€0tt)011 THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, "Vox Nostrae Scholae" The three character sketches which form our column, this week have been written by members of the Upper School English Literature olass. I. Shylock is pictured in the Merchant of Venice as a very rich Jew who lends money at an excessive rate of liinterest. He is very indignant with Antonio because Antonio lends out money, charging no interest. Shylock's business in hurt by this habit of Antonio. Shylock is a very greeny, selfish person. Hie has no friends except Tubal, who is also a rich Jew. Shylock's only interests are his daughter and hrs money. He loves his daughter, Jessica, very dearly, but he loves hts money more. Thiils trait in him is shown in the scene after Jessica has sun away with Lorenzo. He goes about, crying. "My ducats." He is a shrewd, sly, cunning person; (but he is a coward at heart, as Is shown by "he way he acted when he left the courtroom. He is a typical Jew in the eyes of the Elizabethans, only worse than most Jews. II. Shylock, as portrayed in the Merchant of Venice, is a cruel, merciless moneylender. He even treats his servant and his own daughter harshly. "When he has forced Jessica to elope, he says he wishes that she were dead at Ms feet with his money rather than alive havffing spending it. Hfe most hated enemy Marshall Nichols Died at Hilton, Monday, May 10th, 1937, at the farm on which he was born 85 years ago, Marshall B. Nichols, a well known and highly respected resident of Brighton Town-He was a devoted member of the Methodist (now United) Church and was a regular attendant until his health failed a few years ago. In politics a staunch Conservative. Mr. Nichols was interested in apple buying, also the lumbering business, and for many years faithfully discharged his duties on the Murray Canal. He was an honorary member of the L.O.L.. His wife, who was Elizabeth Bray, predeceased him Oct. 18th, 1928; also one son, Percy. He is survived by five daughters, Mrs. MtcCullough. Hilton; Mrs. Kent, Toronto; Mrs. Templeton. Windsor; Mrs. Clarence Goodrich and Mrs. Ross Wright. Dundonald; and two sons, Burton and Roy. Hilton. The funeral, which was largely attended, was held Thursday, May 13th, at 2.00 p.m., from the residence. Interment in Zion Cemetery. The services were conducted by his pastor. Rev. A. Armstrong. B. Y. P. U. Rally at Colborne Baptist Church The local Bapttet Church was well filled *on Monday evening last, when the Baptist Young People's Unions from Port Hope, Cobourg. Eddystone Cramahe, Brighton and Colborne assembled for their district Spring Rally. The district President, Miss Jackman of Port Hope, occupied the chair. The meeting was opened with a bright song service led by Mr. Mill-son, after which the Pastor of the Colborne Church, on behalf of the local Union, extended a hearty welcome to the visiting Unions. Richards of Eddystone replied half of the Unions present. Led bj the President, the entire assembly' repeated the Convention Thought. THURSDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1937 $2.00 a year in advance; $2.50 to U. 5. A. PERSONAL Mr. Edward Bugg of Toronto visit ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Bugg. Mr. Bruce Bailey of Detroit, Mich visiting his mother, Mrs. W- L 'Bailey. Miss Noma Miller of Kingston le weekend with her mother, .lames Miller. Irene Corbyn, Reg. N. of Toronto, is visliting her mother, Mrs. I^race Corbyn. Mr. Claude Fowler, who has been ttending Toronto University, is home for the vacation. *Dr. and Mirs. R. E. Ives of Stayner •isited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. " Ives last week. ~»----~-- --------------- ------<=,--- i DcLLV "Adventuring with Christ," the Con- N.Y.