CASTLETON October 19th, 1937 A good number from here attended Roseneath Fair on Friday. Rev. M. L. Hinton took the services on Wooler Circuit last Sunday. Miss Verna Whitney spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Mary White. Mrs. Minnie Wright spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Summers at Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Ellis spent aunaay witn. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Haynes. Mr. Howard Gills of Brooklin has been drawing logs for Mr. M. Cowle Mrs. Meriil of California called Mrs. Edith Warner on Wednesday of last week. Miss Viola Harnden spent Friday of last week with her friend, " Helen Naish. Miss Loma Summers of Salem spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Eileen Whitney. Little Irene Harnden of Carmel is spending a few days with her aunt. Mrs. Argyle Allen. Mt. and iMts. Thos. Yule of Warkworth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ziba Harnden.;; Mr. W. Gaffield and Mr. M. Wolf-Taim of Michigan are spending a few stays with friends here. Mr. Goldworth Hinton <jf Toronto spent the weekend with his Rev. and Mrs. (M. L. Hinton. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Dawson spent Sunday with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haynes, at Coliborne. Mrs. David Wright of Warkworth Is taking care of her daughter, Mrs. W. Darke, who is confined to her hen. Mt. and Mrs. Arnold Olmstead of Elginhurg spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lane and Mt, rind Mrs. Rex Haynes attended the Oak Heights Anniversary on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor have moved into pan of Mrs. J. Harnden' liouse. We welcome him back to ou The ladies of the United Church visiting are holding their annual fowl supper j <,,,- mintr and concert on Friday evening, Oct. 1 the order o? th, 29th. A good.supper and programme tile VERNON VILLE October 19th, 1! laria Wililaimts is in Hilton potato digging i The meeting of the Castleton W. 1. was held Thursday afternoon, Oct. 14th, at. the home of Mrs Gordon Carr. opened with Institute The Young People's League of the United Church was held in the base-, of the Church on Wednesday evening, October 13th. 1937, The President, Miss Bowditch, opened the meeting with hymn 125. Prayer by Rev. M. D. Hintpn. Reading on Thankslgiving by Mrs. S. M. Purdy. , Elwood Moore; Reading, Lenore Welton; Instrumental, Vivian Bowen; Reading, Mrs. W. R. Baxter; Duet, Pauline Pomeroy and Eileen Whitney. The election of officers for the year 1937-38 was as follows: President, Mr. Raymond Bowen; 1st Vice-Pres., Miss1 Irene Peebles, 2nd Vice-Pres., Mr. Russell Baker; 3rd Vice-Pres., : sorry to report Mrs. W. Mrs- J- c- McKague; 4th Vice-Pres., Darke is verv ill and- under the doc- Mis's Myrtle Poole. Secretary. Miss tor's care. Wie wish for a speedy Frances Dingwell; Treasurer, Mrs. recovery w- R- Baxter; Pianist, Miss Vivian ' 'Master Bun Harnden of Vernon- g?^en '• Reporter, Mis® Eileen ville spent the weekend with his Whitney. At this time Miss Blanche grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Ziba Ta't was called to the platform and Ode and the Lord's Prayer, with Mrs. Sundav last. Carr, President, in the chair. All the j Mr and Mp ladies, numbering twenty members, Oshawa were ' *" the Roll Call, which was ' Lydia Kelloes Mr. C. A. Waite hopes to finish apple crop this week. IMr. E. H. Pratt spent the weekend with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. J. Darling attended "*- aunt's funeral at Hilton, ■esponded "One thing we should be thankful for." An interesting programme followed /ith Mrs. Herman Lane as venor. The minutes of last meeting were read by Mrs. D. Dingwall, in the absence of the secretary, Mrs. J. Sti'llma.n. Three letters of appreciation of fruit were read. First community singing was indulged in from the song sheet, then curren were read by Mrs. D. Arkles. Solo by Mrs. Max Harnden. The special er for the day was Dr. Peacock of Grafton, who gave a very interesting talk, on symptons and treatment of Poliomyelitis. A delicious lunch was served toy Mrs. G. Welton, Mrs. II. Lane and Mrs. Ethan Bush. Mrs.-D. Arkles won the prize for the making of pumpkin pie. "God Save the King" ended a delightful day. Harnden. We are sorry to know that Mr. Cecil May has been under the doctor' At time of writing he is somewhat improved. Mrs. Jas. Stark and daughter Donna of Starkville are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 7. 