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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 27 May 1937, p. 5

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1 THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 27th, 1937 Page Five THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance; $2.50 to U.S.A. Transient advertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for jach additional insertion. Business cards not exceed ing one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. Dr.W. PORTE MARSHALL, Physician and Surgeon, King Street, Colborne. Telephone 71. BR. E. J. GARFAT, Dentist, has taken over the office formerly occupied by Dr. Campbell, Fowler Block, Colborne, Ont. 37-81 CEO. A. GROVER, K.C., Barrister & Solicitor, 371 Bay Street, Toronto. Phone Adelaide 3815. A. D. HALL, Barrister, Notary Public, etc. Office, King Street, residence, Division Street, Colborne, Ontario. £16-34 INSURANCE B. E. R. WILSON, General lnsuracae and Real Estate Agent, Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office Brunswick Block, Colborne, Ontario, Phones--Office 10, residence 13. MARRIAGE LICENSES AUCTIONEERS S. E. ROBINSON EXPERIENCED GENERAL AUCTIONEER Colborne, Ontario s of Any Kind--Large or Small Conducted Anywhere REASONABLE RATES Lumber for Sale Rough or Dressed Lumber, Pine Flooring and Clapboards Orders Delivered H. I. ALLEN Phone 33r3 Castleton Ne , Chur DUNDONALD May 25th, : Sunday is a 'spare" it Ede The Up-Town Mill Boss Laying Mash, 20%, per cwt..................... $2.50 Robin Hood Flour, bag $3.90 Order Your Corn Now Oil Cake, per cwt..... $2.50 Special price on Ton lots Bran and Shorts AT CLOSE PRICES Grinding a Specialty A trial will convince you J. F. Haynes & Son Phone 53f Colborne PLANTS FOR SALE STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE --50c per hundred; $4.00 per thousand. ROBERT BLYTH, Colborne R.R. 4. Phone 70rl2. M20 BOARDERS WANTED OSCAR C. MORGAN Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker BRIGHTON Several good farms for sale; also some valuable town property. 1 P.O. Box 288. Phone 246. 38-6m j AUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE BROKER. The undersigned is an experienced auctioneer -- pays tor the clerk, pays for the advertising, and guarantees a satisfactory sale oi positively no pay. Sales con ducted anywhere Tn the Province. Pure tied stock sales a specialty. Phone at my expense. ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton. Ontario. Phone No. 10r23. ACCOMMODATION FOR BOARDERS --moderate price, pleasant rooms. MRS. WALTER HARNDEN, East DOMESTIC HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTED for general housework. One in the family. Must be a good plain cook. References required. Apply, MRS. CHARLES LARKE, Colborne. m6 TO RENT HOUSE AND LOT, oi East Colborne. Bs acres of land--2 i: suitable for grading Buildings Apply at Colborne. mile north of i, garage, pasture, rest r poultry run. all in good condition. Express Printing Office, m6-13x PASTURE TO RENT E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - Ontario Oay or Night Calis Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 111 - - Colborne J. BLACKLOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Service)* eft MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Cii * Promptly Attended PHONE 38 GRAFTON M-CRACKEN & McARTHUR FUNERAL DIRECTORS no-36 BRUNSWiK. HOTEL Colborne First-Class Mea s sea Accommodation Slve us a call when In Colborne J F. WOLFRAIM - Proprietor BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clipboards, etc CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON Colborne R. R. 2 Phone--Castle. >n 19r3. B. J. WALLER [ELECTRICAL SERVICE HOUS&WIR • ad REPAIRS Electrical Ape iansea Repaired REASONAB ..E PRICES Phone 65 COLBORNE Tinsmithmg and Plumbing Complete Line of STOVES AMD FURNACES STOVE PIPES AND ELBOWS Stoves to be M : on Easy Payment plan. Car1 and get terms. A. B. MULHALL Ireland Block, King St, Colborne PHONE 162 PASTURE for CATTLE, HORSES-- Running water. Apply to ALBERT IRWIN, Colborne, R. R. 4, Phone 98rll. m6-13.. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE : ngle or double, young and sound, .'ill sell either one. GEO. RUiSAW, olborne R.R.5. a29tf HOUSE FOR SALE VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY-- .Modern conveniences, $1600.00; also other propertes, . both - farm and residential, at sacrifice prices to realize on mortgages and close out estates. These are all offered at low prices, to make quick sales. Apply to A. D. HALL, Colborne. Ontario. al3tf FOR SALE FARM of 100 acres, Township of Cramahe, good buildings and well watered. Apply to F. P. Strong, Colborne, Ont. sl7tf In spite of the cool weather green things are growing. Miss Helen Trottman visited her parents Sunday evening. Mrs. W. H.Peterson left on Monday for her home in Oshawa. In the good old days the 24th was a favorite day for picnics. ■Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pearson visited Shiloh relatives on Sunday. Mirs. Van Waite of Hilton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton. Mr. Clarence Harrington and friend visited Peterboro friends over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clarke of Greenwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mutton. )Mr. and Mrs. Will Thomas spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Manly Stimers. Melville M. Dudley, Toronto, spent the . 24th and two days preceding with Dundonald relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Samis, Peterboro, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. Dingman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Muttcn and Mae were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc-Cracken, Colborne, on Sunday. Mt. Mrs. l:\rr Robii To- and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton and family. Miss Betty Mutton has, been spending a few days with her grandparents, Mr. and-Mrs. R. Waite, Sharon. Mr. Frank Chesterfield, Toronto, was guest of his parents, Mr and Mrs. W. E. Chesterfield on Victoria Day. Mr. and. Mrs. Neilley and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dickie of Georgetown were guests oL, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman over: the weekend. Miss Lillian Mutton, Toronto, Mrs. L. McDonald and two children, Brighton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chesterfield on Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Honey attended a shower at Castleton on Friday evening, May 21st, in honour of Mrs. Robson (nee Eleanor Wclfraim). Miss 'Margaret Dudley, Warkworth. Mt. Gerald Wilce, Castleton. _ and Master Howard Wilce, Oshawa, spent .JSunday evening with Dundonald friends. first softball game of the sea-be played on local grounds took T»lace on Tuesday afternoon, May 18, when Sharon Public School played Dundonald Pubic School. Sharon winning 33 to 11. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Miller, Oshawa, Mrs. Philip Grosjean and son Carl, Wicklow, and Clarence Dudley, Dundonald, spent a few hours with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Dudley, Warkworth, i Sunday afternoon. While in Belleville on Wednesday h Mrs. G. Honey called on Mrs. f. Bu-k a miscellaneous shower was given chanan. at the General Hospital, andlin honour of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rob found her making plans to return lSOn (nee Miss Eleanor Wolfraim) on home soon. Mrs. Buchanan underwent taaxurday evning, May 22nd, 1937, at a successful operation a few weeks j£he honle of tne bride's parents, Mr. ... Ill HI m^mWt ■ ■ Wr, A snl*.- Our neighbour. Mrs -i™™- CASTLETON May 25th, 1937 A number from here attended Pen ticostal Rally at Belleville on Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Honeywell visited Mr. Ernie McDonald and family, at Warsaw, on Monday. Mr. Arnold Olmstead, teacher near Kingston, spent the weekend and holiday with friends here. Miss Velma Arkils of Belleville spent the weekend and holiday with her mother, Mrs. Arkils. Miss Edna Arkles of Colborne spnet the weekend and holiady with her friend, Miss Marjorie Carr. Mr. Bobby Varcoe of Toronto spent the weekend and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGregor. Mr. Clarence Gunter of Tamworth spent the weekend and holiday with his motheT, Mrs. D. Gunter. 'Mr. Roy Bastein and sister of Toronto, spent the weekend and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pomeroy. Miss Gertie Newman of Oshawa spent the weekend and holiday with her parents. Mir. and Mrs. R. S. Newman. Mrs. Jos. Stark and daughter Donna of Sta.rkville are spending a few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Moore. Mr and Mrs. Clarke Poimeroy and children moved to Peterboro on Monday. We are sorry' to have them leave our midst. Mr. and Mrs. Syd Matters of Toronto and Raymond Bowen of Bow-manton were weekend and holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bowen. Mrs. L. Nichols is spending the weekend and holiday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alden Coffey, Centreton. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Summers, daughters Mary and Lorna, and son Arnold, are spending a few days with relatives in Winchester. Mr. and IMrs. Bruce Bryant and children and Mr. Roy Whitney of Oshawa spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs. C. Whitney. Mr. Irvin Robson of Toronto spent the weekend and holiday with his wife at the honie of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wolfraim. Misses Beatrice Purdy of Woodstock, and Marjorie Purdy of Toronto spent the weekend and holiday with their mother. Mrs. S. M. Purdy. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wolfraim, daughter Jean and son Jack, of Kitchener, spent the weekend and holiday with his mother, Mrs. J. E. Wolfraim. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sabins of Grafton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mallory and daughter Joan, of Wrarkworth. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ellis spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lane. HAVE €jO)0)D)YEA\RLS FOR YOU Your size is here-- ready to go on your wheels in a jiffy. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER FOR r. and Mrs. IRVIN ROBSON brated her birthday anniversary Sunday afternoon May 23rd, by tertaining Mr. and Mrs. Ernest MacDonald. Colborne. and Mr. Milton MacDonald and sister. Ethel. Many happy returns of the day is the wish of Mrs. Fairfield's friends. Dundonald people were generally excited and happy on Saturday afternoon, when it was learned that a popular young Dundonald girl, Miss Emma Wright. Reg. N., was to be married that very day to Joseph F. Vansickle. A number of young friends crowd was present and the _. eds received numerous and beautiful splendid programme was given including duets by Eileen Whitney and Pauline Pomeroy; Mr. H. Rulbee and Miss M. Rubee; Elwood and George Moore; Birdie Baxter and Luella Lane; trio by Mt. and Mrs. Kay and daughter of Warkworth; in-strumentals were biven by Misses Leona Gunter and Laura Wolfraim. Speeches were gtiven by Mr. H. Rubee, Mr. Kay and Rev. M. L. Hinton. In the proceedure Mr. and Mrs. Robson were seated by a beautifully back to the bride's wedding supper, a feasted kind friends ating the bridal car moon journey. sister's for the d while they ere busy decor-for the honey- hastened to Hilton to -escort them orated table laden with gifts, while Dundonald Y. P. U. FARMS TO RENT FARM TO RENT about one mile ^ south of Colborne, on lakeshore, Tynni containing about eighty acres. Good > oi tv„» buildings for_ summer and winter , e<1 by Kenneth Muti eting of the Dundon-s Union was held on May 25th. 1937, in with an attendance ng, conduct-ice-President, a the usual way with the POULTRY FOR SALE ? that t BARRED ROCK COCKERELS--A few choice, leg banded and blood tested by O. A. C. experts, at $2.00 each, i *u™ed the program over Not banded nor blood tested, fromlmem'beT of the ^oup' Jack McDonald. R. O. B. stock, $1.50 each. Also The program conductfed by Jack Hatching Eggs and Baby Chicke! McDonald consisted of: topic, from O. B. S. stock. ARNOLD W* Pearson, on POOLE, Castleton. Phone: Castle- ™OT:th orfn selectir~ ton 10r23. W. S. BELL Jewellery Repaired Watches & Clocks Reasonable Still in the same place 1 Door East of P.O., Up Stairs Colborne QUEENS HOTEL COLBORNE Under New Management FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS at Reasonable Rates GARAGE IN CONNECTION Local Agent for HILL, THE CLEANER, TRENTON FELIX J. MURPHY, Proprietor Our mailing list has been corrected up to Wednesday of this week. Look at your flabel and see if you have been given proper credit. If you are paid up, we thank you. If you owe us, we would appreciate an early remittance. opened devotional exercises, uur next, meeting will be in charge of the Fellowship group with Kenneth Mutton as convener. - The meeting was then put in charge of Mrs. Earl Irwin, leader of the Christian Culture Group, who another We are glad, iuu. li d to say farewell to d happy voice, and „ not selfish in hoping Deeding ; ^ Lloyd Chap- . , - !..