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The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 10 Jan 1935, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1935 Page Ffve CARD O^ THANKS I wish to express my sincere appreciation and thanks to all those who supported me in my election as Deputy Reeve of Cramahe Township for 1935. Wishing one and all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Yours faithfully, J. GORDON HONEY THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, issued every Thursday morning by H. S. Keyes. Subscription $2.00 per annum in advance; $2.50 to U.S.A. Transient ad yertisem.en.t8 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line for jach additional insertion. Business cards not exceed ing one inch $7 per annum. Yearly s at uniform rates. MEDICAL Dr.W. PORTE MARSHALL, Physician and Surgeon, King Street, Colborne. Telephone 71. A. C. McGLENNON, B. A. M.D.. CM. Office opposite the Fire Hall, King St., Colborne. Telephone No. 1i23tt. Residence King St. East, Telephone No. 123j. DENTAL ACADEMY HILL January 4th, 1935 New Year's Day saw little travel a roads were heavy with more wind and mow. Mr. N. Drumm is moving onto his his farm, lately vacated by Wm. Mr Garragher. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Usher and children spent New Year's Day with Mrs. Florence Ament, Grafton. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Keeler on the birth of a daughter, (Barbara Joan) December 20th. At the annual school meeting of S. S. No. 8, Mr. Ernest Joice was elected trustee in place of Mr. Nelson Usher, who resigned after a three-year term. DR. E. J. GARFAT, Dentist, has taken over the office formerly occupied by Dr. Campbell. Fowler Block, Colborne, Ont. 37-81 GEO. A. GROVER, K.C., Barrister & Solicitor, 371 Bay Street, Toronto. Phone Adelaide 3815. A. D. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Office, King Street, residence, Division Street, Colborne, Ontario. flfi-34 FRANK L. WEBB, B.A., LL.B., K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, &c, 411 Bay Street, Toronto. At Colborne on Saturdays and Court Days. INSURANCE 6. E. R. WILSON, General Insuracne and Real Estate Agent, Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office Brunswick Block, Colborne, Ontario, Phones--Office 10, residence 1J. MARRIAGE LICENSES AUCTIONEERS AUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE BROKER. The undersigned is au experienced auctioneer -- pays tor the clerk, pays for the advertising, and guarantees a satisfactory sale or positively no pay. Sales conducted anywhere in the Province. Pure tred stock sales a specialty. Phone at my expense. ARNOLD POOLE, Castleton. Ontario. Phone No. 10r23. OSCAR C. MORGAN Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker BRIGHTON Several good farms for sale; also some valuable town property. P.O. Box 288. Phoi 38-6m EXPERIENCED AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER sad Real Kstate Broken- -Convincingly lowest rates tor thorough service. Phone 78r23. 8. E. ROBINSON, Colborne R.R. 3, Ontario. E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Colborne - - Ontario Oay or Night Calls Promptly Attended MOTOR HEARSE Phone 111 ■ - Colborne J. BLACKLOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Services MOTOR HEARSE IN CONNECTION Oay or Night Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 38, GRAFTON BUILDING MATERIAL Rough and Dressed Lumber, Flooring, Clapboards, etc. CUSTOM SAWING W. W. MUTTON Colborne, R. R. 2 Phone--Castleton 19r3. BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne First-Class Meals and Acoommodatlon ©ive us a call when in Colborne i. F. WOLFRAIM - - Proprietor REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Farms ranging from 3 acres up Prices Reasonable Also Woodland, Town and Village Property. Will exchange In S. E. ROBINSON > Estate Dealer and Auctioneer Phone 78r23, Colborne TRAPPING and HUNTING LICENSES may be procured from W. F. GRIFFIS Rexall Druggist -- Colborne B. J. WALLER ELECTRICAL SERVICE HOUSEWIRIN6 and REPAIRS Electrical Appliances Repaired REASONABLE PRICES Phone 66 COLBORNE Butter Wrappers at Express Office. VERNONVILLE January 8th, 1935 Miss Edna Jarvis is visiting Toronto