* visited ventiion verse, "If any man will come, after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me;" then all joined in singing th« Convention hymn, "Lead On, O Kin^ Eternal." The Devotional Service was conducted by MHss Mae McCurdy a Brighton. Mr. Bert Orr of Bellevilh gave a resume of the recent Inter Provincial B.Y.P.U. Convention held in Toronto. Miss Dorothy Ough oi Port Hope then presented the financial objective for the coming year and also informed the Rally that they had over subscribed their allotmen-. last year. Miss Estherland Skill rendered a very delightful solo. Conference on the future programme of the B.Y.P.U. was ably and profitably conducted by Rev. E. K. Smtih Pastor of Port Hope Baptist Church Mr. Moore (pronounced the Benedlc tion, after which the young peoph gathered in the Bible School Audi torium where a social half hour nn der the dlrkction of the Misses Annii Harnden and Mabel Samis of Col home was enjoyed, and refreshments served by Mrs. Thomas Hetheringtor and Mrs, John Samis. might be prepared to accept without questioning his statement that about 85% of his great area of 872,000 square miles is covered by an immense ice-good time i plain which in places extends right down to the sea where in summer it Antonio, constantly breaks off and forms the In every way he can. Shylock shows countless ice-bergs that are a menace his hatred for him, even to the extent to the shipping in the North Atlantic, of trying to take Ms life. But after But it upsets our common notions all, is this hatred not easily under-; 0f tnat country or any other coun-stood ? If a person took your means | try jn tnat latitude to be told as Mr. of living away, called you names in Mott tells us. that while exploring public, and regarded you as a heart- the Clearwater River well within the Jess monster as Antonio did to Shy- Arctic Circle the temperature was ex-lock, would you not naturally hate eeedingly high; for three weeks the him? I thermometer seldom registered below Shylock was a shrewd business ! S5 degrees Fahrenheit during the day man. He made his living by his clev-! and on one occasion it reached 90 erness in making money. He knew, degrees at 6 o'clock In the morning, that by pretending the bond with we are partly prepared therefore Antonio was only a joke, he conic" fcr his next statement that packing Louis Filnnore Purdy, rounder get him to sign 'it. loads and towing in this heat was the Tweed Milling Company, Onarn Shylock's two great loves were mon- rendere d doubly unpleasant by the Street, Trenton now carried ey and his religion. At the end of the vast swarms of mosquitoes that never three sons, died play he had to give half bis money ceased their activity day or night. Edgehill Street, to Antonio and half to Lorenzo, his "It was imperative to wear a veil at May 31st, 193^ son-ii -law. He also had to become a. all times and to protect arms and ness. Deceased Christian or lose his Ufa These legs as well from the persistent on- lived in Kingston for the past year) were two of the hardest things he slaught of these pests. They made going there from Trenton where Iwj could be forced to do, and the last life at times unbearable and did much had been in the lumber business we s.h. of him in th.. ,>la> is ;i bro;, , impair our work, our slppp and our Coe Hill for more than twenty years] "^Mmself and by his enemies <l.....- lie ^sl'6 .^r>' ^a„,, °^tim ^"i'tSre^- the life Jews lived during that - :..e. School sudent has fallen a, victim His recital of his sufferings ,nd 'appendicitis, but we nope~Ila wrongs affect us so strongly that we i Buleer will make a speedy and Louis Filmore Purdy Miss Betty Jacobson ( RedfeVn, last week. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Turney and fam- IUy spent the weekend at Apsley with - *. McColl. and Mrs. 'Mrs. A. G. Wllloughby and Miss Helen Louise Whlloughby spent a few days in Toronto this week. Mir. and Mrs. Irvine Verkus, Rochester, N.Y.. spent the Sunday guests of Reeve and Mrs. W. J. Troop. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Whinton and son cf Toronto were the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Theobald. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mason of Toronto .n- -«*re here to attend the funeral of ueB her Toronto School of Music Colborne was represented at U j School of Music in session at Toronto I on Tuesday and Wednesday by bers of Trinity Church Choir i persons of Mrs. S. E. Turpin, Miss Maud Connors and Mliss Ethel Shel-drick. This year the Rector (Rev. P. W. Roberts) had the honour of being selected by the committee in charge of the programme to give an address on some of the problems of a country Clergyman in giving to the Church of God a beautiful and reverent service. The local contingent had a chance to demonstrate how the music in the country might be varied by unison singing and descant, which was very well received and appreciated by the School. The