THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, IMPORTANT -TO-- Men and Women CALL at^ORNWELL'S SELECTS YOUR CLOTH-SELECT:: YOUR STYLE...... CEAVE^YOUR MEASURE-LEAVE THE REST TO CORNWELL--- Royal Gift to Mr. King THURSDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1937 Hundreds of beautiful samples to choose from, and prices for men's suits_$22.00 to $41.00 No, we don't quote $12.00 or $15.00 suits. We have more respect for your judgment. When you are shown a suit or samples below $22.00, you may get a ready made suit, "doctored" and called a custom suit. There are two or three agents going from door to door making such offers. Be on your guard! ARE DELIGHTED with the styles and Orders are being booked also for the famous SWISS KNIT SUITS.. They are so smart and reliable; no stretch; no sag--just cant be beaten. Made on Swiss Machines by Swiss Operators. New Spring Goods Arriving Daily at Cornwall's Dependable Goods at Moderate Prices Call at Onr Store and Inspect--A Pleasure to Show LADIES samples for Spring Coats. CORNWELL'S Phone 56 FowlerlBlock Colborne 'oi.reiuo jo ssautsnq aqj m sjapioq -9.IBUS 9JB ODUIAOjd SIU.1 jo sas^Bdxei e-m -auo inaiiaoxa ue ptre 'aotpBad }uaum.iaA03 ui ajni.redap v si ij •[Biunor BAieuo aui saiou ivo/L [Bass aqi jo pna oq} ?e oiacjuo io uop,;sod ibioubuu aqj jo '"• i„i> >l!':r->P v, oouiao.kI ai[i jo -111*-- Fred Sper mm mce Colborne, Ontario Duro-Speci< also be fnrnii I As a souvenir Of the Ooronatiol I King George VI has presented Prim" Minister Mackenzie King with a I graphed photographs of the King the Queen. The photos are mou in silver frames. I Salem House Entered Curtains Are Stolei County Constable Atkinson wat called upon to investigate a break-h . at a house at the foot of Salem Hill the home of the late Mirs. Fran! Cornwall. Relatives had not been at the place j I for some two weeks and discoveret Sunday that someone had brokeri since their last visit to the housel Curtains, drapes and other household ■ffects were among the articles stolen; Constable Atkinson is investigatingf Middle Class Hardest Hit Modernize Your Home Willi an Emeo Bathroom It is hard to believe that many homes are today without bathroom conveniences, but such is the case. If your home is lacking in this respect, don't make your family do without any longer. Emco Bathroom Fixtures and Fittings are widely known for their quality, long service and moderate cost. The three pieces illustrated -- Bath-tub, Basin and Toilet --with all fittings, ready for installation, cost oaly.............................................................................. 83.15 Duro Water Supply Systems Maybe you have been without bathroom facilities because your home lacked running water. If so, a Duro Pumping System will solve this situation and also serve the kitchen, barn, laundry, etc. The Duro-Special has a capacity of 250 gals, an hour, is supplied with a 30 gal. Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle, 110 volt motor, all for...................................... 89.00 Three Years to Pay Emco Bathroom equipment and Duro Pumping Systems can be purchased under the Home Improvement Loan Act. The cost may be spread over a period not exceeding three years. We will be glad to give you full information. rf for EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. ation. London Hamilton Toronto Winnipag Vancouver rich. If you have anything to sell, or want to buy anything--try our Condensed Ads. Salem School Pupil Struck by Motor Car Rojbert Spears, five-year-old pupil Salem School, when he ran ou the schoolyard onto Highway No. 2 to retrieve a ball, was struck by a motor car driven by Donald Rennie of Lennox Ave., Detroit, Mich. In eflort to avoid hitting the boy Rennie ditched his car on north side of road. An eastbo'und car carried Mr. Rennie and the injured boy to Brighton, where he was examined by a doctor, who after first aid advised his removal to Belleville General Hospital. Report from Hospital stated the boy had tained a slight fracture at the base of the skull, but it was expected he would fully recover. Traffic Officer Fred Blucher, who investigated1, permitted Mr. Rennie, who had rendered all aid possible, to proceed after hearing the Hospital report and testing the brakes on the car, which were found to be in good condition. Robert is the son of Mr. and Mrs Wm. H. Spears, Colborne R.R. 4. Miss Christine Hubbell is teacher of the School. Recently an high wire fence was erected Sn front of the school a protection to the pupils, who < repeatedly warned by the teacher of ' running onto the Highway, where many cars are passing. The people who are hardest hit to-,y are the middle class people. Th< even after paying very higt still have enough left to en able them to iive comfortably and often luxuriously. The very poor art better looked after to-day than thej were. It is the man on the mod-erate income who is trying to buy his little home, educate his family keep up his insurance savings, and trv to put by a little tor the ineyit - . g able "rainy day" who finds the goin* the, dange hardest.