Page Eight THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th, 1937 PORT HOPE FAIR Entries Open to the Entire Province Monday and Tuesday, September 27 & 28 (Please note Change of Dates) FOR PRIZE LIST, WRITE SECRETARY, BOX 517 | Colborne Tax Rate Same as Last Year Wm Otto ointed Colli General Variety Store Girls' Slacks -- Boys' Summer Pullovers -- Men's Socks -- Ladies' House Dresses Sun Glasses -- Protect your eyes from summer sun A hine assortment of Paints, Enamels, Varnish in small cans WALL PAPER AT REDUCED PRICES You are invited to inspect our stock WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN VARIETY OF LINES Jas. Redfearn & Son One Door East of Post Office -- Phone 1 -- Colborne COAL and WOOD j The regular monhly meeting of the Colbobrne Council was held Monday evening, September 13th, 1937, with j members all present, viz., Capt. W. J. Troop, Reeve; Dr. E. J. Garfat. Capt. C. E. Redfearn. Alex. E. Rutherford, and Pred Spence. Councillors. | The tax rates for 1937 were fixed at 63 mills on the dollar assessment I which makes it same as in 1936, after i deducting for the 1 mill to be paid | by the Ontario Government. A special i rate of 4 mills is to be added for fire | protection, said amount to be rebated ! for properties serviced by the Water Works System. j The application of Wm. E. Otto was i accepted for the position of Collector jof Taxes. The remuneration to be ! $100.00. [ Several citizens were present com-! plaining of the nuisance at times j caused by smoke and soot from the ! smoke stack of Colborne Creamery, j (At the close of the meeting, mem-j bers of Council interviewed the proprietor, Mr. Jones, who agreed to have ! a suitable screen installed to rem-jedy the situaton.) j A letter from the Board of Railway i Commissioners recommended the in-j stallation of advance warning signs, j at approximately 300 feet, on both j sies of the Canadian Railway cross-< ing on Victoria Street, it be'ing the j Board's practice to request the municipality to cooperate by purchasing | and installing the signs. It was decided to inquire of the I Ontario Highways Departhent for ! prices of signs. Also to ask the Com-j mission to consider the advisability i of having an alarm system, such as | a wig-wag. installed right at the ■ meeting there or nearby. The accidents which have occurred at this crossing have been caused by the dri-I vers of the cars starting up so soon I as one train passed, only to be struck I by one coming in opposite direction. The folio I Ray Montgome ; payi I Jos. Par salai truck auth- >.00 8.25 8.00 8.00 3.30 Ball; John Farrell, roads .......... Bell Telephone Co........... B. Montgomery, truck ...... G. A. Hawkins, park ........ Chas. Balls. Co roads ....... Vernon Pound, Co. roads ____ Jas. Males. Co. roads ........ John Bolderston. Co. roads .. Reynolds & Keating, Co. roads Jos. Farrell. salarv .......... 37.50 H. S. Keyes. salary .......... 20.83 A. &. J. Hodges, salary ...... 5.00 Reynolds & Keating, sundrv .. 2.79 Alt. C. Reed, roads ....... Chas. Balls, roads ........ Fred Harnden, milk, relief Colborne Hydro .......... R. M. Bresee. cement, etc. .. W. J. Onyon, oil, gasoline .... E. W. Rowsome, bread, relief. 2.75 2.00 2.84 131.18 . 51.74 5.66 1.44 30.00 Join the many men Who are ing dollars on shoes, by buying at Fred Hawkins. Special sale of new sweaters for men. We sell for low prices, but the quality is high. C. N. R. EARNINGS ON UP TREND The gross earnings of the all-inclusive .Canadian National Railways for the week ending August 2.1, 1937, Were $3,668,070, as compared with $3,555,412. for the corresponding period of 19936, an increase of $112,658. iod of 1936, an increase of $112,658. National Employment Commission "Vox Nostrae Scholae" During their enforced holidays some of the Colborne High School pupils are competing for a j " offered by Mr. W. J. Downing for the best label for Downing's Tomato Juice. Some Colborneites will be induced to buy this fine tomato juice partly through the attractiveness of the label placed upon it. ■Wihen you read somewhere that "The greatest gift of all is Health" or "Don't neglect a single needed vitamine," it doesn't follow that you are reading an article sponsored by a Medical Journal or an Institutte of Health. It may only be a product: of the advertising campaign carried on by the California Fruit Growers Exchange, the biggest farm Co-operative in the United States, which markets 75% of the citrus crop in California. It may also be true that lettuce and eabfbage contain as much vitamine C as do oranges and prehaps no one cabbage contain as much vitamine C the individual requires but if you had to find a profitable market for 13,836 carloads of California Navel oianges between January the first and April the tenth, you wouldn't care as much as Johnny Bell does whether people ate lettuce or not provided that they could be persuaded that oranges were a necessary part of their diet. It has been figured out that in 1935. the people of Canada and the United States consumed oranges. 