choir of St. Barnabas Church. I , Toronto, provided the setting for the '•! Tuesday evening Service. Their rendering of "Zadok the Priest," the anthem given at the recent Coronation in Westminster Abbey, was a wonderful! inspiration, accompanied as It was on their fine new organ, one of the best in the city. In the votes of thanks given to those participating, mention was made of the Colborne group and approval was voiced for keen interest shown by those of country who had given their time to attend the School. The whole session was greatly enjoyed, and the contacts made with other people of kindred mind was very beneficial. COMING EVENTS FREE--Talking pictures in Victoria, Park, Colborm©,x sponsored by Men's Club, Friday, June llth, 1937, at 8 P.m. See advertisement on page 8. Dr. Margaret McKellar, a returned Missionary from India, will speak at both services in the United Church, Colborne, Sunday, June 6th, 1937. Dr. McKellar has had a wide experience doctor in that country and is an able and interesting speaker. The Woman's Misionary Society are very fortunate in securing Dr. McKellar and wish to extend an invitation to all to attend these services. Mrs. Charles Edwards. Miss Marion Snelgrove of Rochester, N.Y. spent the wekend at the home of her aunt. Mr. and Mrs. B. MioCracken. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bell and family of Belleville spent Sunday with hts Lmother. Mrs. G. Bell, and brother Mr. W. S. ~ "' Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. i lied at his home, 5i| t, Kingston, on Monday! ;7, following a long ill! i, 67 years of age, haw ston for the past year! On Thursday evening, May 27th, 1937, members of the Colborne Branch Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. and the Ladies' Auxiliary gathered in the United Church Sunday School Hall to celebrate the second anniversary I of the organization of the Colborne fJ^" ?AJF*.- ^v11 Earl and! Auxiliary. A splendid programme con-family of Pittsford. N.Y., spent the Lasting of readings, vocal, piano and . Mr. and violin solos was much enjoyed, with Rev. Roy H. Rickard. Chaplain of Dr. and Mrs. Jacobson of Rochest-j the branch, as chairman. Rev. ', N.Y.. spent the weekend at the1 Armstrong of Hilton Circuit gav home of her sister. Capt. and Mrs. j very interestng tialk on what woi Chas. E. Redfearn. did in the war. Addresses by Miss E. W. Ed. Bidwill of Toronto J- Padginton and Mr. F. M. Brintnell. of the late Harry Bidwill) cal-1 and a warm welcome to their S. S. led on Capt. A. G. Wllloughby on'ha11 were much appreciated. Some interesting lantern slide views of England were shown by Mrs. Will Robson Hostess May Meeting Wicklow-Vernonville Women's Institute The regular monthly meeting of the Wicklow-Vernonvlle Women's Institute was held on Wednesday afternoon, Mjay 26th, 1937, with a, good attendance. The roll call was, "The Handiest Thing in My Home." One member responded, "I think my husband is." much sympathy for him. Al- faot though he was mocked and scorned, I he could not be bent. Not one of the i Answers to Last week's questions: characters sympathizes with him. l. a herring, when decomposing. Even* his daughter, Jessica, elopes | turns red and has a very pervading with a Christian, and his servant, [ odour whoh obscures other scents. Launcelot. leaves his service be-'-a use; , n . n.„„. tbft he considers Shylock is the devil j ot * VnOt"£ a" five" cent Shylock hates the Christans be- ipflece 1919, Vtlantk. their substance. He hates the Chris-1 Han so much that he Ife quite willing !?• 1 €o give up his chance of obtaining l!sh mercy in the world to come if he t] can be revenged for the insults they | have heaped upon him. The Jews I The words beginning with "ante" were treated harshly by the Chris-1 are: aniteact, antecede, antecedent,; tians who placed many restriction? on | antecessor, antedate, antedeluvian, i their freedom. To avert Antonio's | antelope, antelucan, antemeridian, an-' suspicion and to gain his confidence. , tennae. antepenult, anteposition and Shylock pretended friendship «ith anterior, him. Shylock's radial and religious --• : -- hatred of his great enemy is thus Tlhe rist of words for this week controlled by an indommtable will \hegin "post." The definitions and thirst for revenge. aTe. money paM for conveyance of He shows himself to be really I