? 4. What is a Gretna Green marriage ? The words this week are derived from the Latin word "sequi" (to follow). Most, but not all of the words contain the letters "sequ." The mean- The Weekly Newspaper (The Chrstian .Science Monitor.) Turning from the: city newspapers to the Small town press exchanges t'nat come to the editor's desk is like stepping from the slums, full of vice, into' old fashioned garden sweet with lavender and thyme, and the scent of perennial flowers. The pages of the " ' dailies are full of murder, thiev-imtmorality and selfishness that the better news is obscured by glar-shaitterings of the Decalogue. One puts the papers aside with a feeling of depression and heartache that the world is so full of terrible and unhappy things. Then picking up the papers that record the happenings of the little towns around us. one gains renewed faith in life. Here are set forth only that which uplifts a community--the activities of the business. men, the Church items, the happy social gatherings of the people, the marriages, births and deaths, the farmer's' items and all the thousand ano one- daily occurrences that make up the .simple annals of the great common people, who are really the foundaton of this broad country of ours. Scandals are rarely published in the country newspapers, but if it so happens that decency demands it, the ugler touch that is widely different from the unfeeling pub!city of the city press. The offenders may he our neighbours or people we have rubbed elbows with all our lives. They are real human ieings to their own town people, while to the great city dailies they are merely grains of a sort that are ground out hourly in their new Some times people speak lightly of the country newspaper, but it is one of the most potent and uplifting factors in our national existence. Need for Preparedness Prosperity is upon us, it is even closer than just around the corner. Are you prepared? Already, it is very evident that the supply of skilled labour is fast diminishing; employers of labour are anxiously wonderng how vast orders that prosperity will bring are going to be filled. They are much concerned about the question: "How can the deleted ranks of labour be brought to full strength to meet the situation?" To young pople of to-day the slogan Is: "Be Prepared!" The great question is not: How shall I ever make a living? but "For what occupation am I best fitted that I may make the best of the talents with which I am endowed? "So the injunction to all those who hope for a prosperous career is: Do not lament the yesterdays that are past, but be prepared to-day so that the golden opportunities may be grasped that wait at your very door. Be Prepared."--Whitby Gazette and Chronicle. fta Mrs. Lloyd's Permanent? in all the Latest Styles at Summer Prices Curl Ends ....................$2.00 Oil Curl Ends .............. 2.50 Hair Styling and Shaping Coronation Curls All the Very Latest Styles Phone 147 -- Colborne for appointments TIP TOP TAILORS SUITS, TOP COATS, TROUSERS on display at C. A. Post's Beautiful Cloths--New Styles Shown in your home on request Get Our Price on Work Boots Laundry Called for and Delivered Suits Cleaned and Pressed FRED W. HAWKINS Colborne SAVING UNNECESSARY EXPENSES THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION . acting as your executor may save | your estate in cost of administration many dollars which would be un- Over twenty-five yssrs •state admlniitritlon. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION STERLING TOWER TORONTO ______: order of succession, that which follows (usually of books), to oppress, following in order, funeral rites, plead or prosecute by law, retinue, by succession, of great importance, meanly seivile, to put to death by law, to follow or to chase. The ^exaig, Drug Store THE BEST IN DRUG STORE MERCHANDISE MOTH DESTROYERS-- Moth Fume Crystals-- 1 lb tin 49c Moth Tox Liquid Spray Larvex makes fabrics moth proof. Moth Bag and Red Cedar Flakes -- Both for 49c DYES-- Sunset Soap Dye-- ISc, 2 for 25c Sunset Granular Dye-- 15c pkg. Diamond Dye, 15c, 2 - 25c Ritz Dye--15c, 2 for 25c Putnam Dye, 15c, 2 for 25c Dyola ........ 10c, 3 for 25c SOAPS-- Jergen's Fine Toilet Soaps........................ 5c Palmolive -- 6c, 3 for 17c Woodbury's Facial Soap 10c, 3 for 25c Noxema Soap, 10c, 3 - 25c Harmony Rose Glycerine Soap...............2 for 25c Lloyd's Thymolated Corn Salve .................... 40c SEEDS-- Flower and Garden Seeds in 5c and 10c packages,, and in bulk. All seeds absolutely fresh. Formaldehyde-- For treating Grain 1 lb bot. 35c Aqua Vitae Mineral Water 35c gal. plus deposit on bottle 4-Square Floor Wax-Special Price 39c Modess -- 21c, 2 pkgs. 39c Velvo Sanitary Pads -- 19c Noxema Cream-- 25c size for 15c 75c size for 59c Kruschen Salts--69c Souvenir Picture Free with Each Package 4-Square Mineral Oil-- 16 oz...................49c 40 oz...................89c W. F. GRIFFIS "Your Druggist" We Deliver NOTICE re Corn Borer Act NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY Strictly Enforced in1937 All Corn Stubble, pieces of stalks, or cobs of each year's corn crop in Field, Garden or Barn, or elsewhere, also the Stubble in field must be gathered and burned or ploughed under completely by May 20th, 1937. Whenever the Inspector finds the above regulations have not been complied with, he shall at once take such action as may be necessary for the Destruction of the Borer. -----WM. H. USBORNE,- Colborne R. R. 3. New Wall Papers We have on display our NEW SPRING WALL PAPER Very Cheap and in Beautiful Patterns Inside Paints and Enamels -- 15c, 59c, 79c We also are handling SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT and SEMI-LUSTRE WASHABLE SATIN ENAMEL All shades -- Try it! WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN VARIETY OF LINES Jas. Redfearn & Son One Door East of Post Office -- Phone 1 -- Colborne COAL and WOOD Theobald's Savings Store GROCERY SERVICE STATION Gas -- Oil -- Grease -- Coal Oil OUR PRICES ARE LOWEST Give Us a Trial and Be Convinced Phone 132j • - We Deliver Newspaper Subscriptions Renewed WE ARE AGENTS FOR Leading Daily and Weekly Papers In many cases our clubbing rates will save > ou money. In all cases you are relieved of the trouble and expense of remitting. We Will Appreciate Your Subscription Orders THE COLBORNE EXPRESS

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