1. Moore. Mr. J. CV McKague and Miss Ruth Cowie attended the Public School Teachers Convention at Hastings on Wednesday of last week. Many from this community attended the Anniversary Services at Oak Heights on Sunday. Rev. J. E. Beckel was the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wolfraim, Mrs J. E. Wolfraim. Mrs. Irvin Robson. and Miss Dora Farrell called on Mr. Frank Wolfraim, ^ai; Centreton, on Baxter read the address and Miss Eileen Whitney presented her with silver candle sticks. The meeting closed with hymn 247 and a talk by Rev. M. L. Hinton. glad to report Kerr able to be out again, i recent illness. A number, from here attended the Women's Institute dance on Monday night in Grafton town hall. Mrs. A. MoMurray has returned home, after vistng her daughter, Mrs. S. Deviney of Bowmanville. Mrs. Alex Woodruff, Baltimore, •spent a few days recently wth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kerr. The school children have been joying a holiday, while Miss Tailing attended the Teachers' Convention last week. A number from here attended Rose-neath Fair on Friday last, for which the weatherman provided an almost perfect day. The many friends of Mr. Ziba Harnden are glad to know he is much improved in health, although still in Cobourg Hospital. A great nuimiber attended the Unt-ed Church on Sunday, to hear a former Pastor, Rev. A. C. Stewart of Chalmers Church, Toronto. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Will Hoskin in the recent bereavement she sustained in the loss of her father, the late Alfred Newton. Mr. and Mtrs. Robert Herron gave a farewell dance and party in honour of their daughter, Mrs. Russell War-prior to her and her husband's departure for their home in Halibur-' m, last week. IMr. H. S. Cool of Newcastle was j down on Sunday. Mrs. Cool was able / BROWN'S CORNERS October 19th, 1937 in Newcastle < gone out ind Mrs. Mr. J. Smith v. Saturday evening. Mr. Gordon Munroe to Northern Ontario. Mr. Bill Smith is spend: time with his parents, Mr. J. Smith. IMr. and Mrs. Everet Jones have gene to Osha,wa, where he has secured work. Glad to report Miss Sheila Mc-Manus is recovering slowly from her recent accident. Mr. and Mrs. Mc Adams of Colborne spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McManus. Quite a number attended the chicken supper at Dundonald last week and report a good time.-- Sorry to report quite a number in this vicinity have bad colds and hope for speedy recoveries. Miss Jessie Bugg and her father were Sunday guests at the home of "r. and Mrs. Hugh 'MdManus. Mrs. R. B. Bland is spending a short time in Oshawa, the guest of her nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bland 1 . and Mrs. Frank Barry and son. and Mrs. A. McCracken were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. goombs at Hilton. Mrs. A. F. Lang spent the weekend Newcastle with her uncle, Mr. H. Maines, and other relatives, and intends going on to Toronto and St. Thomas. Don't forget Lakeview W. I. meet-g on Thursday, Oct. 21st, at Mrs. Martin's home. Everyone welcome. Lakeview W. I. accepted an invitation isit Percy W. I. at Warkworth on Oct. 19th. nd Mrs. J. W. Evely and son Gordon, Mrs. C. W. Merney and son Walter, Mrs. A. F. Lang were in Newcastle on Saturday evening at- to accompany-him as far as Mr. and Mrs. W7m. Keeler's. Mr. Cool told us his inimitable way of an addition he has in his "bug" collection of a "praying mantis." It Might Be You Take a good 'look" at this picture --it's a verbal one, but it tells the story just the same. Even though you won't like it, still it is something you must face if Ontario's annual highway slaughter is to be stamped out. It is a gruesome picture--and one that happens every day on our streets and highways. This accident happened because the driver was careless. He died--his face a grotesque caricature with his skull split open like a cocoanut, his chest a gaping hole where he had beben stabbed by the jagged steering column. His wife was less fortunate-^she lived. But every time she looks into j a .mirror she wishes she had died, too. Modern plastic surgery can per-j form miracles, but it has limitations. When she looks at herself in the' mirror with the eye that isn't glass she still shudders, even