letters; being after the deluge; a human when he is told that Jessica iarge wll or placard; later in time has given jway the nng which Leah. or order"; a kind of gate; a syllable his wife, had sriven him when he was i added; as tfast as possible; 'being a bachelor. after one.g decease; one who Bides a '^Shylock has been made the hard, coach-horse; one who superintends a savage, relentless creature we see post office; being in the afternoon, him by long and cruel oppression." to put off or delay. Purdy Lumber i 11 "known in the section "at •n^on-unW i3sT yea.?." The late Mr. Purdy was born at Castleton, Ontario. He was a member of the Masonic Order, of the Indepenf dent Order of Foresters and of the United Church. Surviving him are his wife, formerly Emma Papineau of Castleton; four sons. Claude of Kingston. Gordon of Hamilton, Albert of Belleville and Harold of Kingston; one daughter, Mrs. C. S. Alyea, Trenton, and one brother, W. P. Purdy of Peterborough. The funeral was held from his residence Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock to Belleville Cemetery, ffy J Dr. George A. Brown of Chalmers United Church, conducted the service.- Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. W. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Chatterson of Rochester, N.Y.. spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. T. L. Chatterson. Mr. and" Mrs. R. Allan Coyle and Floyd of Toronto spent nesday afternoon guests of Mrs. Rickard and were much enjoyed. Afterwards a dainty lunch was served by the Lades' Auxiliary. The President, Comrade Mrs. G. MlaoGregor serving each one with a piece of the anniversary cake. The "Creed of My Country" was repeated, which was a little change in the order of routine. The following amounts were voted: $3.50 for printing programmes; $1.00 to Western relief fund; $1.25 to eacn f four schools. Letters of appreciation were read from individuals who were recipients of sunshine cheer. Mrs. W. Rutherford gave a full report of what the Dudley School had purchased with the yearly donated of the W. I. The following articles were procured: paper towels, frame for King's picture; first aid kit, coal oil burner, and the intention of getting middy ties for pupils for school use. Mrs. Turk gave a splendid report of the District Annual held at Harwood. Mrs. Deviney gave the two remaining lessons of the "Care of Clothing Project." Seven members received a prize of a beautiful china cup and saucer for perfect attendance and response to roll call for the year, vote of thanks was tendered the hostess. Lunch was served. Mrs. Georgina Shepherd Mrs. Georgina Shepherd of Meaford passed away following a stroke a days before. She was a daughtei the late John Peterkin of Colborne and a sfister to Mrs. Reuben Walsh of Warkworth. Her husband. Rev. Alex. Shepherd predeceased her a number of years ago. 518 boxes of cheese--'398 colored and 120 white--were offered on Campbellford Cheese Board Saturday, May 29th, 1937, all being sold at ,14% ce jeotiv He way : gets 1 vith friendliness and partly i of his distrust. When he makes up his mind to do something, he is very determined and can not be changed. Wfc do feel sorry for Shylock when Antonio says "I am as liitoe: to call thee so (dog) again, "To spit on thee again, to spurn thee too." Again, when Shylock leaves the court, a broken man. we are likely to feel sorry for him. But since he has denied Antonio's pleas for mercy, he really gets what he deserves, when Portia makes his villiany evident at the court Shylock shows himself to be so mean and merciless that he is not liked or trusted. P. G. Mott, a member of the Oxford University Exploration Club, spent about three imonths or more during the summer of 1936, investigating a hitherto unexplored portion of Greenland, an island 8% times the size of the United Kingdom. Its southern exteremity is farther north than the north of Scotland and it extends to ■wlithin 50 miles of the North Pole. We CITY MISSION Mrs. M. D. Shantz who has spent over thirty years as MISSIONARY IN CHINA will conduct the following services Sunday, June 6th -- 2.30 and 8.00 p.m. The following Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Evenings at 8 o'clock Sunday, June 13th -- 2.30 and 8.00 p.m. Illustrated' Lectures (lantern slides) of Missionary Work at All Evening Services COME