-Kingston Whig-Standard, Boxer Admits Bank Robbery Department Exams--. From June 14th to 29th; Oswald Earl, Taxi Driver, gave . I information Leading to Arrest Annual departmental ™n*fd Brockville, May 31st, 1937.-Less begin this year on Monda> June K forty.eight hours after the Mai-nd end June>29 acc2^« ™t^lorytown branch of the Royal Bank ime-table set by the Department 01^ ^ ^ up by an Education. „„brmed mlan and robbed of $1,169, Geo, igh School Entrance exa^ations Chalmers pleaded guttlty to the „.„ from June 25to 29. Lwst SdhooT^^ b6fore MagistTate G. A papers starting June 23. Order or^ at Broekville on Monlay. He subjects is about the same as in Pr%,ln be sentenced June 7th. vious years. In the middleand^ upper ColboTne hoy, Oswald Earl, school examinations the first supi&ot„„t. _."„„:.,,. fov. ir,JRrra,kvi1lR had is Greek. Spanish, t---- English composition and nning a taxi in Brockvilli June 14. followed bynow r Towns and Villages Cannot Alter Speed Limit, >andit, and reported his susipicn to the bank manager, to whom he ilso showed the bills he had received payment for the fare. The numbers these ran consecutively, convincing i manager the man was the guilty Children crossing the streets to and,ne. Word was sent to Kingston and from school will do so at their O'dghataier'e arrest followed immediate-risk and with no added protection in r. In his hotel room police said they the form of a modification of the 30-^lln<1 $m7.t>0 of the stolen money mile per hour speed limit is the de-^ tw-0 loaded revolvers. Chalmers duction drawn from a letter from the^i-ibed himself as a Toronto welter-Cfeparrtmen.t of Highways in answer,.ejght boxer, to an inquirv made in behalf of Co- Mallorytown. where the holdu bourg town Council notifying the,urre<i js a mUe and a half north Council that they had no authority. ffie KingSton Highway. Bank Man-to pass a loaal by-law modifying theKer A H Votier and L. A. Rowat, ■?peed limit in school areas. le teller, were on duty at the time. The only thing left to do is toihe bandit locked both in the vault erect signs in school areas caution-foer he obtained the money but they them tel..aped ny prying off the combination ing motorist^ and relying on thern^to General Motors Talking Pictures COLBORNE PARK Friday, June llth 1937, at 8 o'clock p.m. FEATURING SUCH FILMS AS. "Nation Builders" "A Great New Car*' "Formations," An Aeroplane Picture "Silence" Illustrated by Symphony Orchestra; also Comics, making a Two and a half hour Show SPONSORED BY COLBORNE MEN'S CLUB W. J. Onyon, General Motors Dealer If weather is unfavorable, show will be in town hall The *f?e*ql& Drugstore THE BEST IN DRUG STORE MERCHANDISE ADRIENNE--> A complete cosmetic ensemble for every trip. Creams 50c Hold District Annual Children Warned Against Picking Up Blasting Caps Danger to children picking up and plaving with carelessly discarded blasting caps, sometimes called dynamite caps. Parents should warn their children that if they should find any lying about, to leave them alone and in so doing avoid serious if not fatal Along siide country roads, in fields recently cleared of obstructions, and in the vicinity of any kind of blasting operation there is always a chance that children may find these copper capsules which have maiimed unfortunate youngsters, and have killed others. These small aluminum or copper cylinders, bright and shiny, filled with a powerful explosive, are about one-quarter of an inch in diaimeter, from two inches long, and resemble! The District Annual meeting of the Women's Institutes of East Northumberland was held in the Town Hall, Hastings, on Thursday, May 27th. 1937. when each of the ten branches was well represented, there being ever one hundred members in at-tn dance. Encougaging reports of the work of the past year were submitted by each branch. Election of officers resulted as follows: President. Mrs. F. Denyes, Brighton; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. Howard