though the accident happened three long years ago. Their five-year-old daughter lived, too. But she doesn't realize it. Her skull was fractured and her brain injured. It is much more difficult to rebuild a brain than a face. Don't say it can't happen tto you-- because it can and you know it" ~. day's headlines of dead, dying and injured people may be telling a story about you in to-morrow's papers. But you can help to protect yourself. How? DEMAND SANE AND CAREFUL DRIVING FROM EVERY MOTORIST. Report those you see driving dangerously. And more important-- drive sanely and carefully yourself. W. S. BELL Jewellery Repaired Watches & Clocks Reasonable Still in the same place 1 Door East of P.O., Up Stairs Colborne The New York Board of Education absent-mindedness. This may be ef-ective if pupils don't forget to attend classes. tending the birthday party of Mr. H. T. Manes sr. Among those who spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McManus were: Miss Feme Stickle of Colborne, Mr. and Mrs. David Mac-Elhemney and family of Cobourg; also quite a few neighbours. At Mrs. Lloyd's Permanents in all the Latest Styles at Summer Prices Curl Ends ....................$2.00 Oil Curl Ends .............. 2.50 Hair Styling and Shaping Coronation Curls All the Very Latest Styles Phone 147 --- Colborne for appointments The Up-Town GRINDING 3 DAYS A WEEK Tuesday Thursday Saturday FEEDS OF ALL KINDS AT CLOSE PRICES A trial will convince you J. F. Haynes & Son Phone 53f Colborno Under Britain's 'scrap and build" project, 50 new vessels have been or are being constructed. lady friend _ j returnett -rfr; home in Cleveland. Ohio, after spending the week with her mother, and Mrs. Jack Wolfraim. Jack A miscellaneous shower was held | on Tuesday evening, Oct. 12, in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kemp f Blanche Tait) at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Tait. The evening was spent, in playing games and the visiting of the older people. The house was filled to capacity and everyone enjoyed the evening. During this the newly wedded couple were called to the front and seated in two large chairs beside the beautifully laden table and Miss I. Peebles read the following address: Dear Blanche and Bill: To convey sincere good wishes to you, i hat it 7 almost impossible to imiagfne „ilhout you, is the purpose of this both happy and sad gathering tonight--happy, because we are glad two people so deserving have ajnd Jean, have returned Jlo their I found happiness; sad. because home at Kitchener, aftefrr spending the past week with his mother. 'Mrs. J. E. Wolfraim. Mrs. McMurchey. Miss Laura Mait-land. Mt. Arthur Holmes of Oxbow, Sask.. and Mrs. C. Newton of Ham-ioto. Man., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr?. R. S. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McKague and Mr. and Mrs. M. Grills visited Mr. Phlnn in Belleville Hospital on Sunday, finding him very much improved after going through a serious operation. The inter-school meet of Wooler, Warkworth. Castleton will be held on Friday, at Castleton school grounds. Lunch well be served by the ladies of the United Church, in the basement. This week is very busy time for people in Ontario sending many carloads to the stricken people in the west. Castleton and surrounding country are as usual doing their part in this great cause. Mrs. (Rev.) J. E. Beckel of Stirling and daughter Winnie were the guests of Mrs. Arkils on Sunday and attended Sunday School in the United Church. Their many firends were pleased to see them. It is ten years since they moved from this circuit. Several small girts gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Baxter . cn Saturday afternoon as a surprise party for Birdie on her 10th birthday. She reseived lovely .gifts. The afternoon was spent in playing games, after which a delicious supper was The many friends of Mr. George Bayes were sorry to hear of his sudden passing on Sunday evening at his home, in his 88th year. The funeral was held from his late residence. The service was on Tuesday, Oct. 19, at 2i o'clock in charge of Rev. M. L. Hinton. Interment in Eddystone Cemetery. A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Tait on Saturday, Oct. 16th, SJ937, at 1 p.m.,, when their only daughter. Blanche was united in marriage to, Mr. William Kemp, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Kemp of Belleville. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. M. L. Hinton. They were attended by Miss Janet Tait and Mr. E. Welch. After the ceremony the immediate guests and relatives sat down to a bountiful dinner. They will reside in Belleville. The Women's meeting of the Wes-ieyan Methodist Church was held at the home of Mrs. Chas. Haynes, on Wednesday evening of last week. The President, Mr. Bennett opened the meeting in the usual manner. Readings were given by Mrs. Sharpe and Mrs. White. Mrs. Whitney read the 18th chapter of the book "Mighty Moments." The roll call was answered by a Scripture Verse beginning with the letter "X." The meeting this week is at. the home of Miss Dora Farrell, on Wednesday aferaoon. shall miss you, Blanche, so much. It would be impossible to enumerate all the ways in which you have endeared yourself to the people of Castleton. Let it suffice to say that we have always appreciated your frank and cheerful disposition, your admirable honesty, and your willing co-operation in everything we undertook. We not only knew where we should find you. When we, did, we were always sure of your sympathy, and we never hesitated to call upon your generosity. We knew you for a true friend, and we often put to test vour loyalty. You never failed us, and if at any time you need someone, may we not fail you. It is to commemorate these char-act ristics and to express, in some small measure, our.heartfelt gratitude that we bring to you these tokens of blessing and reward. We feel that vou will know that they are given in the same kindly spirit with which you have always given. May they he symhols of success and prosperity, devotion and happiness for you both. Both Blanche and Bill responded very nicely to the address. Rev. M. L. Hinton gave a very nive talk, also Mrs. D. Arkles, Mrs. I. Robson, Mrs. H. Allen. A delicious lunch was served and an enjoyable evening brought to a LAKEPORT October 19th, 1937 Mrs. Wm. Baker of Toronto is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. Kirk. Mr. Harold Kernaghan attended tn« Teachers' Convention held at Whitby and Cobourg last week. Mrs. Cowison, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. P. Tamhlyn, leturned to her home last week. Capt. Bruce Peebles, who has been sailing on the Great Lakes, is spending a few days at his home here. A large number from here attended the Anniversary Services held in the Colborne United Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MoMurray and family of St. Catharine® spent a few days with Mr. and Mts. Harry Oke. Mr. Ben Moore and two sons, James and Robert, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Moore jr., at Agincourt. Mts. Moore, who has been visiting there, returned home with them. Accordng to the Canadian regulations respecting the grading and marketing of dressed poultry "all poultry to qualify for the class of milk fed must shaw a white colour in the deposits of fat. The skin and flesh must be soft in texture, showing evidence of the birds having been crate-fatted or pen-fatted for a sufficient length of time to soften or kill cut the muscles." YOUR NAME MONDAY'S IN PAPERS! Will your name appear in Monday's newspapers? If it does, will you be writhing with pain in the emergency ward of a hospital, will your mangled remains be resting in a funeral parlor--or will you be held by the Police on a charge of manslaughter? If you are a motorist and value life and property, help to stop this slaughter of innocent people. The death toll from car accidents in Ontario must go down! We are justly proud of the Police of this Province--but they cannot be everywhere. Most accidents occur when a policeman is not around. Traffic violators know better than to speed, cut in or crowd other cars with a policeman in sight. Ontario Motorists will Co-operate When you see a motorist driving in a manner dangerous to the public, take his number, make a careful note of the actual l^5?552| 3£ time and place and when you reach your destination write to the Motor Vehicles Branch, Department of Highways, ONTARIO Toronto, giving full details. We do not invite reports of minor Jb^SmJ^ DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS infringements of the traffic laws; you are requested to use ^^^^^ff Motor Vehicles Branch sound judgment. We will deal adequately with offenders. ontario 4