AND ENJOY THIS TREAT L. SIDER, Pastor "Colborne Stores Contain Goods Sold Elsewhere and Prices are No Higher" E. Spencer, who has been on the Smlithfield circuit for the past four years has been invited to accept the pastorate of Grace United Church at Cobden, Ontario. Miss Jessie Marshall returned to her home at Lakeport last Tuesday, after spending the winter months In Toronto. She was accompanied by her nephew, Mr. Harold Marshall.who spent a few days here. Colborne acquaintances were pleased to greet Mr. George Wolfraim of Centreton. who was in torrn on business last Tuesday, appearing in good health and. spirits in his 84th year. Mr. Wolfraiim was at one time prominent in Township and County Municipal affairs, having been Reeve of Cramahe Township for several ""Buys R. Coyle BlocK This week Mr. Thos. G. Brown purchased the R. Coyle block, east side Victoria Square, from the Executors --Mr. Allan Cayle and Mrs. R. Y. Floyd. It is occupied by the Bell Telephone Company and the City Mission, ground, floor, and the families of Mr: E. H. Sabin and Mr. Geo. Waller in the upper apartments. 'Lakeview" Women's Intitute Rev. J. L. and Mrs. Hughes and daughter Eileen of Brighton left last week for Montreal, from which port rhey sailed on the Duchess of Athol for Liverpool. They will spend the next few weeks visiting friends and lelatives in their old home town at Widnes, Lancashire. It is nine years since Mr. and Mrs. Hughes last visited thelir former homes. Ninety-fifth Anniversary of the founding of the Congregation of of Trinity Church, Colborne Sunday, June 6th, 1937 SPECIAL COMMEMORATIVE SERVICES Holy Communion ...................... 8 a.m. Holy Communion and Sermon.... 11 a.m. Right Reverend A. R. Beverley, D.D. Suffragan Bishop of Toronto will deliver the address at Evening Service at 7 o'clock You are cordially invited to attend these services the "Lakeview" Women's Institute was held at Mrs, Martin's home on May 26th. Our number is steadily increasing with fifteen present at this meeting. Our meeting opened with Mrs. G. Honey in the chair. The Institute Ode was sung and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. During the Roll Call we exchanged garden and flower seeds. Several new members were then placed on the roll. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. We sang "Long, Long Ago" before we began our discussion of a rumage sale and sale of new goods to be held In the early fall. After a helpful discussion, a motion to this effect was moved by Mns. Peter Metcalf and seconded by Mrs. Downing. It was heartily agreed. We talked of sending a representative to the District Convention at Hastings. Mrs. Honey was appointed representative. Our next meeting will be held June 24th at Mrs. iMartin's home. It was arranged to have several talks on lrsing burnsv scalds, etc. Following the business Mrs. Martin rendered a piano solo very beautifully and Mrs. Peter Metcalf read a very lovely poem eiittitled "Which Shall It Be?" Another poem. "The Spirit be Home," was read by Mabel Mrs. Honey gave us a rare treat-solo, "She is Waiting for Me." teresting contribution by Mrs. An Martin followed. It i Model Mother for 1937 in the Unite States. j We closed our much-enjoyed meei , Ing by singing "God Save the Kign. Lunch was served and a social hal hour closed a pleasant afternoon. NOTICE! A Meeting of the Business People of Colborne will be held in the TOWN HALL, COLBORNE Friday Evening, June 4th, 1937 at 8 o'clock You are urgently requested to attend this meeting, as matters of importance regarding the posibilky of increasing business will be discussed. Don't leave this to "George" -- Come yourself! S. W REYNOLDS, Chairman CARD OF THANKS Mirs. Bru Pogue and -Mr. Bruce and families wish to thank their friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy received during their recent sad bereavement; also for flowers. EDWARDS, M.rs. Charles--At Wicklow, on Monday, May 31st, 1937, Lottie Warner, beloved wife of the late Charles Edwards, in her 73rd year. Funeral service at Wicklow Baptist Church. Thursday, June 3rd at 2.30 p.m. Interment in Union Cemetery, Colborne. rN MEMORIAM_ | WALLER--In loving memory of my r dear sister, Maizie. who passed away June 4th, 1922. And while she lies in peaceful sleep, "Colborne's Prosperity Depends Upon Those Who Spend Their Money in Town"