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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 29 Apr 1937, p. 2

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THE COLBORNE EXPRES: \F« or lovers of green tea SALADA GREEN TEA Love Huntress Bv H. GLYNN-WARD Claudia Townsend meets Dick Whalen at a hockey game in Seattle •ne night. Her interest in Dick infuriates Wallace Bornell, rich young lumberman, who wants her to marry him. To get Dick out of the way, Wallace offers him a job in one of his lumber camps in British Columbia. Claudia, meanwhile, goes to Victoria with her father to see about a job for Dick. When she wires him that the job is his, Bornell manages to intercept the telegram. Dick then accepts Bornell's offer and goes north. At the lumber camp he discovers that the Bornell company is stealing timber. When he asks the boss, Brad-dock, for an explanation, he put him off and next day starts for Seattle. The following day Claudia stops in at Bornell's office and, by chance, overhears Bornell and Braddock plotting to do away with Dick. CHAPTER VI Claudia had her wits about her, sharper now than ever. She must find out more. She heard Bornell say, "You'd better be off at once, or you'll miss the boat from Vancouver." "No boat tonight," the man answered. "I'll have to wait till tomorrow." They lad opened the door and come out int* the outer office as they spoke. They stopped short as they saw Ciudia. But she was leaning back-'omfortably in a chair, intent on hr hand-mirror, her powder-puff, nose. H'hy, Claudia!" Wallace exclaimed su^iciously. "What on earth are you do^g here?" She flashed a smile at him and look-f back into her mirror. "I thought I'd surprise you, Wally! ',n so cold and hungry^ I just though*; -"There was a moment's dead silence as the two men exchange! glances. Had she heard anything? The seeming innocence of the girl, her utter nonchalance, disarmed suspicion. "Why, I'm more than delighted--" Borne!! dismissed Braddock with a nod, and the big man walked heavily out of the office. "Where shall we fo? To what do I owe this most unusual invitation?" "Well--I haven't seen you for three whole days, Wally, so I thought I'd look in on my way home to tell you that I'm going up to Banff for the winter sports in a day- or so, with the Hodgsons, you know. In fact, they're there already." She had risen and was walking casually towards the door. Borneil followed, putting an arm around her shoulders. "Just one little kiss. . . " She pulled away from him--oh, how she hated him! But she tried to play up to him a little as they left the office. She drove him in her car to a fashionable restaurant. "I've a good mind to run up to Banff while you're here," he said when they had ordered tea. "Why not? It would be fun! You must know British Columbia awfully well, Wally, you have so much property up there." "Why no," he smiled. "Banff is in the Rockies." Where is it then? Anywhi where there's ice a ing?': "Part of our holdings are in the far north." "Couldn't v a party of u go and ski up there, What town is nearest to your properties, Wally?" "Oh-- Fort George, and a little place called Burns Lake." Burns Lake! That was what she had wanted to know. Now she was quite sure they had been talking about Dick Whalen. After tea Claudia said goodbye fo Bornell outside the office of a railway agency. Ostensibly she was going to find out about trains and fares to Banff, but her real reasons was to find out the whereabouts of Burns Lake. When she returned home she found a letter waiting for her-- a letter from Dick Whalen at Burns Lake! She gasped in surprise when she saw it. But her surprise deepened as she read it. Here were explanations enough to damn Bornell for- - It JWft. .Bornell.; ^ bounded* rnoTte too fond of Dick when he had spoken of him to her. He must have wanted Dick out of the way! Quickly the motive for that suggested itself to Claudia--jealousy, on her account! Dick had never received her telegram at all! But the hotel people had told her that it had been delivered. There must be some explanation. No wonder Dick had left her m silence. He thought she had let him down, failed in her promise. A great load was lifted from her heart she could have cried aloud for joy and relief. Now she knew that Dick was all she had first thought of him. He had neither, failed her nor snubbed her. But Dick was in danger now! Bornell and that big man were going to "get rid of him" because of some- Tea Towels Bubbling With Charm Are These By Laura Wheeler lORNE, ONT., APRIL 29th, 1937 thing he had found out! He be warned immediately! The dormant love for him had come ing up afresh. Her wits worked quickly. . . and all at once the idea came to her. She would go up there herself! It would be safer and more certain than any wire could be, or letter She had found out that Burns Lake could be reached either by taking the boat to Prince Rupert