„;„„ trpfxsurp reading. Kenenth Mutton; read- £ re^ize ts worth and althc gracious words which she has bes ed upon a grateful community, id Sir John Orrj .It is in evidence of thisgratf Dear Eleanor and Irvine: We have met to-night to convey our hearty congratulations and sincere good wishes to a bride and groom whose future happiness we desire unanimously. Our personal acquaintance with the bride, the realization of her irreproachable character, her unselfish and kindly sympathy, her cheerfulness along with her noble philosophy of life, assure us that there is no one more deserving of that happiness; and our all too brief acquaintance with the groom in no way leaves him less tneritable. For though we have not known him long, we have felt that sincerity and goodi ates from every genuii «re glad to extend our Are you tired of gambling on tires of unknown worth. Now's your chance to get Goodyear guar-anteed-in-writing tires at low w. J. Onyon COLBORNE • what does she satf? No matter what "it" may be -- the price of eggs, that other recipe for shortbread -- are you sure your not-very-frequent visits with the neighbours give your wife real ample opporninity to "talk it all over"? Wouldn't a telephone suit her far better? A telephone never lets you get lonely. Maybe good roads and automobiles have brought us all closer together . . . but not within a moment's speaking-distance. That's the telephone's job! NEW LOW RATES for farm telephone service are now in effect! si>eiit the past 1 q& .. W. Hartford. I lni Cobourg spent 1^ in his address on 'Agriculture and Public, Health" to the British Association, "if a paper on human diet had appeared on the programme of the Agricultural Section, it would have been regarded as a printer's error, but much had happened in the last few years to warrant agricultural chemists studying agricultural eoono- COURT OF REVISION Township of Cramahe NOWIiOE is hereby given that the Court of Revision for the Municipality of the Township of Cramahe will be held in the Town Hall. Castleton, on FRIDAY, MAY 28^ 1937 at 1 p.m., for the purpose Of hearing and determining all the complaints ' for the current G. Ri BEAVIS. Clerk. Castleton, May 7th, 1937. • ml3-20 that we offer now thes quate representations of ou love. Let them be tokens perity and joy. I And now may God stole both for many, many days. May health and Readings were give nbers. The Roll Call by a Scripture ver: :he Evangel Faith rs. Bennett • usual mian-, by all the 1th attend May sorrow never knock, and your tears be only sighs; May courage flaunt the troubles that in your pathway rise; May blesings come upon you with the coming of the years; May children's footsteps echo and their laughter banish fears; May your hearts be ever blooming, and in your souls' great growth; Remember that we meant it when we said "God bless you both." To this Mr. and Mrs. Robson responded very nicely. Lunch was served and the crowd gradually dispersed. (Mr. Win. Graham's nephew of Toronto sang two solos on Sunday evening in the United Church. This young boy of ten has a remarkable voice and delighted the congregation with his i Pom< f Codri Mr. and Mrs. John Pomeroy. Friends here were sorry to hear or the injuries received by Mrs. Ed. Pappineau. when she fell down cellar at her sister's, at Codrington. Congratulations are due to Miss Vivian Bowen when she won first prize at the Music Festival in Warkworth on Thursday evening. She received a medal for solo championship. The W. M. S. of the United Church ill hold their quarterly "At Home' l Thursday, Jun< 3rd. 2.30. i the home of Mrs. S. M. Purdy. A report of Presbyteriial will be given by Mrs. Chas. Nichols. The word for the roll call will be a verse on Temperance. Everyone welcome. Mr. Rubee of Wtellington spent the weekiend with his brother, Mr. H. Rubee. He preached on Friday and MORGANSTON May 25th, 1937 Mrs. P. Moore's sister is visiting her from B.C. Miss Lorna McColl of Blackstock was home for the holiday. Arrangements are being made for the S. S. Convention to be i held at Colborne. June lSth. Mr. and Mrs. Baines and nieces of Toronto were at her sister's. Mrs. Madill's, for the weekend. The cheese factory opned on Tuesday last week. Glen Allen of Warkworth draws for two rotates with his The advertisements bring you news of better thinge to have and easier . ways to live.

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