THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11th, 1937 Page Five THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance; $2.50 to U.S.A. Transient advertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for jach additional inser tion. Business cards not exceed ing one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. MEDICAL Or.W. PORTE MARSHALL, Physician and Surgeon, King Street, Colborne. Telephone 71. DR. E. J. GARFAT, Dentist, has taken over the office formerly cupied by Dr. Campbell, Fowler Block, Colborne, Ont. 37-31 GEO. A. GROVER, K.C., Barrister & Solicitor, 371 Bay Street, Toronto Phone Adelaide 3815. A. D. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office, King Street, residence, Division Street, Colborne, Ontario. 116-34 INSURANCE «. E. R. WILSON, General Insuracne and Real Estate Agent, Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office Brunswick Block, Colborne, Ontario, Phones-^Office 10, residence 13. MARRIAGE LICENSES AUCTIONEERS S. E. ROBINSON EXPERIENCED GENERAL AUCTIONEER Colborne, Ontario Sales of, Any Kind--Large or Small Conducted Anywhere REASONABLE RATES OSCAR C. MORGAN Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker BRIGHTON Several good farms for sale; also gome valuable town property. P.O. Box 288. Phone 245. 38-6m AUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE BROKER. The undersigned is an experienced auctioneer -- pays for the clerk, pays for the advertising, and guarantees a satisfactory sale or positively no pay. Sales conducted anywhere in the Province. Pure tied 3tock sales a specialty. Phone at my expense. ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton, Ontario- Phone No. 10r23. E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne -- -- Ontario Oay or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 111 - - Colborne J. BLACKLOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Day or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON M CRACKEN & McARTHUR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Day and Night Calls Promptly Attended to ELDEN McFAYDEN n5-36 Licensed Embalmer BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne First-Class Meals and Accommodation Sive us a call when in Colborne i F. WOLFRAIM - - Proprietor BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, etc CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON Colborne, R. fL 2 Phone--Castleton 19r3. QUEENS HOTEL COLBORNE Under New Management FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS at Reasonable Rates GARAGE IN CONNECTION Local Agent for HILL, THE CLEANER, TRENTON FELIX J. MURPHY, Proprietor NURSERY STOCK E. D. SMITH & SONS, LIMITED Established Over 50 Years Largest Ornamental Growers in Canada--Over 600 Acres Full Assortment of All Varieties at Present and Special Low Prices on Quantity Lots F. E. BARRY jlOtf Local Representative Heaven Enough For Him Last evening I was talking With a grocer old and gray, Who had told me of a dream he had, 'Twas just the other day. While standing in his office The vision came to view, For he saw an angel enter Dressed in garments white and new. Said the angel, 'Tan from Heaven, The Lord just sent me down To bring you up to glory And don your golden crown. You've been a friend to everyone, And worked hard night and day, You have supported many, And from few received your pay, And we want you up in glory Where you desire to be; So place your trusting hand in mine And come along with me." Then the angel and the grocer Started up to glory's gate, But when passing close to Hades, The angel murmered, "Wait ! I have a place to show you-- It's the hottest plase in Hell, Where the ones that never paid you Do in torment always dwell." And behold the grocer saw them, His old patrons by the score, And grabbing up a chair and fan, He wished for nothing more, But was bound to sit and watch them, As they sizzle, singe and burn, And his eyes would rest on debtors Whichever way they'd turn. Said the angel, "Come on, grocer, There's the pearly gates to see." But the grocer only murmered, "This is Heaven enough for me." Anon, in Canadian Grocer. FOR SALE OR TO RENT HOUSE AND LOT in Village of Colhorne, on King Street, 2nd house east of Registry Office. Apply at Express Printing Office, Colborne, Ont. n4-25x FARMS TO RENT ABOUT 300 ACRES, one mile North East of Grafton, present tenant Angus Lonsherry. Please apply to G. E. R. Wilson, Colborne. n4ft 12-20 and 20-30 MASSEY-H ARRIS ..TRACTORS in good condition. Real bargain. Waier Elliott, Wooler, Ontario. n4x HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE--6 lids-metal bricks in fire pot. Perfect condition. Apply S. J. Brooks, East Colborne (opposite Morrow Farm). n4x BICYCLE-^C. C. M. Man's Bicycle, Crown model, new, won at Trenton Business Week, retail price $30.75, will sacrifice foor $25.00 cash. Apply to Jas. A. MacGregor, Colborne. n4 HOUSE FOR SALE 'ALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY-- Modern conveniences, $1600.00; also other propertes, both farm and residential, at sacrifice prices to realize on mortgages and close out estates. These are all offered at low