and then going across country by train, or by going north from Vancouver by train and then westward, a long train journey. The big man, Braddock, whom Claudia had seen in Bornell's office, had said it would be just as quick to wait for tomorrow's boat. She would go up by boat. Her family would think she was going to Banff; that would make it easy for her to take skis with her. It wouid not be altogether a lie, for she would turn up at Banff some time later-- making a round-about journey. Claudia knew nothing of logging-camps, except by hearsay. But the fact that she had been brought up in th3 lap of luxury had not deprived her of initiative, of one iota of her natural spunk. She armed herself with all the money she could lay hands on, her ski and winter outfit, and set out into the world of adventure prepared for anything. On the boat she came face to face with Braddock, recognizing him immediately but giving no sign of it. He gave her a stare, then took the cigar out of his mouth, turned it over and over thoughtfully. Braddock was a shrewd and cunning by Here i the girl he had the Bornell offic who might or might not have heard him and Bornell'talking. This was not tht tourist season, and to find her here was a coincidence too strange to be by chance. If she were bound for the same destination as he--was it in Bornell's interest, or against it? This girl might hold all their fates in the hollow of her littie hands. Braddock was not the man to leave anything to chance. He kept an eye on Claudia Town-send. When they reached Burns Lake long after dark, he saw her step out of the Pullman far ahead, and chuckled as he watched her standing there alone, looking about her obviously a bit bewildered at the immensity of the country around her, the lack of a porter of any sort, the few 'lights that came from the scattered dwellings of the He hurried over to the inn, booked a sleigh to take him at once down to the camp, and saw to it that no other sleigh would be at Claudia's disposal until next morning. (To be Continued.) Woman's World By Mair M. Morgan BUBBLE GIRL TOWELS PATTERN 1305 .., . ^« let these merry "Bubble-blowers" take charge of your kitchen, for they'll do a fine job of drying your dishes. Right out of the scrap bag--their bouffant skirts and poke-bonnets, for each is a simple patch to be cut and appliqued, then finished off with outline and running stitch If you prefer, you can omit the applique and just embroider them. Pattern 1305 contains a transfer pattern of seven motifs averaging 5 x 7% inches; color suggestions; illustrations of all stitches used; material requirements. Send 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred) for this pattern o Needlecraft Dept., Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Adelaide onto. Write plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and CHOCOLATE AND ALMOND Here is a cake that promises be a hit this season and many other seasons too. It's a new and entirely different cake, and, of course, want to be the first in your crowd to serve it. But it won't be your exclusive-- recipe very long because everyone else will want to try it and after serving this cake once, it wil become an outstanding favorite. Now, however, is your chanci make a name for yourself by being the first to serve this delicious Chocolate Almond Cake. Because it is so good and for fear someone may not get a slice, the proportions given will make an extra large cake and you will appreciate that when the cake begins to disappear. It will prove ideal as your contributkrn towards a supper club, a church dinner or at your own bridge party. It's an elegant looking cake too, and the combination of flavors -- chocolate and almond and the combination of the rich brown and cream colors will please everyone. Chocolate Almond Cake 21/2 cups sifted cake flour. hi teaspoon salt 2 cups sugar 3 squares unsweetened chocolate 1 cup butter or other shortening 1 teaspoon soda 5 eggs, well beaten -1 cup sour milk or buttermilk Sift flour once, measure, add tht da and salt, and sift together 3 times. Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually, and cream until it light and fluffy. Add eggs and beat well, then chocolate and blend. Add flour, alternately with milk, a small amount at a time, beating after each addition until smooth. Add vanilla. Bake in greased loaf pan, 15 x 9 x 2 inches, in slow oven (325 Deg. F.) 50 minutes, or until done. Remove cake from pan, cut in halves crosswise and trim to straighten the Issue No. 18--'37 edges. Put together with Toasted Almond Filling between layers and Mocha Chocolate Frosting on top and sides of cake. Decorate top with shredded toasted almonds, if desired. Toasted Almond Filling Cook 1 cup chopped blanched almonds slowly in 4 tablespoons butter until well toasted, stirring constantly. Recomve from fire and add a tablespoons top milk. Then add 3 cups sifted