friends. Mr. Joseph Calnan was in Toronto on Wednesday. The Junior Mission Band met on Saurday afternoon. Mr. Kay of New York City is at Mr. G. Hi. Creighton's. iMr. Alfred Tripp, Canton, spent New Year's Day at home. Mr. Renslow Joice was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fraser, New Year's Eve. . The Rev. Father Galvin visited at the home of some of his parishioners on Friday last. Messrs George and Wallace Rowe and Miss Maggie Rowe spent Thurs-ly in Cobourg. Mrs. W. D. Smythe, Toronto, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Waite. Mr. and Mrs. C. McGuire and babe were New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Calnan. epidemic of severe colds has been prevalent, but most of the suff-e now on the gain, was not the usual excitement of the municipal elections. Acclamations returning all parties for the ensuing year. School has opened again after the holidays, and in comparing n< children appear well satisfied with Santa Clans' gifts. Hot lunches started in our school on Monday. An innovation being oil cloth covers for the protection of each desk from the hot dish Former employees of General Motors Oshawa, were glad to hear this week that there is a certainty of their being t.ble to resume their positions very Mrs. C. B. Turk returned on Wednesday last from Toronto and Oshawa. It is expected Mr. Turk will leave the Toronto General Hospital withi next ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tripp entertained a number of their friends to a card and dance party on Friday evening. Messrs. Hennessey Williams and Howard Fraser supplied the music. Neighbours were sorry to learn of the fire which again fazed the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ten-ill to the ground. Mrs. Terrill was in Cobourg at tne time of the fire, which is the second in a year. Tie pinch of unemployment Is being felt by day laborers here. The Reeve and Deputy Reeve were in the neighbourhood south recently trying to determine the number who needed employment there. Died, on Friday, January 4th, 1935, after a short illness, Mr. Peter Gil-murray. Funeral mass was observed Mary's Church, Grafton, on Monday morning. Interment was in St. Mary's new Cemetery.. terrifiic gale blew through this nity about two p.m. last Thursday. Mr. Max Harnden, who was returning rom Grafton with a load of feed, was orced to abandon the idea of taking t home and- left it at Mr. W. Gilles-lie's. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fitchett vere returning from Cobourg and had he misfortune of having their oar tall on Mr. Flske's hill and were forced to make the rest of their way e, about two miles, on foot in the _bt of the storm. Buildings were destroyed on Mr. C. H. Winter's property, and a piece of the roof of Mr| 4.. T. Waite's barn was blown off. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the electors of the Township of Cramahe for the support and splendid vote given in electing me a member, of the Municipal Council for 1935. I will endeavour to merit the confidence placed in me. Yours gratefully, ARCHIE CHAPMAN, CARD OF THANKS To the Electors of Cramahe Township: I wish to express my appreciation for the support and votes given in electing me to the Municipal Council for 1935. Wishing one and all a Prosperous New Year. Yours sincerely, ROY DARLING DUNDONALD January 8th, 1935 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mutton spent New Year's with relatives at Shan-nonville. A large vote was polled in ward No. 3, Dundonald, election day. Many women voted. Mrs. C. N. Dudley is attending Mrs. Hubert Mutton and the new baby, at Shiloh. Both doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Irwin, and Mt. and Mrs. W. S. McDonald entertained relatives on New Year's Day. Mr. W. L. Dunnett spent Christinas ith Toronto relatives, and New jar's with relatives in Bowmanville. Yi Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mutton and daughter Mae were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. McCracken, Colborne, day. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Chapman and son visited Mr. and Mrs. Herrington and family, Sharon, on New Year's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton, Rex z.nd Betty, spent New Year's with M|. ana Iteuben Waite and lamiljuJ ■ ■■Mr. Sharon. LOST TIRE CHAIN, lost in Colborne, New Year's Day. Finder will please leave at Express Printing Office. WORK WANTED WOOD SAWING, with first-class buzz saw, 80c per hour. Clayton Smith, Colborne, Phone 98r2. dl3-j3 CUTTER, in good repair, for sale cheap. C. J. Goodfellow, Colborne. Phone 93r23. j3x ONE SETT OF SLEIGHS, nearly new, 5 ft. bunks, for sale cheap. Apply at Express Printing Office, Cc" borne. d27tf JERSEY COW, good milker: about 55 yearling hens, Legnorns and Barred Rocks, laying. R. Podger, R.R. 4, Phone 9Srlll. jl0-17x HOUSE AND LOT on corner Division and Earl Streets,- Colborne. Attractive newly decorated house, garden and orchard, barn, garage, chicken house. Rent reasonable. Apply to A. D. Hall, Colborne. Phone 140 n8 ADVERTISING IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING ABOUT ANY BUSINESS. IT IS THE VITAL SPARK. WHAT GOOD DOES IT DO YOU TO HAVE THE VERY BEST THINGS OR THE VERY GREATEST BARGAINS ON EARTH IF PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW IT. The Misses Helen and Fosta Waite, Sharon, are spending a few days at the home of their sister, Mrs.' Kenneth Mutton. Mrs. L. Eddy and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Eddy and the boys visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pomeroy, Castleton, on New Year's. New Year's Day was celebrated by a number of Dundonald folks entertaining relatives and friends, while ithers spent the day away from home Mrs. L. Glover, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dunnett for a few months, has gone to Buffalo, and' later to Bostonk where .e will visit her children. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dunnett cele-ated January 1st, 1935, by entertain-g Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lawrence, Oak Heights, and Mr. and Mm W. W. Mutton, Shiloh, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mutton and Mae entertained Mr. Hugh Mutton, the Misses Nellie and Marjorie Mutton, and Ruth and Charlie, children of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mutton, all of Shiloh, on Tuesday, Jan. 1. Much credit is due our neighbour, Mr. Kenenth Mutton, for using his snow plough (his own manufacture) on "the roads in his beat since tbe heavy snow fall, which very much improved them. Kenneth is an efficient path master. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Irwin, Mr. J. F. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mutton, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goodrich and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chesterfield attended the funeral of the late Orton Purdy, who so unexpectedly passed away on Monday, December 31, 1934. January 8th, 1935 Mr. Cox is very poorly at the time ot writing. .Mrs. D. Grieves is visiting at the parental home. Mr. Bruce Barrett of Toronto spent a few days here. Mrs. Lottie McNutt and Elsie have returned to Kingston. Miss M. Huyck of Toronto is home for Christmas holidays. Mr. Clifford Dingman of St. Catharines is visiting friends here. Mr. I. McNutt of Marmora spent Sunday night with his mother. Miss Heather Grant of Rochester is holidaying at the parental home. Miss Nellie Palmateer is stopping a few days with friends in Norham. 'Miss B. Cryderman received word of the death of her aunt, Mrs. D. M. Cryderman, Radville, Sask. Mrs. Mary Palmateer has been shut in for a couple of weeks with a cold. WARKWORTH January 8th, 1935 Miss O. Hawkey, Reg. N., Toronto, fas home for the holidays. Miss D. Cawood of Toronto was a visitor at the home of her uncle, Mr. Robert Walker. Mr. W. S. Jackson spent Christmae Day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Walker, in Belleville. Miss H. Garbutt of Toronto visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gar-butt, at Chritsmas. Dr. F. R. Drewrey and sons of Cobourg was here for the funeral last week tit his father. Miss Helen Bensley of Trenton visited her uncle, Mr. George Bensley, during the holidays. Miss H. Armstrong, B.A., spent the holidays with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Armstrong. . J. B^Tiiorpjeorr-xrvf Toronto visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Thompson, recently. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Thompson of Cobourg attended the funeral last week of Mr. W. V. Drewrey. Mrs. John Somers of Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Somers. Mr. and Mrs, Claude Morgan of Toronto spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cockburn. Mr. and Mrs. Peter.Jones ot Percy have moved to the Wiggins home in Warkworth, recently purchased by Mr. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Baker and son Gaineron were guests of her mother, Ttfrs/^ames A. Arkles, Castleton, on Christmas Day. Born: To Mr. and Mrs. W. Fox, of Campbellford, at the home of her parents, M. and Mrs. W. McVety, on Tuesday, December 25th, 1934, a daughter. Messrs. W. A. Losie, H. R. Pollock and daughters, and Rev. Mr. DeMlle, Messrs. F. J. McArthur, A. R. Willmott and Rev. W. P. Woodger, Cobourg, attended the funeral of the late W. V. Drewry, on Wednesday last week. The death of Miss Ellen Tierney occurred at her home in Rochester, Wednesday, December 15th, 1935. Miss Tierney was born and brought ip in Norham and was well known n this vicinity, where she was much espected. The body was brought to he parish home of Rev. Father Ferguson, and Friday, after Mass in St. Church, the remains were interred in Warkworth Cemetery. SOUND COMMON SENSE (Brantford Expositor) The Prince of Wales, during a re->nt address to 800 members of an advertising association said: "I don't snd to be an expert, but I have studied the questions of salesmanship and advertising not from statistics but from many years of travel, not ly in this country, but throughout the world, hearing for myself, and far i important, seeing for. myself. Experience has taught me that, just unmined gold is valueless, so are articles and manufactured goods hid-en away in warehouses and factor-,s useless until they are made known ad made desirable by the art of advertising." H. R. H. not only posesses Inning manner but also sound s on practical subjects. The case against a man who was iccused of causing the death of 17 lead of cattle through their bleeding o death after dehorning was recently dismissed at Brantford, Ont. It was explained that he had not been varned that they had been fed on weet clover, which thins the blood o that it does not clot readily. PRINTING We are equipped to supply all the needs of Colborno and vicinity in all kinds of High-Class Printing. WE WILL MEET OUT-OF-TOWN PRICES ON LARGE QUANTITIES Letter Heads Memo Heads Envelopes Statements Bill Heads Invoices Labels Tickets Books and Pamphlets Butter Wrappers Invitation Cards Regret Cards Loose Leaf Fillers Shipping Tags Blotters Business Cards Posters of all kinds Auction Sale Bills Receipt Forms Order Forms Dodgers and Hand Bills Visiting Cards Wedding Invitations and Announcements The Colborne Express A phone call will bring us to you -- Phone 44 "Don't go Outside Your Home Town for Things Your Own Merchants Supply" COMBINATION CREAM A Wondrous Beauty Cream YOU will love the fragrance first. Then the velvet smoothness, the delicate creaminess; of this marvelous beauty cream. It fairly melts into the skin--without a trace of grease, or the clogging of a single pore. Anemic tissues speedily drink it in, becoming smooth and softly pliable under Combination Cream Jonteel. A perfect base for powder. Take home a jar today. W. F. GRIFFIS "The Rexall Store" Phone 85w, Colborne Subscriptions taken at the Express Printing Office for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines at Club Rates HAPPY COMBINATION is Yours Subscribe to it and not only assure youreslf of 52 weeks of fine interesting helpful reading, but save money too! The Family Herald and Weekly Star is $1.00 per year The Colborne Express is........... $2.00 per year We offer you a one year subscription to Both Papers for $2.00 The Family Herald and Weekly Star presents:-- A digest of the latest world-wide and Canadian news; a weekly magazine replete with -fine stories and helpful articles and an up-to-date farm journal. The Colborne Express presents:-- All last-minute, local and county news and many feature articles, and advertisements of the best local stores. Send your subscription to THE COLBORNE EXPRESS, Colborne, Ontario

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