prices to make quick sales. Apply to A. D HALL, Colborne. Ontario. al3tf ASTRAY PIG STRAYED on the premises of undersigned on or about July 1st, 1937. Owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses, and take it away. Norris Herley, lot 30, con, 5, Cramabe, Colborne P.O. AGENTS WANTED BEST POSSIBLE PROPOSITION to offer active men with ambition to (forge ahead. Lane of 200 daily necessities. Reserved territories. Cash Terms. No Risk. Plenty of genuine chances for success, independence, sure living. Over 700 satisfied dealers now... .WHY NOT YOU? .WRITE .IMMEDIATELY FOR INFORMATION. FAMILEX CO., 570 St. Clement St., Montreal. POSITION WANTED WOMAN, 39, desires position as nurse or companion. Experienced in Practical Nursing, good reader and fair musician; is competent for charge of motherless home. No encumbrances, is thoroughly experienced in hotel dining room work. If interested please write to Drawer K, The Colborne Express. s2- FARMS FOR SALE 100 ACRES--One mile North of Warkworth, known as John Wood farm. Good buildngs. Hard and Soft Wood. Savcrifice to close Estate. Mrs. Elizabeth Wood, Warkworth. FARM of 125 acres, more or less, one mile North of No. 2 Highway, half mile East of Little Lake. Good land, level. Good buildings. Lots of wood and water. Freeman White, Warkworth. s23-ol4x W. S. BELL Jewellery Repaired Watches & Clocks Reasonable Still in the same place 1 Door East of P.O., Up Stairs Colborne Tinsmithing and Plumbing Complete Line of STOVES AND FURNACES STOVE PIPES AND ELBOWS Stoves to be sold on Easv Payment plan. Call and get terms. A. B. MULHALL DUNDONALD Novemlber 9th, 1937 | Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stimers enter-1 tained friends last Sunday. Mr. Archie Chapman and daughter | Evelyn spent Saturday afternoon in Kingston. W. H. Peterson, Oshawa, is the home of her sister, Mrs. Lewis Mutton. Viola Herrington spent Thursday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Chapman. J. J. Mutton visited at the home of her son, Fred, at Hilton, the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Irwin spent the eekend with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Grosjean, Wicklow. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mutton spent lekend with Belleville and Shannonville friends. The mild November weather is enjoyable, shortens up the winter, and the woodpile. Eden Church next Sunday. Congregation invited to Hilton Church Anniversary. Mr. and M,rs. Harrington and sons, Jack and Earl, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman last Sunday. Remember.the W. A. of the Eden Church meets on the 17th, instead of the 10th, at Mrs. W. E. Chesterfield's. Mrs. C. Dudley returned on Sunday, after two weeks' visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Grosjean, Wick-low.e Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Honey attended Anniversary Services in Old St. Andrew's Church, Colborne, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapman and son Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, Brigh-Mr. Tom McCracken and Miss Grant, Trenton, spent Sunday with Mr. A. Chapman and family. A number from this locality attended the hot supper provided by the Sharon people for the benefit of the Sharon Church, and report an excellent supper and entertaining programme. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dingman and Mrs. Walter Puffer visited Mr. Puffer, Wednesday, in the Belleville General Hospital, where he is ill with typhoid fever. He is reported somewhat improved. Sunday completes the Anniversaries of the four United Churches of the Hilton Circuit. These Anniver-and suppers in .connection have all been well attended and successful, which encourages the efficient and beloved Pastor, Rev. A. Armstrong. Mr. Kenneth Mutton Superintend-of Eden United S. S., and Mrs. M. C. Broomfield, Mrs. Earl Irwin and Rex Mutton, teachers, attended a Conference of the Y.P.U. on Thursday evening in Colborne United Church, The evening was- of much benefit and enjoyment to our S. S. officials. Dundonald farmers are busy from daylight to dark ploughing before the freeze-up. Our near neighbour for the past three weeks has been up before three o'clock, and has the stock cared for, cows milked, and the milk separated, all the chores donex _ breakfast over, and in the field with yhe Canada Year Book, 1937 and plow at early dawn. The publication of the 1937 edil of the Canada Year Book, published by authorization of the Hon. W. D. Euler, Minister of Trade and Commerce, is announced by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. The Canada Year Book is the official statistical annual of the country and contains a thoroughly up-to-date account of the natural resources of the Dominion and their development, the history of the try, its institutions, its demography, different branches of production, trade, transportation, finance, educat-tion. etc.