Clark. Campbellford; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. J, A. McDonald, Hastings; Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. James Black, Warkworth; Federation Representative, Mrs. F. Denyes, alternate. Mrs. J. Black;District Representative. Mrs. A. Mackie, Colborne; Auditors. Mrs. Maitland and Mrs. Way of York Road Branch. The next meeting will be held at an elongated 22-cali'bre cartridge, ex-1 Smilhfield. In regard to the junior cept that some have wires attached Btr-fci work, four clubs have already to them oeen organized in East Northumber- One cap can tear a hole through | {^JtTl *- AcWevement plate of steel one-sixteenth of an inch thick. A few together can burst their way through a two-inch plank If tossed into a fire, a cap instantly becomes like shrapnel, whose flying fragments are blinding bits for the eyes of all nearby. If lightly pounded with a hammer or even pried and picked at, they are likely to explode. Then loss of sight or limb, if not of life, is inevitable. Low Rail Fares KING'S BIRTHDAY JUNE 9, 1937 Between all points in Canada and to certain destinations in*"the Uuited States FARE AND ONE-QUARTER for the round trip be held at Warkworth on June 30th. Mr. A. H. Martin, Agricultural Representative, gave a very helpful address, eulogizing the work of the Institutes, especially in connection with the School Fairs and Music Festivals Mrs. Chas. Macoun, convener of coiirtesy resolutions, expressed her thanks to all who assisted in making the meeting so successful. The addresses and business of the meeting were interspersed with ical selections. GOING FISHING? We have complete stock of Hooks, Lines, Reels, Poles, Baskets, etc. A beautiful decorated 10 oz. Coronation Tumbler with each purchase of Effervescent Fruit Saline (English type). Both for 39c Kodak Films--Send us your films for developing, printing and enlarging. Lady Dainty Cleansing Tissue 200 sheets 15c Garden Seeds in bulk or 5c and 10c pkgs. Field Seeds, Mangel, Turnip, All seeds fresh FORMALDEHYDE-- for treating grain 1 lb bottle 35c Lifebuoy Shaving Creme and Cake Lifebuoy Soap Both for 36c Velvo Sanitary Napkins 19c W. F. GRIFFIS "Your Druggist" We Deliver |l GO: Any time Tuesday, June 8, || until 2.00 p.m., Wednesday, June 9, 1937. || RETURN: Leave destination up || to midnight, Thursday, June 10th, 1937. Times shown are "Standard" Minimum Special Fare - 25c Full particulars from any agent Canadian Pacific Heifer and Grain Stolen John Keene, near Trenton, is wondering when the,, thief who visited his quarters the other day is coming back for the farm and barn. The loot included one Durham heifer calf, 17 bags of buckwheat, three bags of barley and oats and two bags of clear oats. Poor printing--like other poor g --may be bought at low prices, you wish good printing you must pa r At Mrs. Lloyd's Permanent* in all the Latest Styles at Summer Prices Curl Ends ....................$2.00 Oil Curl Ends .............. 2.50 Hair Styling and Shaping Coronation Curls All the Very Latest Styles Phone 147 -- Colborne for appointments New Wall Papers We have on display our NEW SPRING WALL PAPER Very Cheap and in Beautiful Patterns Inside Paints and Enamels -- 15c, 59c, 79c We also are handling SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT and SEMI-LUSTRE WASHABLE SATIN ENAMEL All shades -- Try it: WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN VARIETY OF LINES Jas. Redfearn & Son One Door East of Post Office -- Phone 1 -- Colborne COAL and WOOD $2,000 Blaze Levels Barn On York Road, Trenton If for any reason you 1 copy of The Expre-?. alwa Harry Dafferty's large barn on the York Road, two miles west of Trenton, was completely destroyed by a fire of unknown origin Monday. Loss was estimated at approximately $2,000. Several pieces of machinery were raved hut 300 bushels of oats and barley, 2,000 feet of hardwood lumber, 300 apples barrels, and' 10 tons livestock w fire started. It 1 M. A. Sorsoleil Being Retired Toronto, May 26th.--dteorganizatioa of the departments headed by David A. Croll, while in the Ontario Cabinet, was continued to-day by Premier Hepburn, who announced that M. A. Sorsoleil, Deputy Minister of Public Welfare ever since that department was created by the Ferguson Government, will be superannuated. Mr. SorsoIeiTs position- will hot be filled by a new appointment, but E. destroyed Mr. Lafferty | A. Horton, recentlv named Minister 3 in the field when the of Municipal Affairs, will assume the j additional duties. Mr. foi Ward Public Schoc