2,600,000.000 lemons and 700.000.000 grapefruit or an average of 93 specimens of Citrus fruit per annum. These figures must be satisfactory to the California Fruit Growers or they would not have continued to advertise at the rate they have been doing for some time. Last year their advertising campaign cost $2,158,000.00. (A very much smaller sum than this would make everybody in Colborne afraid to keep louse without a supply of Bell's lettuce on hand). The Citrus Fruit industry of California, now second in extent only to the petroleum industry of that State, goes back, we are told, to 1873 when Mrs. Eliza Tibbets, Riverside, California, planted two navel-orange trees sent her by the Department of Agriculture and "so carefully did she tend-them that o-day after 64 years one of them is still bearing oranges. To-dav the entire acreage devoted to 'citrus fruit in this State is 320.000 and good prices tend to increase the acreage on which citrus fruit Is arown. But an increase of fruit, adds considerably to the worries of the President of the Exchange charged with the responsibility- of continuing to find profitable markets for this mounting production. Surplus coffee may be burnt but burnt coffee enriches no one nor do oranges allowed to go to waste benefit grower or consumer. Hence the energy thrown into the advertising campaign. And from the growers' point of view there is occasionally a lucky break, A frost in Florida benefits California. The imposition of sanctions on Mussolini as a result of his Ethiopian campaign rle.-reased the importantion of lemons intB. the United States. The war in of California. If you are anxious for your health anu at the same time anxious to help the California Fruit Growers dispose of 80.000 carloads of Citrus Fruit as they did in 1934, don'^ forget to includle lemons or oranges in your grocery order; if you are concerned only with your health, ask the grocer to send around an extra head of Bell's lettuce in- ^g^oi^ Drug Store THE BEST IN DRUG STORE MERCHANDISE Pepsodent Antiseptic Sale 2 50c bottles for 51c BRITEN TOOTH PASTE New Flotation Process Special--29c EXTRA SPECIAL 1 Fitch's Shampoo 55c and 1 Fitch's Hair Dress AH for 55c POND'S SPECIAL Large Jar Pond's Cream and Box Pond's Face Powder AH for 49c Frank Medico Pipes--$1.00 Cashmere Soap Special 2 for 11c Heinz's Baby Food -- 10c All Varieties Holy wood Wave-Set -- 15c Note Paper Pads Special 9c Eno's Fruit Salts, 47c - 79c W. F. GRIFFIS "Your Druggist" Phone 85w We Deliver Colborne Theobald's Savings Store GROCERY SERVICE STATION Gas -- Oil -- Grease -- Coal Oil OUR PRICES ARE LOWEST Give Us a Trial and Be Convinced Phone 132j ■ The White Cross Safe Driving Movement "Be a White Cross Driver" is the slogan of a province-wide safety movement being launched under the distinguished patronage of the Lieut-Governor of Ontario. Dr. Herbert A. Bruce. The chairman of the Committee is H. G. Fester, general manager of the Safety League, and the secretary is Dalton J. Little. The Ontario Department of Highways is co-operating. Boards of trade, service clubs, and many large commercial land! social organizations are joining forces to make the White Cross stand for saf ety on the highway. The objective is to enlist two or three hundred thousand drivers of automobiles, buses, trucks and motorcycles in this campaign, which is known as the White Cross Safe Driving Movement. It later be extended to other prov- Dy affixing the emblem, to his car the motorist pledges himself to observe safe and sane driving practice. The emblems which are being supplied to the movement gratis by the Imperial Oil. Limited, are given to all licensed drivers of cars who will signify their willingness to observe the simple traffic rules contained In a booklet delivered with each White Cross emhlem. The emblems are available either in the form of metal plates to attach to the rear license marker, or on a transfer or "sticker" for the car window. By creating a frequency of reminder to the motorist on the highways it is hoped to create a greater consciousness of responsibility on the part of the White Cross drivers themselves, as well as influencing other drivers of motor ve-" icles to exercise greater care. Supplies of the emblems may be ;ceived by applying at the offices f some of the insurance agents of Colborne. or at the Express Office. vv'hatpver the parties may say, Ontario wants real liquor control and fewer tiigfc'way tragedies. UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT "Returning" from a motor trip alive is due to the fact that a Divinity also shapes our week-ends. American roller skates are being sold in England. Modern Conveniences Are Today a Necessity Emco Bathroom Fixtures and Fittings are modern to the minute, mechanically perfect and finely finished. They will give years of satisfactory service and greatly improve the appearance and comforts of your home. The four pieces illustrated--Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and Lavatory--with all fittings, ready for installation, cost only............................................................. $143.70 Other complete Bathroom equipment as low as... $83.15 Duro Pumps Furnish Running Water If your home is without running water, there is a Duro Pump that will furnish a supply to kitchen, bathroom, laundry and barn. The Duro-Special Pumping System has a capacity of 250 gals, per hour, complete with 30-gallon Galvanized Tank, 25 or 60-cycle, 110-volt motor, and costs only ..................................... 89.00 Home Improvement Loan Act Take advantage of this Government Plan to modernize your home with Emco equipment. Small monthly payments over a period up to three years. Write for Free Booklets or see Fred Spence Colborne - Ontario Duro-Speci.1 EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. W eSaHn" E«in.™l«?u£ London Hamilton Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver If you have anything to sell, or want to buy anything--try out Condensed Ads. on Page Five Among plants that thrive- in shady I The Federal budget could he bal-gardens are pansies, forget-me-nots, anced if it were possible to place a leas, and rhododendrons. | gas tax on speeches.