confectioners' sugar gradually, beating until smooth. Stir in dash of salt and 2 tablespoons of vanilla. Cook until thick enough to spread, i For less luxurious filling use % or 3-4 of this recipe). Mocha Chocolate Frosting Cream :! tablespoons butter; add 1 cup sifted confectioners' sugar gradually, bler.ding thoroughly. Add 1-8 teaspoon salt, and 2 squares of unsweetened choccla:e, melted, and mix well. Then add 4 cups sifted confectioners' sugar, alternately with % cup strong coffee, until of right consistency to spread. Beat after each addition until smooth. Ten Questions l I treat white curtains that are sunburned and yellowed from the summer's sun? A. They can be made ecru by dipping in a coffee solution.. The sunburned spots will be covered and the i will have a softer tone than when the curtains were white. Q. How can I take proper care of the fingernails before cleaning and polishing the stove, or doing similar ork? A. Rub some soap under the fingernails and it will be impossible for them to accumulate dirt. Q. How can I iron table linen so to give it a satin gloss? A. Iron on the wrong side first, then on the right side. Q. How can I remove all small in- cts when preparing greens? A. By sprinkling some baking soda t the greens before pouring water i them for the first washing. Q. How can I clean greasy wood- jrk? A. Try cleaning it with a cloth dipped in turpentine. Follow this by wiping with a cloth dipped in water, to which a little kerosene has been added. Q. How can I remove ice cream from a can without difficulty? Wrap a hot cloth around the and the cream will slide out Q. What is a good remedy for freckles ? Bathe the face in fresh buttermilk, or mix two ounces of sour milk, buttermilk, with two drams of grated horseradish, and six drams of cornmeal. Spread this mixture between thin muslin and apply to the affcted parts at night, leaving on as as possible; but be careful not to get it in the eyes. Q. How can I prevent leather shoes from hardening after being . By washing the leather with n water and then rubbing quite thoroughly with castor oil. Q. How can I improve the flavors of gooseberry pie and elderberry A. Add a little salt to the gooseberry pie, and a tablespoonful of vinegar to the elderberry pie, to improve their flavors. Q. How can I remove vegetable stains from the hands? A. Try rubbing the juice of ripe cucumbers over them. Says Hockey Rival Of Music In Canada NEW YORK--Mary Ramsay, Scottish pianist, and Anders Tirnberg, SjBfifeto«fc&£ aT^pTecwive and responsive to music." They are returning to England after a tour of Canada. "However, I must say we had one great rival--and that was hockey," added Miss Ramsay whimsically. "We had to postpone one concert as there was a big game the same evening." She went on to tell of arriving in a western Canadian town for a concert and being met by the manager of the concert hall with the warning that the recital, if given, would fall upon empty seats as a hockey game was to be played that night. "We finally went to the game ourselves and held our concert the next night," she said. ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, IRELAND AND FRANCE "ASCANIA" "ANTON IA" ' ALAONIA" "ANDANIA" "AURANIA" "AUSON1A" "ATHENIA" "LETITIA" Popular Steamers offering Individual attention and complete personal service to passengers. A complete shipboard holiday with a willing helpfulness eliminating all care. The lowest rates of passage obtainable. A high standard of accommodation in all classes. Apply to j2 CUNARD WHITE star DONALDSON ATLANTIC LINE eet (Elgin I PERRONS SEEDS UtUI 7f\ wh perron s«* VIS/ SEEDSMEN £. NURSERYMEN 935SUAWRENCEBi..'T.i. I N REM. London's growth is so "&pid tha< it has been estimated, there are ft half million people living >n its bonders for whom there are ma church accommodations. Don't Risk Spoiled Bread! BAKE WITH ROYAL YEAST! It's always full-strength You get every cake of Royal Yeast in an airtight wrapper. . . sealed against contamination 'T0 bake a loaf that's sweet-A flavored, fine-textured, and truly appetizing, you need a good yeast... one that's full-strength and pure. ^ Royal is always dependable. Each cake is protected by an airtight wrapper, to insure absolute freshness, full leavfrring power, purity. It's the only dry yeast with this special protection. For 50 years, Royal has been the standard. Actually 7 out of 8 Canadian housewives today prefer Royal when they bake v/ith a dry yeast. They know they can always depend on Royal for good' results. Insure yourself against baking failure.. Get a package of Royal today. Send for FREE booklet "Royal Yeast Bake Book" gives instructions for the care of dough. Send coupon forfree copy of the book, giving 23 tested recipes for coffee cakes, buns' and rolls. BUY MADE-N-CANADA GOODS Ave. & Liberty St.. Toronto, Ont. Please send n Yeast Bake B Address____

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