--in brief, a comprehensive study within the limits of a sing! volume of the social and economic condition of the Dominion. The new edition has been thoroughly revised throughout and includes in all its chapters the latest information available up to the date of going to press. The 1937 Canada Year Book extends to over 1,100 pages, dealing with all phases of the national life and more especially with those susceptible of statistical measurement. A statistical summary of the progress of Canada is included in the introductory matter. This gives a picture in figures of the remarkable progress which the country has made since the first census of the Dominion was token in 1871, sixty-six years ago. The accession of King George VI to the Throne and the Coronation of the new King on May 12 are marked by the reproduction as frontispiece of an old official photograph of the ceremony in Westminster Abhey. by official portraits of King George and Queen Elizabeth, and an excript from His Majesty's address to his peoples, delivered after the Coronation on May 12, 1937. Persons requiring the Year Book may obtain it from the King's Printer, Ottawa, as long as the supply lasts, at the price of $1.50, which covers merely the cost of paper, printing and binding. By a special concession, a limited number of paper-bound copies have been set as;de for ministers of religion, bona fide students and school teachers, who may obtain copies at the nominal price of 50 cents each. "We Who Are About to Die ---Salute You !" That was the greetng the gladiators of old gave to the Roman Emperor before they pershed in the arena. But we are not gladiators and we are not going into battle. We hav» no hate for anyone. We are not sick of life. We do not wish to die. But we will, by the hundreds. We are the people who are going to die in fatal motor accidents dur-iny the years 1937 and 1938. Most of us have not even a premon. ition of the fate which awaits us. We do not realize that Death lurks around the corner. We have not seen his shadow nor heard his footsteps. But Death awaits. Waits around the bend in the next car faltering brakes, in the trail of some chance driver who loves to "jockey" in a line of traffic or swisa past another car on a curve or hill. In the street, on the open highway, what matter where? Death waits and does not announce his coming. We are marked down to die. The great god called Statistics has written down our names in his big book and by actuarial laws we are doomed. We do not know it. but Death is coming. Some of us are little children. Our deaths will be more horirble, more tragic, than others. But die we will. Parents, teachers and professional life-savers with all their earnest warnings will avail us not. We are marked down. We are careless now. We do not take thought. Have you never been a child? Do you know what it is to be a stranger to responsibility to depend on others for care, for shelter, for protection? Yes, protection. That is one of the things the child is taught to expect from his elders; something in a cruel and reckless age he does not receive. Our deaths will be more tragic because more cruel than all the others. You can see the headlines: "FIVE CHILDREN KILLED IN SAFETY ZONE," "TOTS RUN OVER ON WAY FROM SCHOOL." You will read these headlines many times over in the next year. BUT WELL YOU READ THEM? WE W|HO ARE ABOUT TO DIE--- SALUTE YOU! Poor printing--like other poor goods National Employment Commission UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT Try "The Express" Job Printing Department for Good Printing on Good Paper, at Reasonable Prices. Australia has its pasturage problem, for it is calculated that five rabbits-- and there are milions of them--eat as much pastuiinge as one sheep. Wire net fences of great length are used to restrain the ravages of these pests. One fence s 695 miles long and another is 350 miles. Steel posts have been found the cheapest in the long run not only because they resist bush fires but last longer underground. Canada supplied 5.330 cwts. of car-lots to the British market out of a total import of 5.957 cwts. from Empire countries in 1936. Foreign countries brought the total British import of carrots up to 403,443 cwts. U. S. Government experiments indicate that clothes moths are not disturbed by air scented with cedar. A Good Time TO INCREASE ADVERTISING because --there is more business in sight --it will hasten the return of real good times --it will provide needed sales impetus --it will establish firmer prices --it will help increase profits --it will help regain lost ground --it is a sign of renewed confidence --it is sound psychology to show optimism --it will encourage others --it indicates growing activity --there are many new contracts to be made --it is a definite bid for larger volume YOU WILL FIND IT SOUND BUSINESS TO DO SO Do you need any of Letter Heads Memo Heads Envelopes Statements Bill Heads Invoices Labels Tickets Books and Pamphlets Butter Wrappers Invitation Cards Regret Cards the followng? : Loose Leaf Filler* Shipping Tags Blotters Business Cards Posters of all kinds Auction Sale Bills Receipt Forms Order Forms Dodgers and Hand Bills Visiting Cards Wedding Invitations and Announcements WE WILL MEET OUT-OF-TOWN PRICES ON LARGE QUANTITIES The Colborne Express ALWAYS GIVES RESULTS Subscriptions taken at the Express Printing Office for t